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Show i MILLINERY OR COIFFURE? J Question of Covered or Uncovered Feminine Churchgoers. been ms Heads for J j l.a:.n vai'.'y i.t' Mr. Ch-x- i laiul i : ftrive ih' tn iJ it.. bare tlu-!- r v.a be prni.. iiii-the next an.) haw- - i; ini M.iiius ml i wimim-h- lip in public plans In tv be!.. Can It luj tl.ai l!.e fi liriiui.s cii'ii'b anil l.t , : ivinuirh ( s. il ,:iui a 1: i a: i- - j 'ii litI .in ti:ic.(.!:i ? ail! m.1 ii. ij i.f a cil. I in l lie J :i:i.ij'iil 'l.;ii a ' I u i half 'il I::, J I'.i'f ittialt.! is Haiti-ll.ua f'l.i r i l.il.an. it's -- a'.ii s.i ll1.'! lei siil' waves pTi li- .lil In fo a! mu' ' M ;!is mu! all He ill .irbitls lll'le rui'l:. ai Mu- - liapi' of tbe in i'k. which all i lma l.cluw il.e till. Il'IM 1?. II I'll S.uie seals (bail ill r luvi the uucovere.l liea.N will New York Siiu. to tlieii' i reilli ! i ai i - :si -- ! n ii'-!t- 1 . GIVE Of Strange Make, They Are Intended to Held Poison. After five vi ars i.f a lull, there Is arnin an a" ii at bm in tills eumitry and abroad to have all liiui'd pu.'siins kept tb it in l.otiles n.ude in K.i' h a tin- - u outer. t m.j on- j lid. one of t bom up ibe dangerous contents will be reveaVd by tb" v. inning fitsc of our-liThis iiLdt it on bus result td fri'in the gimvlna l.umlcr of cukc in whtrh persi ns have gotten up at This Man'a Soul Is Endangered, referred to fear that women will be night nn.l mlsabettly have driin'.i Ineligible for office in beaven on the some poison under the idea they were ground of nonresidence? In the Mid- taking medicine. One of the lust sillers among dle Ages the clergy were pretty firmly convinced that tbe softer sex was srcrliilly paci'nred fmnia of poison under the direct patronage of tin bat ties in this country is a rntinil one father of ain, and it may lie that this of dark blue gla-s- . the entire anrfaer with diamond conviction ban not been entirely out- j u' winch Is co"e; i' These ere ao slaite-.pri.Ji'cMiitis grown. Why else should a clergyman, a short time ago, in rebuking the habit that the women of his flock had fullen into of coming to church without hats, have taken tbe ground that the uncovered feminine head was a fleshly temptation to the men of the congregation and have ignored the fact (hat the hatted feminine head inspires worldly envy of the worst sort in other women? The idea seems to be that the mans soul la delicately poiRed like a butterfly on a blade of grass, ready to glide gently into the abyss upon shining waves of hair or to soar Latest Improvements In Bottles Containing Poisons. Designs CopySwiftly heavenward upon the wings right. qf millinery. For," says the reverend critic, "a sharply pointed that ary one catching womans crowning glory is her hair, the bottle up in the dark will be reand it has always been considered one minded of the fact unmistakably. of her chief charms, to the care of A form of glass stopper made to which she devoted much of her time prevent accidents of this sort baa its and upon which she relies for a part top armed all around with long of her attraction. needle-lik- e projections, which, on being grasped even by a would-b- e suicide, would probably cause him to change his mind. Still another poison bottle waa the howl blown In the form of a death's hend, the grisly being an dstlnet that even the darkness docs not conceal its deadly suggestion from the touch. Over in England the number of aud- . ! l out-linr- : tliuiigh of the vii! ritfh-- up .in i: :ili.- i.H i ii , t r - I:. 'Ill I'.'til w bats . I I f- - lli':uii hi , ,11'imiii-:- , 1 ii. slunk in Id. Mina and ha-- ikliiii:--!)- , - sea-sin- ln-c- but while York-Athleti- o ' Two ltau'.ted uni six players wi-t l.i sen the eight New York American li antic follow' d by indrolt lending v i'll with Wasliingion wi'.h "S, Boston with ?t, SL lai, Louis wit it "7, Chicago with lit nnd '.lie Athl-ta-with lx. Srei I'tarv M. Stanley Robinson of the St. Louis National league Unnr hall cl ttb telegraphed an offer to Ned Hanlon, manager of the Brooklyn magnate ean live In baseball without ti am, to hi ('mile manager of the local lilii ral support of the seril.es. Right. nt'i'.anl.uliou in I'.idii. Mr. Robison reAt Iti.i'kbird. lil., i let. 15 William 1. ceived iiifiiriiintiiMi that Hanlon had dlaiiunul won the Siauii.ird i.f Chtiago severed liis cminectfon with the limli'C in tin tiiiifiiaiiii'iit of the RockFils' i hi cluli, and will make i very ford (I it n club. J. It. Hraliaui of Ingle-sid- e effort to secure his Frrvlec. . won tin silver loving cup StiiiuiaVd won hii-l-i pun of Ihr On ths Turt. - ini., has aiiuiiuiiiad the same polo' lineup tis the one which won the j i'haiii.loi:sliip last y.ir wdl he used! this S' MS. 111. The tain will he JaMtn j and leydiin, nislus-- . I'al'.ovau, fen- ter; McGruth. Itaf Imek; Fmtuii. goal.lresidi'lil lieu Millin of the chantploti Athletics, s iys the success of the i spoil In pluladt ipltla Is wlui'ly due to the newspapers of that rflr and further adds: "No club, league or I . i s i,- - Si-li- , ( . ! , National League News, Clnrlie, Praia and Hillehrand not accompany the Pirates on their trip. Ned Hanlon is at his home In and refuses to talk about his plans for next It ia aettled that Harry Steinfeldt will take I)r. Casey's (dace at third base for the Chicago Cubs. The fit. Louis club has drafted another pitcher, Ed Smith, from the Dayton Central League club. ' St. Louis and Poston, In the National League, played every one of tlielr 154 scheduled games last season. Barney Drey fuss went to Ixnilsvllle from Cincinnati and declared he would not talk or think baseball for aix months. Joe Kelley will again play left field for the Reds next season. He will 'keep Jack Barry on first base unless a better man can he secured. President Shettallne couldn't help make comparisons when he re--' membered wbat the Phillies did to New York in that last series. Jack Barry will coach the football squad of Niagara college after the close of the Reds' season. He may return to Cincinnati for the winter. A story by Cy Seymour on How to barn-slormfn- Bal-tlmo- 1 hnrd-hiltli- e i ho st row had tin upi-Id'- ; - n post-seuso- n e no . higlie-- l iiinaU'iir a wi W. K. Vundi i luiUfs Prestige won tb at I'hanlilly, France. In llie struggle fur loading honors in Hie ruddle this year Frank O'Neill and Willie Knapp hold nil other jiskcya saM. O'Neill, who Is tinder contract lrix Foret to Newton Bennington ond Fred Bur-lehits ridden to date SI whiners, 74 seeonds, and C7 thirds. Wllllo Knapp Ikiiii-hert- Irlsh-Amorlc- Irish-Amcrlca- n ut News Notes by Wire. Tbe Pittsburg team played at ton, beat Oct. lu and had all Football. Can it could do to Fooihnll is tho great lcveicr. On scrub team a Rusalau and a Japanese play side by able. The Russian Is a sturdy end and the the Canton team 10 to 8. pitched against Young Willis. Lei-fiel- the Harvard The fans of North Lima would like W''e'Minie Oct Si Michigan gave the ncavy cornhuskers of Nebraska one of the hardest drubbings that Booth's bunch ever received. The final score was 31 lo 0 In favor of Michigan. On account of repeated fumbling Minnesota fell short of equaling Chicagos score of 43 against the Iawans, hut did tannage to run the lotnl up In 39 to 0 against (he hnwkeyes. Illinois was overwhelmed and outplayed in every stage of the gamo by iurdue Oct. 21. the boosters walking off with a 29 to 0 victory. It waa the first time in five years that Illinois bowed its head in defeat to the boys from Lafayette. Walter Eckersall' .good right foot for the second time In tta owner's three years of football defeated tho University of Wisconsin on Randall field, Madison, WIs., Oct 21. Tho score waa 4 to 0 In favor of the Maroons, "Eckle's'' goal from the twenty yard line giving the University of Chicago its fourth consecutive victory over the Badgers Of all the odd and peculiar names ever possessed by pupils of tbe famous Indian school, that of Kicked is probably the moat eccentric. Its possessor Is a elenn-en- t Seneca redskin from Silver Creek, N. Y., who la trying to make a position - The Third Baseman of the Philadelphia N. L. Club. League umpire Gus Moran gave unusual satisfaction as an Eastern league umpire this season. About ripe for a return to major cotn- psny. ItPimrt is that Corcoran and Sti-lnfchlt recently had a run-iin which Corcoran hested Steinfeldt. The latter did not go on the Reds' barnstorming trip. Third Baseman Lobrrt did not play with the Cbicagos in the series. It la not likely that he will nose Steinfeldt out of the third-basposition In (he spring. When President Herrmann returns to Cincinnati from the east, the train ing ground question for next spring will be taken up. It likely will be Mexico or California. Manager Chance, of the Chlcagoa, favors training at Champaign. III., next spring. The team will have the use of the gym. of the University of n A Piece of Coral. Illinois there. California Is entirely The dredger Governor In the old out of the question. Pacific Mall dock did herself proud The Pittsburgs played at Salem, 0., yesterday morning by landing a fif- on Oct 13, beating the Salem team 4 teen ton piece of coral on dry land. to 0. Next day the National Leaguers The big scoop had been delivering played at Zanesville and, with the loads when the boom help of Flaherty pitching against ordinary 6 to 4. dropped and the engine started to Lucas, were beaten haul in a fresh load. Then (he gear American League Notea. groaned and things commenced lo The Browns' clever young catcher, make a big fuss and more steam was Ed This Man'a Soul la Safe, Spencer, hails from Scranton, Pa. er by tbe hats In front of her, wf J given and everybody stood by. BalClark Griffith will shake New York from casting furtive anced as neatly as an egg in a spoon after this week, to attend the winter could refrain glances at the hats on either aide of came up a coral rock far too big to on hla ranch in the far West her and who would not pray for eyes get in tbe scoop and Just able to Catcher Barton is on crutches. It ulu In the back of her head, that she cramp In nnder the gin was tough luck to sprain his ankle In Commercial Advertiser. might see the hats behind her. tbe last series of the season. s.-- s nge. licg'iidipg the report that New als. York would trade Ellierfeld to Rt. Extensive linpruvi-men- l will hr la. Manager Clark Grillith said: made on the f'leu laud grounds be- "The report ilia I am to trade, sell fore the arrival of another season, or dtspuso of Ellierfeld Is ti titalirlntm especial attention being bestowed Ho. 1 wouldn't trade that player for upon the drainage. the whole Hi. Louis team. We parted A New York city critic anys (hat the best of friends, and he liua promGriffith hasn't handled Tat Dougherty ised to return to me next spring In with good judgment. This mate dethe best of shape. In fact, he wants is mote popuclares that to piny with the Yankees again. lar in Boston than Jimmy Collins. Martin J. Rheridan of the Some people thiuk the presence of Athletic chili, all around differWaddcl would have made a of Amcrlra, heal all records champion ence to the Alhlctlca In the world's at throwing tho (liscua establishing a series. Not unless lie has means of new world's record of 138 feet 3 Inteaching tils team mates how to make ches. made was throw This hits. at. the games of the IsCrlper got the drers suit that wu Athletic dub at Celtic park, given for the plnycr on the American land City, Oct. 15, and was witnessed team making the longest drive on the by over 4,hift siicriators. Rheridan Boston grounds this year, and Need lieat his best previous record of 33 ham got the dress suit for the longfort 11H inches twice, his first throw eat hit on the National grounds. Ten-hbeing 135 feet 1 inch, and on his third nttempt he made the longer distance. J5dQV5T Z"Become tbe Leading Batsman of tbe World, will soon be forthcoming, no doubt Cy ought to know tbe answer. tiM'd iltiritig evi-i.t- a den deaths from poison taken by mistake has Induced the London Dally Mall to invite patentees of poison bottles to send in suggestions or Illustrations for such things. The result has been four designs, one much like the diamond pointed bottle In use In this couiitry, wlrle another is shaped like the proJccMUs used in modern rifled cannon. The point of this device is thnt the bottle ean only stand down, and this in itself, the inventor believes, is sufficient warning of its dangerous contents. Another bottle has two necks instead of one, both of which are ao constructed that without removing one cork and loosening tbe other the contents of the bottle cannot be poured out. This device Involves the application of a simple rroblem in atmospheric pressure, but tbe two nerka alone would he sufficient to distinguish this vessel from all others. StBl snot her device ia a square or rectangular bottle, to which a curved neck Is fitted. To pour the poison from this bottle would require almost aa much effort as solving a "Pigs in the Clovpr puzzle. New York Press. block.-Honol- s ite. : .1- til "The Bare Head Slightly Damages the Soul of Man, but the Hat Devastates the 8oul of Woman." The preacher went on to acknowledge that a gorgeous hat may attract aa much attention to a woman aa an uncovered head, but he said that in that cage the attraction would be of a coldly esthetic nature and therefore comparatively harmless, while with the hatless head the fascination was physical and personal. Waving, shining locks, beautifully arranged, are assumed to be a subtle appeal to mans lower nature and likely to rub some of the bloom off his valuable soul, while tbe frightful moral earthquakes which the of other womens hats in church produces in tbe soul cf a woman are ignored, or perhaps not even imagined. In this truly masculine view of the situation. It would be a superior frump, indeed, whose attention could not be distracted from the salntllest preach- - l t', is .1 . .in- - ol Yuunn, plleliin;: Charley r,,., i,hi.y wa?. tin- - first to a- -, conera'iH:.:,i v.nk upon the Athletic 'in. u: The Belli, e !.i,:', ;,n, ciiiti pn settled il.it,...-- r .;:ii,iiii with hh E!k .Ittii Wilis button, stii'i-i- d wi'li There a : i.u dm Pal t'li.ise, hut lie lx go.i .. t.i p.iu-i- iir.it has.- tuc tsan Jo.C-dm - tin- - ug M ason. Counh- V.i, i, i ads ft. u, Mr and Fchrvck lt.s "I .i ... si l..i:'ri y ." I. .'cause j Mender lx u in att.l ik aeis like one. Pitcher h la. is to julu Bus-'' ha'i aeeiM fur ton in ' tho winter a iii'i a town elect M clan at li: The Atld.lie j l.ys ipafled l.e N.'h,i-i- i iiuCiid.h r. C'.ar euce l' l ii,' ) Fi'Mt'i'. He played with iheWl.ii. Sux in Because r.f t!..s which the li.isimi Amerihave conic up-cans till ni, the ennui lit that did city has pii.'lu;: f..r tie Natlun - WARNING imu in;; t Worlds Championship Series. The gr.iit scriis leiweiu (lie New Yorks and Atliiciiin fur the championd for the ship of the wiu'lil, first time under the I'.l'tolc.iu rule of was a (lie Naiiuiiiil ('lunmisi-jun- . gram! artiotic a;.. I finu'.vlal success. The games were Well and stubbornly contested, nnd. ns b came champion of teams, exhibited all of the phat-cthe national game. The deportment of the players a as unit suiiinl ike to a degree, thus Kavli.g no aftermath of liitu mem; and the games were played chanty and wi'houi u trace of rowdyism. The interest was truly national nnd th ntt- n.'anr.- - exceeded expectations, thus glilm: the worthy MiM'ar.'ia! reward, ns well ns glory, for their laborers and iteliieve- nirnts. The work of the players the scriis was that of champions and individual and team world's records we.e made. It: nil l'O- apects was the Nw rerles of l!'u5 a model for Fucceedlng world's championship battle. Sporting Life. s 1 BOTTLES THAT It t. ill. kiIi r nut l,i u renewed. he v. i I rut , I'.il'.ti uii eiuli next ills K. Ce.lullMOod Carler 1. iVlt.l . iiii.'.iia.ii aiuiit will be ill i.t the lii-and third Kas., n;;;i. s charge of J i t Valley Fumoneys in the n. C.ii.-lteAhhutL fi.ri Pitel.ir nr.ileli. turity eouri-itilib r Krimir Fa IailudeP and tin; Allt'id lb (Mu s'.ieei m fully defended Na'.iuiii.i liiai.ie liavi- sold tils title of wi il.l's eltantidiiu eoiitinu-uu- s pliia Tiiliilu i luh f.r n xt sianou to the 11. Cleariiu W. pui'l !:iyr. The er.u Ii iMrd lj. i rn.iu, Haiti. Id. of water. The filial siui'e wtls: Do Pro, tlu dyiiiiiui' uii, has been drafted wm; Cb'iirwiner, 4tm. fur next ycai l.y the ll.tii Iiii. ire M.iliugi r I'ekhurl of Foil Wnyue. I. .mi! Late Newa by Wire. 99 llill It J I ;ii i i'll lit ui it was : .III! ibi-i- &3L ; to hive Manager Hogan, of tho Ohio Works team, give Herbert Grove a trial. Grove la the wonder of the country. Faas all over the circuit are watching slth Interest and pleasure the career of the stead player. First Baseman Lindsay, who is mak- lug good with Detroit. Billy Phyle states t if tbe Idaek-lls- t Ii not lifted next season, he will play third base fur the Harrisburg e team In the League, as he has an offer from that club. Pitcher Billy Thomas of the Ohio Works team will pitch for the Louisville team next season. Thomas pitched tho Ohio Wnrks to victory over the Chicago National League tears recently. The announcement Is made that (he Ohio Works officials, including General Superintendent Thomas McDonald and his assistant. Joseph McDonald, will once more be back of the Yeungs-(oa team for the coming season. The players of the Champion Ohio Work team were given a banquet at Youagstown. O., Oct. S. by Peter Bauer. While the banquet was being served several of the members of the Baltimore team of the Eastern League apt eared at tbe banquet room and i joined in the merriment that attended tbe feast. The Akron club baa nine of its reserved players for next year. Three of theso are pitchers. Tbe signatures of La Longc, Doubles, Kom-meDltrldge, Long, Ortlleb and East have been affixed to contracts. Ted' dy Strood and BUI Schwarts have accepted the terms of the managers and are expected to elrn shortly. u Trl-S(al- r, (MMF (MMFtF(MF(F(MF4MM4 Willis Knapp, la rbllng In tetter form than O'Neill Just now, and Is not far behind in Knapp has point of achievement. ridden 80 winners, 0C seconds, and 52 thirds, and It must be remembered he did not begin riding until tills spring meeting at Belmont park waa, at an end. Aa the closing event of the Norfolk, (Va.) horse show Howard Willets tbe worlds broke Heatherbloom record for high Jumping, made by himself at Bryn Mawr two years ago. Dick Donnelly rode the animal over a barrier. This beat the previous achtevmcnt, which was made In open air, by a full inch. h Boxing. "Twin Sullivan won bta fight with Tommy Burna in twenty rounds. There la little chance that Jimmy Gardner can get a match with Battling Nelson. Gardner can not make the weight. Battling Nelson may go to England. Manager "Billy Nolan baa received an offer of 2,000 a week for Battling to do a boxing stunt In Jxindon, but he turned the offer down aa the com tract offered waa for only four weeks. However, he says Nelson may make the trip, not as an actor, but as a fighter. If Joe Cans carries out his expressed intention, he will kick over the traces and leave A1 Hcrford. Gana needs the money and intends Journeying to the fur West ami seeking a match primarily with Battling Nelson and accondarlly with any oilier boxer who could draw a house at or near the Golden Gate. Jimmy Walsh of Newton was given a decision at Boston Oct. 20 over Fcter Stanley of London, England, at the conclusion of a fifteen-rounglove contest. Stanley entered a protest when Eugene Buckley announced Ms decision, claiming that he had fairly outpointed Walsh. Tho winner probably will meet Frankie Neil. Farmer Burns defeated M. J. Dwyer In a wrestling match, mixed style, at Dos Moines Oct. 18. Dwyer won the first fall at. Cornish wrestling In ntnm teen minutes, and Burns the second In nine minutes. at By virtue of winning his full in the shortest time IJunis won the right to choose the style for the-- third fall, which he won In fifteen minutes at d i n (F on this yeur's wonderful Cnrlialo foot- Although this is Kicked first year on the gridiron, the coachr a think he will make a speedy buck. He Is 21 years old and has piaycd lacrosse against such teams as the Toron'os. Crescents and St. Chnthams of Canada. ball eleven. Terry McGovern made quick work of Tommy Murphy at ihe National Athletic club, Philadelphia. The New Baseball. Yorker did not last one round. Five According to unofficial batting av- times did Terrible Terry floor his operages Hahn of New York, leads the ponent, and then a solid smash to the American batsmen with .329 for 41 Jaw sent Murphy to tbe hoards in a games. Flick and I.ajole are tied for heap. Referee Jack McGulqsn Jumpsecond place with .308. Keeler with ed In front of McGovern while Mum .306 Is the only remaining .300 Lata-maphy wss making a feeble effort to regain his feet and stopped the bout, Manager Edward Hanlon's rontract thus virtually awarding the decision with Ne Brooklyn baseball club baa to Terry. n. |