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Show FROM GIRLHOOD BOMtiOOP TO Hava Proved Thsir Worth. Tl.r campaign iiihUtiuF.i-i- i lv Intert:u. ested puLlicstions In faith of thr people in prnpri.-iarmediclni has drawn forth the l. lowing from a high medira! mtihoriiy: "It must never he forgot :cu I hut tin interest of the nmnufui Hirer is to put s out a remedy a hu h it, uni nuly hut safe. Wuh u xiiisll army of constantly in the alert, ready u xelze uimui an.l magnify ivery unfavorable eirt unis: mice, how few are the eases of .iiciiU-n- t or Injury from the use ef proprietary nii'ihriiic! Complaints in reurd In the use of such rtu:edies are eiKnuly rare and utterly iiiKipniicant, in (umpiirl-so- n s with the auiouut sold and the of p.ople wi.u avail tliemselvcd of tbee leinedlfs uuili-riuit:'- - j Mothers Should Watch the Development of Their Daughters Interesting Experiences cf Misses Borman and Mills. inert-tortou- etu-mie- s t e-- inil-lion- The Garden of the Soul. The soul is like a garden (hat ran nut soft !y he left unanemled: fm weeds grow much faster than whole some plants, and tlo-rIs uo beauty of holiness that eat: lie expected ti come up of lf r.ml kesp Itself fre?1 from rontaiulnatluii and evil conluet The saerauient of hive la that Howe on the holy lire. It Irridlates the sou', with beauty, it GIIk it with fragrance and sheds r?ace and rest upop the nstun. It is the secret or the high eat, devoutest natures. We look ui to them with awe and longing, feeling that their gifts enneot he attain ed by ua; hut the power of love ia open to us ail. It Is especially the attribute of the humble heart. Chicago Post. e Every mother posse sva information ache, and as I have heard that you ran civ which is cf vital interest to her young helpful advice to girls in my condition, fain riting you. Myrtle Mills. Oquawia, Ilk daughter. HiiLliam: (Second Letter.) Too often this la never imparted or is DearItlira is with the feeling of uurbait gratitude withheld until serious harm has result- that I write to you to teO you what your ed to the growing girl through her valuable medicine haa dune for me Wheel ignoramus of nature's mysterious and wrote you in regard to uiy condition 1 had consulted several di but they failed to wouderful laws and penalties. receive uiy esse and 1 did not Girls' and modesty understand benefit from tbeir treatment. 1 followed often puzzle their mothers and battle any rour advice, and tadc Lvdia E. Pinkliams physicians, as they so often withhold L'egstahle Coinjiouiul and am now healthy their confidence from their mothers ami well, and all the diatnwing symptoms and conceal the symptoms which ought which 1 11luwt at tint time have disappeared. to be told to their physician at this Jlytl ilia, Oquawka, 11L Mias Matilda liortuua writes Mrs critical period. When a girl's thoughts become slug- Pinkham as follows: Mrs. Pinkham j gish, with nead ache, dizziness or a dis- DearBefore E. Pink hams Vegeposition to sleep, pains in back or lower table I'ooi taking Lydia monthlim were irregulimbs, eyes dim, desire for solitude; lar and pound my aud 1 always had such when she is a mystery to herself and dreadful painful, headaches. friends, her mother should come to her But since taking the Otanpouud mv heed-arhhave entirely left me, uy luuuthlire are aid, and remember that Lydia E. nub-ham- 's Vegetable Compound will at this time prepare the system for the eoming change, and start the menstrual me." klatikla beriuan, VSnniugton, lows period in a young girls life without know of any young girl who If you or pain irregularities. and needs motherly advice, ask Hundreds of letters from young girls is sick to address Mrs. Pinkham at Lvnn. and from mothers, expressing their her tell her every detail of her fraUtude for what Lydia E. Rinkhama Mass., and and to keep nothing back. Vegetable Compound has accomplished symptoms, will receive advice absolutely free, for them, have been received by the She from a source that has no rival in the Lydia K. Iinkham Medicine Co., at experience of woman's ills, and it will, if Mass. Lynn, her on the right road to a followed, Miss Mills has written the two fol- strong, pnt and happy womanhood. healthy lowing letters to Mrs. Pinkham, which Lydia K. Pinkham' Vegetable Comwill be read with interest : pound holds the record for the greatest number of cures of female ills of any Daw Mrs Pinkham: (First Letter.) "lain but fifteen years of age, amdopraewd, medicine that the world has ever have dixzy spalls, chills, headache and back known. Why don t yon try It ? lydia E.Piakhams Vegetable Compound Makes Sick Women WeUs ss 11 This cut illustrates a gentlemans open face thin model full Jeweled Swiss watch with a 20 year gold filled case. It looks and Is worth (20.00 but we are selling them for $12.00 each. First class In every respect and fully guaranteed. Send for our Illustrated Catalogue A of watches and our illustrated Catalogue B of jewelry and diamonds. Both books mailed free upon request. CO. J. H. LEYSOFJ 8tv 236 Main Salt Lake City, Utah. A Imrge teem hot The f Halt lllua, only llON'T KtlKli T hut s (n-.- s KiiNMOnmimm. tilth IkudaliuL Action and High Ideals. When Horace Greeley was a boy one of his mates said to him one Saturday: Come, Ilod, let's go fishing." Let's do our stent first," was young Horaces characteristic reply. Even In his youth he wanted to get some-thin- k done promptly and welL What wonder is it that when he became a man, and an editor of one of the most powerful Journals In America, he still wanted to do something with his paper, to have it strike heavy blows In behalf of human freedom, happiness And any man who and progress? cherishes high Ideals of usefulness and governs his life by them will never he accused of going through motions. He will be able, on the other hand, to point to something done when the summons comes to go np higher. HOW fine was written. HYA'.l Christian Soldiers," for School Festival. Oswsrd, Com-pose- d hml prolably a pr, ;iIl.r (jymn a moT- h'uuMi oriciii than "Onward, Chrit!an StiMli-rs,which Is one tf tha n,ut i o;u!ar of our nmdt-rhymn. In tho October - Allah FOR VOMEN traablrd with ill peculiar to IScir Mr , a.rS at a duiKha it BUI .elouHyaae-CMxta- l. Thuiuagktycli-aiiM', km Sucom cstbs. tops eiKtui, aaua tuiutbsuiMs sad two! Miracu. 111110 I in luxilcr lma to I dholni Is fa write: Sutl:i-r:in- was to he held In a Y.iks!:iiv village on lS.'j, u,.d the Brltolars of llor bury ItriiTf sell. Mil, over whlrh the Rev. Pitbm l:;r.t'g Could was curati, were Ii.vlt. if in attend. As the place dixtaiii-iof the i tiia'iiui was sway, t!:t it.inl-.:- . r thnuglit It wct'.-be an rvivi;. lit p.an to have his ars marcli to tin- - n u Ir.ir of an iii::n-prlatand silrrin:; Kortniiav-lfor our lt be coni I fiul , nothing in bis Ming luviks s.:l;:i! !e so fro.it sln-efor such an necessity lie si: ,'own mi the tl-evening mil roirpos":) tins gn .it tluit lie b.td prohymn, little A gtt-a- t Wlilt-Monds- and I lr inorc rlr.n.in, I! ny, nlti, aud BOimiiiiul tfus liquid auinriiU tor ci-i- cov '. e MARMffllR St. Jacobs Oil y will soften and heal S.r-.r-.lt- s? - e and CURE TREAT CATARRH sad all amble llmaw f tha aya, oar, mm. throat. Iwp. bowela. kidney. bladder and all c krone, warvowaaod pnvala diaaaaat of bath Mies. and diaroaea of children. Utah Bedding & Manufacturing Co. SaiT Lana CivV. UvaN l THE PEOPLE OF UTAH an opportunity to select Watches and Have Jewelry from the largest stock ever shown It is time now to think of your in Utah. Send for our booklet. Christmas tfifts. all the arts aud science of his day. and although he left writings enough to form, with his life, a book nf four Established volumes, milled by Kilmunil Goksc, R Is by his one room, Elegy Written In a Country Churchyard, that he will le ever remembered. This may also prove true of ItarlugGould. The tow lines hurriedly composed on a Saturday evening as a marching song for a hand of 111 tie children will doubtless give Ills name greater fame than all the books he lias ever written. Walked on Tiptoe Through Habit. Three goodlnu'.ing workmen passed down the long length of the art gal MAINS! on tiptoe. "Why do they walk on tiptoe?" said lery REASONABLE PRICES a patron. The proprietor smilingly answered: 111 tell you why, and the reason Is o strange that you will hardly credit it "Those men are stained glass workto California ers imported from Paris for my new will be in effect all winter via the new stained glass department and they A round trip rate of $50 See and popular Suit Iaike Route. nearest agent or write for information to J. L. Moore, I). P. A., Salt Lake City. walk on tiptoe because they have worked so much In churches and cathedrals that the gait has become habitual with them. Reached Limit of Patience. "Practically all their working hours At provincial theaters in France, been spent in tho repairing of have uncom is not when opera is given, it old painted winilt-wthe magnificent mon for untried tenors to submit of the rhurchcs of Europe. Since themselves to the public Judgment, filCMhlHiMhf tiw oimqv opvr One of which la usually hostile. services are always going on In them, these obscure songsters presented work Sturt be conducted quietly and He hlairelf and sucg the first set. He retired Ic all walking must be done on the toes. did not make a 'hit. Hence these three excellent artb his dressing room, took off his "make lsts vltf never they enter a spcrlotif up and was preparing to go home and quiet place like this gallery of when the manager appeared. What! mine rise up on their toes tnvulun-tartlfor not the dressed he cried. You are a subconscious notion that from second act and (he curtain ia Just are In church. they "The Thousand thunders!" going up! "This is odd. but true true of all second act?" said the tenor placidly I cannot sing the second act I don't Eurojean stained glass workers. know the second act. Whcuiever I Tha Vain Assault. sing I am always' kicked out after th In nh the serrli-heats nf car first! Do norm tbs citadel rif youth; The nlKsflrs hurtle linrmlt-- s. there. And not a hrmi-i- i It mndi-- In anotht Mn. Window Rootlilng fijrnp Acropn the sturdy tuittlorm-nlFtv chlldm topihlnic, uftriM ilia punitfy phum tn A laugh comea rliiKbiK for reply flnnu$uyn,dijFSiNht,ciua wlntiiwllu. HacBbmue, And diet'ka all rony-re- d gleam fair Aa Mt-tt- d banners 'gainst tha sky. A Good Man. A common good, a public stream, or In vain nf care the serried host Doth storm the forireiw fair of love; conduit, that every man hath a share It's strongest when bexlrgrd the moat, Aiwailt doth but It wonder prova. in. Tibbes. A happy smile of ralm content And faith exceeding sweet la all It nr to gtiHid em-- battlement AgalBKl besieging blows that fall I SSI-BAKING. POWDER is the wonderful miring powder ot (he Wave Circle.' Thousands of women are bringing greater health and better food into their homes hy using K C Baking Powder. Dont accept a substitute! Um the safe, wholesome and reliable K C Baking Powder. If you have never used it you don't know what you've miMed. y TEA The aroma of tea Home Treatment Com. Write fur frao symptom llot If fot can-nroll. Consultation Brea. ut Special Offer in Private Diseases areraffarln from Prlvoto IWaoMt- a- whether eoaaod hy Ifsor-ooo- o Uaftnunotoo.of loo kovoolwaya koao looked upon at loot LI mm pray by tha Shark! and oniae nr eoolu and roe tbo ailmr for worth na uhimdl. I'KS. Huaeialiala" aa Ckuiuam who ooao bothtozeo. who shoskh no xOTahk tuu w fat thbu TDM. Hunse KHOWTHST CAM danoadoan Cmahi'ia Cm obb AND DO - oietiaorr for amply proaim. holla u until CDRI PBIPATB cubbu-unl- bss DISK ASKS IN BOTH Md too ovtr hoar of a fakir refund! o Taka ao ebanrea you cannot loaa yoar mooey If yoa dual y It oeL art almp y tha raault nf unloreod or an eallod " WKAKNKHMKB OF MKN LOCAL TIIEATMBX T furaurh aaaaa. 1NVAKI-AHInflaoiod PBOSTATS OLAMD lira. Shorn' now ak o har Horton how may eaaoa thoy earn ondor tha old and awiiraa plan of CLHKO SiBrmetorrhur. liwatmool fur tal. trouble. Wo rnra LOST MANHOOD. Hemloal Woaknoaa. aad klndrod tiwuklaa. In lna Urn and for loaa 60N0HKH0BA. SYPHILIS, VARIi'OCKLR tho wort. nary etw I roufidenilal we novar uaa a uameor betray Bonay than n. laailtutlou aud Adalm PKBK b Bill oral throttlesaaaorat oaaultailou. RzauUumilini Sunday aal killdi'i 10 a to It. Of PICK HOL'IIS: ha m VlBr-loefhs- of a lalpBi Brealustllu; Eueri Socialists, 2(9 SfUSSKA DRS. SHORES & SHORES. fine tea is almost enough to define the word to a dead man. Its ao much easier to tell people how to do things than it Is to show them. TEA The few top leaves of the bush and a knowing cook made tea for the few; alas i for the many ! Ever Flip a r Cent? never loses Interest In the man she might have married If be succeeds she prides herself on the fact that she could have had him If he falls Bhe is equally proud of the fact that she had foresight enough tc turn him down. Pf troll Free Press Double-Heade- An old maid SDWIVe want their clothes dean and pure white. To get this result always use on washday r Red Bail Blue Remember the name and get the genuine from your grocer. A large z. package for 5c. PRICE JO M CUBE THE 25 ounces for 25 cents JAQUES MFG. CO. Chicago Tba srtMIe " Hook nf Premia" freaapoa requnaL IN ONE DAY mmm IW HO EijilU. FOR wv HALLS htAflfiE " i IS GUARANTEED TO CURE Jr n ir C CANKER AND DIPHTHERIA PON VMS MOUTH. THROAT. STOMACH AND IOWIkS..u Neiden-Judso- GRIP, BAD COLD, HEADACHE AKD NEURALGIA. 1 wont anil AntUOrtpIna to t dealer wlm won't Oaoranfee IT lOVT I'lRE. It. oll furyuur MON K V H.ht AA W. Werner, 3t. It., Manufacturer, hpri ngtield, Me. .MFVFR Fill I Drug Co., General Agents. REMEDY PON SALS BY ALL ONUCeiBTC AN CBN ANAL STONBS....... THERE ISNOgg maw years use on the eastern coast. Tower's Vvcterprocf Oiled Costs were Introduced in the West end were called dickers by ,the pioneers end ccvA This graphic has ;name cor into such general use' thet it b fretjtertLjy though vronjfuily Applied to mujy a&stitutea You wnnt the oenuhe for the Sipicf the fuJund jZg; Look ' ' , the. nave Tower on the buttons, mm n urn vtuow ms d0U BSF uES'KT&ES trade OVER. .... TOWER COL&OSTCII.MASJi.tJ.S.A Town cmwiw PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Colsr wars sesdi briftitor and teitot cator thin in, other Sw, Otii 10c nckiaa eolon ill Khars. say sarBaat without nss inf apart Writs tar Iras baaklat Haw It Dya. Blaach and M.x Catoi. Douclas 3'l?&3SHOESE! $4.00 Cilt Edga Um cannot be equalled at any prtca. Ah. lore. If youth nlona ba strong to with! tend. Knoigli the And lava InrauablH of wrong Or breach at care's deiitroyli.g hand. Then bow must we. who have them twain. Fair youth conjoined with fondest love. Untouched of exsays weak and voln, Ba sit care'ii mullce far atMive! New Orleans TEA There is a little joy in the world in the reach of the poorest All the Comforts of Home. A bachelor Hlways looks at a womNat" Goodwin the comedian once an's hat and shoes, but pays no attenpossessed a fine country house on the tion to the rest of her wearing apparel. banks of the Thames river, near New Connecticut. Every summer he used to invito some of his Thespian friends to Join his house party. On one such occasion Goodwin delivered himself of b bon mot that Is worth repeating. Nat," said some one, you certainly have a fine place here. Just think of It, a lawn right on the river!" Yes," drawled "Nat," "It s fine. In CURES fsOc. and 1 .00T the apring we have the lawn on the river, and In the fall we have the river oo the lawn. The Sunday Magazine. W.L. HOULMS MAKE KAMO SELL Kn$tE SUM'S $3.BO SHOES THAO AMY OTHER SIAHUFACTURER. Swine Disease W. Hog Cholera Or. Saved. The man dressmaker In his pink velvet roat wrung his hands lit despair. FLUFF-RUC- S he cried, "and "Here It Is H Hill AM KKVKKMIII.K I have not yet evolved a new Idea in n1 Mail rmni uur iul ( an". liiKrnin winter gowns." 111 i Ih'uII rrltal Curluliih, dc umd him wnjTa Master, said the apprentice timFLUFF-RU- G idly. IK W. tUiuiti vxinxlx xi real, K:i iJikx i'll.. .h What, boy?" l.ua. InilniwMik'iit llll IIhiiiv l0 "I have thought out a novel typo of look will make a gown that SEND VOUN ONDINS TO THI like a broken-liaekeape with wings." B. C. MORRIS FLORAL CO Superb! the master cried. "Ia-- I DKHI3NR AMO DECORATIONS FLORAL It at onre. 'Twill take the us modd CHOICE CUT FLOWER IfilT LAN CITY world by storm." Chicago Chronicle. THO. HOIDATi mNUM I WORKS . wo-na- d Tartars Deliver Their Arms. The London Globe slates that Gen. Svlctlov recently ordered all the Tartars In the Baku district to coliu in and deliver their arms on a certain day. At the appointed time two rusty watch were daggers and a Wati-rbtirla eebl water bettor than km other Sml Vaasaetae The, MOM J fOC DRUO CO., Unlonvllle, MIssdhvZ turned la. Salt Lake City, Utah. W. L. Relic of Days. In Quito, Ecuador, It is usual to uncover one's head when there Is a flash of lightning. This la probably W. L. Douglas relic of days. Sand fur Cnoular with Direetioni. EARL 1 SUMN, IU Mmy tt.,BaHM.Ifiit! (SLICKER LIKE rMy yeora MO and after GBP - Thlllh Mnltrassyou mudtmL MadalaSra Ail dHlurrni iiaiiw I'ricN (nm IaW to IKMyuur rurni(urd(lvr tur ii. 1 1 nfUUiiMfte umf Ttm Mur U um llm tug. and 50c. FrlcB 35c. s 1NE.a e- It Conquers Pain would le world-widss and make his name a houcl.od worl. liaring Gould, a ndnlrtor of the rimreli of Kitglutol. Is an authority on unity subjects, and lx a voluminous writir, having puMIs'ied vrdniiies. In twennearly nm- liund'i-.ty years, betunn 1S70 and IM'o, he issued no le.is than forty three liuol.s sixteen of wl.ieli were novels During the next rlx years he published seventeen novels. mini her of his w orks have ibsi1 down through several editions. This suggests the poet Thomas Gray, who was also a man of vast learning, not only in literature, but it. i the muscles while you sleep. prii-i-.lii- duced th.i; iu its 1 TOILET AND OMi:or SPECIAL DSLS nc lc at dru jc is f t.ni a baa. Prua. Trial Haa and buuk of lnatrii.-tlaa- a Wwa B. SaaiON COBMav Sasroa, Maas UTAH er DONG -- nrc COTTON f IT HAVTOrbS Island Coney pgitai If Souvenir mmux M ntt.U-tei- Card Co. l Mire ryes Post xv. Conep Coney Island, ; ! ( j I nnn tin ststtswaL $IUUUU MDitmMias dnprsvt I- - broil) fJ.ro this aliare have bp their n-rll- rnl aljrla. rasp fittlnz. and mpcrlarwcarlaw thr larseat (alrsf anp SJ.J qu.i(lro,acbiatcd stub In the world. Tkrp arr lut a nod aa coat yoa gS.IM la 17.00 that thna tha diltercm-- c la the prkc. It I caald lake pee aelp tale at tha larrart ta mp tactarp Hrtxktof), Mom., the world under one fun! nuriiina mm's ftna ahnea, and xhaw yuu the carawlth which avrrp mi or I niade, poa aauld rcallra pair at bnifliM fJ.SO baM or the beat arhp W. I. Dnu-l- aa xhoea produced In the wurM. It I could ahuw you tha dlltervnca hetwran tha hnr utadc In mv facfnrp and thuoa of alhar riaLra, pan would understand whp (troclaa M.M ahuca cat mnra la niakr, whp thep held :l:rlr shape. IK belter, rar hinirrr, and nra af grratcr Intrinsic value then any ether S3. SO on tha market W. L. Dtm iffan Slrtvs Undo Shoom for uhi. y. Hon. Kit. CO. STt.ftU. day School A Dr men fhrmm.K2.Ba, $2, K1.1B,K1.EQ Inlt itin havixs W.UIVnp lio iiiIkIIiiiIx. Nona prnniua uilliouf hi n.mia awl piira .lamped on bottom. WAVTKI), A aim ilonler in every town where IV. I. DuiiuIim Mine, are not sold. Full lino of riiiilea pent free for in.i-linUm request. Fart Color frlttl utd; Utf mill not a war SenryL Write for Ulntr.trl Catalog of Fall OtrieB W. L. IMIIQLAM. Ilroekton, Mew. Cards. CAUTION. Tuka la. .li.-ri- Island W. N. U.. N. V. Salt Lako-N- o. 40. 10OS. with ue (Thompson's Eye Water When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. use rutx chili mult cu lirutfh hyrup. TMtfi Good. UN ftilinio. Em ly dniYtu CONSUMPTION iy |