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Show THE GIRL AT THE HALFWAY HOUSE t :i ih k r ii." It A w I' f- I ) ' . i O Y 1. - II) f If S . I If dJ. tr i I T h 4 I A 1, i J I i t o,i "Thai s il. t.l .- CHAPTER V I. Continued. lliil1 I. li Jtii, .i.. lii.- - j .!:'" i lli.ll-i- till - "'liJ; ' Illt'U a fcN lnl fian!.::n hi kanl hi-- , "If f'l 1 .I--- !';( t.l lll.li. i.i-- i Mail " Mrii-- 1 toward t!n ' I (o.iiiiUllii: tor lo nieht if you ran. 1TI ui.c tie txaniinaiii.il iiow. Yes? Vim ar in a berry! "Thi-tn morrow I ii go ovv an-- l ay yiMn! bye In iny an. I the neat day I tlilnk Ml fu'lna- Hu- - wagui. i Went. I've inii imnli In put in a sagon, an 1 ran go ly i ail. Thu road's away wo.-.-r nf tin- now, u n fruin llie very la-- 1 my station. at tbe l i(f the track." "Hu?' Mil. I Him JiI'Ii.'i-- . Well, ttiat mi I tn Im far inuimli, Kiln-- , if ymj go elean In tlm jumping off place. i (i-T- I.ad .:i-- j k. j ! CHAPTER VII. Mri-an- "f ia;nl iilii. .'I"! d ' ." : 1 f rn J: fi-- s hi! I.! I i n I I ! i.- ii.-e.- - o' l ill) In-r- r. an' h;i.;iy k r.i ':!.! u leu ii in-- r yip . t:;- - mm nin' l.n inir.ic . H ln.4 to ; J, IS;) 1 sj'litle, kin El i.i t ; u- - ; I vh-.i- Ills iii'w aeijuaintuBve a lo.iHi-- uf fait, aod to- - - - xeixi-i.uliu- - - 1. 1. tie ruAl.i.y i"irne-I"ifiive a l a A I.c M'i-- a":ih!v a:i. wl.m i r.i.i iii lii.ii:-!iii.,". rm i l l.iiii toil did not a.-e I. iy nfi-S.iy." said Ike I l,!ri linn--I n j."i. "lln you II. Ink m.i?' said Kinnkiii sknnM.-1-.aa.l ealrnly, p'llii'ig up i no ahirm. "Xlmrely I dn," said tin other; "I ; rerkini I kill )'nl. er Inat ).ei shoot In', er Ihrow ymi down." t rani lii. I th !.-- 'i I s.iii:;' . w.i!!:." iitid, taking tfcn i.ieiM !f inti the saidls '! !i , e-- ino-mt- Mii-u'.io- , . . '.Vi-il- . s M-- rrii-ii.l,- " - . - I t!o- ia-t- d s stiff-legge- s . s icsp-ruti-- r half-broke- n -f t iiumi-liacUr- 5 " ri-ud- r! pie-ise- ai-ai-n giiiit-1,i:- t aim-un- wl-nl- ; i!-.- d icontl-leittially- o n-- j (ni-h-ied- e , s :i-- l . new-foun- fr-i- - s t i " - ( wt-.'-'- V. l- - - ! . tin; cavalry :.iiii Ii wiili l I.i- - i.bl-- f jshioned giaspat inwit'i it.o eada of tbo ai known ami untried. Winn . ii,- - r:. bt lia.'i-lfrom Hie rule truln he iii"de d funny say ibii.s a d no one to l him Im hail n.inn in it t , :i ;i lip of a hoss, said Curly, Kills lilt. Hi: was at tliu limit, (lie .no yen 'Ir.cid tie saddle's goin to ertge, the hi.innlary! Hett :r be Trial ,it nwny from you? aid the fireman, wlm was oiling llm limit II. o lilt op, Hronch!" engine as he insi-d- . anil who grintu-the horse on tlm hip lie si.i amlulily aa ho spoke, "ymi'ni auro at a ii ii bis l ilt, and gave the latter a the front nnw." said "yet down Moil iu the air with a shrill Franklin Imd not advise. hie friend oi'f that Inin.e, an-- l I'll you u lit Wl.iMHiiipi-i-e!which was all that llattrrsU leh of his iiilemleii arrival, to see w);ii ri.ii-What's uiii to set t,lie horse off on hut as ho looked alaiiit lilm lie saw name, anyhow ?" l series of wild, plungi-that ho had 111 lie need fur any i;iihio. .atn-Whoa! sail t!m other Kllisviila as an aetunl town did not Curly. lie was on the ground as hi ho buck In;;"; of which Franklia had u maneuver peculiar .card so inin-liyat exist. A rndo Khanty or two and nnld tills lust, and throwing tin- Wootcrn horses, and a line of teiils Indicated the con rue of over !h horse's neck. The hiiIiiiiiI o llie half-wilwliic-:i is at tlm tirst experience a a coming street. More than forty KtiMid as though anchored. Curly ea-- t ly difllcult one for eveu a cow ponies alnod In the Cottage corral his hat upon the KPnud and trial iihiii to overcome. It peror In the street near- by. Afar there It in a sort of eestasy of lanuhat. He kiirul hcirsi-inawelled the sound of morning revel- rushed at Franklin without argument haps did imt occur to Curly that lie la-- i ries. ii.ilictiiig any hardship upon tlie or premeditation. and perhaps he did not really auiici; aln what followed on the part citlo-- of the horse or its rider. Had Franklin not been a good rldr. and accustomed to keeping hla head while sitting mounts, lie .mist, have Buffered almost Instantaneous defeat In this sudden encounter. The horse threw hla bead down far his fore legs at the start, and ihen went angling and zigzagging away over the hard ground in a wild carter uf antics, wl.ch Jarred Franklin to the marrow of his bones. The air became sclnlillant and Ills bead seemed luminously red. hit m;t tilled with loose liquid, hla spinn .urned Into a column of mere gelatine. The thudding of the hoofs was 'M I ii rapid and so punishing to his i-senses that for a moment he did nut where he actually was. Yet with the sheer instinct of horsemanship ho clung to the saddle in souie fashion, until Anally he was fairly furred to relax the muscular strain, ao by arrldeut fell into tho secret and Rubbed hla head and made sundry eicclamations of surprise. of the seat loose, yielding, not tense Thu latter had not attended coun- and strung. After breakfast Franklin paused for cried "lio It, go It whouop-ee-e!a moment at the hotel ofllco, almost as try school for nothing. Stepping lightlargo and empty as tho dining room. ly aside, he raught Ills opponent Curly, somewhere out In a dark world. Set him fair, pnrd-m-Ihfferent men now and then came and as he pasaed, and, with ono arm about nuw! I.et go that to have him hla each him him Set fair, a seeming by, neck, of gave the passed specimen some business of his own. The clerk "hlplock" which sent him in the air lent her! Ride him straight up! That's at the hotel asked hint If he wauled over Ills own shoulder. The rowboy right!" Still another came down much in n heap, but presto locate eouie land. (To he continued.) somewhat stranger, a florid and loosely clad ently sat up, bis hair MAKING A PUMPKIN PIE. young man with a mild blue eye. ap- rum plod and sandy. He rubbed bis proached him and held some converse. head and made sundry exclamations Morals, friend, fluid the young of surprise. "Huh! said be. "Well. Here'a a Description ef How 'Grandd ! Now, how you s'pose thnt I'm d mother Did It. man. Good morning, aahl Franklin. Docs any one remember the pumphappened. You kaln't do tbat again, "1 allow you're Just In on the front, he sahl to Franklin, Anally. kin pies which grandmother used to "Miouldnt wonder If I could," said uake? eald the other. Grandmother the opened said Franklin, "I came on Franklin, laughing. "Yes pumpkin and took out lt work and Afok "I out fer mo I'm cornin'!" peeled and sliced It and put it In the the last train. cried Curly. "Stay long?" kettle, where It was boiled until it was "Well, as to that. said Franklin, "I They met more fairly this time, and (oft and mushy, hut not too musky. the result through hardly know, but I shall look around Franklin found Hint ho had an antag- 1 ster she a bit. onist of little skill tn thp game of !he holes In a inlander, and when she but of a surprising wiry, had dished out a portion for ltnuiedi ite "I didn't know but irryhe you'd like wrestlii-.g- , to go south o' here, to Mum Center. bodily strenmh. Time and the use, she was ready to the I run the Kfigo line down there, about cowboy writhed away from the hold, i A ruction of tbe pi". a Thai's week. twlet came buck .v,:iin willi tlm light of big und square I roil hake sheet was and furiy-slmiles, my livery barn over there sccoinl bat Me In his ec. It was only after lined with flour cruri. which civcod moments tbat he succumbed, wooden building In the town. Sam's seti-ralie boMorn of tic pan l re.iehed ip if you want this time to th in .iilioua "grapevine." my name; Sam I'oston. the f eir eilg.-- i tin: II the par ry dots so sharply Hint Franklin lied to go down there, come over and I'll lb look ov-the rim. Then fix ou Hit." t i!inicul:y In breaking ir.v In order not mil an egg anil a xu'Vient oi Franklin replied thnt he would be ( fall upon him. Tho cowboy lay ote.-- t inFli In among ti e piiupk-.sad for a moment, tlu-got up and til led a lot of black m.ilas-eglad to do so In ease he had the need, and was alwmt to turn sway. He was dusted off his hat. of salt, and a big lot of a pi'-.rInterrupted by the oilier, who stopimd of 'Mount, friend." said he, throwing ginger, und a pinch ntul a him with an explosive "Say! tbe bridle back over the horse's neck rated iiutivr-- to the cotiroction, and Yes. said Franklin. without other word. "Yuu done it ibon these bad been stirred among Hid you uotiee thnt girl In the dinfair!" he milk and the pumpkin. mass Idsek-hnire"I'll tell yon what wo'll do. said f IngrciHcPls was ixuir-ing room, pony built like, slick, Hie into dark ev - wears glasses? Ssy Fr.mMln, extending his band. "Wo'l nkc pa-- i aud the pan ;h closed up that's the amool t.Wt girl west of llie Ju-- IkiHi walk along together n wav. aside i f tt-- . ; oven to lu river. She's wnitin'. In the hotel here, if you don't mind. Ml got mo a .bile Ibe chil.!r--waited mi', Ip w.th she taueht hor-- pretty stwm. You see, 'm a but say lie wa'er (siziug from our ixths Yon know. I'm nuiti here Just got in this niortiii: school oiiPt yes. sir. ntll the wonderful rxpei lerwr.t was . gone on that girl the worst way. If ,.u:-i- ! 1 haven't t time to iook around I thought I'd you get n chnm-- t to put In a word for much yet. o out an-And mdie.ly except sen-of us me. ym do It. won't yon? meet my friend, and perhaps then hicky old chaps ever tints.! Franklin was somewhat Impressed I talk over such :ke one of llose pumpkin pies. It things togeiher.' with the swiftness of aefiinlntam-e-shlp"Shore." said Curly. "Why didn't v.n deep and spicy and sw-bin-lloit he retained you toll me? In tl:l pew tf iy. olo lt.it ty, lie's nti-fIi n:ore like a pun p-) lug. snd made isdiiw his own to whole It n w, o a in ketch lot o' bosses thick pudding. iruy a baud o wild assurance of nld should It become pos- out'n bosses down to . like trio ambrosia stc-pe- d In sible. the Heaver Creek. 11 always so lisithsuuie it was; ectar. aid I'd be mb-lil- y obliged." said bis in' me to help him ketch them bosses.' vSui we think of those great squares d. "Seems like I lose is toad of horses." said f pumpkin pie which found their way "Futtersleigh my nerve every time I try to say a Franklin, "and he's a rider, too." burn our ravenous gullet, w,- wonder Iki you want a word to that girl. "That's so." admitted Curly. "He low It Is that modem manage team?" kin ride. Yon or ter see him when ' i live at all without pumpkin pie. I Imt c FrviMln. ia!d "Thank you," h's full ootid on, sword an' pistol "'ingor News. hardly thl ik sn. I went to And my by his side, frlemi Col'-ne- l Rnttcrsb'igh. and I un"lie has a Iut-p- . ihen? derstand bo llvi- got Mry far away. "Has a hoss? Has a hos ha Chelrra Army. "Oh. you mean old Batty. Yes, he wi st? Why o' course he hnx a boss The ircrease f the death rata In Is there anybody that ain't gut a lire Just out snu'.h a Utile ways irmy to is. per 1.000 during tks Section No. 9. south- ss cusHer." i rsexhle to chtdeta. '.x ft v(r t Franklin passed i in the direction ci- -' d . r '.iree and a tranklln. "Well, I haven't" Ip t men r i the l which and been policed out to him, You got thl i or?" said Curly. . iuq-.u-'- . ' . pri-s.-n- tlii-lic- -d fjf yoO i. a : w!.--- . Smith. 1 s i i!.it v- bgStrttl ik-x- i pn--i-- on It.o ii.V up from t.s. why, ), g I!I Ju'--t ri 1 im e a;. (.tie' BHjd till if the i I lie bad muds 0 was proven led Irvin by t lit- i of the cult ahead. louioy. v. I i.it t 'ri.i-ipiacti:." said he, "in' r. flit up, (u.ck; liiiij-i-- '. in liku a geutlonau. it up. a:.' i. i ivl-an- - li.t. s, i..i re.i in-- is imt: uiti :'.(! r it-- m .'..in h ib-r in;, -i- I.. for- if I I - ; I 1 ml" - c f - it. it iti.n in.. i . i viii-- III I: yow what e i,!:!. i:!i bml. ' 't I s ice to See if ttitr f;i-- ( . ..(..Mi .ii tuis calm stafi.-jr.i-at- , i. W-rur.it wti lor'-- i .1, witii a CM-iai- n i ; - i I : . i J ii-l i t 1 ii 1 kill g.t J. si as I CM i ii .V.ii-c- : i.'.nin" " l "naniicr, hiii-h- t V.'e-der- an :. I J: o - !" 1 v..i'l.f.-r:-tii'i- . t I i an spnmtu . rnnri!;:-Ti.n.i . .i i slile'i ! "i t I. . : to- it i-- greet Miiu'-ihln- Rut I01 along. Sj. !:u-,- (fcgerged from bis sanctum, and 4 him with great cordiality. "So youve coini thought And you. would. G!a-- to do you th.iik of my litib plac-.-?- was inquiry, arcoii. Imu-- ' J by a of the hand. swu-By A. L. liarrla Author of ''Mine Own Familiar Friand. ate. bad quarters Not sum.', "ITotty i I I I, 1)111, l mjiv . da for a backfii-r?Vuilitkiny I f, approval of His xbi'or cm which ci ila'.iily were his huri'o'iiidii.gs. IBI'ni TTIWrflSTIHII well wor:!,) of tfi" a; pclla'i-"mug CHAPTER X. Continued. thine, I always bestowed rir'hl lu do a them by tle-i- r OWUCT. wa nn air of Ijong befi.r'! t!e; service was over do it flrt und inipiirc afterwards. At ti e sai.-ii- - i;u,e tbi-rmeThere was a no.--- of there were rounds ,( lamentation and riinii. act'n ss. ol severe atteiit.on to tallic- f tiling. which was suggestive of the wailing from many ot thu-"Huilu!" cr.eJ llie doctor. "Whats fact that the iit and seviral winat to quit the church from tbe violence of tbeir emo- thnt?" one time cr other, been restricted in of the consequences tion. And. re.iardli-sthe matt( r of Hkw ri'in. At last it was ovt und l::: numerto his chithe-c- . lu began to grope "Yen. I'm pretty comfortable," the eouurc-cario-- .i ous and variously among the shall end remains of the doctor went m. "F'e got a very broke up. on the whole. Her flooring. good hou.--i In a tew seconds hu looked up again, chief fault Is that she's so cun foundAfter partaking of a frugal uu-a- l. and grimp. hut triumphant. Ted sat down to await the arrival of ed ly eiiplciiiiis!" Ur. Cartwright. He hoped that nothlie held in his hand a conical shaped reeeboeil the other. "Stiiiii-ioiis- ! -ing uuforesi eii would occur to cause pic ec of Well. 1 thought she looked at mo t, "I thought as much, lie said, as he rather strangely when she let me in. him to put uir his for hu was beginning to rely a good deal upon l auded It to the oilier "a ball from a The little doctor chuckled, and the energetic litilc man, who had revolver!" showed symptoms of great inward enshown himself at once shrewd and joyment. "Ah! you thought so, did CHAPTER XI. kindly- lu his dialings with him. lie you? The fact Is, she's iu mortal tun'd scarcely believe he bad met terror of my getting married!" Dr. Jeremiah at Home. for the fiir-- time and him Well, but that wouldn't make her which took place at The here he In emu- aware of a brisk anil of me!" noon on Monday, was held in the familiar voice dear fellow, slip's sitspielmw of "My school house. The Jury, having been everybody. "How ib you fli-yours'-lShes Jealous of every Mrs. Jinmtin, and bows your lotbcr? (worn i:i. proceeded to view itio isiibes or married, bemuse single after him well; ami on their return from this mel- tho sir-dHope you're single, are open being lines, giving him ph i. y of new- .aid cups ancholy duly the coroner made an iu ufiVr.i, while the married ones are which announcement, and cream mul thrit sort of thi;:g? unexpected at a moliable to lose tlndr Tlii-ic'a great among the ment's notice, and, as widows, would nothing like good living to (:m-i- . i aveim-i.tso; o n the chci't of a closely packed audli-nccbo more to he reared than tho others. "It having been brought to a.y noTed hoard tbe voice gradually "Rut 1 belong to neither category! " tiKiunting the stairs and the next mo- tice tint ono of the suj posed victims said tho young man. Surely no nt the doctor's licaJ was put tn-- of Hie ln'e disastrous allair, instead of as cut in the other, dear Ixiy. My his life, as was conclude.! vt a lio the d(Nr. man you are likely to posyoung was his greeting, "there the time, through llie accident id sess female relatives a sister or a "Hullo! which so many have, unfortunate V, cousin or an aunt, either of whom yon are. Will, how are you getting Ull? perished, has come by his Slight eventually prove dangerous to through foul play, it Is my Intention t Ted said thnt ho felt pretty well. jiy peace of mind." was the next hold a separate inquiry upon the bod "(Had to hear it, Ted Rurritt actually laughed, to tho 1 shall remark, as the maker of it allowed at the same hour man's great satisfaction, aa tho little '.hu rest of his body to follow his now proceed with my Inquiry aa to Idea presented Itself to him of hla head. "By the by, saw you In churcb the manner In which the other pas- sister May as a possible aspirant to :his morning. Sad spectacle very! sengers met their death. Call the first the iHisition of Mrs. Jeremiah Cartwitness. 31ial! we be oil? wright. In less that a moment, howl.altr in the day hundreds of people ever, They left the cottage aud made tlie laugh had died away, and a thr-lway in tbe direction of the sta- gathered in the churchyard to witness corresiHindlng expression of despondthe Interments. tion. settled down upon his features. The body of Silas Uurritt had been ency When they came In sight nf the line "He thinking of that inquest they saw that there were still parties taken back to the vestry, where it thought the doctor, "and hla fulfilled of men at work, searrhlng among the would remain until his son father's body lying In the vestry- - I heaps of rubbish for money or Jewelry the promise he had made and brought must get him out of that groove again. Karth to eariti. ashes to or anything else that might have sur- it home. Here" starling to hla foot '"come vived the general ruin. ashes, dust to dust, came the words and have a walk round my premises before It geta dark! He took him nut through the surgery, and showed him a neat little domain, which was divided Into portions. In which grew, respectively, flowers, fruit and vegetables. At the bottom was a fowl run and a very small circular pond, about the size of an ordinary wash-hanbasin, in which paddled a solitary duck, who, as soon as he caught sight of the doctor, forsook his favorite element, and came waddling towards him, quacking loud- Ompyrigkt, k litfferc-nc- r b.-i- I. . n- t ( !,:i,-- i:,ori ) a. ' i !! StH-d- i: sio- - i:,ij'-- i t : ion il ,:.-- wiiii h j r at the wish I., ri.h- hi.'i: rnlly flii: ihdi'ii (in ail. Fill'll!::' rl.iit l" f lied In clc.l,( a j.anic, hi pi;!b-- n;. wiin t ii p. r. nil-- " allnr.'l over I I : inii-ir- riii-crf- The New World, Franklin eiiii:-ii-- i the Mi niiiiiri rin-r- , that iiiviiliiiK known to a genim-eration of simply us 'ilm River," mni url.riu ledge,) ns lint boii:i-llarbetween I J:i niil and tlm ike , .. .Mi I t.: 'I I.- - hal "1 Curly, i 1I. ()', iU r Toil you what ' : )!"i. " .n- i ear r.,iii..:i, ,.,.i-.-I :. i i Until) iir. "F in-- . 1 id Id Vie.) I.i n:i. ill" to 1" I 'l li.e l.i.l t!.o who had hern 1 irl t I.J hi.-h- -r. l.i-;- . i I i.n jn.- li ilic nil n i - lie! i i.j. hi in i Iff. i irer-.- eoi.-- II, a Cn-- i f.i l.i- s . r ' i.- -- - to he. a I lii.ii - ir;i.v H- ll ii. r.ii.-- i i 1. no nas in.. in,; n- ..:h hrrsiiie ii' I." w a at OR FOUND OUT j 1 a heap nfl o;'s y.u ain't got Molt )(.:! ! ave got uicd Ui. i: i ! Hi 1. 1 !.i- - )i hu j I w I! i' t in li.t till. As 1 . ti .it... it .l .1 i; i. i..i:,)i.. II f III, III':. ('I ) ; t.l- elder lean. . I ! - vo.- THE FATAL REQUEST aa :i:-- f M.it o' b ( 1- -t f - i - 'I'i J i aw!" Frenklla. . rmiT wrt!ling for a r: In. viii'.r-- t: put up I :i:'t 1.-anything. tih. i J f i W -- S N How ? ' said Frank, pusxlod. V.i.y, )ni won Mm." . le-r- 1 di-a- r d ly. thought aa much I A The station master was watching their operations from the platform, and to him Dr. Cartwright addressed ball from a revolver! "I of tho burial service, as one by one the coflins were lowered, and the first spadeful of earth cast upon them himself. Ted Durrltt stood bareheaded be"Look here, Mullins. I want to know side his new friend, the doctor. Sudwhat you've done with that carriage denly there was a commotion among the fourth from the engine that the crowd at a little distance and he we managed to save from being quite heard a sharp cry. Then the crowd destroyed with the others. The one, opened, as though to make way for " found we In which you know. some one, and he saw a young man He whispered tbe rest in hla ear. leading a figure In black, whom he The station master replied with a rccognlwd the wld whoBe comand sympathy glance of curiosity ,pg8 gHef he bad before bem B bined at the young man who was the neM of but wbo now WM cllnglng doctor', con.pam.ion that he carriage tJ the grm ()f the who supportIt at been had left or the remains of ed her, and seemed as her sudthe aide of the line, about one hundred den Joy were almost though more than she soon uowu. found farther They yards could bear. It. "I was never In the train at all, Ah, yes." said the doctor, this Is he was assuring her over and over You a see. it is the very It was quite a mistake! aenin. I think, for good deal damaged: hut re all that, we may he aide to find wli it What made you think you cognized me? comfor. Tin first are we "There was a hit of cloth Just like partment is tge or. ' lli.it euiAorns us." One tb"r nf tiii.--i hu I b"ca suvisked your coat but oh. iny boy, to think 11;I've got you again!" And tho couple of the . li nnd Ike scat l.iul b iil I'lil.tcre'l, pnsed on.' followed by the sympafir" had caught thetic murmrus of the crowd. ai.d showed t! M It in place;, nnd the tuioritig was torn "Well, now, what d'you think of of the compartthat for a sentimental episode? Sort up. Tho oM.er wrei l.ed. had re- of thing one reads of liut doesn't ment, thi'-igl- i frem the fire, the i lleve In. eh? Dear me ceived more dnu-j-ptlie doccushions hail entirely disappeared, the tor took off his spectacle for no apwoodworh was black and i burred, and parent reason, and polished them uf the door hung from carefully on his silk handkerchief. what "You didn't see the meeting between a single hinge. "Now. said the doctor, taking off j them, did you? The women were cry-hi- s coat before clambering In. "you ing .11 round me. aud they've made there isn't my spectacles quite dull." had better stop room tor two of u in here at once. Then, passing his arm through the indicating that piiipr's. "Coine along. he said, you' it was in thl cur:i- -r had re- - j brd end of ik" carr:i.rr" q,in0 enough of this. Come ai ccivci. least i! .mag" front the fin- -You R,,vI,d the zoning with me. that we bund h;m. l!e wats lying knw whPre I ,ive? No? Well, any- there, wit!, bis bead against tb" baca (ipil t(11 ,hBt- - Good bye. I and the low er musl ,)0 off ot the con :. o, uf uUk t Ihe to look after. part of hu b.-jrnie'd His head, broken door and il." Ted had no difficulty In finding out here." pointsa you say. the house. The disir was opened to of the a lidout ing part "Tbe bul- him by an elderly woman servant, ding which yet as Ted thought, seemed to relet, which passed through It. mtret who, lu re about there. gard him with a remain amount of have lodged llov.beit, she bade him oisplrli'ii. If so. we ar" sure to Hid it. enter. From an Inner room a voice Cutting wliat was b ft of the cloth In strips wiih his kuitc. I " begin to hailed him. "Ilullo! thnt you? That's right pull out the stuffing In li.t.idMlii. "I don't know whether the railway com- be with you in a minute. Just wait pany would have anything to say to until I've finished poisoning off the And, through the half open this." he remarked, as he carefully parish. passed the material through hla fin- door came the clink of glees and the gers. before passing It on to his, com- sound of liquids being poured from panion outside, who did the same, one receptacle to another. The next moment Dr. Cartwright but whenever I'm tn doubt about my , , - c-- ('' "be-an- d e oul-dd- .i ; , , dy re-.- ini-:b- t He seems to know you," said Ted. (To be oontinued.) Simple Explanation. An old man wandered into one of the hospitals of an Eastern city. His eyesight was rather bad, and he had come In the hope of securing relief. Ho was turned over to a young doctor, who adjusted a large frame In front of the patient's eyes and placed In it a couple of strong magnifying glasses. Ho then held a printed card some distance away. "Can you read that? ho asked. No, sir. replied the old man. The doctor then put In stronger glasses and brought the card nearer. Well, he inquired, can you read It now? The old fellow shook his head, saying, No, not a word. After repeating this performance several times the doctor was about to turn him over in despair to his more experienced superior, when the old msn quietly explained: You see, doctor, I never learned to read. Not the Queen of Sheba. The teacher was going over the good old story of King Solomon ana his wisdom. Now, dears, who was tho great queen who traveled so many miles and miles to see the king?" Silence prevailed In tho class. "Why. you do kt:ow, all of you. The to see tho king?" queen wl.o cau-Ti e name had been forgotten by the class. In ordir to help them, the kind, but teacher began to offer a little assistance. "You do know. I Bin sure. The name begins with S, and she was a very great queen. Just then up shot a little hand, and out spoke the triumphant voice of the little, auburn-hairegirl. She transfixed the listening schoolroom with the following brief sthatement: 1 know; It was the Queen of Rradcs! The Open Door. "1 don't know exactly how It happened. Reggie was telling his best friend over a game of bllllars. I never meant to propose, you know that Is. not just yet. I wanted to knock about a little more. But after we got home from ,the theater and sat In the parlor discussing the plot of the play. I ventured out on thin lea and broke through before I knew where I was. It came as a deuce of shock. Just as I shiuld Imagine breaking through real ice would be. "But Jessie was all ready for me. She was expecting It. First thing f knew she had me by the iollar and landed me on safe ground again but I was engaged. No doubt about that. Anyhow, I'm glad I've got her. Might have lost her through some slip If Pd waited. But I don't want to read say more staff sbout bashful fellows stain merlng out proposals. It's all too d easy. |