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Show HAS BOTTLE. New Yorker Claims to Havo Solved Problem In' Simple Manner. A scientist sortie weeks sko slated la an Interview that a Untie that could not he refilled had never been Invented, that It probably never would be Invented, and that many Inventors bad gone insane over the problem. The Interview went the rounds of the country. Other agreed the bottle was In a claaa with perpetual motion. A younc man In working ctothes called at the Sunday Telegraph offlee Tueaday aftermam. "My name Is Frank Waters, M he said. "I am a niolder. In my spare momenta I invent things. I read in the Sunday T-- graph that a bottle eould not be Invented. I wondered If I eould do It. I rat down and thought diligently. The problem baffled me. I thought harder. And harder. One evening I suddenly laughed aloud. The easiest and most- natur al way had suddenly come to ms. Then I made the non reflllable hot tla. I took an ordinary bottle whoaa aeek waa slightly bulged and filled the neck with stone cement so that when hard it could not come out. Then I ran tiny pl-through tbs cement, one extending to the bottom of the bottle, which I bad already filled. Then I turned It upalde down. The water ran out of one of the tubea. Ho far no fiood. I took a amall funnel and did my best to return the water to the bottle. It was no use. I had Inveuted the bottle." The water la forced from tha bob tla by air, which geta behind ft through the tube which extenda to tha bottom of the bottle. It la air alao which prevents the water from being returned. It rannot lie forced through either pipe because of the air which geta la through the other. The principle can bs understood by l. - a Thie la Walters Idea, studying the accompanying diagram. New York Telegraph. Fell From High Estate. am Nicholas Glulot, professor of said a traiup gathered chemistry, with other vagabonds In the streets of Puri when naked by the police lieutenant to Ideuilfy himself. And from bla filthy clothes he flailed documents proving that be spoke the truth. Investigation allowed that the tramp waa n former lecturer at the University of Far Is, that for yeura ha had astonished the scientific world by Ills discoveries, utid that finally the government sent him to the Congo to study certain topographical aud other conditions. When he came back from Africa, the former society man seemed to hare lost all his cnorgy, and gradually vanished from sight "Bend me to prison for a week, at least" ha begged tha police. I must have regular food and a bed, lest I perish." I Sultan Has Many Freaks. Tha sultan of Morocco plays both tennis and cricket. At cricket he takes a turn at the wicket more often than tha strict rules of tha game allow; but though his play la often eccentric, ha never cheats. Once at tennis ha stopped to take a bulky handkerchief from hla pocket, and tied It to the net. A few minutes later a ball from hla opponent knocked It off nnd a handful of diamonda fell out. He owna about 200 bicycles, some with gold and silver fittings, and It Is said that he could make hla living as a trick rider. Ona of hla favorite amusements ia to ride at full speed up narrow Inclined planks. The sultan also has a weakness for motor ears and grand pianos. Barefooted Golf! MARRED OF SENATOR. BREECH Telegraphers Abbreviation That Destroyed all Eloquenca. Tho operauim were spend-ntbeir day off in a brisk waix hroiigh :bi- - country. You know on r habit of abbreviatFi.ort words for ed. or h'lbh'll-.'lRnisi Uo-- VK:i.ugtori o:i a? .;raiur. "Weil, lli'.s habli uni-- did re tia i in ; ti'nioi i !i (nit kids' fur (in- - ill"-- 1 tli- - lonx wi.nl 'c!:l! tha: of chum! Dili.' ti.llikii, or c.ii'ui at :iu- u Ic r end Wllil!l lliOliV,l. id ' i' n lilVl In subalitu'e 'luwn Ibe lint wind for (lit- shut i iii.i-- . rlu-Jdidn't, and Hi wilor i'i a; in and r'ii'i !)' irally word - l b-'- f ! in in tills Up tin- - licit d.iy'a : There is one remedy that wiJleFO in any of its forms liinruiighly ci'adumte the disiana fceu tin- - hviii-that the "are is pern1-- i is Dr. Williams l'iiifc fJIs This 1 tt I'.iiu uul the iir if pfWo ' i is found in the eipcrii-tuxo- f Sir. T. S. W.iimi, of No. TJ , N.Y. Its aavwairtv-r- , j The pi. ii vviia iu iny joiuUaqdT snffuriuu-fo- r over two yeura wasla-iw- t Tiu-rwas an iuteusepu (luncripi.oii. in my dliKiildi-r- liiut ms iM'i mid I Would get up and ii'Hii When ui i the night. Iliegau tnt; Dr. Wiiiiuins l'iulr Pills the inijs,'- will grailii.ll, but by the tuna I jel Liki-i- i four Uixm I was entirely rtrtd 1 aud have lint bnd the slightest tutch W.iii-.iuwu- - - e s aici-piii- nil-il- l : ip f.i.-- of i Iiciiiii.iIimii aiin-- that time. Mr. Wapiir v ifu is also euilinojXic in lu-- r 'ii of Dr. Willis' Pink PilD. Slut riivh: "I liMve triwliko fur trouble tad iiiJls ii'iii'iii pi cat relief from tkir ezin'i um-- . My iliiiiifhir, Mrs Atwood, of 4 fill Hlri'.'t, Wiifui'lowii, lute uswl item lir-iiii'- "'My fiini'ls, you wdl Wnnlsworib's profound ray.iig, "Tt wo' is faln r to tin- - mu.-- . " I dwell on (he VIU1 liupoitalice lu tic of imparting a foui.-- , coiniiiunlty wiaikm-Rsaii- d was much iicai lun to kids fur moral und a i ular bv thinii. I regard lie. Willi' Thr In their InipN'Ssloiiable years. will be the Pink Pill for Puln People as an (X kids of tfaia v.ilimblH family fathers and mol hers of the next. Dr. William' Pink Pills have cured the "Htiffer little kids to coirn- tinio wornt blimdloHMiieNN, iudigi-Rivi- , me, Slid wo ahoulil never forget that intliu-nxa- , luniluelie, IstckaclirH, Baying in behalf of all kids the world neuralgia, nervoiisutw, and the special over. " spinal wiukm-K- . of girl and women wlione blind Get at tha Causa. supply lieennir weak, scanty or irnfs-la- r. The genuine Dr. William' Pink fills Sacramento, Ky., Nov. 13th (Special) A typical illustration of the are guaranteed to be free from opiat-ao- r way Dodd's Kidney Pills Cure Rheu- any harmful drug and cannot injue the most delicate system. At all ri ms! lam ia well told by Catherine or from tho Dr. Williams Medwho la very well known here. icine Co., Schenectady, N. Y., postpaid, She says: on receipt of price, 60 cents per lux, For over four years I was greatly six boxes fur $2.60. troubled with Kheumallam. It used Snubbed in a Bong, to take me worst In my legs and feet When Father" Cummings, osee At times 1 would be so bad I could not put my feet to the ground. Ae I am superintendent of the Little Wander over seventy-thre- e years of age I be- ere Home at Boston, wae nearing the gan to think I was too old to get clone of hla career, he attended a cured and should hava to bear my night watch service at hie borne Rheumatism the best way I could. church. The subject of the meeting Rut I heard about Dodd'i Kidney Pilla waa The Brevity of Ufa." Father and thought I would give them a trial. Cummings closed his testimony by So I got a bos and began taking them. saying: Tt may be but a month laagWell, I must aay Dodd's Kidney Pills er that I shall be here, perhaps s did me a wonderful lot of good. They week, or even before the close of eaaed the pain from the first, and to- another day I shall be gone." He had day I am In better health than I have hardly seated hlunelf when a youg man In the back of the vestry started been for many years. the old song: Oh, why do you wait, dear brother, oh why do you tarry so THE NEW AND OLD IN ENGLAND. long?" 8tranga Mixtures to Which Visitors CHS THE FAMOUS Rnd Ckmn Hull Hliir. I jirm tn. psrkafs I Must Get Accustomad. l'ba Hums lUrnipuny. Soulfe head, lad. I was never an enemy of the con fusion of the old snd new In Europe Books in London Libraries. when Italy was all Europe to me, and There are 9.065.863 books In Urn now In England It waa distinctly a public libraries ef I rndon. pleasure. It la something we must accept, whether we like It or not, and ITCHING 8CALP HUMOR. we had better like It. The pride of the old custodian of the Exeter GuildSuffered Tortures Until Curtd hall In the coil of hot water pipes Lady Cuticura Scratched Day by beating the ancient edifice wna quite and Night. ns acceptable as hla pride In the thirlittle teenth century carving of the oaken My scalp was covered with door and the oakpauelcd walla, the pimples and I suffered tortures from portraits of the Princess Henrietta and the itching. I waa scratching all flay Gen. Monk, and the swords bestowed and night, and I could gut no rest I upon the faithful rtty by Edward IV. washed my head with hot water snd nnd Henry VII. 1 warmed my chilly Cullcura Soap and then applied the handa about the medieval facts, and Cuticura Ointment aa a d running. One even fly to that uttermost antiquity box of tha Oiutuii-u- i and one rake of when the Roman I'ractoriuiu ' stood Cuticura Eoup cured me. Now my where the GulUliull stands now. Still. head la ciea. and my hair eiittiely I was not so warm all over hut that growing apkniihly. I have used Inwaa to indoors I shun the glad Soap ever since, and shall nevclemency to which we must have re- er he without lu (Signed) Ada C. turned In the hotel, aud to prolong our Smith, 308 Grand St., Jeraey City, ntay in tho milder sir outside by going N- - J." a drive beyond the city Into tho charmFire Insurance in London. ing country. W. D. Itowells, In liar-perThe gross amount Insured against 1,010,851,455. fire in Iindon I Why Tim Threw Up Hie Job. Tim Fitzgerald was at one time emA Great Monarch. ployed at a pulp mill. U was hla duty to hsndlo the white birch atlrks which Wealthier than any brother sorer were used at the mill, but, during the elgn: master of leglonv, which nnm-tecoldest weather of last winter Tim over a million; lord of more than went to the foreman nnd said: "Well. of the surface of the globe, I am going to give up me Job." with subjects of many colors and Why, Tim, yon are foolish to do races, amounting to over that, for you have been here (or a and twenly million souls, the Uzltr of great many years and get good all the RushIm will not be Invincible wages," said tha foreman. until he adopts Pillsbiiry'e Vitos as This did not convince Tim, for ha his regular breakfast diet. replied: "I am going to throw up me I am be durned if for Ill Job, Lew Temperature of Tress. going to handle this cold, Icy wood without The average temperature of a tree any mittens. la under SO degrees Fahrenheit, as against the 88 degrees of the human in-c- ' I d y Out-said- , o, nut-gl- ut De-vin- 1 t. one-sixt- one-hundre-d FROM TEXAS body. Facta From the Lone Star Stats. From a beautiful farm down in Texas, where gushing springs unite to form babbllug brooks that wind their sparkling way through Bowery meads, comes a note of gratitude for delivery from the coffee habit. When my baby boy came to me five years ago, I began to drink Koetum Fond Coffee, having feeling that It would be better for him and me than the old kind of drug-ladecoffee. I waa not disappointed In it, for It enabled me. n amall delicate woman, to nurse a bouncing healthy baby 14 months. I have since continued the use of Postn m for I have grown fond of it. and have discovered to my Joy that It lias entirely relieved me of n bilious habit which used to prostrate me two or three times a year, causing much discomfort to my family and suffering to myself. waa cured of My brother-in-lachronic constipation by leaving off the old kind of coffee and using Tostum. Ms hss become even more fond of it than he waa of the old coffee. In fact the entire family, from the old who allatest arrival, (a ways calls for his potle Arst thing In the morning) up to the head of the house, think there Is no drink no good or so wholesome as lustum. Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek. Boms Coffee Mich. Theres a reason. Read the little hook. Wallvllle," In pkg. The Road to TEA Moneyback means that the tea is good and well worth the money. Can't mean anything else. Tear gram rMrw In tai jwr mj U Jna VALUABLE FOR FIRE FIGHTERS, REPROOF FOR BOTH OFFENDERS Portable Cleverly Worded Rebuke Delivered by Scottish Divine. A good Instance of a double reprool occurred In a Scottish church. A lad named Merryweather waa very lnat tentive during the service, greatly to the annoyance of the minister. His father always composed himself for a nap directly the sermon was well under way, so that the boy could do aa be liked without paternal reproof. The minister could stand It no lor.ger one Sunday, so he stopped suddenly in hia sermon and said: "John Merryweather, If you continue to act m such an unseemly manner during divine woe ship I shall tell your father. I would tell him now, but be happens to be aaleep." From that day Merryweather senior and Junior were model listeners. Dundee AdvertUcr. Breathing Apparatus an Invention ef Much Merit. Ia Europe a respiratory and g apparatus has been naed with considerable success by mlnera, firemen snd others, who are required to penetrate mines or apartments that are filled with smoke or unbreathable gasro, especially after accidents such as explosions. With this apparatus su fflclcnt air and oxygen are carried to support respiration for two houra. even while the Individual la working. The apparatus consists of a mask or heliuet, which completely covers the face, but ex poxes the ears, xo that while the eyes of the wearer are protected from the smoke bs can hear distinctly. There are connected with the mask wo rubber bags one for the exhaled air and the other connected with the oxygen and the regenerated air. The former la contained In steel cylinders, and by means of proper reducing valves acta on the air after the carbonic acid which has been exhaled la abxorbed by granulated potash. The Instrument weighs about twenty-eigh- t pounds, but Is sure In Its action, and has been used successfully by the Paris fire department, where, In addition, portable electric lights with flexible cables form a part of the equipment, and thus allow firemen to penetrate dark and smoky roomx and cellars to save life or cut off gaa or lectriclty, or perform some other useful duties. In mlnea the apparatus la valuable In case of accidents due to p or explosion, and It la coming Into extenelve use for thin Montreal Herald. life-lavin- aiiiif-iiicii- a ii.adi- rii'ic.'i! .on. a ini in wlrii,.: G.ai.ile Pcf.a'.ir '.lie AJRACE Rheumatism Thoroughly Cuiwtf Dr. Wililamo' Pink Pills Pals Psopls. g n Golfers and tennla players now gw barefoot In Jackson Park, Chicago, every morning, while the dew Is on the grass. It is considered bad form to have the feet covered. New York American. This perhaps If an Idea which hasnt occurred to otaer recent golfers, rosslbly there ma be something In it. Our artist depicts a arena which might seriously mar the enjoyment of the occasion. NOT nat Hard Work and Long Life. Almost every one with a Ri'neroui in acquaintance ran recall Instum-i-which hard work and length of days existed have auiicnbly togmher There Is small doubt but that to work hard and cheerfully means to work and live long. tea" If you have a good grocer, stick to him; if not, dont you know one? fire-dam- BVILD VP VTAH. We ask you to use Three Crown products because they are the best of the good ones. We ask you to Insist that your gro cer cupplieo you with Three Crown goods, because every time you buy a can of Threo Crown Baking Powder op Spices, a bottle of Three Crown Extracts, or a package of Three Crown-Teor Coffee, you are helping up an industry that haa been helping to build up Utah for 18 years. We furnish employment to a large number of people we want to furnish it to a larger number. Theee people build home in our state, they help the grocer, the butcher, the coal man, the ice man, the clothier and dry goods merchant, and other lines by giving them that support necessary success. When others prosper YOU must ahare In their prosperity, and therefore tt ie to our mutual profit and advantage that you insist on being supplied with Three Crown Products. We thank you for your pact support and encouragement, and in anticipation of your further patronage. Respectfully, HEWLETT BROS. CO 6alt Lake City, Utah. d Wanted to Help. E. J. Dilion, writing In the Review of Reviews, tells this story: Among a group of happy, bright children the question was asked what they would like to be when grown up. One little boy who had remained silent and thoughtful, waa the last to speak, and I think Id this Is what he said: What do you like to be e god. mean? exclaimed one of the horrified elders. Well, you see there is only one God now, end he hss an awful lot to do and no one 4o help him." Slow and Lucky. Perhaps there la no one trait that more differentiates unlucky" men from lucky men than the carefully preserved habit of going alow. . . . I know men who are essentially lucky men In the common meaning of the word, and I have often noticed their calm, unhurried speech and action. Grand Maenxine. Important to Mothers, carefully emy hauls of CABTORU, a Hta and aata remedy for Infanta and children, and aaa that it pur-pon- e. The Ideal Wifs. Chicago clergyman preached a practical sermon on the Ideal wife. The necessary attributes he dwelt on especially were truth, gentleness and pleasing appearance. To attain the realms of the Ideal a wife must be absolutely truthful to her husband; she should never criticise her husband, nor be a scold; she must look her best at all times, and it Is a sin for her to be careless about her personal atUre In the presence of her husband. These are the quite sensible pointa made during the course of the sermon, but there was one essential virtue omitted. The reticence that will prevent a woman from ever confiding to people outside her home what troubled she may meet with there. But when are the clergymen going to tell the world what the ideal husband should bet A There Was an Agitation. When the little man with two watch chains had ascertained that the other man wan from Powdervllle Jie naked: Excuse me, hut I want to ask after man whom I think Uvea In your town. Hla name Is Barclay." Joe Barclay T" Yea, thats the one. I used to know him In Indians. In he In politics?" I believe so." What party does he belong to?" He'e an agitator." Do you mean a labor agitator?" I wouldn't exactly nay that, but ! know he's an agitator. But I dont exactly understand.' Well, he was my opponent lor the offlee of mayor last fall, and he agitated things around so that I was snowed under by over 408 votes, and have been agitated half to death by his crowing ever since." Exchange. Viewed from a Business Standpoint Walker and Goodrich are undertakers and business rivals in one of our northern New England cities. At a children's dancing party last February the birthday of Washington was being observed In a pleasing manner. Little Margaret Walker waa tbe center of one animated group of children who were eagerly discussing something they had overheard concerning the great man. Why, dont you know that Washington Is dead? volunteered one little girl, proud of her superior wisdom. Are you sure?" asked Margaret; papa didn't say a thing ' about It. I guess Goodrich got hlm. la Das For Over SO Yaam Tha kind Yoa Hava Alwaya BoaghL Protection TEA Against Vipers. queer ceremony Is performed every year on the eighth day of SepA is better than most of us tember in the Valle Magglo, Lombardy, Italy. The region abounds In vipers. The celebrants form Into a weird precession, each person, man, woman and child, carrying a hugs figure of a snake atuffed with cotton. As they pass along they weep and lament believing that by tbe expiatory ceremony they will render themselves proof against snake bites during the grape gathering. know: good tea. Why. do we drink common stuff? U tvary piekii of MUliac luka Good Ta Bird-Catche- bird-catche- 8IX MONTHS CIRCLE TOUR 862. Still Another Move by the New Salt ' Lake Route. Tbe Balt Lake Route will sell round trip tickets to Los Angeles, returning through 8an Francisco and Ogden, for 2.00, good six months. Tickets on sale by agents Salt Lake, Stockton, Fork, Eureka, Mammoth, Spanish Provo, American Fork and Ijhl. Special Hearse for Giant hsd to be specially made at Rawtenatsll, England, for tho burial of James Nuttall, the largest man In Lancashire. The coffin, which was six feet four Inches long, three feet wide and two feet deep, waa carried by twelve bearers. Rational and Feminine. The truth la women do not care about food. When lti for themselves it ceases to interest them. Women who live alone can never be trusted to eat at all. It la a sad commentary on the sex that Eve Bhould so long hare resisted the seductions of that apple. What, of course, overcame her was the desire to have something she knew she ought not to have a per fectly rational and feminine desire. Tbe thing llself had no influence over her; It might Just as well have been as an apple. Liverpool a cigar-cutt(Eng.) Mercury. A hearse Ask Your Dealer for Allena Foot-Eai- e A powder. It rests tha foot. Cures Swollen. Sure, Hot, Callous. Aching, Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. At ail Druggists and Shoe stores, S3 cents. Accept no substitute. Suniplo mailed FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Lciioy. N. V- - er Morally Improving Habit. The habit of dressing well grows on s man like the opium habit, but Its consequences, instead of being disastrous. are delightful, snd socially as well as morally Improving. Sartorial Art Review. POWDER. The Best Example of What a Pure Baking Powder Should Be in Quality and Price. . . popular and efficient baking powder requires two things first, that the food made with It shall be absolutely wholesome; second, that it shall be aold at a reasonable TEA price. In talking about tbe healthfulneae of baking powder. It must be remembered that baking powder la not aa article of diet any more than compressed yeast. One would be quite aa objectionable for food as the other, except that of tha two, tha baking powder might be preferable. We do not eat either baking powder or yeast. What we do eat Is the oiacnit and oread raised with them. When placed upon the table no yeast remains in the bread and no baking powder in the biscuit. Both leavening agent hare been destroyed In the aeration snd the baking; otherwise, instead of light bread and biscuit we should d have a mass of heavy, dough. n Oue brand, K C Baking Powder, ia aold under a 1500.000 guarantee of its healthfulneaa and purity. Thors can be no doubt that a baking powder so guaranteed is absolutely whokwiine and perfectly reliable. Even if it did remain in tho food it eould do nothing but good. With regard to price, a baking powder as efficient and wholesome aa is possible to make can be aold, at a fair profit, for ono cent an ounce. If it costs more tbo price la hard-bake- well-know- Art's Surrender to Utility. George Washington was sitting for one of his numerous and highly differentiated portraits. If I might venture a suggestion," the artist said, with becoming respect and deference, I think a little leu sternness of expression might be No, interrupted the Father of His I Intend this one for the Country. stamps of the twentieth century." Composing his mouth Into the firm, rigid lines now familiar to all of us. he waved his hand as a signal that the artist might proceed. Deaf-Mute- s in Postal Service. The postmaster general has decided to throw open positions In the city postofflees throughout Canada to an unfortunate rlass of citizens, nanufy, Six such persons are to he appointed at once In the Toronto postolHcc and a proportionate number In other city postofflees. They will require to be sufficiently educated to perform the ordinary sorting of mail matter, and to be under the ago of thirty years. Montreal Star. deaf-mute- Rule Against Intoxicants. One of the New York banks has rhllUM M la I go ftotral bbbmbb adopted a most stringent rule ngalnsl him vitk the use of Intoxicants by Its employes. Every man In the service of the bank Odd Catches Fish. Jap been required to sign an agreebaa A Japanese fisherman has caught a' ment that he will not even enter any Honolulu a new and strange fish, where intoxicants are sold. which, so far aa known, is unique. The placo men who had signed this Two young fish Is called the frog fish, because of were summarily dismissed the fact that besides fins anti gills 1. pledge for taking a couple of women hss four well developed legs and feet, recently fashionable rtrinirant after the a Into (he feet being even provided with toe theater. nans. Stringent a Professional r, Berlin supports a professional who keeps scientific institution! supplied with blrda, nests and eggs. Thera la more Catarrh tn thla reeUM of (h eontiy iaa all other dlaaaa pet tusathar. and anti ISa laat rurasrtat iw reare waa auppored hi b laearablai doctor reare pmnoanead It a local dlaeaa cad aoj raaeiwad local remadlaa, aod by Mutually failles care with local treatmaot. pro boo need It laaorabla. stoaca haa piurea Catarrh to ba a eonultuMonal dla-uand tharafora raquIraaouatUoUiiBal HVainimt. all'a Catarrh Cura, manufactured by F. J. Chraay Ohio, I tha only CoaKItuttoual cur on Co.. M market. It I takaa Inianally la dwaafroreblood10 Rip ia a taaipaatiU. It acta directly oa tha id muoun lurfacasof tha aynam. They offar oaa und red dollar fur aay rare II fall to car. Band circular and trrtliiioalala. CO., Toledo, Obi. Addraaa: F.J.dlKNKX Sold by DrusalK. flu. K C BAKING Baal Taa la Baaklati Haw to exhorbitant. Millions of pounds of K C Baking Powder, made by the Jaques Manufacturing Company of Chicago, have been add at the above figure all over tho oountry ; and K C offers tha beat example at present on tha market of what a good baking powder should be, both in respect of quality and reasonable pries. Postmaster Under the Lash. Robert Cecil, postmaster at Tipton, reOre., convicted of ceived, under sentence of court, ten lashes on the bare bark In public, recently. He la preparing to sell hi property now and leave the countrj. wife-beatin- is an insubstantial thing but a most substantial comfort A Big Claim. I have all my life leen made TEA We choose to sell tea; and it goes from Alaska to Mexico. Its the tea! Tnr pflfff return fssr llkeffebillliijrii HmC eioeey if jm loa't London's Deaths by Accident. London's average death roll by accident among irales Is between four and five a day. London's male population numbers 2,167,897. so that the risks of death by accident are more in Ixmdon than in the rest of the country- Every two days throughout the yp-- .r nine are killed by un-- 1 7c.i'.cditnted violence. The Richest Man. Croesus was king of Lydia, a country of Asia Minor, in the seventh century before Christ, and was renowned for his prodigious wealth. His country was conquered by Cyrus snd annexed to Persia, 546 B. C. His wealth gave rise to the expression, As rich as Croesus." But with all hla money he could not bny food so wholesome, nourishing snd palatable as Vitos, the leading cereal food cf the day. aware when death hss seised or dinger threatened those 1 love. Thus no fear of evil things ever disturbs me, so certain am I that if the worst of all calamities befel, I should know it on ihe Instant of Its happening, without the need of any human agency. Helen Mathers in the Daily Graphic, TEA lb. SchillingsBest, Get and follow directions. I req psrksa at arkintfVs 1MM IV k InkMi now to Xk (Ion Too. -- A Practical Wlah. At Atlantic City last week I heard a good one from a girl. Her mother, seeing the new moon, took a quarter from her purse and wished on it She then gave it to the child and told her to make a wish and Valuable Marten'e Nest Four finger rings and seventeen it would come true. After the wish was made thr mother asked what it brooches were used In the construction of a martens nest which has been was. and the child said: I wished I dislodged from brnoath the eaves of could keep this quarter." New York World. a house In Frogmore. England. PIlIs-bury- 's |