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Show i A GIANT LAID LOW. I'Imni- - him. He Is up al the u i n Hh mh buying a bait first Crippled end Made III by Awful Kid-nc- y Disorder.. John Fernaays, fruit raiser. Webster, N. Y say.: I used to lift railroad tie. easily but wrenched my back and began to suffer with backache coi Hr s not too philanthropic V! n you in know him well, iliii soul is niitioiKiipii- By the sto:na Hut Ihry tell. ; A moat uniilr.iK.ltlt You would linn KUrss Ins guile With Ins luiuiisluiki- - Wiitm nml Aim Ills giiiil, i iglu smile. folk-'- trouble. neglected It until one day a t wr 1 n ge felled me like a log and made me crawl on hands and knees. I was so crippM for a time that I couldn't walk without .ticks, had headache, and dizzy spells and the kidney secretion, were sediment. muddy and full of brick-dus- t Doan. Kidney Pill, made the pain disappear and corrected the urinary trouble. I have felt better ever since.' Sold by all dealers. Mi cento a box. FoaLer-MilburCo, Buffalo. N. Y. a 1 m - liiOu by' (Copyright dust-whit- d, a TEA -- Brittany Marriage Custom. Conspicuous among the adornments of the bridal feast In Brittany la an artistic and elaborate butter structure as fanciful and elegant as tbe most beautiful bridal cake, and Into this structure the guests stick split sticks bearing coins of gold or silver. TEA Poor tea is poor comfort; there is no difficulty in get- ting it good. chlson Globe. At o, wlde-nioul- Into the stretch of woods, and drove up to the back of tbe row of tents. Halloa, Heimer! Wle gehts! How many for plea Tho yourg man who had come from the tent paused In astonishment as the vision of yellow bralda and pink sunbonnet met bis gaze. I beg your pardon. Is Heimer I am Minna Heimer," said a soft voice, and I cqpae to deliver tbe goods. he nodded understanding. Oh, $262,-000,00- throat-whiskere- , pret- ell. Halil eu-.i- I wonder if the campers tbe horse. are rily people or farmers?" She turned into tbe road that led Record-Breakin- She Doesn't Need to Havo Dollars. comb-t-rt-nile- conu--tbiuf- Daily Story iuli. Co.) zlg-gu- g d In every town It la said of tho tiest girl: "She haa no sense. ii r bifoie air-tig- Bab sauntered down the little path through the orchard to the e road. Visiting on a farm is rather pleasOne ant, but it has its drawbacks. gets no opportunity to ride. The horse work all day and at night are too tired to be hooked up. I'm going to ask the very first rig that I meet Guillotine for Rent The town of Lucerne has bought take me in. The tinkling of a bell roused her for $200 Scltaffhauscn's old guillotine, and announces that it will lend It to from her ruminations, and looking up, she saw a white, canvas-covereother towns at $5.50 an execution. 7wugon coming. As it came nearer, A. Heimer. Fresh Baked she read: Here Is Relief for Women. Mother Gray, a nurse in Now York, dis- Goods. covered a pie unit hnrb remedy fur woman's A bakHow odd! she thought Ills, ealioa AL'STUALIAM-LEAF- . Ills the in tbe country! only certain niuutbly regulator. Cures ery wagon She stopped by the roadside and female weaknesses, Backache, Kidney and Urinary troubles. At all Druggists or by motioned to thd driver to stop. A mailfiOcts. tsimpla mailed FREE. Address. ruddy-faceold The Mother Gray Co., Lelioy, N. Y. man beamed serenely upon her. Ah! Vat you vanta?' Jackdaw in Flywheel. What have you besides bread?" A pet jackdaw was missing In a Cakes und pies. Kilmarnear large machinery shop I will take half a dozen cakes." nock, Scotland, the other day, but was When the transfer of coin had been found inside a large flywheel, after It had circulated for over two and a effected, Bab asked him which way half hours at 176 revolutions a min- he wae going, Rount mit der Forks rote, und py ute. The bird was unhurt. der rifer rote. You go dat way alg Ever Hear of Scotty and His ready yet? Yea, that la my way. May I ride RldeT with you?' Tbe story, briefly told, la this: WalThe hearty Ja Induced Bab to ter Scott, tbe Death Valley gold miner, climb to the seat beside him. The made the trip from Los Angeles to trot of the horse, the little ewift, on summer a last special Chicago train over the Santa Fe" In leas than pretty passing scenes, the redolence 45 hours. That whirlwind train coat of bay meadows without and fresh him more than $6,000. It was the baked bread within, and the chatter fastest long distance run over moun- of the simple old Dutchman were tains and plains ever made on any very pleasing to the city bred girl American railway. It demonstrated who had fled to her uncles farm to "beyond dispute that the Santa Fe find a refuge from the heartache contrack, equipment and employees are of sequent upon a returned engagement the dependable kind. Probably you ring. wouldnt care to ride so fast. You preWhat do people in tbe country buy fer the luxury of our three trains from bread for? she asked. Why dont Utah and Colorado to Everywhere they "bake their own cakes and East and Southwest Ask me for ticket rates and litera- loaves? The old man shook hla head. "Not ture. C. F. WARREN. for him to reason why. his simply to F. Ry. O. A.. A. T. & sell and buy," thought Bab. 411 Dooly Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. At every farmhouse a customer was in waiting for a goodly supply. There is something wrong with a That your gal, Heimer?" asked one man if his religion makes a pessimist farmer with a sly glance In Bab's him. of direction. Have you a daughter? asked Bab, when they had resumed their journey. Ja. Minna. She 1st ore goot girl. She rltea mit me like you. This Is It goes to the spot her hat, then. From beneath the seat he brought A man can afford to rejoice at his neighbors good fortune If It does not forth a pink sunbonnet which It exceed his own. pleased Bab to substitute for ner hat The baker nodded hla approval. Piao's Cure ts tbe best medicine we ever uwd Now you looks some like Minna. (Or ell affections of the throat and lunge. Wil hair 1st yellow like youra, but Her 1000. I Feb. 10, ml.. Vanburen. Q. gHSHT. she does It mit braids. Esb removed the sunbonnet, took A metropolis la a town of so much Importance that It no longer has to out a lapful of plna and combs snd made her hair Into two heavy braids. brag about it. A turn In the road brought them Thanksgiving Rates. In sight of a broad, shining river. The "Hurrah for tbe fun, la the pudding baker pointed to some tents on the done? bank In among the trees. Hurrah for the pumpkin pie." "I takes brod to the folks there. Visit the old folks at home 'and en- Then I comes back already. Havent yon got time, Heimer, to joy the day's blessing free from care. One fare for the round trip between any station in Utah on the Salt Lake Route, Utahs most popular line. Tickets on sale November 29 and 30. good nntil December 1. Writ far ear Xeawtadga BaaS, A. ScSUUac hzd o O Schillings Best is packed in a way to keep it good a long time; it is never loose. How to Acquire and Retain the Priceless Possession of Good Health eai-.- l Occupation for tho Aged. How to Ventilate. in his Medical Dictionary, arweathcold Quatn. the of advent the With Take off that delinca advanced lire aa tbs cloned, are bitrarily windows er the doors sud inand eighty-twShe ut immutable. ptrlod between sixty-twlargely shutting out tbe purifying and the time of old age lieyond Tleaze. lt.ib!" fluences of tbe fresh air which baa so But the iuflrmllles of She took it off demurely and donfreely clrculaied through the house that period. age are measured, not no much by ned her hat; thi-- essayed to put up during the warmer season. ingtb of days as by the Integrity of the-- braid. The rude habitations of our pioneer the bodily functions, and the soundNo!" he 1 I like thei. oik-aid. their with capacious ancestors, nevir tea jour lialr down betori-- . fireplaces, were superior to our mod- ness of tbe organic structures. Tbe question. How much work is You ON z veritable tlrelcben. Bab, ern palatial dwellings in that there tell t."--, ii dl-- l you down here was always possible an abundant sup- normal and rational for each? must be answered accordiug to the past life in the eouiiTy?" ply of fresh air. Houses of the presand present condition of each indiI don't know. I had to do made are land civilized our in ent day I vidual old man or woman. For most architectural as as nearly 'Bab. dm line!" Is no emskill can secure, and unless provided old people, however, there No!" tin- - cried, warding off an mechanical ployment better than work in a gars with some systematic arm. did you means of ventilating, the Indoor air is den in which they have some commerappioacliln Why come? cial interest. Money, honestly earned constantly contaminated with breath and "Becitnn- - I In aid you were here." wisely spent, promotes health, resulting other and impurities poisons Bab now n im-Tho hoeing, up nt the farmweeding, trimming, gathand from the heating and lighting house and l!.e baker and farmer came so as to ering and marketing of the fruits and within 'he house, rooking out of the burry m e. egetabies or flowers; tbe open air be a eimsianl menace to tbe health of ltob got oi,i am went up to the exerciae In tbe sunshine among life, the Inmates. baker- things; the healthy stimulus growing means of provid- of Probably the best I I hour tit I'd com tbe work, studying and up and ace planning the needed supply of fresh air. la If we lute your whole piurk ing talking to othera of the beat meiluHla chimh a fire with Tims can't eat enoueh to tbe open of garduning what la most profitable The oien ney to act as vetililaior. satisfy them." to plant In that region, how the land grate la likewise the most healthful should be fertilized, and where and Tbe bir;-:iiwas closed and (lie a house; although when to sell lit products all this goods bsmieil over to him. Then be means of heating so far as fuel alone is concerned. It It approschn! the farmer. the mind active. not the most economical. Weighed In keeps Let pie take your horse and bugraising and bee culture are luuilry the balance wlih the saving in health, also well adapted for gy for the ri sd of the day, Wilson?" employments however, It may be considered a mat- those advanced in life wbn need It Sure," said the farmer. ter of economy. Then Rob turned to Bab. make work remunerative. Come!" he said. If other meant of beating be emThe main points for (be aged Ii And she came. ployed, good ventilatlou can le se- consider are: To avoid disease and cured only by some special arrange- premature failure of strength, not bj ment for tbe Incoming of fresh air Increase of food and stimulants, as it FLOOD OF GOLD IS PREDICTED. and tlie outgoing of foul air. How ofien advised, but by cutting down Will Yellow Metal Ultimately Become tills may be well accomplished la beat and simplifying the diet in proportion told In tbe words of a well known au- to tbe decreased wear and tear of U Too Plentiful ao Money? The foul air sue, so that tbe Intake-wil- l Will gold ultimately become too thority on the subject: not exceed outlet should be constructed on the the output; to atlli maintain an inter-eaplentUul for use as money? Some persons think it will. Tbo world's gold plan of the fireplace an ojienlng near in current thought and activities, 0 the floor connected with tlie chimney and to select some occupation suited output ns $254,000,000 In 1900, or an upright ventilating abaft, the to their physical strength and their in 1901, $295,000,000, In 1902. top of which should extend above the previous training and skill. $325.0(10, OtjO In 1903, and $350,000,000 In 1904, It will be $400,000,000 In 1905. roof like a chimney. The vent Hating The secret of a healthy, useful, sashaft should always be located In an liva old age Is to know how to wear How do we know that tbe $40U,000.000 mark will be reached in 1905? Because inside wall, and, If jiosslble, should out life's waning energies normally, the chief gold fields of the world are bo placed next to a chimney which la not to exhaust them prematurely by more produel ive thus far in 1905 tban always warm. The chimney heals overwork, or, worse still, waste them Last year (he the duet and Increases the draft. by tbe rusting of needless inactivity. they were in 1904. United States led all the countries, The opening for the outlet of imThere would seem to be little need with an output of $80,000,000, accordpure air should be at the bottom of in old age of rieFtltutlnn and depend-enr- e on the county, were all tbe working to a writer In Leslie's Weekly. the room when tbe house is heated This yesr we are breaking all the rec- by a furnace or by other means which ing classes to plan for a home in the ords for this country. wartni the fresh air before it is ad- country and a few acres of land, by The world In 1905 Is producing just mitted to tbe rooms. If the fresh air saving money uselessly spent for such outlet g twice u much gold as It yielded In Is admitted cold, .the foul-ai- r should be at a higher level. The best articles aa toa, coffee, tobacco and al1895, when the Nebraskan, In the Chicago convention, started hla little point is perhaps st about four feet cohol, to aay nothing of other Injurious table luxuries. By a wise econfrom the floor. This will secure financial reign of terror. Tbe scramthorough admixture of the air. If the omy In tbe expenditure of monoy, and ble for gold among the nations' which he dwelt on then has ended. outlet la at the floor, the cold fresh rational investment In a home, the Air--, admitted! .to. ..tho .,ynMHjtfjaaa J p rjfiftmpUr.ln IV world- - Web and And themselves with a fund of health ten (he right sort of security can got out before it has been warmed all the gold these days that It needs, used, while the hot foul air will ac- and strength equal to their day, and except perhaps Russia, whose credit cumulate In the upper part of the when no longer able to compete with Is hit hard by the Japanese war and room, and thna the change of air will a younger generation, they would be Imperfect. ailll have useful, remunerative occuby tbs menace of civic cataclysm. "Two opening! must be provided to pation on (heir own premises. The Nebraskan's own country has more gold in 1905 than It can make secure proper ventilation, one for tbe Shut Your Mouth, profitable nee of, and la lending It to entrance of fresh air, the other for Shot your mouth. Breathe through every country which asks for It. Half the exit of foul air. It Is in every a dozen countries have dropped sil- way better that tbo air should be your nose. Never allow yourself, ver since 1896 and have adopted tbe heated, at least partially, before It says a medical writer, unless positivegold standard. Mexico did this in enters the room, aa this will to a ly necessary, to breathe through your April, 1905. Every great nation in large degree prevent the formation of mouth. The nose is made to breathe the world la on the gold basts Unlay a cold layer about the floor. through. It is provided with halra to sift (he dust our of the air. It la proexcept China. Every small country Is "There are too many Enaus who vided with warming plates (turbinaton tha gold basis except half a dozen of tho minor ones in Latin America, sell their birthright of health jor a ed bones) to temper tbe air. It Is Aala ind Africa, which do not count mesa of pottage, and it is difilcult to provided with apparatus for furnishrealize how much of the suffering and ing moisture to the air. All of this la in the world's affairs. ill humor of life la due to not having quite essential before the air Is drawn learned to do without in the matter of into the lungs. Paints Wild Beasts' Eyes. Breathe through the nose. Shut eating and drinking. One of the oddest ways a young your mouth. Man la a talking aniwomai artist of this city has of addmal. He talks so much he forgets Temper Powders. ing to her Income is the painting of Sir Lauder Brunton, a famoua Eng- how to breathe through hla nose. In the gliss eyes that are fitted into the lish physician and surgeon, Is quoted slrglcg, also, It is Impossible not to heads of wild animals sent to a to be stuffed and mounted, by a special London cable to the New breathe through the mouth. a A good, brisk walk In tbe morning, says lie New York Press. She is not York Herald as recommending broto breaths temper powder, consisting of yourself eompelilng called upon to paint these special other snd of mide Is an drugs, excellent hynose. potash the for nathe through our run of eyea ordinary tive beasts. She only gets one of which should bo taken whenever one gienic practice. At first It may be is subjected to "some irritating occur- difficult, but persist In doing ao. Think these orders when some sportsman of it nil day, whatever you are doing. has killed a panther, a grizzly, or a rence, or some depressing news, of either, so Shut your mouth; breathe through tiger animals noted for the savage "to take away theofsting much worbeing your nose. Keep thinking about It glare of their eyes. Then she takes that in the place to until you have formed the hablL It attention to turn unable and ried tho la ail paina she capable of to get the glare" just as savage aa she can. other things, a person feels as if be may require quite an effort at first Before she begins work she learns in had slept over the bad news or worry, Lazy people had better not try it to obtain relief by turn- Some people are too lazy to breaths just wlat attitude the beast is to be and is able ing his attention to something else. mounted, for It would never do to anyhow. They go around with theit According to this dispatch. Sir Lan- month open, like a fish. Keep youi the animal with bis eyea ablaze with the light of battle if he der Ilrunion recommends the tem- mouth ibuL Breathe through yout nose. was to be postured aa lying half per powders' as a means of preventof temarleep. The work does not pay well. ing those constant explosions Bedroom Climate. per on the part of a memlier of the Sometimes the artist gets only a dolA person at the age of GO years haa lar a pair for the eyes, while now and family, Vhlcta "may affect the health stient about twenty years of bis life again ihe gets as much as $2 a pair. of the other members, who have their In his bedroom. Have you investigatImappetites spoiled, their digestion climate? sleeping-roopaired. their nerves shattered, and ed tho average My Ship, to as a sent were If missionary you In life ami has coins Mp by destroyed My their pleasures white. elk the some distant spot pestilential the induced by the mental suffering She's Maht'it with For mate of which was aa unhealtbful an love; irritable temper of another. un see of ridf the Plie pure delight. Is to that of tbe average bedroom, would treatment the best there patients Who .the sky bends sold snd blue nhn-eadminister temper powders to tbe you not feel that you were risking z round her piny. And rig'li" of (Inline great deal for the sake of the heathen? offending person, when the distressAs she lurls her snowy sails On tbe tombstone of tens of thouof the other members symptoms ing 1 look'd fw her oft and waited long, of those who hare died from tusands relieved. will be the of family beand dark liut rt"ts hung heavy berculosis of out an might appropriately be in lay; way Indeed, is. easy This I thought I could hear the BometiH-- s introuble; but It ! a dangerous expe- scribed, Disease and death were iiSli K g Of ik- - seraph tend, or caught the and In the end will only make vited and encouraged by a dient. (slow bedroom climate. wore trouble, for the effects of h ToFrom lr crowns of Baht, but doubts fears To show that this is no exaggerahI rn Id of potash and other stupefying Otecural my beautiful ship for ream. atdrugs are to leave the subject In a tion, it is only necessary to call Hut sit1 here at lent, my ship, my ship. state of Increased Irritation when the tention to the fact that fully half of My beautiful ship of henllh sud love: effects have worn off. In order to the tubercular patients treated in outShes si'Hired to the "Buck of Agi.-sftet cure bad temper, then, by this plan, door consumptive hospitals make a tenner floats shove. And Calvary' and sin the only effective method would he to satisfactory recovery. Fresh air will And I rst secure from Sinca the day my beautiful ship milled In. kpep the patient nnder the constant not only cure tbe disease, but is cerI'hlhiili'lplils I res. influence of the bromide of potash, nr tainly a wondorful preventive of iL It Is not more reasonable deliberateor some other opium, Fiathars from the Ostrich. to breathe Impure air tban it la to ly dmg. Apropos of tbe vexed question of In a great proportion drink Impure water or eat unbealtbful Bad temper, from feathers plucked wesrinf living food or wear infected clothing. birds ii hats, it is comforting to know or cases, has for lta foundation, or nervous exhaustion, Hint tM wearer of long ostrich feathThe national drink bill in England some other physical HI. which may be ers need have no qualms on the subcauses and of has fallen during the past five years-bremoval the relieved by more valuable ject. Thu larger and no less than 6,940,062. This cofeathers which are in the wings and the adoption of suitable physiologic Tn certain cases, moral incides, it is said, with the rapli'y tall C Hit Mrd. are carefully cut off measures. sro eeecssary, as well as growth of the tendency to eschew; remedies are left in with vdstiors and the ends flesh food. Physical Education. physical. Hi Skis till they drop out --Oh- hi-'- The Isthmian Canal. TEA lit- - fied. Days of Cheap Rents. Four shillings per annum was the rent of a house In llenrv VIIIs time. Trifles. J taught thee nothing la a trifle." "Trifles makes perfection, Tupper. out perfection la no trifle. Michael Angelo. of mol!. biii.i'mns upon ilnnan.l. anltbe yoMit tyrant wae quite molli- u Now that the Canal Treaty has been ratified, wn may' expect to see work resumed in a short time, and the great canal-rhlpcarrying huge loads of rillsbury's Vitos to all parts of the world. Ky the way, have you ever eaten Vitus? You'll like it better tban any other cereal food. M-- e " gt think hU heart vat slowing love. inl- e to uiT showing A time. h His III Ik is mighty taking; Yon ate IhiiiuiI to like him while Your right hit ml warmly shaking; Willi his glad, blight smil His nm liner s uM to win you If you're tin oik to hestow He's mere tl.un uit to skin you If you give him half a show. He's a mixture of hyena. k and Wolt ami And the handshake niakis It meaner. And the glad, bright smile. Oiirago Niws. With Hi-- CA,RE OF THE BODY tu come down here bread. 1 didn't know oflefi-i- i to You'll and kidney I 1 gng4 liver f It "Oh I Vat you vants? come In and see about buying that cow? called a lusty voice from farmhouse they were passing. Whoa! called the baker, reining te up. Will yon hold the horse, then?" be ssked Bab. Yea; but why can't I deliver the foods to those folks that are camp-ndown yonder and then return for you? So? Dat Is boL Der pig lofcs 1st slebcn cents, der leetle lofes, four cents, de cakes 1st ten cents one dosens, und der pies 1st ten cents. "All right! said Bab. touchiag up g disease-producin- "Now, tell me, he said eternly, what this means. as he continued to gaze in admiration at the fair young bakeresa. What will you wish? Pies, cakes, bread Before he could decide three youths appeared around the corner of the first tent and they surrounded the wagon. Bab knew at a glance they were city men and of her own class. Her modish shoes and skirt, belt, silver bag, etc., were covered by the dust robe. The white shirt waist, pink sunbonnet and yellow braids could clearly belong to Minna Heimer in their estimation, and she was quite enjoying the situation, returning their chaffing good naturedly, responding in fairly good German to their queries In that language. Suddenly another man appeared upon the scene. Babs heart gave a great leap and she caught her breath sharply, as she bent her head over tbe box of bread. So he, Rob Booth, had also fled from the scenes of their former hapIn her confusion, the dust piness! robe dropped ss she half rose to take out the bread. Whew! Minna is up to date. laughed one of the men, spying the shining Oxfords. Bab kept the sunbonnet lowered, snd resolved to disguise her voice should It be necessary to speak In the transaction of the business. How much for the brod, Minna? asked one of them coming up close to the wagon. Der pig lofes 1st sieben cents, der leetle lofes, four cents, der cakes ten cents der dozen, un der pies, ten cents." A shout of laughter went up at her transition from perfect English to the broken German. Oh, Minna, youre a darling. How much for a kiss?" The sunbonnet was raised now, and caution lost In anger. Two blazing eyes looked straight at the offender. Biff! The loaf of bread ahe was holding smote him sharply across the cheek, and she drove away without waiting for the purchases to he made. 8ounds of laughter, cries of Good for you. Billy. You got what was fell upon coming, all right her ears. Once out of the woods, she had to slacken her pace, as there was a narrow place to turn. She heard the sound of some one running swiftly behind her. She urged, anew the horse. Walt, Bab!, commanded a once-lovevoice. Another instant und be had sprung Into the wagon and sat beside her. Bab, look np here!" She obeyed defiantly. Now, tell me," he said aternly, what this means. It really seemed good to hear again the Imperious voice snd commanding way she had so resented In days gone d by. The baker let me ride with him, she said meekly, "and I put on his daughters sunbonnet and braided my health-destroyin- taxl-derml- it rep-teae- rI y. death-dealin- th-- " dr-nt- g |