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Show "i i... Mother's Doughnut. t il Catching. "Where did lie catch hi wife, y?" "lie didn't. She cbiikIK him." "If lhat'a the case, !u raiuht a tar. eh?" "Yea. and he's liei-- catching i' since.' I any-et- a M-- e I bat Mio.e of M e SiollX you." oliey me, lld you " of lie:. a ii a arc buy i nr iiiinnnoljlli s white thiui chHM-'em buyers conlil. I suppose." r Tar' ew-- r tV by so? ltiiau-- - tin y don't need m.y lion- Tl.i liotili' v .onif.!" v can riiiiii-- b Ibe - war-- j be said, "tiwriididrn. tribe you If Mio aii'h Is on ynur gxi nit-n-t VMircr It never Mss beluie; If uur ulutlsHik is empty Of Ms hoarded lulls store: Just leniniiher mm fur's douahnuts When the rloicls of trouhli- - lull Sweetenl duusliiiuls manufactured,' All weie built urouud a hole. If you think your ntxi lkir urighlior Had belter siMrt than you; If iirrtiHiw you made a failure And MUCcss Is hard lo woo; rti i our teeth tbt- way ou lined to, 1 I lie comfort to your soul ay illcii the aril nil fHMfirl i. in That was circled uipnd a hole. prow-t- not?" "I did. "Well, dear. I hereby solemnly command you to do as you please no niatti-- what orders I may give you." On that liai-lthey lived happlly - hert-af-ler- !:-- (. Iuck. s after. A Novel "Twlrler." In some experiment!! you may need a "twlrler.' which is an arrangement used for spinning object rapidly. 'uiJ. as you might like to add one to your Reminiscence. Marie (after the honeymoon) Mux. the tree uader which you here kissed me for the first time. .Max - Youre always raking up old iiiciiinrh s. Ill have that tree cut I.-- . cut ibiwtii Ho you remember, Max L)ir. this is the very sxit where the tree Translated for Tales Kr w. Tableau. from Fliegeuiie Illalter. Fit. "It fits you." argued the modiste, shrugged her but. ibe Mimmdslioulilcria archly. "Ii fli me." she aald, drily, "but it doesnt fit the exigencies. I am SO years old. My time la short. Uy limbing suit should correspond. Do you understand?" The modiste bowed and went fur her shears. Tuck. - Where He Fell Down. Archibald I wll do anything In the world for you. dearest. Helene Will you? Archibald If you would only try me! J "home made laboratory, a description of ll follows: It consists usually of two wheels fixed on a aland, and an connected by means of a band that by turning a handle on the larger wheel the smaller one may be made to revolve rapidly. The object to be twirled ia fixed to this second wheel. ' This twlrler can be bought, of course, from a dealer in scientific supplies, but the wheels of an ordinary toy cart cun Bonietlmes be utilized. Turn the cart upside down, and tack or pin the object to be twirled to one aide of the wheel, and spin It from the other aide by the forefinger. But If the object Is to be twirled In a horizontal position, as a pail, for Instance, the cart must be placed on down. Maiio (after the tree has been - riiui-iiits- r i (,- lv Mutually Satiafactory Arrangement Tin y bad been married in due and ancient form Geoffrey," said the young wife, "you endowed me with all your worldly goods, didn't you?" "I did," answered the young hatband. "Well, 1 faireby ghe them back to A Collection of Idiot. Attracted Him. for tl.e hand of o'ir to T uHnr Tm ii'iln' to be a Arctic explorer." who m dii'ieMcr in niairwK," bald the young announced Tommy T man. reading about llie I'eary cxpcdiiioii. 'You're an idiot?" said the Irate "Indeed?" Bked l Twaddle. "Are ou so anxious to And the north fat her. H t I didn't Mippoau I know II. polar 1 one In the another to Hut object you'll don't care about that. "Naw, up in them told region li' dangerous faic.iiy!" to waub yer rare!" Clear the Track. Aht U you tlilnk llieia'a i;i ib siiyrhing ut- sin ih ; trying ll xuu tiiiuk yuu'ri- luu u In Hi multitude ut runh; Just nuitliri s doughnuts Anil unwind In the soul Fluent pirns duughnuis In cimllnii. "ihry tit itnule around a liolo. . slip.-Pu- ck Cause of the Change. "The water was raid when I ami 1 don't believe I would either, If I'd been you. fieeli In," said the thin bather, "but It warm now. I suppose It's because Tv Similar in Ona Respect. got used to It." Abaurd. ' we hear a womon She Huh, uh," responded the fat lath 1 moatiulto Occasionally a "Last night slapped A Boston girl just went out ini In about the aame r. of an heuven aimak .ths of a Orleans girl came In." Ufc In use New would a she tone apeaklug "I1 je ; e (' Two Kinds of Twlrlera. resort. summer Tribune. . absurd?" "What's Its aide on a table, with the wheel face. It. on cause ha for the she lie Well, "Slapping a mosquito projecting over the edge. The cart Where They Were. "You didnt let ms finish. 1 slapped That's where we'll have to go to or and 1 read to cich otb must be weighted to keep it In place husband her and Trib"My Buffer from Detroit heat. the of my face on girl; the him er every evening, now; It's Justiplea and tha string to support the pall father thought it was the smack of a une. as near the center ot bounced did," aald Mra. Newllwed; why donl must be tacked klas be had heard and be do that when hi the hub aa possible. By twirling the fiance block." a and me Him. your chased yuu and atalre Quoting down wheel from above you may make the "I was Juat quoting Senator Sugared calla on you?" De Miss Hub; pall, with water, or whatever it may "Gracious!" replied aa you came up." Whom the Old Man Feared. spin around and around. dark?" .contain, the In read can your la Mra. you Nurltch, "how he aald "Ilow quoted?" "Say," An excellent twlrler, however, can hla smokin' pipe will be good this "He says tlmvs father's got to atop If have no cart, with made. be you to Nothing Doing. Tall." In the parlor. You'll have to speak a piece of board, a hook, and to kin If merely dared he I him told me." Nell mind I were won't "Oh. quoting thought you him; he rea piece of twine. Get a piece of board me hed bo sorry for It. hla price." Houston Post. "He ain't afraid o' me, neither, about two feet long by twelve Inches And waa he? . Belle Nurltch. plied M I was xorry I wide, and place it over the top of a I done. ba was; to but No; Nell Breakers. Strike Well, something's got doer altghtly ajar, tilting It so that old the Bearin' Tlllklna What! You dlil not alrlke told him. "If I wasn't afraid o' one end of It may reap under the top man too had I'd get the butler after him back when he slapped you In the of the door frame and ao be held In Unkind. Press. face? him. Philadelphia 1 I when mind place. Over the other end slip a loop lost vu my Digby Fllklns How could I? I had my umof cord that will hang down within In sick. and The Threa Fiddles. band In one my gloves brella two feet of the floor, and to this Hifiby When do you expect Ithlckl "And what did you see at the con the other. Translated for Tales from end fasten a hook. The board must Judge. cert. Willie?" asked the father. Meggendnrfer Blatter. be far enough under the top of the "I saw a man play a little fiddle and door frame to hold firm when the aald a fiddle," big another one ploy string la pulled on. the boy. , The loop of cord should now be "And don't youremcmber tlio cello twisted the tightly, and then the object to Willie?" suggested player, too, should be hung on the twirled be mother, who accompanied him. Aa the cord untwists the object hook. man another then and "Oh. yes; will be twirled and it kill twirl more fiddle." played a rapidly If a stick lie pressed downward Just above the twist. Hit Mistake. Flat pieces of cork may be strung "It I sirsuci Hint ii man like Mr. on the1 cord, being held In place b; Ideas as ao good with many Braynes, so knots. ii kum iu.i culi In bouid command public life." little attention Alphabet Trips. answered Senator Sorghum. A, game that requires no material lie I one or the people who figure and no preparation, but may be playout bow thlnga ought to be. Instead of la sometimes just the lobe ed are how going out they finding to know, particularly at a party. accordingly. his thing plana and laying Here la one that the older boys and Washington Star. girls would enjoy. Let us call It "A1 to phabet Trips." Liable Damages. out In red Any number of persona may take that light what's "Papa, in the game. The first thing to fur?" part Hired the street to choose a leader, who stands la the do that Il'e to warn in the middle of tlie room, with the I dangerous. "Do they always act lights out when players seated around him. Then he tells them that they are each to take a street is ilniigeroiis?" a trip somewhere, and must announce "Not always. Never heard of em DeIn street." Wall to him, In turn, where they are going out setting any and what they Intend to do when they troit Tribune. get there. Now. the oddity of this game conHer Object. Mra. sists In the fact that every word in "Dhl you hear that statement each Individual answer must begin making-is Tattle true. Is It nf with the same letter. If a player, for word "Yes. and ov ry example, says that he is going to a "But I supimsed Mr. Tattle waa which begins with place, the name of merely a gossiping romancer." of flour, ma'a ni. Shall 1 , !n! it fur you? Ten word Grocer in his answer pounds additional this truth G every Well, she's telling the Mrs. Takitt No. I'll take It with me If It tMi't t.xi with G. The game Is real-j- y must begin time beranse she knows It will make I'll make it as light for you a I possibly CHi Grocer (absenilyl a trial or wits, for the better the more trouble." answer, and the more quickly It Is givChoice the more credit a player Reserves. of en, Evil Hopeless Quits Lota of Beaus. A s' the from prize may or may not be offered,a Sing.! a t0on u "Dear Pop." wrote the boy "Then." said the jilted lover, "am awarded by the leader, or by be more to me any scud "don't I no longer sway art school, I to understand that of the players, to the one who which rote that half saved j money I have your hoait? best and readiest answer. the makes liat! replied the summer you sent me last month- Thu The leader begins the game by the - awhile, at least, my heart "Come home, wired the old man, girl; Just given, and then l c:.:s announcement she lnck. nrilsl.'' au to make it tot "you'll never make will le - ntrolleil by a syndicate.' where he Is gofirst player the asks of Illustration, we sake . The Czar'. Thoughts. ing. For the A in alphabetanswers wlli Enjoyed ths Cnanga. few a give "1 word, r wh.it thereMrs. Mayhem I'm sure 1 don't know the answers, The He's married, nil right." player order. ical brute when he a one-eyebo"g.ht 1 there x? U goinff to Athens, and "How cun you te'.l? He has no why ever married be that fore. fl;Uin,te hi under what he Is like yon! apanment?- wife with Mm " when the leader asks him I JslJlh.d lg t hoiirhr If Id had Iwo Mr. Mayhem I do. the player says. there, do "I know, and see how happy he la to going ground nor,f.rW,lr!rJwjrtb. eye. I'd have looked further. even at llila dull summer hotel." "Advertise athletics. Mlsa Oldone I Mias Sweetglrl wouldnt have refused Charley Banks If I'd been you. face" J s- e- - of-le- death-felgnln- ' Helene Then take this collarette to Catchem' department etore and exkiA change It for a size larger; I've the lose them she promptly boxed Nellie's ears. Nellie let go of the srlssoii, but retaliated by pulling Dorothys hair. After that they quieted down ome-wha-t, but the instant the dolls dress was mentioned the dispute was renewed as to how they should make it Up B goes to Boston to buy baked stairs papa, who heard the noise, delieans; C to Cincinnati to collect curi- cided to end the quarrel and appeared to Denver to defy dentists; osities; I) on the scene. The dress, he promptly E to England to entertain Edward; of secondary consideration, was said, K to France to fry frogs; G to Glasso he would take It and the scissors gow to gather guineas; H to Halifax Then he gave them to hold horses; I to India to Introduce lo his study. some advlre about the quarrel, but Idols; J to Jericho to Jostle Jersey-men- ; you must find this out for yourselves. K to Kentucky to keep kindling; I, to Louisiana to He low; M to Mon- It Is conrtsled somewhere. In the tana to make money; N to New York above paragraph. to negotiate notes; O to Oklahoma to Game of Bird Sellers. open oysters; P to Philadelphia to pilThe game of bird sellers is played fer pennies; Q to Quebec to quote In a quinces; R to Rome to read ritual; S as follows: The children stand two These outside. two row, leaving lo Savannah to sell sauces; T to TurEach key to tell tales; U to L'tah to use represent the bird dealers. a umbrellas; V to Vermont to vend ver- child represents a bird one being cana another a another crow, crane, W to Washington to waste milion; dealer says wagi ; Y to Yazoo to yell Yokels; ary, and so on. One bird to the other: Z to Zanzibar to xoutch zebras. "I wish to buy a bird." "What kind of a bird?" asks the secTricks of Animals. There arc a surprising number of ond dealer. A bird that can fly fast." says the Quaker animals animals whose regular method of Is to r first dealer. no resistance to their enemies. The "Very well," answers the other deal"take what you wish." er, IKissums trick of "shamming dead Is "Then. says the first dealer, "I will an old story. The hedgehog and some ? of the armadillos refuse to fight, but take a robin." As soon as the word is out of his tney are protected by sharp spines or armor. Among marine animals la mouth the Tobin must leap from the a atarfisu, often called the brittle row and run around to escape. If the star," which la the despair of collect- dealer catches the bird he puts It into ors. It seems to make It a point that a cage, where It must stay till all the none of lta family ahall be shown In other birds are caught. a bottle or on a museum shelf. When Nine Mens Morris. taken from the water this starfish This game was played by William throws off Jts legs and also its stomachs. The story is told of one col- Shakespeare when he was a boy. At lector who thought he had succeeded any rate, he spoke of it in one of his In coaxing a specimen into a pall, only dramas. "Midsummer Nights Dream." to see It dismember Itself at .he last It can be played in the house by premoment. W. H. Hudson describes the paring a board with boles, as In the g habits of a small South African fox common on the pampai. If caught in a trap or overtaken It collapses as If dead, and to all appearances la dead. Some kinds of beetles, many of the woolly caterpillars which have poisonous hairs on their backs, and numerous spiders aaopt the same trick. Perhaps the commonest Instance of passive resistance la the land tortoise, which draws up Its front piece and pulls In lta head and legs and defies lta foes by locking them half-grow- off-han- out A Few Dont. Don't write on soiled or torn sheets of paper. Don't write letters with a lead pencil. It Is very bad form not to say unpardonable breach of correct letter writing. Don't seal a letter of Introduction. The person to whom It is given Is supposed to Inform himself of Its contents. Don't fall to inelose a stamp to car ry an answering letter to a letter of business. Don't write carelessly. Spell cor rectly and be painstaking about your punctuation and the language In which you express your thoughts. Dont send a letter bearing blots or scratches. Make a new copy If necessary. A Problem In Arithmetic. Jack had two apples; Fred had three; Alice and Bertha, between them, had seven. The girls being unselfish pul their fruit in the lunch basket and told the boys to help themselves while they went to gather May flowers. They walked a mile and eight furlongs to a field, which the boys said was full of flowers,' but there were none. Then Bertha bit her lip and said something to Alice, and the two ran back as fast as they could, arriving at thirteen minutes past three. Opening the basket, how many apples did they find? The answer Is concealed In the above paragraph. diagram here pictured, but ia more fun played out on the turf. Just aa mumbletypeg and so many othar gamea are played. Two persona play the game. If they are Inside the house, using a board, they use nine checkermen, or pegs, apiece, differently colored or shaped. If out of doors, marbles or pebbles may be used. The players lay down their pieces, whatever they are. In the holes, one at a time, alternately, and It la each player's business to prevent the other one from placing three of hla piece ao as to form a row of three without any of the opponent's pieces between them. Whenever either one succeeds In forming a row, he may then take np and remove any one ot the other play-er- a pieces he pleases, except from a complete row already formed. When all the pieces are laid down, they are played backward and forward In whatever direction each line runs, but a piece can be moved only from one spot to another at a time. It la still the object of each player to keep the other from getting three men down In an unbroken row. Whenever one succeeds in forming a row, be removes any one of his opponent's men he pleases. The player who finally takes off all hla opponent's pieces wins the game. Novelties in Skirts. eyelet-worke- d lawn or linPeace Problem. en. somewhat tailorlike In make and The quarrel began simply enough. worn with long-fitte-d coats of cloth, Nellie wanted to help Dorothy cut out are among the novelties. The opena doll's dress, but they couldn't agree work lingerie skirt may match the how It waa to be done. Finally they cloth in color or may be in white began tugging at the scissors and made over a foundation In the color of when Dorothy saw she was going to the coat. Skirts of f Here la an arousing puzzle which the property around the lake and looks awfully easy after It is solved. around each poor man's land. Once upon a time four poor men After which the rich men erected a settled around the banks of a very "ducal pile," aa shown by the black small but very beautiful lake. The squares In figure 2. white squares represent their four Then the rich men, being stronger . urn--Ju- 5," Come-Back- d r.1 houses, as shown in figure 1. Now It seems that four rich men coveted the lake. Tbey tried to buy the four poor men out at first, but these people refused to sell. Then the rich men. knowing just how much land each of the poor men owned (which was hardly more than that covered by the pour men's houses l. bought every foot of and more Influential than their poor neighbor, decided to exclude them entirely from the use of the 'aue. To do this they had lo build a b'gh atone wall. What shape waa the wall? Before looking at figure 3. which 1 the solution, see If you can trace thej correct shape of this very peculiar' wall on figure 2. j |