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Show AAAAAAAAAAA A4r At At At AtAtAr Af A ATAtAt 7 1 1 ? f. I f I - both trained to western enrerprlre freui mrly life." to the A little Inter the party i li;id li:n atplace when the were found llii twu tacked. 'llu-rmen of the party, lioth killed by ar-rlln-r- e wa no but of wuim-l trace, they having evidently been Juurnev iu;ik log onward, away. loir short marehe and amne that were Lt mi along they Very trail. May 4 the Imige- -t Jouri.ey of all, bi'iwi-i'i- i tlfty nial ,ixty inln-- t without any uair the nkelrtuint of i horses iilnng the to nml wuti-r- . tall. Hourly wo continued to pre- - on, until townnl midnight, wliiii, after n bard nml in.ireh of iixt,--i- i hiuri, i.nr wild untie, hrg.m running iilii'ad. nml In a mill or two ! I'Hiiii; In ii biilil W tinMl kri-l- i runillnK aln-all- i i if that aiiliiinl. In them il rt region-- , lu tl.la a at entlng of life.' St I.uis--n- HOUStllOLL m d AFFAIR e ea.--rli- FOU FUFF TASTE. For rolling puff paste hullow gliM roh.iig pin filled with Ice water tc he are recommended. Fill-in- ,; crjiki-i- l a pin an ordinary bottle bus IxHi siiggi sled- - - on-Hi- evpi-ctin- felreaiii. To KEEP HI TTER. Fill a Ixiw I with eold water. Put on a plHte and put ou topcf tin- - )UHi-the liowi; then lake a plei-- of butter niiiiiin me I put over the buiter sml lei Imih endn drop into the water, fun the Inn ter for use, and can eit.'dy It h quite solid and COQ. find will ynll Wushliigtoii Star. Fortunately Fremont's party was bead of I be annual Sants Fe caravan, wldcb IliMired tlu-i- Ipaal gr,iM at the camping idncea. They bad not tbt-met parlies of gone fur Mohave Indiana, who ncemcd friendly enough, but mi the day following, two ftpunlard. a man and a lad, cauie into ramp telling of tjiidr party of six having been attacked by Indiana, about ATTACK KIi IS Y AX Hi TOiTS. rilll.L THE DISH. eighty mile beyond the cncampim-iil- . wrif lire of me oriopii. My llrsi dUh used for ice erssni A cut gbi They bad with them about thirty writes I'rdiik T. liullen In f 'reamrishould be ( billed before using, nut and Were anddciily attacked of the , uns In a litlli bay in 1ml with care. Tlunge the 4hh by a party of Indio n, who Lnd pre- Stewart J l:i .Vu- ZkiIhii.I. A venter and efler a iiilniite or cold Into viously hern In cuuip and aeeined river Itonvil liilo this buy, notable for two bike It out and put on it a few two its tine lbiii:iili-rs- , friendly. The horse gimrds-tb- o H ii I tiecrew of the lumps of h e. This will preserve Uie Who had Just come Into Fremont's In whirli I win, then a sail ir MM. II dish from danger of cracking. ship drove their animals through the dlaemereil Hint the riiMt way of Jmni party amt iwcHped with their catching tli.in was to wade iibuiil oil TOIXTKKS FOU THE COO. a hud left which Unit tiorsea, r tlicy the fine Kii:ily tn-- with Imre feet, When baking potatoes prick then twenty miles behind ou eomlng to heitig only up to mid thigh, mid with u fork before putting then When the white when deeply l'reuuint'a camp. felt the tint Im.iIj- wriggling In tin- - oven. They will osik better soJ men came to the place where the under liny tiell1 soles, to (read firmly and tho for pricking. huraea bad been left It appeared that quicker sloop, groping In the amid until they When potatoes use but reiik, the animula had been driven off by liiol the flounder safe between finger and If uiHshliig you have lieen In the lialilt f the I ml In ns. Carson ami Godet, with and thumb. They they would raise the Mexican Fuentea, started after him and put Jilin In the bag strapped using eold you will lie surprised at tbe difference In their lightness. them, but In the evening the Mexlrnn across their shoulders, returned, Ida horse having given nut. It.v and by we discovered that the In the afternoon of the next duy a nearer the sea the finer the flounders, FOl ir'lDST BEDSTEADS COMING war whoop was beard, such aa Indians and no one sunny afternoon I was wuil-Jnfour-pos- t The bed make when returning from a victorious to be coining back Into fanr, lu the Imy nenr the mouth of the enterprise, and noon Carson and (be rivulet and picking up some fine speci- and iiiuiitciir ure turning their atter driving before them a mens. Suddenly I trial uikiu some- tlon to Its decoration. Iu luting, candey apiH-nre(and of hornet, recognised by Fuentea thing Ilka a blob of jelly. Fearing n ing, fancy basket work and embrohleiy to be part of those they had lost. Two sting I made to step off, only to feel are all employed. If tlie bedspresl bloody act I pa, dangling from the end both my legs gripped In several pluccs docs not fall low at the sides a lengfi Of Godeya gun, announced that they by something that clung as If It would of linen with a deep fall of lace Is tlsl bad overtaken the Indians as wrell aa cat on at the corners. Tills has a vety into the flesh. the horses. They Informed us that afI stooped, sjid felt a king wblpllke good effect on any bed and la eady of ter Fuentea left, from the failure tentacle twisted rouuil my right leg. and Inexpensively dune. Crochet is bis horse, they continued the pursuit I tore it off, and felt a nausea which much In vogue now for the trlminlrg the entered and toward lone, nlgtitfall made uie quite giddy. of tea, toilet and sideboard cloths is led. mountains, into which the trail no sooner had I removed one well as for nightdress rases, plneutl-lon- a Itut After sunset the moon gave light, and and the ends of bolsters. Utha snaky thing than nuolher held me, aud they followed the trull by moonshine another and another, Tbo water wns Observer. . until late In the night, when It entered but I began to feel as If I o narrow dcflle and was difficult to shallow, must ha down, drowned and TEA TAHLE FURNISHINGS. follow. Afraid of losing it lu the devoured dragged horrible thing. this by darkness of (lie defile they tied up new Idea lu household furnishing A Fortunately I retained some prestheir horses, struck no fire and lay ence Is tea table oil which la spread's a sheath of and uilud. my drawing down to sleep lu alienee and In jark-naa- knife I reached down doth having a white background wit to cautiously Here (hey lay from mlulght a graceful design in blue. As a settlnf of the mnln tho I felt where body till morning. At daylight they reme h (hlug, and avoiding my bare feet, I for a blue and white china or for sumed the pursuit, and aboujf sunrise stabbed a room done In Dresden colors tlda fe Into central the part steadily discovered the horses, and J.Oi mini late- of tha beast. I was successful, for very effective and a pleasing vsriitlus Hi ly dismounting ami tying ,ip their own presently I felt the clutch of tbe tenta- from the regulation tea table, wltk they crept randomly to a gislug ground cles round my legs relax, I saw the fancy cover embroidered in white, Which Intervened, froirythe treat of water stained with sepia, and I or with plain white squares t .wblch they perceived tse encampment smelled the odor of stale musk, which damask. They are made of feU of four lodges rlo' by. They pro- all cuttlefish emit when disturbed. weight material, something like Jay bad got within ceeded quietly, I felt quite certain that had I been aiiese crepe, are IncxiM'iisIve and bar Irty or yards of their object laid huld of lu water out of my depth monlse very well with tlic llgbtihy movement among the horses hen on ef these rreatnrea only a mira- summer draperies. With a tefQtf ?IEsed them to the Indians, Giving by old blue china one of these covers fe a cle could Lave saved me from e war shout they lustsutly charged pleasing accompaniment, but tven luto the raiup, regardless of tha numwithout family helrlooma It miles an ber which the four lodges would Imply. A 80NCI. WITH substitute fur tho evertutini REAR ROUTS agreeable The Indians received them with a of the white used during the most of the year. liilialillants oldest of Oue tbe flight of arrows shot from their long Catsklll section of New York bad a bows, one of which passed through terrifying experience ou the old MountTIIK CARE OF I.INEN8. Godey'e shirt collar, barely missing ain House road on a recent night. The the neck. Our men fired their rides oldest inhabitant" Is a venerable and Every housewife delights in having stesdy aim and rushed In, upon black bear who has been dodg- nice linens for her table, and these sf Two Indiana were stretched upon the rusty ing the bullets and kndaks of hunts- heavy damask are rheaper In ths end, ground fatally pierced with bullets; men and tourists for years aud years. aa they wear longer and look Infinitely lad that waa the rest fled, except better tlmn tbe ' light weight Unens. There waa a picnic at South The scalps of the fallen captured. The (1. Dr. Rev. thinner clothe can be starched ever and juat at aundowu the were Instantly stripped off, but In the so little, thereby giving the appesnnet ltap-tlof CatsklU's M. pastor Rockwell, process one of them, who had two Church, with Ida wife and a load of heavier weight. This must be dose balls through his body, sprung to bis Hundny-achoof children, drove home- carefully, for a stiffly starched table feet, the blood etreamlug from his ward over the old Mouutaln House cloth Is unsightly, to say the lout . skinned head, and uttering a hideous Iu buying table linen It Is well to re howl. An old squaw, possibly his road. on this road, member that a cheek pattern in plain travel la There little mother, stopped and looked back from the old black bear waa doxlug lu or elaborate blocks with wrfrp and the mountainside she was climbing, and woof running straight across both middle of tbe dusty highway. The the threatening and lamenting. voice ways In a better bargain than floral the worthy Suddenly pastor's frightful specs tele appalled the stout raised la religious sonj, smote bruin's or curved pattern that costs tha ume; hearts of our men, but they dhl what ear. for the check pattern Is more euOy It waa a new ami humanity required, and quickly ter- noise. The crack of the rlfloterrifying and tbe manufactured, and, in conseqaenee, I minated ths agonies of the gory savof notes were better quality of linen Is put Into doth of familiar hounds age. They were now masters of the bay m eu gee to bruin, hut the stratus of of this design than into fancy patterns recess waa a pretty little camp, which Greenland's ley Mountains" rumbling at the same price. In the mountain, with a fine spring, and apparently safe from invasion. among the tree tops threw him into Great preparations bad been made to panic. Just then the pastor's faithful horse feaat a large party, for It waa a very work up and snorted a warning. Right for and a for rendcsvoim, proper place lu the deepening gloom the ahead robthe celebration of each orgies as bers of the desert would delight in. startled pastor and his littleoncharges a pair Several of the beat hursts had been saw an awful shape upright exwaa It hind of bruin, lege. huge hilled, skinned and cut up, for the In withbut quaking formidable, dlane, living In mountains and only ternally Crenm Crullers-T- wo scant mpfuli coming Into the plalne to rob and mur- in. There waa a terrified squeal from the of suear. iwo caps of der, make no other use of horse a than granulated of the whirl paswild a children and to eat them. Largo earthen vessel creaui, Iwo trnspooufuN of baking pow.were on the fire, boiling and stewlug tor's whip. With a roar of fright the der In simiflciit flour to roll out loft ami gal the hone beef, and several baskets old bear lowered hit forepaws with tbe Cut Into shapes and fry in hot hid. underbrush containing fifty or sixty pslrs of moc- loped Into the IXitaoH's au Gratin-nucupful of winner. casins indlcstrd the prernce or expec speed of a Suburban Killed lMitali'es. ,ue half cupful died had Mountains" Greenland's Icy tation of a considerable party. They of cracker crumbs, two bear-..logreleased the boy, who bad given strong wrecked bis nerve. Students ofanimal of melted butter and tablespootfuh think that the terrified evidence of the stoicism or something cupful of cheese. I'ut layer of each else of the savage character, in com will probably run himself to death. potatoes and cheee in a buttered bakWorld. York New menclng his breakfast niton a horse's ing dish, cover with ponrover head as soon ss he found he waa not a cupful of tullk or white satire and BRYAN, SERGEANT OF BRAVERY to be killed, hut only tied as a prison miuui-bake in a modnate r. Their object accomplished, our Travis T. Bryan, a Sergeant In Com- oven. twenty Infanmen gathered up all the surviving pany A, of the Twenty-secon- d Turkish Rice- iiil, very thoroughly horses, fifteen in number, returned try, la a soldier whose name will lie a cupful or rice, inw.re four upon their trail, and rejoined ns st our remembered by the troops In Mindaof luiHii ii .i Muicepanind Sergeant camp in tbs afternoon of the same nao, Philippine 1 Fla ml. to It one cuptul .r drained tfumto. day. They rode about UN) miles In the. Bryan won hta Certificate of Merit on ndd one of water, a pursuit aud return, and all In thirty-hours- January Sff of last year. With Ills a pint saltspoonfii! of iciir an,! , t(4) The time, place, object and company lie was on guard garrisoning Turn the rice numbers considered, this expedition of a captured More fort on the banks of spoonful of ori'in .in'. Carson and Hisley may lie considered tho Kiinilcn River. On this oecaslou Into the aaiieepati :t!i this mixture, w In ;. among the tioMist and most disinter- tha Mores made a desperate attempt to and hen it i;i wt ested which the annals of western ad- recapture the fort, and in the action It will cook very Wy r,,r when done venture, so full of during deeds, can two of his company otlieer were Do not stir tin present Two int-ii- , lu a snvsge desert, wounded and fell In the doorway of servo at once. Pineapple Mu'll r. s f. twoandetre pursue day ami night on unknown the fort. They lay lu the direct line of half cupful .if tl.mr .iinl ii.ix with It body of Indians Into the defiles of an the More fire, unknown mountain, attack them on Bryan put htiaself In front of the three t.nspini!,fui- - ..r !,,kin, alght without counting numbers, and worst wounded of the otHcers, shield- a saltspoonful of ,.:t fonr deart- defeat them in an Instaut aud for Ing him from fire, and In tho meantime I siunqifuls of suctr. tw , what? To punish the robbers of the making it possible for the other oflleer I a bowl nu.l into it nmir tw..n,i?- - a desert, and to avenge the wrung of to crawl to a place of safety. Bryan coffee cupful or m- k: .nij tbia Mexicans whom they did not know, stood his ground until a rescuing party other mixture nn.l b,.lt tllr t repeat, it was Carson aud Godey arrived, and when the smoke cleared svsmful of hnir..r . In In one cupful of siuM piiiesp, who did this the former an American, away the number of dead Mores born In the Bonnallck County of Mis front of the blockhouse showed what the uinitlu ring .is bake t ourl, the latter a Frenchman, horn in a marksman the Sergeant was. twenty th minuttlU u e y r - gt itcri-aMr- Si-u- -- , - KUi-il- l g a. THE EMANCIPATED WOMAN. The uew wuii,au kccius to have to the Miiit where it is a matter ' of doubt us to which Is now really the ''r cnk.r sex." At least, thorn me some wmii.iii who cvldiillly' cunsiilcr tlicniseltes physically superior tu ihose CAUSE OF TIIK TROUBLE. who were iiin-- regarded as lords of Miss Justin Io tell me! What Is creation. In nil times of iluugcr the the newest thing in swell gowns?" safety of women and children has Mias Tartun Why, dear, you are." been supposecil to be the first considChicago Tribune. eration. It Is different now, at least gave the men ANOTHER DANGEROUS STAGE. (n some quarters, first!" was Hie cry of Mine. Gust, ownMedical Ktuilcm "What Is the sur- er and skipper of the inutor I mat Caest sign of couvalcsi-cnccmille, when the rescuers from a French Old Practitioner1 "When the patient warship got on Ixianl her poor Hi lie begins to make love to his nurse." to snati-l- i her and the rest of the craft Town Topics. erewr from the violence of the acu. Save the nii-- first!" It sums up In HIS WAY OUT. a acutcnce the attitude of emancipated Fond Mol her -- Well, Mr. Crlticus, women. India uapolis News. ' what do you think uf Mary's voice? Mr. ('ritlciis "Astoiilshlug volume, WOMEN AS STATION AGENTS. iiimliim! Its volume Is simply wouilcr-fu- l. A Western railway Is making some Somerville Journal. radical changes in tbe personnel of its employes, nml It Is now predicted that AT 11 I. M. all the smaller stations on Its line Mr. Borem Everything sticks bo erentuslly will lie In charge of women tills lininld weather." tar It Is the Introduction of wonieu Mias Patience1 Is that tlie reason station agents which constitutes the you cant pull yourself away, Mr. novelty. The Innovation was first inBorem?" Cleveland I'luln Dealer. troduced a year ago. the experiment starting with one woman who turn ml NO ROOM. FOR DOURT. out a most valuable assistant. Not White "Why do you think Smith only were her monthly accounts models looks upon marriage as a failure?" of neatness and accuracy, but she had I heard him say not long ago lieen In tha office hut a short time beGray that he would never go to the peniten- fore she began to offer valuable sugtiary for bigamy. Detroit Tribune. gestions as to bow to make the road with the people along the line. populnr CLEAR AS MUD. The full measure of her capability waa Mrs. Cbugwater Joslah, what Is not discovered, however, until the oftbe meaning of tlie word equinox? ficials nidde a tour of Inspection, when It cornea from the womans station was found to he Mr. Cbugwater equiia, horse, and noxious, bad. Bad the best kept one on the road. Inquiry for horse. Will you never learn to use revealed that since she had taken the station It had ceased to be a lounging your own mind? Chicago Tribune. place, there was no rowdyism, and the DECLINED WITH THANKS. floors and benches were now dean. This exceptionally good record encouraged the road to experiment further, and it Is Interesting that tbe other women appointed have also given a of themselves. The good account woman station agent la found to display more tact in handling people than men agents, and there lmve been fewer complaints in consequence. Vogue. POI.1.WJE IIUMOR. Willie saw some dynamite, Couldn't understand it quits; t'uriuiiity never seven daya. It rained Willie ;ays: Princeton Tiger. i e, at c y twa-tliln- s - . R.-.i- t mi-lt- JJ al-ou- Her Father I regret to say, young man, that circumstances over which I have no control compel uie to decline your offer for my daughter's band. The Young Man "What circumstances are those? Her Father Yours. Pick Me Up. NO TIME TO EXPLAIN. You have quit complaining about the price of meat. Had to quit, answered the IndusI am kept so busy trious cltixen. hustling for the price that I no longer have time to complain. Chicago Journal. A RABID VIEW. said Miss Kay, "Now, professor you know something of human nature; at what age does the average man of Intelligence marry? Dotage! promptly replied the crabbed old fellow. Philadelphia rreas. A pretty new light shield to be ab tallied to gas Jets or crystal globe le a big butterfly uf artist proof paper, evo-lute- : THE NEW SCARFS. The flat scarfs often shade through tones of oue color and are to be had lu any of the season' colorings. Mar-alio- u and shaps scarfs of similar are also offer ml in many t ulorings, and rhesi! are little cravats, similar 111 shape to ihose made In fur last winter, but fashioned now of ostrich, marabou, ' chiffon, tulle or lace. These cravats meant to encircle tha throats and cross lu front or on the should-t- , ure made in varying lengths, ns were the fur cravats, but one of ! the most attractive models is compare lively short. One rounded is caught up across the other with a little cluster of artificial flowers, matching lu color the hat or frock with which ths cravat is warn. Made of closely set little frills o tulle, chiffon or Valenciennes lace, thlf model Is a charming accompaniment .to the light frock, aud will often supplement the transparent collar and chemisette or guinqie very acceptably. There are, too similur scarfs of soft lace laid over sheer silk with a veiling of chiffon, and bordered by a narrow Hue of ostrich or marabou or by a ruobing of little frilla of lace or ailk. Long straight scarfs are made, like tbe little cravats, of little overlapp .g frills of sheer stuff or lace, and on beautiful imported scarf of tbla shape bad triple frills of chiffon for a border, while the centre of tbe scarf was covered throughout Its length by huge white allk and velvet popples with touches of yellow and green at the! hearts. The popples were applied flatly to a chiffon and allk foundation aud their great loose crinkled silk outer petals overlapped each other. Newark Advertiser. s 1 I AMERICAN WOMEN IN PARI8. ' Tbe women folk from across the Straits or across the wide Atlantic are Instantly to be detected from their. Gallic slaters. Take the Rue de le Iulx; it la the stalklug ground at this minute of every lady traveler In the town. It presents not only a study in. nations, but a study in female hero worship, ..Boy, ma, do you see those ... sweet hats across the road?" ejacu lates a feminine voice that we "susWhat a picion" belongs to Chicago. lovely tulle raff!" aayi another, embracing the shop front lit the excess of her enthusiasm. I have discovered an American lady of tong reaUfence liT Paris, and v Ii versed In the art of dress. To her I put a delicate question, which I would never dare to resolve on my own account. Which are the better dressed, when they come to Paris, English or. Americans?" I asked. Like a flash; the answer came, "The Americana. I I suppose requested an explanation. the answer Is," she said, that my' countrywomen are more adaptable thaq yours. They are quick and eager for new Ideas. I have only noticed that adaptability In one clasa In England; the aristocracy. The smart woman la London la very, smart But what would you term yonr nppw mld.n. classes the daughters of bankers a id professional men, even of members of Parliament the less well turned out than oura. I think the chief fault Ilea the desire of tbe Englishwoman to dress picturesquely. Tbe mult Is that she often attains an effect which re minds us of liberty art curtains every pretty, but not suitable for clothes. Again, In bats, I thluk the Americana have it. They may speak inferior English, bnt they wear Letter hats than the average Englishwoman. There was no shadow of hesitation in tho decision. Will the verdict ba unanimously received? Paris Letter to rail Mall Uasctte. FELTS HATS BIG. The small lint has had its day. With the autumn big, picturesque styles resume their Interrupted dominion. It is not often that a winter fnablun can be foretold with certainty an early In the season. In the sweltering days of July, wlicu cloak models stagger under furs and wholesale buyers perspire ss they finger velvets and heavy cloths, there is always a gambler's risk about Investments. To buy the thing capricious woman will not like when she gets back to town meana ruinous advertising to convince her of her mistake, with inevitable loss at the far end of tbe bargain. The small hat has been a blunder. A wave of laughter has swept over the country at sight of gentle, dignified women transformed by polo turbans Into the likeness of impertinent minxes. Not In ten years has there obtained a fashion so generally unbecoming. Given a good hairdresser to adjust the coiffure to the hat, a certain saucy martness has been attainable. Without the hairdressers aid. the average womanwould not have looked worse. unless Fortunately the flat bread and hnt-te- r plate that Frenchwomen have slapped perpenil lenlnr against their foreheads and have called hats have not prevailed so largely lit New York City as have the polo turbans. Wherever they have been seen they have taken first prlxe for follshness. FELINE. Teis Do you like tbe cut of my new skirt? Jess "Very much. Test Do you. really?" SUADES FOR FARLOR LAMPS. Jest Yea, i wired, I had three Just When refurnishing tbe house one Ilka It when they were In style. cannot have too many dainty Freis. Philadelphia about. As the lamp Is such, an factor In the pretty home, Important COUNTING THE COST. the girl, who baa nothing In particuBacon Do you believe that time is lar to do, Is making shades for them, money?" and they are exceedingly attractive Egbert Certainly I do. and welt worth the trouble and time Well, if you had a dollar watch,aud one tnkes for making them. The had to wind It up for a week, how heavy silk and glass covered shade much would a dollar watch cost?" are carefully stored away, and In their Yonkers Statesman. places we see the delicate thing of light silk, or paper, which looks as If A GENTLE REMINDER. Mrs. Blue My liuslwnd la so tired hearing about rim! bills that I don't dare mention tt to him again and we're all out. What shall I do?" Mrs? True Let him freexe for a while and he'll think of it himself." Detroit Free Press. . f123 ptytoar woven by spiders or those covered Green gloves are a trifle garish. with cretonne. Cretonne stands practically unrivaled There are elbow gloves In lemon yelthis year for the dress of rnuntry cot- low silk. ; tage and city home. One shade made The robe gown is a tremendous conof thla mnterlnl is cnpoln shape, and venience. ' has the ribs outlined by narrow double folds of silk, gathered through the orEverybody is wearing linen, white colored. rpntrc and twisted around the ctb-rrluPatch pockets on the outer blouse string, so that It has a whirling appcnraniT.' Pink silk Is gathered In are handy. IVlint a smart little air the Mack the form of a crown, at the top. leaving a wide stiff heading which is gath- velvet collur gives to a white linen ered so full at Its base that It stnmls Jneket. A different chain of beads to match up straight of Itself. The crown Is protected from tlie host of the lamp by every frwk la the rule of the partican Inner circle of Kinging. An effect- ular ones. ive fringe to hang from the lower rln: Those pretty petticoats of pale col-Is made from a double fold of rretonne. ored lawn have their uses with gowns , fotir Inches wide, rut to within a tost match, quarter of an Inch of the two edges Net gowns are In high favor. One Into stripe not the least bit over a the white net and baa it dyed buys Inch Shades wide. an of eighth the desired color. less elaborate shapes have their e Stripes are coming Into favor again, tions filled with bolting cloth decorated In dainty Marie Antoinette and after the long reign of checks they scenes. A fringe of tiny opalescent are rather a relief. The all flower hot Is not much in beads finishes three band painted shades and fine chenille outlinsa the i evidence this season, delicate straws riba and rim. ; and laces taking precedence g SUFFICIENT CAUSE. Subhut)' house was all lighted up night. said the first ruburbnnltc. Yes," replied the other, "they were celebrating a silver jubilee." Nonsense they haven't lieen married twenty-fiv- No. twenty-fiv- e year. but they have had one rook for e days. Philadelphia Pres. AN EVIL BLUNDER. I made a serious mistake said tbe doctor. What was it?" queried the glut. ! drag- - I charged a stranger f- - for a consnltation," answered the 1. D 'am after paying it he said he fully DIS to pay decorated, wit b black spots and sprinkled with gold. White buttirtlles show markings of American b.auty red. Newark Advertiser. |