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Show r4m), menrally wondering Jr tiN, FEVERS AFTER EFFECTS Net Disappear Until tha Bloit Waa Ramwal ky Dr. Williams' Did Pink Pills. Typhoid fever i sometimes railed ner nut fever. During tka cun ia of tna fever tha nerves ara always irifouudiy dial orbed, and whm it u uv-- r thry ara Sufi at) aruailiva that tka ianriit haa to I tka be guarUiwl aicaiuht all exrihuui-iitOUIC trratlllfUt tki'U dviuaudrd, nvaid .Bliiat ba paid uot only to building Up A .but aiao to strMiigtbriiuig tka rruir-dthat will i Urh. make aoiitid Vig-iflnk in repair waala aud Kira to frrkla nerve, la tkn inm-- l Muiin-n- i Sin k a reuuily ia Ur. aud William' 1'iuk IMU f r i'ula 1'm.plr. of Ou proof uf this I. tln VuumlUiro, Mr. IkarUa Worth, of Fintlejmn',a Mama. 11m bh: 1 hud a Mrra attack of typhoid favi-- lain ill tha full Wlili-left m vary weak aud dohililaliMl. beV heart lpilated. my amed iflirnll sfi-- r tlielea't eiertimi and I thi-rIn Inlli liaini. waa iiunitm suffered in that way forfullv ms uiuulha. in Aa t did not grow out of it. did fart sea tin ili!litil uupioveineiit na 1 ileridtd to use Ur. Witiiua lliam' Pi uk IMU a lkui-- of uiiieurrs they hall effcwed III raw 1 like llillia Alinu.t a wKn as liegan taking them I could aen decided nnrovRiiieiit and after krimg nu with llicin aeveia! Weeks I waa rompMele well. I consider Ur.WillliiiiN Pink 1liUa liint Taluabla reunite, mid 1 am ill the ha hit of rn'oiiiiiieudllig them tootheraaMu-le- mr:. d-- y n-- nron-unir-a- r h ut pu-iw- r a I waa. When tha nerve arb and tremble it mean that thee are starving. The ante way ta feed them ia through the bUul, ami the heat fond ia Ur. William Pink Pill. They ara akuolnlele guarau-teeto be free fnitn opiate or other liarni-fa- l , They are nM by all drug-glutdrag. or may he ohiainml dire tie from the In-- . William Madiniua Co., jcliauec-tady- , S. Y. Provad Har Prophaey Trua. You will and on the sraffutd." amid the iweelhanrt of Namon Fernandez, of Madrid. They Khali not call you a liar," said Fernandas, and shot bet dead. TEA This is a better country because we are in it tea country. And that isnt all Witt far w KM BMk. A. fMO. Ss tlMHo MltUag a "Thanks I" Is Ensugh for a Nlcksl. A man gave a baby a nickel this morning. The baby Is a year old, and didn't nay thank you. "That la the most Impolite child," the man said to tha .mother, T ever knew. Atchison Globe. COMMON 6ENSE. A largo Minneapolis manufacturing concern. The PUIsbury Co., are eiu- - SIXTH SEfabE IN BIROS. thoroughbred, handsome faces were fait masks that concealed hideously Exparimanta with Carrier Plgeena Ikfanned aoula Prove Its PoMcaaion. The Professor asked me to Join hlin Although birds are not placed near after luncheon In his room far a the summit line xif evolution, their By 1:011 H SESSIONS TIPPER, cigar. 1 accepted thla invitation with ability to fly gives them advantage! rlacrlty. over nearly all the mammalia. Their Amthar "! AjIi'i HracAtb," T4e Ala it DtamomA.' Ac. After we had chatted on many In- mysterious power of changing tbelr different subjects for a time I polarity or weight. In order to dive Copyrifbi, IW ky SlrMt 4 Smith.. CoKoifhl, inn, ky WilluS Frmk.r a Ca said: in water or fly, has been often disITof. Bolleau, I regret one tUng. cussed, and the almost Incredible verhat I never saw this famous cobra locity of their motion when migrating, even If he did. he underhand only a f yours. She must hare been a hand-ou:CHAPTER III. Continued. sometimes amounting to four miles a Yen, hu wa iuiuMh to leep fur few English word." minute for vast distance, has no parreptile. I Inafat that the atorin. and an up at the head of Now, Aus'Te," I uaid. A beauty my friend, a beauty. It allel among other animals. the atalr watching the lightning. Shu yon do noi denpair. Oiva oier LI was a great blow to me when she A aeries of careful trial with cr waa at first very cruel to rue, and j them alarming fani'lea. aud employ diH. I waa very fond of iny treas- rler pigeons shows apparently without made me feel that at any ununi-ii- t the your.n-l- f coiistantly with Mareello, nr ure in spite of the cruel barm hu doubt th ir possession of s highly dewith witne occupation. might denounce me." did. veloped sense ofdlieciinn. In twenty from "Why wa she mid to you? One puriM to chase ibis shadow "Idd she know yon? minutes the firt bird, dispatched at would think that o loving a deter, your life. U now, dear, and rest You Uld he know me? She waa my 10 p. m., reached Its roost, a distance worn out. le1 .i niu-aw abe seem Pint, i!aie and to ha. would C'jmphiely obeyed my every com- of seventeen miles being traversed. here I keut uiy head, kbs mand." try to hush up hiicli a icrriiilr affair." .'mui-it-r,- " Half of the number arrived before and dearest." Satane Vuoa me. that don't "O, you "fould you charm Her?" midnight and tho remainder followed otlo-rface be she took my Ilex lint Ills! Ilex once loved each I never In a few hours. feats any attempted special two n her hand and said with solo wa engaged to he married to my with her. 1 used to feed her, howWait. Gerald, until ync ever. and she would allow me to earnest ne .s: when 1 ranni home from English Joke With a Point. can prove me innocent then' ' sb -- aroMH her." aud he fell In low vuth me." An lecturer spoke sa "No, I had ii'er lieurd that," I blushed divinely, ami, eluding my oat I l'i you ever take her from her powerfully against the use of tobacco I. si retched ar.ius, fled to her mom. that several of his audience went slowly aiihwi-cage?" I fancied that Sal a tie had I strolled out into the grounds u and "Ye, never. I often thought I would home and burned their cigars hold"No, In their mouths rememliered die unhappy termination recover myself II had been a most It, hut there waa some risk. ing oue end of them of of her love, and wa taking revenge trying interview, aud, coming Innas by way punishment. Ijndon la aweet. yu know, and after all. life by holding this over me." (llately iihii the adventure of the "I nave read that inllk I the favor"You think, then. hn would not morning, had unnerved me a hit. ite diet of this serpent is that so? Sure Cure at Last Moreover, i wished to think. I had scruple to revenge "Yea, the cobra la exceedingly fond Montlcello. MI.-.Sept. 4 (Special) "PoHMtl.ly I mlajuitge her," Angele taken a serious task upon myself, and of rice aud milk, but there la a root Lawrence County la almost ually In mournfully replied, but Salaua wa must at once decide upon my first known as the arrac, for which It has of fresh evidence that a sure alway vindictive." steps. I susjMcted Satane. Her SI an abiudute paiodnn. It will scent it receipt cure all Kidney Troubles haa at for 1 drew a all long breath and lookad at tun, her reserve, her wmngs, far many rods, and will always search last been found, and that cure la thl woman In amazeiueut. She pointed accusingly toward her. Her It out." Dodd'a Kidney Pills. , that her ltcr wan of re- own wonts "I have been a very wicked "Is it possible. That ia an Inter- Among those who have reason to vengeful dlspoNltlon; hu atated a cir- woman, and 1 wish to atone." might sting fact." bless the Great American Kidney Remcumstance which might have given have had a hidden meaning. Haw "Is It not?" asked the Professor, ris- edy is Mrs. L. E. Baggett of this place. Satan the beat possible cause for eay for her to have accomplished ji ing. "I brought a small quantity of Mrs. Baggett had dropsy. Dodd's Kidthe desire of vengeauco; and yet. he two-folrevenge In this ghastly fas that root from India. I believe there ney Pills cured her. ; to have done the husband r ia a bit left in the had not nusiiected her of being the "1 waa troubled with my kidneys," let me see. Jar e tl to have tortured one to uncage the cobra. death, and then Ah! yes," and going to the carved Mrs. Baggett says in recommending Angele left the Professor's room et wifi. cabinet between the windows, he Dodd'a Kidney Pills to her friends, I musingly walked along, n y A two o'clock. Plenty of time after that reached a Jar, and, bringing it down, "my urine would hardly puss. The fur another person to have visited the head bent, my hands clasped behli d It, and showed me n small Doctors . said I had Dropsy. I have opened serpent, end to have put into execu- me, I wa suddenly aware of the pre piece of the root takea Dodd'a Kidney Pills as directed of the Hindoo, who glided nols tion a design, wlileh may hsve been "Now this," he said, aa he held it and am now a well woman." suddenly suggested by Angeles Inex- lessly from the shrubbery on n f between hla finger and thumb, "If the Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the kidplicable rail, at dead of night, at her right. Appmaching me, be made i cobra were here, would be sufficient neys. Cured Kidneys strain all the a then omiMlns apartment. spoke profound salaam, and to tempt her from the cage. That You Impurities out of the blood. These thought flew With lightning a guttural voice: conceal it anywhere In this means pure blood and a sound, enermight to dear 8ahib even I ns say serpent up." rapidity through my mind, room or lu the hall yonder, or In any getic body. Dodd'a Kidney pills are What was the heathen driving al ! of these evolved my next questions. adjoining rooms, and the the greatest tonic the world haa over "Hut your sister seems now to be I simply stared at him In bewllde if allowed liberty, would find known. serpent, kindness Itself to you. Is she so In ment. He slowly repeated these fe r and ravenously devour It. RemarkTook a Chance. reality or Is It but a graceful faint to words aud isiiuted toward the libraif able, Isnt it?" and blowing a bit of window. deoolve strangers?" At a recent parliamentary election dust from the root, he restored it to the Jar and replaced the latter upon In Carlisle, England, one of the candidates was named Chance. Hla plathe shelf. cards read: "Give Carlisle a Chance. 1 sat allent. Could this root have "Take been the bait with which the aerpent Those of his opponents read: Sanderson." was tempted from Its cage on that no Chances Vote for took e Chance. fatal night? If so, by whose land waa But the electors the luring morsel prepared? YELLOW CRUST ON BABY What Is your theory?" I abruptly Do you fancy It waa due Would Crack Open and Scab asked. Causing Terrible Itching Cured by solely to accident that poor Dalrympla met that frightful end? Cutlcura. The Professor regarded me stead"Our baby had a yellow crust on bis fastly for a moment "Without doubt," he answered. "You see, Severance, head which 1 could uot keep away? he cobra waa an object of mingled When I thought I had succeeded In 'terror nnd attraction to the entire getting his head clear, it would atari household. The servants often beg again by the crown of hie head, crack ged permission to enter and watch its and scale, and cause terrible Itching. graceful movements. My ides is that I then got Cutlcura Soap and Glut some adventurous person from the ment, washing the scalp with the soap servants quarters slipped In here and then applying the Ointment A after Babu had secured the .snake for few treatments made a complete cure. the night, and opened the door to I have advised a number of mothers slide In some dainty. Then, becoming to use Cutlcura, when I have been uddenly alarmed by eome reel or Im- asked about the same ailment of their aginary noise, hastily left the room, bablea. Mrs. John Boyce, Pine Bush, leaving the door open. Next morning, N. Y." horrified at the result of this culpable Bird Haa Extended Repertory. adventurous one negligence, this A bird which can talk In two lanown his and counsel, keeps ijoubtless guages and whose repertory consists will forever. of seventeen phrases. Is the latest ad"Who waa the first person to die Then it dawned upon me that he "Her conduct waa extraordinary," dition to the London Zoological gar returned Angele. "She changed so had overheard me say I would clear cover Ithat Dalrymple was dead? Oh, dens. The bird belongs to a species remember his man, Williams, which flourishes in northern India. uddenly. One day so arbitrary, so up the mystery of the serpent. Canid yes! was It not?" so ao threatenHindoo this In me Three of the phrases are in an Indian naslst offensive, pour domineering, any "Yes. dialect end the rest In English. Ths ing; the next all gentleness and ten- way? roaslbly. At all events It was "Where Is he now?" I asked In an bird's name is derness. It seemed as If she wanted worth my while to draw him out Tommy and it asks all manner. to atone for her paat cruelty to me." "Who are you?" "Yea," I gravely said, "I will dear visitors, "1 have not the slightest idea, re"What could have rauaed such a up the mystery. Can you help n?" I wondered. transformation? He smiled sardonically, and nodded joined the Professor. "He remained a few weeks after my return, then "I cannot conceive. Once I alerted his head in affirmative. betook himself to New York. "llahu help Sahib," he eald, "here to ash her, but she Interrupted me. We look through yoih (To be continued.) will not she devil she 'I sec!" said, beg you 'Angela,' I have I men a very And thruKtlng his lean, brown hud apeak of thla grocer to you; beyond, but THE VALUE OF LAUGHTER. wicked woman. I wish to atone.' into the folds of hln fluttering white through your grocer, to you. Then she kissed me. and hurried garments he rautlously drew forth a One of the Most Potent Forces With nway, but 1 saw the tears in her eyes soiled, crumbled bit of paier. which 'Mr nrw ntona year MMX U ye Soat UXa Which to Combat Evil. -he handed me; opening It 1 read tha UUlraBM. as she went" Is laughter immoral? That is e "Havo you any reanon to believe fallowing: Hia Idea of It. objection Important very urged that any other human being suspects "Belle Couslue: from said the old man, "one to, comedy generation air, "Yes, against can be easily tempted The cobra you?" from It rage. In what fashion I hsve generation. It Is not only not Immoral, feller spoke a piece Jn Greek; 'nuther No, she sighed, "none. but It Is the preservation of morals make a lick at Latin, an both got I.lsten, Angele," I said, aa I drew explained to you. You an a clever to cultivate by use a faculty for all piece o' paper with a blue ribbon 1 her to me, "you are not guilty of thla woman and my admiration for you unbounded. I must at ill sorts of laughter. It Is the hallucina- AUanta Constitution. awful deed. From this moment I de- skill 1 tion of prevalent evil which drives vote my life to you and to the solution haxarda see you men to despair. Now, evil always "A tol. of thla mystery. You fancy that you seems to be prevalent when you scrudid not close the cobra's rage. 1 am "II. B." A trifle of tea in a dainty tinize It, for scrutiny involves conThe note waa not dated. convinced that you did, nnd that after fined attention to what lies immediateWho was "Belle cocaine?'' you some other person entered the cup has in it a world of rest Where did you gel this?" I asked. ly under the lens in the focused room, nnd released the reptile to do we we wherever see, Being busilight. She devil drop. Sahib. Me pick Its horrid work. It shall be the or of stimulant what is the surmise, nay affirm, it to be every ness of my life to discover who that up In Professor's room." were it really everywhere 1 reflected time o'day? a moment. The "she where. But person waa. Already you have given me a clue; already 1 have a theory on devil" wa undoubtedly Satane. u you and I could not be here to exParasite Destroys Codlln Moth. which to set to work. My darling, my the devotion of the Hindoo m Angela press such an opinion. Clearly the to do then is to belittle the evil A colony of codlln moth parasites darling, I will clear you of every sus- wa a well established fact So this thing means and foul, to undlgnlfy Imported from Europe and set free repicion nay. more I will bring the note had been dmpped by m: CsieL by fair so rob It of Its horrors that we cently In the apple orchards of the and It It all to to one Trust Now. Justice. who the deuce w;u u. R.v guilty wits or heart. By laughlose not shall I believe iu Like a flash came the nnwe- r- Henri me. As for you. dear. Iarjsro valley, California, Is clearing ing at the eil we get rid of the false them of the orchardtsts' enemy la your purity, your innocence, as I be- Bolleau the cousin- - the Irofasior! Impression of Us omnipotence, we get great style. lieve in God. a little courage and our despair turns "O Gerald," she sobbed, "you are ao CHAPTER IV. a somersault up Into glory from the Bo, Miss Satane Cap--!, ym, good to me. u swinging trapeze of faith. Interna"Good to you, my poor.' suffering rccomplice In this Infanvn husine One lingers long over tea, tional Quarterly. The cobra ran be little love. I am only Just to you. I tempted 9 of some Ttctlm to in from be what the its cage believe you j if the tea is fine. It is a good Labor Conditions in Japan. abominable machination, which e explained- -" All mills in Japan run day and time and place to linger. Very well. M. strengthened by your own belief In of bands being j w1jj night, the change your guilt But I will solve this1 mys- make it my affair t that made at noon and midnight In one 1 will discover who It whs fashion. "1 will keep this." i tery. Bantam Chickena From Java. At Osaka 211,000 workers are unslj, to the Hindoo, "meanwhi'e " here I mill that set the serpent free." Bantam chickena came from BanIB year of age and operate only der As I uttered these last words, there pressed in his not unwi;iUR hand In this country 200 tam, a town In Java. 3,700 spindles. lowly passed before the open window gold piece. He mad- - another number. In the that operate persons In his long, white linen garments, the found salaam and took himself roRurr Dorr Bait Wy Jewell mill of 4.000 looms and A larse ka pwkwr Cro 1111 ntue. only I returned to the library, and. select Hindoo, Babu. swarthy, 122 000 spindles there are 700 male Scants- - Tba Bus Oompsur. South Bend, lad He gave me one quick glance from Ing some volumes of natural hUtor and 1.500 female operator. In his fiery eyes, and then passed on Into read up on the habbs of the cobra Brazil's Staple Food. It would require 12.000 per-aojapan until the bell summoned ms to lunch the shrubbery. Ia Brazil tho black bean is as Imdo this work. The wage, to "I wonder If he heard me," I said, eon. During thla meal I sr.wigj 15 cent per portant an artlclo of food as the potato however. In Japan are features of my two companion as I looked after him. cent for a le la Europe. and a iuah for "1 think not, replied Angela, "and gale's luncheon wae served In Vw day woman. BY WHOSE HAND ? tare-IcMHl- e J cln-erf- j Their assertions nro modest ns to most of the cereal food advertisements of the last few years, but they carry a ring of truth. Their reasoning Is certainly rational; here la some of It: "Wa all believe that Wheat ia the best cereal tha Creator has given mankind. , Plllsbury'a Vitos ia nothing more or loss than tha whlta heart of thla wheat kernel, rut out by atoel machinery and aterlllxed nothinf added nothing taken sway -- no adulter-gtlo- n po flavoring ho coloring so cooking. Thin product cornea to your table In Its pure, white, granular form, an appetising dish for young and old. Kaslly digested because It retains Us granular form when cooked, never lumpy or paaty. A two pound package niakea twelve pounds of pure white cooked food, and FlUsbury quality too. Two generous dishes for one cent. We have no rompetlloni because wo are the largest millers in the world and get the best wheat Your gror t will gladly DU your order for Plllakury'a Vitos because he knows ho sells you satisfaction. Vitos Is put up only In two pound packages air tight Price 20c. Dont ho without com-jpare- d It" Swimming In Public Schools. Swimming la part of tha curriculum of the public schools of Yarmouth, England. The boys ere taken to tha short In parties and are trained till ther can swim fiftv yards in the sea. TEA Tea thoughts are like dream thoughts, not tied to our cares and sorrows. Rules for British Sallera. British sailors arc not allowed to carry umbrella or sticks. An offleer In uniform is permitted to carry a stick ashore. Aik Your Dsalor for Allen's Foot-Eas- e A powder. Iv rwu tin fivt. Cures Swollen Bare, Hut, Callous. Acbinr. Sweating IVvl and Ingrowing Nails. Atall Umggists and Shoe stuns.. MA cuts. Accept n substitutes fiampii mailed FKKK. Address, Allan S. Ulna led. Lmlhr. N. V. Temperance in India. The sale of beer has fallen off greatly In India of late, owing, aays an official report, lo "the of principle In the army." tern-peran- v TEA Fine tea brings-ou- t versation if anything will; it compels to a little leisure. The indulgence in tea is so very slight, that the - chi, pleasure escapes attention, unless one waits a bit atitl-tokace- r Write for our Knowljr w . ClIpBBJ, KOP Book. A. ftcfclUteg ft Tit-Bit- ., d off-han- d TEA t. TEA TEA n T- Pn.:r: p. black-browe- con- TEA ? - The Meat of tbs Wheat," In appealing to the "Common 8enso" of the Amur lean public. Elephants Had Flna Feed. Five elephants created an extraordinary scene at the goods etetioa of Batlgnoilee the other day. They ere being kept at the station while quarters ere being got ready for them, but managed to break loose from thair tablet. At this time of year tbo station dispatches enormous consignments of fruit, which the elephants scenting et once began to devour. Cherries, peaches, apricots and straw berries disappeared by the bamperfu! at a prodigious rate. Soma porters ought to atop the dessert, but tha elephants, using their trunks like cudgels, simply flogged them away sad went on eating until they were literally gorged with fruit. Then they went back to their stables of their own accord. London Globe. d n ij Houra of 8leep. Our ancestors had an adage that six hours sleep was the proper quantity tor a man, seven for a woman, and eight for a fool, says the Lancet. Whether It la that the strenuous life cf the present day ia akin to foolishness, or whether It is a simple phenomenon of evolution. It la certain that many of our busiest men find allowance none too the long for them. The quality of a man's work soon deteriorates If be takes Insufficient rest Plso's Cure Is the heat medicine we ever used In all affections of the throat and lung. Di BansLar. Vanburen, Iud., Feb, 10, iHMk Wm. Start a Turtle Farm. As there aeeme to be eo much eex-let- y about the turtles, why don't aome one fence off some salt water and tart a turtle farm? There ere term-pi- n farms; then why not logger bead farms ; the egg ere easy to hatch and the turtles would not be subjected to Jiggers and sorehead Ilka ohickena. and aa the wild turtles are about to be exterminated, the tame ones would bring good prices. Sarasota (Fla.) Times. TEA When we say we, we mean your grocer. Hes we and were he. Moneyback does it Tear (near ntwoi yaw aMy U 7 But SokUllBr Sut Uh Nothing T5Talir About.'"4' "I don't see bow they find much to. slk about said a woman, speaking fnviously of the friendship of two Jther women. "Neither one haa evar jad a surgical operation. 1 TEA We are not a tea-drinki- ng we should steadier, if we were. be people; Measuring Rain Drops. The largest raindrops are about one-flft- h of an Inch In diameter. To determine the else rain la allowed .to fall Into a thick layer of flour, each drop forming a pellet of dough, and these pellets are compared with dough pellets obtained from drops of known else delivered on the flour by artificial means. Do It Now. If you are about to make a trip any where, let me know. Pleased to give rou full Information aa to low rates plenty of em this summer train ser- etc. The Santa Fe trade mark Cce, sign of safety, speed and ease. C. F. WARREN, Genl. AgtH A. T. A 8. F. Ry Salt Lake City, Utah. Preserve Norway's Forests. In Norway there fa a law which pro Mbits any person from cutting down a tree unless he plants three saplings In its place. TEA We stand or fall by our tea Schillings Best and were not going-dow- n. Tmt stocm fftaru xMr hwx It XM daat Bk 1 Germ Destroying Solution. The. inspector of the disinfection office of Turin, Italy, has Instituted an Innovation in destroying germs in dwellings. He usee a 1 per cent so- lution of sal soda for cleansing the floors, whereby the bacilli of and typhus are killed In one minute,. diph-therlt- ls Ml Cron Mats rxr tub rsnon t Hall mill. loinw Tbe Nun Company, South packase Beodud, Catarrh and Colds. A person suffering from any catarrh, whether of the head or chest, should sleep alone and If possible without another room occupant Towels, soap, etc., used by the patient should not be touched by any other person. No one should take hla breath and kissing must be forbidden by tha domestic parliament. However,, many good folks bare lost faith In all precautions. When any member of the family has a cold they say resignedly that It 1s bound to go through the house and, to tell the truth. It isuelly does . |