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Show uxufcMi3 tOJft. I1F.KE la Toriilou! There )c Turtillon:" rit-- a few p I O Irighieijefl iij.vh 111 the vil- O luge At the cry twenty "OW eoiintry woUieu iii various atagea of agitation appeared ( iheir duora, and began to rail their children. "Bernard: F.ugeUt'. ciitne in at nin e: 1 f Iroaiier: Clu Udine!-he- re, you rogue, you will tint Ilona lie, just wait till I caieli liinn-tliaie- ly. weighted with a na'melesa burdtn gr.'atiT than she could leut. She stoppl'd agaiu after going about twenty feet. She slipped through a gateway leading into uu imposing man-- 1 siun, vacant just ilitii. The inclosing wall .mule a semicircle, which was furnished like a small park with some Iicncbc. One could sit here without being seen front tlte read. Tort i I lull, ttbout 1o avail herself of A one of ihise. lrcr hack startled. child was there play. ng with flower, which site scattered over the benches in graceful profusion, or made into Uiiniiiet . Never wits an angel more beautiful! Great, blue eyes she hail; a rosi'lmd mouth partial In laughter; her shoulders were Imre stiff, while aud dimpled; and, to rrowu all, a wealth of long blond curls tumbled almtit liir face over her shoulders. The unhappy lieggnr stilled a cry in her throat. Then she stood immovable, bewitched with admiration. Tlte child, if slie should nee her. would try to escape like a bint from a snake, no doubt. open, full of Tllevye of Tortillon-wi- de light, charged with magnetism dwell the divine fare of the child. Tlie tier still pluyeil, without looking tip. An Intense desire, irresistible, furious, took possession of the beggar. At last she could nut restrain herself longer, easting a I out her a look. Jealous and defiant, she saw that the mail was deserted. There was no one to disturb her. Alt. wlmt joy illuminated her I i thing that remained In her memory wna ilii thought of the kU from thoae childish him. The memory was aa a salve to all her wounds. Thi kiss seemed to flutter around her, and to sing a thousand sweet songs iu her enchanted ear. gtu went ou, radiant, a prey to her ecstasy and to her fever. When the sun had set, Tortillon stopped, lay down in a field at the roadside, looked at tlie star, heheved ill God, thought of tlie k:s of I.metti then, happy, indeed, sin died. Translated for Ihe Ari of Camille gonaut from tlie Indians, by Mabel llaughtou llrown. Fri-iicl- Is said that rats wert TO.OO si last year In Hntnbnrg. HIS Thm-- e and he prize aliseiit iiiiiuled woman razor to churili, thinking it was lv fan. Tlie chaiuvs are that she hid pass by a mirror aud forgot to k a WxA ; iu It. kliil tin world "isw pniiuiK." that her li-- bn Keif "iiic ITilmi it Iu t v luu-- t ! : 1 rviticiii-bv.- uft l i ly tnon-atrou- i ihi.-kis- : e i 1 ii- -l a - . - - P kon-ediT- cork-scre- n ai-t- Tor-tlllo- Tor-tillo- To-da- Ln-eett- pre-TfeS- lf two-hors- ti Ikttuk AbuHt. rlilisii of our pi upii ilistrviiig (if O c per fill f.ivor at the hiliul of tin Government it tlie ugriculuirul cla. or strictly speokiiig. the far-Nof people has ever done mi mill it for Hie Uuiteil State a fie Tlie farmer farming ameil ihe continent Iroiu a wifilcruess muilc taiii"inuiiir tlie very garden of i lie woiM. aniiuiilly film ililng about sevetily per relit, of our lialloiuil to wlmt they have xNirt. Iii ilnne for tin Government they need no fierald; in to wlmt liiey deserve at tin1 fiatnls of tlie Govci'iimi-nin imblu- - as very pairiotiinell a private life, sluuild lie llieir nivm-ine- . Tlie of tlie United Miiti. patient aud determined, have no ..loitgli lien ring tlie lie.iv iikt inn illll of life si lire tlie was iiiMimicd. The time tin nmie wlieii they iiiiim have relief. Under priMiu highway condition iuot very where tin- Amorim n farmer I iiaeliei. liy iinpiKont d at home through at lea.! tlie half of eaeh year. Thai half of Hie year is tlie time when he could lie biKi kpared from tke farm, nnd wlieii, with good rouilK, he cotilil market hi product nt a profit for III toll. Now, however, he uiuivt leave tlie farm in Hiiniiiier or early full -- Hie only time when the road are piinble to market hi product, and then always ou a congested market, or take p haul that (he rlinnces of a kills ills stock, break wagon and harm's, wears out Hie mini and eat up the fruit of his Hweat. The good road sea kiiii fur tlie American farmer t tlie very season when Id whole time and attention should lie given to Ids farm Hie crop season which operations; it waits for ito man. ami which, neglected, charge it up to the man lichlnil Ve uil know wlmt that Ihe plow. mean. With good roads the fanner could do Ida town going in rain or snow, or when tlie ground is too wet to plow; with bad ronils, as they are now, as they have been front the beginning and as they will be until the (toverniiiciit of the Lnlteil States extends its aid a suggested iu tlie Itrownlow-Lntlnier Dill, he must be I lie grent nullonnl sufferer. It ha been calculated by tlie Department of Agriculture that every time the sun arts Ihe laid road of the United Rtntes cast the American furmera $l,r00.M)). Tliec arc Government figim. How any public man can refuse to aupiKirt legislation that will stop this dreadful train passes the understanding of the average mind. Can Hie national conscience and the national thought lie unmoved at facc with sueh a cbndl Hon? Are .he people themselves asleep to their own material salvation? Ilow long can this rapping, rapping, of farm life aud farm vitality go on before Hie American farm home And how long, pray Is destroyed? tell, can the Republic stand after tbe destruction of the American farm bouse? We hope to see tlie suggested good roads legislation go through Congress the coining winter. It will, if the people get together and demand it. Let neigliborlHKid and county meetings be held everywhere aud petitions go forward to Benators and Representatives. Write to your Renat or for Senate DocTalk to your neighbor ument 204. nitwit it. Urge him to write. Let us all get busy for good roads. Uptown I IhTr ally oik 1 r eva IK the Florida What, Joili. THE HORSE STILL AHEAD. come? Krutaia fit Farmer Kent friend ud you? lie1 Cl. if: go Keciir.l lleniiil say Tbeu otlnr iiainea were shouted loudMotive I'nvrr. tint C1i:iiiii,i. IV.en-lin!is several "Lucienue! 'I. lr-iilmut I'uralie! is " There (lie Pierre! cnnsldcrabh' talk ly. The father did not say t ;! burse going out of style on tlie farm thin - it ii ire; be 1m a job that hut pulled eur foelv, ami more during tlie next few Vr.'irs. mid tlie V.'lll liivlni whenever lie wants than one of oilier motive pouer; prefer- mil .ll'.ou; Ii noreauuil, ai.il be l.a f Evidently something of ilire ini port ably tlte gasoline engine or the c'ivtrle n.niiii:' jumii. wife. It will lie a Wna about to occur, to iIiiik rntie the motor. if dine to H,t a roii i ul aleetiy little borough from us natural Until uliom years ago tlie (hiu.ifiil Ci iiii,(lv. lethargy ttly motive power on the farm was at'l i t the ox a lul tlie liorse. Since then, tilul Suddenly there appeared at the farther end of tin- - afreet, near the first rsperially during till lit -- I deeaile, other It rot .try 'l.ifi aiil recriilly that only motive power have bi'eti perfected and IHi!i. a houses, a queer, grotesque, almost l':o nl to heroine meal iiiilix.il. especially in those sect ion figure. It looked at first like n till" HI filly one of devoted to livestook crowing and dairyLeap of colore! rags, propelled forwanl I o '.i ;iMi to Lie wiiliiu bis most bin tlie horse the general ing: distressful by Jerks. The htiiuan franip salary. ami tie best iimiive power on tlie I In w ii tinder this lin'd ley was. aa one may im.ices with tlie cost of 1 farm. He hint hot n lit tbe past, anil agine, wretchedly put togetlier. The lhlig in iiigtoii were so ilmiress-iogbelieve will lie for a long time to eoine, two leg' thin aa switches, were of uniltin li!;u into making this tee! in tunii's best friend nnd assistant equal length, nnd the knees kuoekeil toit - in n But at this moment the little girl saw farm life and praetiee. Tlie horse can pllllie Sj Idsll. the was bent on gether; the left body side, mid one hip made a sharp prom- her. uttered a cry and tried to flee, lie utilized where no oilier power enn A w o in. hi inence. while oil the other aide over- calling for lieip. The unhappy woman, lie safely and econoniieiiily relied upon wr.ii set furtli that tlie fell despairingly on There is a eonstant demand for good her stick, dropping a shoulder li..hung ptipv-:- uf sex is ruined hy pretty outrageously loaded her knees. Her eyes bail a look so horse In till section of the country at fiirk with abrupt swelling. The head, in a disiliul ndvuii-tbear.iy having ho indeed, mi a seems angelic, the nresent time, and it suppl'nnt, lta effort to keep upright, was on a sweet, iu tin- - ,iiii.cs world, say tlie line with tiie protruding hip. Tlie two that the child, surprised aud conquered, though it would pay same of onr brother farmer to raise n eoit or two Jfct lurk E iiiiii-,- ' Telegram. We belong arms were like two tentacles, and stood wultiup foe what might happen. Torliiloii. overcome with Joy, ad- each year of the general purpose vari- lle il due mi nuiiii- with them the creature whs able to figure, nit, to lienren a silent tribute of ety. pick tip alma without beading. A stick dressed Just might tu see smite of the feva into and tliniikfuiness. me more than plunged ever Nothing held iu one hand supported this heap pleased ntlars. And they dont know It of tatters. The whole warped, knotted, ered eestnsy; she seemed spellbound to hold the lines nttnehed to a good chirr. tliree-liors- e child. tlie animal by eaeh weigh. team, twisted, full of depressions and promiUnfortunately, it wna an Intoxication Ing In the neighborhood of twelve linn, nences gave ihe impression of a that demanded to lie satiated by still dred pound. 1 spent many long hours Junes B. Dill, otto of the lending on lrga. The little girl cast when a small hoy driving some horses To crown all, the head was oblong, (lepeer Intoxication. at the. hunchback from that were old and lazy nnd one or two csrpiratlmi lawyers of tbe United and the hair, scant and atiff, straggled sliy glances beckoned brr tilings' that were balky. Later on It Hiates, told tlie graduate of Olierli t over the face. The mouth stretched time to time. The latter was now sneli gentle- scented fine when we got some good tMege that "a large pint of iir modnearer. There from ear to ear, and smilml unconness in the beggar's eyes sueh love, horses to work with. It renlly doea em prosperity U to a perilously large sciously and Incessantly, in a munner atieli beauty that ber lildeousnesa not iwy a farmer to keep a poor, laxy. extent bottomed upon it ii that was Irritating aftev awhile. Beto disappear, and the rbild was old or broken-dowhorse. But a good of fraud and shunt. The crisis Is neath this sardonic grin hung a heavy seemed reassured. horse has its nsefnlness outlived that chin, and above it was a nose with ante, a feeling of distrust !a growWhat is your name?' nsked Tortil nnd become n favorite in the family wide nostrils. Flabby, overhanging ing Ion. the country." throughout Its in on list should he put the retired cheeks added. If possible, to the ridicGamier. I.ueotte Is. best there nnd he the old age given ulous appearance of this lamentable Tlte poor woman seemed to hesitate, Baltimore Suit state that onr Allow it to roant the pastures at its creature. then formed a sudden resolution. own sweet will during pleasant weathat Koiicn reports Hint an lrt Qnl "There la Tortillon! There Is Lucette, would you do me a grfat er. and provide a comfortable stall for propaganda was repeated along the afreet, against small fauti-ll- f It shelter whenever needed. Never charity? Is now lit and the village children crept into tlieir ami an effort a sou." opcrutlou, not I hnve Ah, yes; but allow such a horse to lie sold, loaned houses In fear. A tear fell on Tortillon' cheek. for use or given away. If yon eannot Is laing made to arouse the nation to n It was indeed a terrible fear that Ralixatioti of the peril "That Is not the charity I mean. which afford to keep It on the farm, then hire roused wherever she went. Many Lucette. who did not understand how some neighbor to shoot nnd bury firateii it liy reason of tlie continued called her a witch. Did she not seem one could give nlnia without sons, wna in one of the linek fields, wlthnnt any bw birth rate. France has a very the aid silent. Tortillon crept nearer, and, of the children knowing about the typically one? Ilow-wjtli- out itrioa problem to solve If she would of the devil could she find means to as aa her eyes, time or details. well her voice, live iu such a distorted body? More softening ttnfioue to hold high ruttk nuioug said: "will you kiss nte? A laxy, hnlky horse costs more than one asserted that he had seen a Her plaintive tone, nnd the effort he thanpoor, Is It Sunpeau nations. worth, and it cloven foot under her ragged skirts. made In saying this, would have deteriorates the morals of theeventually owner nr She was accused also of traveling touched a savage. Nevertheless, the driver thereof, even though he be an Oxford gives, and please heaven through the air at night, with a broom little girl recoiled, filled with fright. active member" of his church and In trill continue to give, a social ltnll-- h for a steed. Indeed, she could not np Pobs burst front the mendien tit's we farmers wish If pood standing. with-cyt threat. Speechless, Lucette felt that to U"1 training sneli as no other pear within six miles of a plage keep onr hoys on the farm nnd Interbeing suspected of stealing chil- she was going to weep also. Tortillou est them in farming, good horses will bCe la the world can offer, and happy dren to kill them In order to drink their saw tills, and made an effort to con- nernmpllsh more to make the daily w they who can avail theiuaelvei blood wblle bolding ber evil orgies. trol herself. routine attractive than anything else fcteot avowa the Oxford Varsity, And names were given. Jeanne "I do not know how to tell yon. yet in the way of farm equipment. Ask hi when we come to look the hard Gaudrus dn ugh ter had been spirited I must. Lucette. thrre Is not in the yonr boys If that Isn't trap. away; aud Annette Soulas little boy whole world anything more beantifnl Other powers are valnnlde on tlie Mf of daily bread and butter In the had disappeared one morning after Tor than little children than yon. farm, nnd the windmill will In all fit, then it is that many of us wish tillon had passed. Some few. who were in tills n never go out of style for they are divine. sunlight, hsd not spent three or four probability not superstitious, had the boldness to I would give my life If yon pnmnlng water. We hnve two of them, In years acquiring that which, say that Annette Soulas and, Jeanne would kiss me! This desire has been one lielng an Immense power mill with tbagh delectable etui: . In itself, as Gaudra might tbemselves lmve done with ine a do You not sixteen-footime. Is mill t steel wheel. Tills long harm to their own children. But it no one lias ever sixty feet from the ground nnd twenty ammerdal or monetary asset la of was sufficiently proved to the rest. kissed me perhaps no one. I have Imagined seven and one-ha; feet above the ridge pepliarly small value. Tortillon was eonatantly seeking little flint I would faint from t Joy If I were of the harn. It will develop eight horse " children; she must he wntebed. to see a child' arms stretched toward In a good wind, nnd has been Fate, with bloody finger and dlnbol-ks- l As If to corroborate this, a little boy, nte if I were to receive a kiss from power used for cutting fodder, grinding feed, satire, has drawn & striking plodirty and charming, appeared at the its little mouth. I am not old; I ant shelling corn, elevatlug both ground ts of Uussla, in the shape of a huge, third house. Possessed by an iuipera frightful, that is all; bnt I have a heart. and nngronnd feed Into bins. etc. We udern five desire to see Tortillon, because Ah, could I bnt be a mother to have a battleship, manned by drunk-t- k trend power also nsed a have uch pleasure waa forbidden, he slipped child I would be mad with Joy. for running the cream separator, ehnrn brawling mutineers, flying the red Lla head through the door, Lncctte. amnxed. looked at Tortllllon and bntter worker In onr farm cream hs pf revolution, and rniinlng amuck a slice of buttered bread between his without fully understanding what she ery. In fact, we have hnd experience upon the high sens, says the Wash teeth. said; but a singular emotion disturbed with all kinds of farm motive power, The beggar stopped abruptly. It and lit ber eyes was a great pity. and think the gasoline engine the host iiftnn Post. The Knias 1olemklne, must have been that the sight of the ber, linving not to without die "I do wish for many purpose. But the horse will ii ber crazy course of piracy and rnp-iachild was sweet to the miserable crea- been kissed la tho Buasian emplre-multua child, tbe wretched still remain the farmers best friend In by ture, for her eyes, usually woman continued, with great Intensity. and motive power for mnny long years pirvo. Hplcndcd In size and poten. now opened wide, and disclosed great "It must be a wonderfud sensation-delici- ous to come New York Tribune. till strength, honeycombed with limpid depths, feminine and full of like something from para caresses. The monster was Indeed discord and npiitiny such la dlse. That la why I run after tbe little Phosgene, woman. ones. Fools. ray tbat It la because The use of ether as an anaesthetic the Kuiuz lotcwkine and such la Uua-f- t. A harsh voice broke forth: "Go yonr wish to kill them that I am a witch. in the presence of a gas flame is dan way, Tortillon; go your way, or take To kill them! A witch! Ah, If I were gerous because of its Inflammability e rr carer . a witch I should desire that woods, Under the same circumstances chloro- The Shctlund pony has assumed the The little one received a slap, and roads and the whole world were filled form is even more to be avoided, owing waa drawn back. Uttering a algb, the with children. If I were a witch, to a reaction between the chloroform Importance of a feature of the largest hone market In the world, states the beggar drew herself up, swung her Luer ttc, in order to thank yon for linv vapor and the products of the mis humps backward and forward, raised ing listened. I would make yon queen flame, which result In a highly poison Hoad. Never before has there boon the stick which served ber as a rap- Kiss me, I beg yon. Do not look at me ous substance known as phosgene. This nth widespread Insistent demand for port, twisted herself from her heels to so hut kiss me. poison ranses serious changes in the Shetland ponies, and never have transfher neck, and proceeded a step, She stretched her arms toward the blood, degeneration of various internal er among 1 seeders been ou so large second effort, a second step. Her eyes child. In her celestial eyes was so organs, and its inhalation Is attended leale and sales of single animals lowered; she was is hideous as before. much supplication that Lucette, con- by a sense of suffocation. It was May. The sky was clear quered, drew nearer. What a contrast In severe cases where chloroform ha sod pairs so numerous aud at aucb blue, 'the earth all perfume. Never had there was between the sweet child been used in the presence of a pus blgli prices. Tbe greater demand spring come in clearer garb; buda were and that horrible creature, nowever, flame or gas heater, tlie snbjeet of the fumes from the families of the well-to-f- o everywhere; birds carded. One felt the little one put forward her swept operation, as well as several of the nt who appreciate the pleasure life fall, ardent, mysterious alnging face and slightly touched Tortlllon's tendants, in one ease a Sister of Char pony will confer on children and tlie through space! forehead with her lips. lty. in another a nurse, subsequently The warmth became intense and Joy Thrtillon, then all trembling, wrapped died aa the resnlt of phosgene poison- educational valne that a child may de ous; the twelve strokes of the midday Lucette in ber arms, and covered ber ing. - The whole question 1ms recently rive from the use of such a pet. struck lastly in the village steeple. with kisses. been investigated by ITofessor d'Urr, Tortillon continued her way with difAt the same Instant the poor woman of the University of Messina, says Dr. It is not surprising that there should the heard something hiss throngh the air E. W. Cushing, in the New York Mi' ficulty. 8he reached the door of bare oversubscriptions in Eli parsonage at last quite exhausted. It near her quick as lightning. Bite re- leal Journal, with tbe result Hint all laud anil this to aive curate the of custom eountry to the new Jap the was ceived a shock, and fell to the ground, forms of open combustion, gas lights, her once a week a silver piece, a loaf her licml bleeding from a wonnd. while gns stoves, open fires of coni or wood, aw-- lonn. but tlmt the same thing of bread and some fragments from the I.neette's father grasped the rbild nnd etc., are tabooed In the operating mum, bap: sod in Germany table. rubbed ber fare with bis liandkercblpf. which should be heated eitli r fbim of judgment there Hint 1 reBhe was aliout to touch the bell when as if he would effneo a stain. steam or hot water nnd lighted by c't markable. The Germans have had Some bonrs later, still on the road, tricity. the door opened. Marianne, the serble doses of the fantastic vant, came out. holding a child of six while in the distance the snn was slow-- mixture fed to them yellow Mrs an Iran nt n pernsca In Rain. hand. gold. inspired by Tortillon, Evidently ly sinking by the with sud out. for her eyes stupeMexico has many ancient ruin, pur with her forebend a while it looked oa if the stuff irresistible Impulse, the beggnr. wa eyes again humid, stretched her arms fied and witb Wood on her bands and tleulurly in the States of Oaxaca. Fid working. It la not so. however, toward the child. fare, rose heavily, and turued her back pns, Yucatan and Morelia. Thosi derltirrs the Hartford Couruiit. Tin Chin what Is the on the vlllnge. Mltln. In Oaxaca; Inlenqun, in "En bleu: Tortillon, (,eriiaiia Lave looked at tlie course of Wlint bad happened? matter with you?" said Marianne, repas; Uxntnl, in Yueatan, and Xorhiiu while most the child had Japan In this war with their own hid father in Lunette's aroused the In are the co, fright, among Morelia, coiling whole eountry. They were going to famous and Interesting. Pome of tl'cin rye, and hove Judged the behind her skirts. quality of Again the wretched creature stifled kill her; she would Indeed hnve been represent whole cities and are up brr work with their own head. Tlie her heart. She took her bread. Tvr ten torn to pieces had It not been for tbe posed to lie from two to three thoiism remit Is that they are aa willing to sous nnd tin scraps dully, almost spa curate. years old. They all show the most kttd money to Japan aa to any other set reout she remembered she Bnt Then of again which elaborate nothing this, rloaciy thetically carvings, country. with sltii more difficulty, as if she were nor did she feet ber pain. The only , lenible the Egyptian hieroglyphics. nny-thin- r Oik uiuii.g of .l.ip.iu i e' o r(-p- vt t - fni-mc- r m.-id- - hub-dee- 1 Weekly. half-opene- d e. half-close- bi-o- " diM-lns- BRID& MraraK lUtrbalar Who Marilcd For A be making their instead of dugs. iiburger must egu (Hit of WEALTHY Ims Kineniivs Road. The town hoards of Oneida Comity, X. Y., make tlie following BiiggesHoii: "We would not recommend that every town in this county have built within its borders a rond costing on tbe average 87(NKi a mile, as we believe each town should govern Itself according to its own local conditions, bnt we have provided figures to show that no matter whether a town has a high or , low assessed valuation, it could, under tlie $50.0ua0M bund issue, if tls own lioard so desired, have, without excessive taxation, Just as wide and Just aa expensive ronils as any other towns in any other part of the State. If tlie county anil town can devise metlaslH by which tlie road to lie built should have nil average cost of UOOO a mile Instead of fSisst a mile, the liond charge to tlte town under tlie built of mile highway fur each for each mile the first would lie increase year; and to the county, the mile of in taxes the first year for each to tlie highway would be 87; awl other In H'm. he would It State tam wonla. under Hie sue of the Btate. county atnl towna could obtain a road cosllng fbHi annual mile at uu Increase Iu their tlie tax levy of jamt, which under cull would iwiyiiwnt nrcwiit system in for tlie expenditure of "W or under the leml r"r nn H u road "ling s"" in Muo of levin tax In their 8W" In '"isli. a pro of raising plane id.-by tbe present each town nnd Under tbe l,'i"l , minty l fee l M;i;iimvo us road a el,cap road or as conditio!. require." Tribune Farmer, Is-s- I"" sfual.' nn Italy I'l"1 'iiriou AmerTh.re H''I t expre ican word, will'll li there Is no wh:i for nr affairs sUte Is sliorl English equivalent. Tin word i "stuiil:" H impli'- -i a" overwhelming "to S" ,,m better" than anyone den ."rent I.riiain a a nation lins not else to en "timl." Tlis Engineer. been git ft Msu Fommissli.nir of Corporation James It. Garfield told this story at a dinner iu ToHka. uiomi of diMippoiutuients: There uu a certain crusty old bachelor wlin had employ ed fur ncventeeu years a faithful cook. Thi cook bad red hair, frci kles hikI cross eyis. Her teeth were singularly even nnd white, but. Hint, ten to one, her teeth were false, for she was not likely to have real ticlli of sneli lieuuly. Her age, Judge, was fr;y seven. Though an adept with ihe saucepan and the rolling pin, thi faithful won an could not read. Therefore she go her Iliiidnyer to transact all her littla affairs for her. Site liml a hank account of alsnii Mi) that he managed. One day the cook said that she wanted to withdraw all her having from the bunk. Her employer was amazed. "It has taken j.,u nine year to save Hint money," he said. "Why do yon wish to draw It nir.V" "Ui'caiikc, sir," replied ihe cook. last night I dreamed the niiiuln of tho new lottery. It was a million and one. I am conviiici d Hint It I the winning numlier. nnd I am going to play It." The bnilielor laughed at tlie rank'll . lie called her a sii.ertitlous iittmlisknli. lie udjured her not to waste her money on a lottery. But tlie cook, showing her white false teeth in an smile, jicrslstcd. She took her money out of tlu bank. Bite risked it all in h full cliiiiu-- c.i a million aud one. Thereafter (lie bachelor often joked her over her He often asked her if site did not regret the Jeopardy she bad put her money In. She would frown. Idusli. blink her cross eyes nml leave die room In silence. Now imagine this man's auiaxcinciit when, one morning a few weeks later, lie rend in hi newspaper in those that a milldays the lottery wr.s ion mid one had taken tlie grand prize of g I .lo.ooo. Tlie hnchelm waa not rich. Such a sum a first, (SHI meant a great deal to him. Furthermore, lie knew that Ida faithful cook bad long loved him afar And site could not read. Bhe off. knew nothing of her wonderful fortune. He summoned Iter. Tlieu nnd there lie proposed marriage. Bhe accepted iiiin. That (lay these two became one. ied homeward from their Aa they honey muon, the man looking Indul- ten liy at his not young wife, raid: "By the way, I want you to let me see Hint lottery ticket tbat we so often wrnngled over." "Indeed mid I can't do that the bride raid simply. "You laughed and joked aliout it so I told it last week to the butcher." Philadelphia Erenlug Bulletin. I dri-nm- e fooli-liuc- s. WORDS OF WISDOM. When the door is opened on selfish-nrs- e love dice on the threshold. Do that assigns! to you, and you eannot hope too much or dare too much. We are never beneath hope, whlio nliove hell! nor abote hope, Wimo heaven." If 1 cannot succeed in doing anything my self. I will not grudge another the doing of somethin" noble. Epictetus. There la one thing will warm up the man who preaches In nn ice box, and that la to see people looking for a more genial climate. Henry F. Cope, In Chicago Tribune. Miserable thou art, whosnrvcr thou art nr whithersoever thou turnest, unless then turn thyself to God. Keep thy heart free and lifted up to Illm. Thomas a Kempls. Whenever you speak, watch yourself; repentance follows every word which glnddens no heart. Let every thorn which people sow in thy rond bloom In the lastre of thy sullies. Ieralan. Tbe great law of affinity, which la seen everywhere In nature, bolda with the aante unalterable, unmeasured force In the spiritual world. Every simile of miml draws lta like, or la ah t meted by kindred minds. We never know through what diving mysteries of compensation the Great Father of the universe may lie carrying ont III sublime plan; and those Hired words. "God is love," ought to contain to every doubt Ing oottl the solution of all things. Miss Muloch." tie-nea- th AatoTonlilla Thl Bums Woods Tiie Impossibility of securing the necessary supplies of petroleum or gasoline make it obligatory upon the Belgian Government, which recently derided to establish an automobile service In the Congo Free Btnte, to adopt steam its a motor (tower. Coal could In only limited quantities, and Hint near Hip seashore; wood was therefore tlie only logical fuel, aa It could be found everywhere. car weighs a ton The and has a rapacity of a ton, with maximum speed of twelve miles an hour. Blieet steel wheel witb heavy er piieiinintlc tires are used. Tbe engine la Inclosed In a bullet-proof bonnet, as these vehicles are to lie used in transporting troops to keep order in dlstnnt parts of the State and are expected to be under fire at hits a capacity times. Tlie wabr-tutimi tile: rut for a twenty five mile trip. wood-burnlii- ;; fifteen-horse-pow- k Tha Wlmlc and Ilia Cililx. On November it. I'.hii, tlie cable which Ynid'S aud Sitka. Alaska, iirok down. On testing It, Hie break was located shout ten tulles from Sitka. When the cable was hauled np, It was found to have eaptnrpd a whale fifty feet long. A loop of tlie cable passed round Hie lower jaw and held It fast. The sirauds of the cable were mm-l- i torn and twisted, nud there were several break in the conductors. Probably tlte whale, swimming with open month, had unintentionally taken the cal tie. which lay suspended on the of the bottom, la Its Jaws. connect m |