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Show TO CURE HABIT OF BLUSHINO. Open Air Exercise and Companionship Will Co It. The habit of blushing Is almost invariably a cause of great snnoyanct to Its fiosscssois. Very frequently it seriously hampers them iu the ordinary affairs of life, for blushing Is accompanied by confusion of mind, nervousness and hesitancy. The two main In of shyness, the treatment points which Is the great cause cf blushing, exercise, and, secare, first, open-ai- r the of others. Open-si- r ond, society exercise Is good for all morbid dhsor-dorsuch as excessive sh ness, while the social life makes fur and that savolr faire we all seek to attain; for the latter enables us to go through life without betraying awkwardness and timidity. Abnormally sensitive people may find the cure s' lengthy one, blt If they persevere tbs very mental effort which is put forth to accouiplikh the remedy will aid them In acquiring runt'.'ul over tbrlr :iell-talblushes. New Orleans Twice as Good One Third the Cost Every day it bargain day in the Wave Circle. quainted. K down Come in and get C ac- will help you cut the living expenses and make doctor's bills a thing of the post. Do you realize that you can get the best and pureat baking powder in the world Kf BAKING POWDER self-contr- at what youve been paying for anywhere near K C quality. A jj eun emits i$e. Think of the eavingt Can you make money any easier? Get ' The grocer returns the it price of can if you are not satisfied. one-thi- rd BS3M OH.-v- y. Ji 11 Grocers Scad pond fer the tmutiiui Book of PrtMntx." FREE. Times-Democra- t. m ....WE t a CATARRH aad all curable diaraaco f the eye, ear. me. throat. luejo. alam-ac- b. liver, bowel a. Lida. pa. kleddar aad all chraaia. aervaaa aad private diaaaaea af both aeiaa and diaeaici ef ehi'dreo. Iluno Treatment Caras, Ilrilh for fraa symptom list If fas on-asail. I uni.ulu.tlua brae. nt ulary." Special Offer in Private Diseases A. J. UOHSa. Dafortnaalsa. of both mxm. wboara MUrarinjr frusi PnveM Uiaaaam- - whether rasasd kr looked upon aa laslUnata pro, kr tua Sharks aad or eoaiaxioo-haoela?ob- aea ' and rub tbs 1 I rest. neat. sulersr fur a or. a Charlslau wko pnas asK "HiiooimIiou ll. YOU TO TUB USB UULLAK UKTtl. CUBKO - ITNLKnS PHOBICS' IN) Not' YOU WISH TO YOl BSEi.K. .u ri! iK8. siiumca' know and no renn tuct cast erneMr phi v its uibkapka in both I'KKUiMB.STLV. cud Is PRO VS skill, ta tbls slam af alisieau. Mar tisst and ass dolisr. Or tbesa aba prefer, aura snrh mask ksfurv tbs pailsnt Is required lo par lira. the euro prugmaes. TI1IH IIOXKST mar par bs fas la small uaak.y or menhir bakirwba bloc to He guvt liKaLino WITH l'HK dull tdrvk prtimlaas. DM rum srar bear af a laklr rafaadlas a dauuadi all Caab la sxehaiifs for amptr iuoo ekaaeae-r- ou aa aanaut daa't It mnaar If a rear raa to lake par patlsat? duped paanr ' WLLENLnnK Mlae-taiiil- is OP USX" srs smia j the raault uf saiaiaad ar ef ao eaUsd ULOMIi-O- rs. ahoroa' saw LOCAL TKKATPKNT forsurk euoa. 1XVAK1-ARlaSamad IRNITAT aihar Dueton hua maar naea ibar rum aadar the eld aad aaa.raa plea ef Cl liKd-r- ak treatment for tola trouble-- . Wa enra Idisr M Ah H H i). Pmuln.l Wcakiiew, Hpa m. mrrh-u- . QOKuRKHOSA, SYPHIIJS, VARICOCELH sod kindred traublaa. In Iran time and for lean la aouDdaaUaJ aa oarer aaaaaameorbetrar menrr. Ikta anr laatllullon la tha want, avoir aaneKKICK kr mall or al tbenRIne. anaarat Coaml'atlan, Ftamlnatloo and Adrian m HOC to HI: a UPICX ip ai; Braalasaf tod; saadarsaa kulldaralta m la It. SB XL iriucmo. fUiluf nt & SHORES, Expert Specialists. DBS. SHORES 249 KUKAffsa. Japanese Tea Party. At Japanese tea party the guestf sit on cushions placed upon the dooi and the tea service consists of a tea pot, a cooling pot, teacups and a hibs chi to heat the water. The Japanese do not agree with us in thinking lhai boiling water should be poured ovei the tea. so when the water Is boiled i little of It Is placed In the cooler and then poured over the tea, which Is si lowed to steep for a few minutes. Boll trg water Is then added and the cupi filled. Green tea la used, but no augai or cream Is added. t .4SK3S3KU of the this world marry worn. a bn'Buse she is beautiful ia their eyes because site has the quali- met pronounced favor on part of physicians, pharma CASTORIA ceutical societies and medical authorities. It is used by physicians with results most gratifying. The extended use of Castoria is unquestionably the The indisputable evidence that it is harmless: result of three facts: Stcontf That it not only allays stomach pains and quiets the nerves, but assimilates the food: Thin It is an agreeable and perfect. substitute for Castor Oil. It is absolutely safe. It does not contain any Opium, Morphine, or other narcotio and does not stupefy. It is unlike Soothing Syrups, Batemans Drops, Godfreys Cordial, etc. This is a good deal for a Medical Journal to say. Our duty, however,, is to expose danger' aud record the means of advancing health. The day for poisoning innocent children through greed or ignorance ought to end. To our knowledge, Castoria is a remedy which produces composure and health, by regulating the system not by stupefying it and our readers are entitled to the information. Hall's Journal of Health. Letters from Prominent Physicians Fletchers." -- As IINLANTNV( HIIDKLNl ns neither Opmm.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. tfadarSNmtamM. Sml- - JWbii MxJmrm . 1 jySJUbJmimtnd E flmmfeed (I I Remedy for Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Worms Convulsions .Feverishness and Loss OF SLEEB A perfect to Charles H. Fletcher. Dr. B. Dalitsad Scott of Chicago, Ills., soy : "1 hovo prescribed your Castoria often for infants during ay practice, aud find it very satisfactory." Dr. William Belmont, of Clovoltsd, Ohio, isyi : "Tour Castoria atands first la Its elass. In my thirty years of practice 1 can say 1 never have found anything that ao filled tho place." Dr. J. II. Taft of Brooklyn, N. T., says : T have need your Castoria and found It an excellent remedy in my household nnd private practice for many years. Tha formula la excellent. Dr. Wm. I Bossermaa, af Buffalo, W. Y., says s "I am please to speak a good word for your Castoria. 1 thlak so highly of It that I not only recommend ft ta others, but have used It in my owa family' Dr. R. J. Ilamlen, of Detroit Mich., soya : "I prescribe your Castoria extensively, as I hive never found anything to equal It for children troubles. I am aware that then an Imitations In tho Btld, but I always see that my patients get Jftfegc table Preparation lor Assimilating the food and Regulating the Stomoda and Bowels of DigestionJGheerful-nessandRest.Contal- Addressed Dr. Was. I. McCann, af Omaha, Neb, says : tbs father of thirteen children I certainly know something about your great medicine, and aside frum my owu I la of found my ban Castoria a popular aad yawn family experience prcctlco efficient remedy la almost tv try home." Dr. J. JL Clausen, of Philadelphia, Pa., aaya : "The name that your Castoria has made for Itself In tha tins of thousands of homes blessed by the presence of children, scarcely needs to bo supplemented by the endorsement of the mrdlral profusion, but 1, for one, most heartily endorse It and believe it aa excellent remedy." Dr. Chanalng H. Coek. af flt Louis. Me., says : "I have used yonr Cantoris for several years past in my own family and have always found It thoroughly efficient and never ebjoctod to lw children, which to a great consideration In view or the fart that moat asedlctnss of this character are obnexlons and therefore dlfllcult of administration. As a laxative, 1 consider It the peer of any thing that 1 ever prescribed" Dr. B. M. Ward, of Xaasaa City, Uo, aaya : Physicians generally do not prescribe propristary preparations, bat In the case of Castoria my experience, like that of many other physicians, has taught ms te make an exception.- I prescribe your Cantoris In my practice because I have found it to be a thoroughly reliable remedy for children's complaints Any physician who has raised a family, aa I have, will join me hi heartiest recommendation af Castoria." GENUINE CASTORIA jy Bears ALWAYS the Signature of Tec Simile Sitnalurc of nt'll. A. whs kicked by a fraction burs,- .n OkiIcii. bis skull being crushed, bat lie haw even chances for recovery. S" iity five member of the Grand Army if ilm Keiiiiblic from Suit lake and flirty iroiu Ogden are attending the rmuciiiun in tills week. A f,:,e m w building for the Weber Si iki- iu :u'.i n:y nt Ogden Is tu be the next lew months. Tl. fin.. m:e will cost about $:;u.iuU. Hans lluili, a well known miner at Frifru. fori!., rly a foreman In the lli-rSilw-mine, was killed by a CuYf.!i in ib i.ulu mine, adjoining tho lliini Silver, A tin- ,.,uii of Injuries received wltu he w:is ruu down by a livery team Augn-- t 13ih, Nils Benson, C3 yenm i,f age, died lust week at his home In Sait Lake. IUH.rt are current liatb In Ogden and Salt Luke that work will begin on thu actual ci instruction of thla end of tlie lacilic in about two w eeks at a point near Saitalr. The Weber club will take up the qu'Stiim of freight rates front Ogden to points on tho San lcdro. As mat- teri now si and the Ogden Jobbers claim they are being discriminated cun-iiun- ii r Wei-u-r- agulnsL Tomato gnu-erare finding no difficulty in Moiling these days, for despite the fact that the crop this year la but one fifth of the normal, they ycjira pai.t. ilra. 8n nil la Larsen of Mt. Pleasant, met with a very severe accident last weii, which may result fatally. Mrs. La run was milking when one of the cowi struck her In the back, Injuring NEW "YORK. WRAPPER. In Use For Over 30 Years. vhk esnvAun commhv, vt wiisrsv by, new vena ON HED It whitens the clothes most beautifully and does not injure the finest fabrics. Your grocer Bella Ik A Urge package for only 5 cents. Be member the name anil accept no other. CMS ilU PUTNAM FADELESS DYES WASHDAY BML woman, he is esH'clally wlu-the mother of a family, Ur dumper to all joyous-neit- a in the home, and a drag upon her huslmnd. The cost uf a wife'seon-atau- t illnesH is a serious drain upon the funds of a household, aud tisi often all the doctoring does uo goutl. If a womun find her energies- are d that everything lireslier, Hsgging- dark uhudowa apiear under her eves her sleep ia disturlied by horrible dreams; if she boa backache, headache, pains, nervousness, whites, or despon-dcncshe should tske means to build her system up at once by a tonic with ajieciiic powers, such as Lydia E. Pink-barn- s Vegetable t'ompouud. This great remedy for women ban done mure in the way of restoring health to the women of Ainerirs than all other medicines put together. It is the safeguard uf woman's health. Following we publish, by request, a letter from a young wife. Mrs. Bessie Alnaley of 611 South 10th Street, Tacoma, Wash., writes : - y, "Lydia E. I'iiiklixm's Vegetable uoiKMUul mails' nw a well woman, aisi I si grateful that I am glad to writs and tell you of ny iiiarvehms rsenvery. It brougut me lienltb, new lifs and vitality." M What I.ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. Ainsley It will do for every woman who la in poor health and ailing. Its hencfitaliegln when its use begins. It gives ktrrnpth and vigor from the start, and surely makes sick women well nnd robust. Remember Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound holds tha record for the greatest numlier of actual cures of woman's ilia. This fact ia attested to by the thousand of letters from grateful women which are on file in the Pinklinm laboratory. Merit alone can t produce ouch results. . Women should remember that a cure for nil female diseases actually exists, and that cure ia Lydia K. liitkham'a Vegetable Compound. Take no substi- Dear Mr rinkham: Ever silica my child waa born I havs suffered, a I hiijw few women ever have, with tute. inflammation, ferns )r wrakuesa, Imtriiig-dow- n wins, lacksi'lw ami wnih'lMsl Iswilachsa. It If yon have symptoms yon don't sffseted my stuiiuu'hsfi that I could noton-jo- y understand write to Mrs. Pinkhain, my meals, and half my tiuw wsa spent Lynn, Musa., fur special advice it ia Iu lieii. free and always helpful. LfdU L PinUunl VeictAble Wkcn ML ttken MOUNTAINEER ir the Inivcnslty of Utah. t Herman Harms has State Jot completed a chemical analysis of foods Realty samples of breakfast mde from wheat, oals, barley and ora and sold on the market. All found free from adulteration. The first religious services ever Modena were conducted on hf4 AhPist 27 by Foster, a converted Ibte Indian, who has recently returned from the Indian school at Car- ibid. Pa. Nearly the whole town : Clic-mls- Every Western man who wears Overalls should wear the " Mountaineer brand, made by the x. c. m. i. ral w-r- Urni'd Clothing, Boot and Shoe Factory SALT LAKE CITY, VTAH Better Overalls Can't be Made put Thomas E. Wright, of Bingham Jnetiua, attempted suicide In his cell la the Salt Lake county Jail, Sunday nlfht by swallowing a large quantity HID DIPHTHERIA REMEDY HALLS o( sodium salicylate. Wrlghta Intention were good, but the drug coneon SAL ev ALL oeueeiere eon THa mouth, throat. EVFR tained no poison. , I HILO" ANN aaMSHAL eTORaS....... UTOMAOH AND BOWtLe..,. "NtfUl Fill Unfamiliarity with the briny waters Nildsn-Juds- oi Salt Laki City, Utah. Drug Co., Baniral Agents. of the Great Salt lake came near costing Joseph Murphy, of St. Louis, his life at Saitalr Sunday. Only the prompt aid of a few of the resort employes saved Mr. Murphy from being mangled by the salty spray. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH It Is not Improbable that congress W, L. Douglas $4.00 Cllt Edge Line B0ARDIN6 AND DAY SCHOOL win grant cannot be equalled at any price. prospective Uintah land settleip an extension of time In which STUDIES RESUMED SEPTEMBER 71k to ealaliliah their residence in cane there appears to be a pressing need of Minim, Primary, Academlo, Colsock an extension because of lack of lege and Post Graduate departe. ments. Special attention to early Irrigation facilities. Muelo Mathematics. and Chok-ramong hogs has made its Commarolal branches. Courses appearance In Paysun and vicinity. In Physical Culture, Military Drill. Several farmers have lost a number Students are prepared for West Point, Annapolis and all dapart-man- ta of hogs as the result, and those who of tha Civil Barvlco. A are making a business of the Industry complete corps of able and exare alarmed aa to the outcome of the perienced professors. A limited dilease unless It la checked. number of private rooms, for whloh application should be According to the report of James made early. For further particuChristensen, state call on or write to the Very lars, treasjiror, the ataioa total receipts from all sources Rev. President. during the month of August amounted to $32,032.23. Disbursement during the iuonth amounted to $95,263.30. The bakiuce on hand July 31 wan $228,- - CMEB t. W. L. Douglas '3at 3 SHOES. All Hallows College 80I-enc- a The new tabernacle ft Lehl, which hao coat $50,000 to approximately erect aa formally Sunday, epened rr blent Joseph F. all the of ,e Alpine stake presidency. ex Ilishop T. K. Culler and n.auy other outside visitors were -- present err. AHiLLUUlUAXU!S!B7 - (.cvernur John C Cutler last week bailed a proclamation naming the csniRlasion of nine members provided for by the last legislature to investigate tho work of the Agricultural r EXACT COPT OF ties which iuspire admiration. rrhiect and love. Tiirre is a livauty in health which in more attractive to men tliau inure regularity of feature. The influence of women glorious la the possession of perfect ptiysdml health upon mru and upon civilixslion of the world could never be measured. Decs use of them men have attaint'd the very heights of ambition; Iiccuum- - of them even thrones have been established and destroyed. What a tlisti ppnint inent, then, to see the fair young wifeKlM'uuty fmllngaivay a eur pass,- over her head ! A sickly, her internally. gJkLu. zzsr a 8even-eighth- Bora in are nukli.g more money thun for three Recommend Castoria Physicians with has the Promotes Shapes the Destiny of Men The Influence ef a Healthy Woman Cannot Be Overestimated. uf the t'tah National are enjoying the annual at Mantl this week. A. 11. I'aiTiiigtfii Ml from the fifth floor of a liiiililing in Salt lavke last week and eccapi-- will: a broken arm. The past mmimui has been a most one for Salt lake's pleasure resorts, ail of which elimed on Mouday. Lalmr day was at the capital ci'j by the Mispcnstuu of bust-neaud big ginki-riuat all the re- lu-nv- Complaint of a Vulgarism. Says a writer !t the Loudon Chroone which, like nic.: "A vitlnaii-'Ur'Kraviite' for 'irritate,' ).as come intc use by way of the kitchen stairs If 'demtan,' with a sense of derogation or abaea:trt. It is to be seen In many a paper and even many a book and heard In many a speech. It If the second syllable that has misled the popular understanding, but the noun demeanor should have saved the educated from their blunder with the verb. When tly cook refuses t demean herself she la excusable, be cause demeanor la not In her vocab- JAQUES MFC. CO. Chicago. DM. THE IDEAL WIFE VTAH STATE NEWS Au i at, I3u5, men! over shewed a gr previous years ter w coutngOUfl diseases, bul twenty. i,ine cases of h thirty-nlAup'st, lout, B h,P William H. J Wel'sHlle, a pluw?r of Cl and uv more than forty j In the affairs n Pr,jnt tow of Tooele. 110,000 ASSIST In, . Dough. fiJ.M oboes by their MOV lilting, Ult oupcriorwnrhir oaic of any fJ.M M, sdilot cd Um Inrccot I tho world, they oro Ju.t ao .'nod o tno Mlv 15.00 to 57.00 price. II I could toko yea bit.I: tho lortrol Mnee.. lory at Rrocfclon, rid sndcr one mot sinhlng eiruo fir nd how you the core with which ever, Uaugle onnee I mitda. you would reollcr I. I. UourlM 5J.50 ohoco arc the bn: induced In tho world. Milo ohow you the dllterenco betworn th node ia uiv loclory and thnw of olHe. yoa would uudrrrinnd why Ucurlo; iharoco.t morn lo mnsr. why they hok hope. HI brtlrr. wror lonqcr, and are a r Inlrinoic value thou any other 5J.5' I the market lu-dDouptmm Strong Mmdm thomm for hot cnot icc h the yo. 52.O0C Bovm School i, mo Shooo.9i.SO, SO, S1.1S.01.BC W.l-Ih'- nr JTIONe Initwl upon 52.50, it. ink BO ric hi &n me and i KIKIh hnu'M pent U Mumped on bottom. Full fMrtl Mid: I" hiMVreqimt, wiit Mt w nwf. sorexoM. faxiioe lx In powikr form to bo di.nl ved Iu oroler, and I br more deuwinc, hnling, Sad ocouumiBl thou liquid ontutico fur J TOILTT AND WOMEN'S SPECIAL USES bar oalo ol diacxiMk SO emu a bnx. Trial Box and Book of luouwcttooo Froo. N. AXTOM COMMNV BeOTOM, MooSk f When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. W. N. U.. Salt Lake No. 36. ISOS. ' PISOfS CUR ..KIIIIIIK lf nyrup. Ml ILL He came 1 olhe 13 Thompson's Eye Water mu ecuful. TbMougbivcIcuics.klUsdii tape diKSMgeo, Unis ixlumnutw t 11 Nn Biinn bib not Mild. frp (nr FOR WOMEN troubled with ills koculiar to a dosebo is tbeu sex, aoed Hoot Cauith In Mw.-So- tilt rillST Toout (iwiLDi ho dmrcl-t- x. ' |