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Show nrjT ELIAS MORRIS CSL SONS CO. SALT LAKE CITY. Ophite Sewih Gel Tempi I S a if&vvvvsmiB GATRELL j 419 D. F. Walker Building, Salt Idike City. Landmarks. I Nun, ...i i i lh,In a,Ui.Laiil if, Will. I Mii:ftji I u.m-- Arid l.h.y fi.-u- . Timt a eii.liy ..'ii Il l I III-- a iti il.e THOMPSON REAL ESTATE CO. Wa Buy, Sell and Trade Real Eatate. rliil.. ly rMrt,uih stand and w.-irliai.Os, h. mill. Hinlb-- i dillld-IJiir- Iwiriiy t, ur, .Ji ul yore. a ruiiiit-- lu Miui.l Slii-,- i iu ufil-- i fci.'-- lb (,. , H-r- lit'- - .aini,1 .ipv . Jl.. Free. Write Us. Biantifollj lllostrated Catalogoi Seat Kin-1- , We have a large list of farms and city property, vacant and Improved, :heaper than any other firm. Call and see ua. 63V4 West Second South BL, Salt Lake City. ' wilrs ami fill. WINDSOR. het aliiid HOTEL. EUROPEAN I vow, . To some nf oilier 1 llsl.li nil iiniiiovrd: Lake City. Salt . now Tin- - d.it a llinl an an Located In the heart of tha city. roved. Ain ttuuh lu l.n - WaaliiiiKton Star. Rates Reasonable. Light, airy, clean rooms. Firs c las la every reapecL Steam beat, Electric Buried by Life Preservers. Life prescrvcrH came near being tin Lights. Island City death of two iiinii In , OLADSTONI HOTEL say a New Ynifi W'litcrday dispatch. The men were in a liur. Mrs. A. M. Marshal, Propt board automobile and were in a hurry to catch a Thirty fourth atreet ferri 111 South Main Street Balt Lake boat. The niaebliies rushed down IliJ Nastly furnished Rooms by the Day. Week or Month. 'Inn aveipte and Kwung arouud the cp Rates, 60 centa to I1.C0 per day. , at the Img Island railroad BuSpecial rate by tha day, week or ilt m, on two whii-U- . month. Am the au'nmobilu shot across tie w 1 plaza In front of the ferry entrance large baggage truck, heaped high wkl & H. THE CIGAR THAT'S came along, pusldt! lire ALWAYS RIGHT, by half a dozen inter. The liagg:te Aosayers and Chemists. 161 B. W. Temple St. Balt Lakejj truck struck the antoinnlillo amidtilib load life of and tun the preserver U City. the ami t In h in prttn Hluej qiiiiliiy, bled on top of ibe two men In the aWrits for Mailing Baeka. filKar Hold utomobile. lnint. Th peer of mi) They Kltouied for help, bit arivvt hi'ii. Cuban hand made, Havan t their erlea were quickly atlfled by tke life preserver. filler, It furnlaliett the beat and sweetA big crowd saw the accident, a est hiiuiko ihut any smoker ran wltth when they had recovered from lau M. Ing the two men were rescued. Thiy fur. A88AYER. with rriishm hata and a fey escaped 120 W. 2nd South, 8alt Lake aty.jj declined to give They WHITTAKER A DALLAS, name. Opposite Postofflce. 1 MAKERS. Mailing Sacks Furnished. 134 V. 3d South Ht, Salt Uke City. "The Head of Spite." face of a woman li A huge, bhk-oufixed on a huune In Berlin, and b known a "The Head of Spite." Tki IE Emperor William I. had It erected u a warning against rancorous 111 wBL The Emperor stopped one day at Wanta to hear from you regarding that new HDGBAH DE blacksmith's to have his horse's ahtx furnltura youll bo buying In the near fure fixed. Next door was a rival blacin ksmith, and the daughter of this mu Harrla la the largest dealer ture. of ni uncle put her tongue out and die Furniture and llouiehold aupplela in tnrtnd her face, which was never vrj Price the Intermountain country. pretty, with a horrible grin, In orlot from Harrla mean the loweat. No betto show her contempt for the Khg HI Majesty took no notice of the Inter furniture anywhere. Write, ensult at the time, but the next dayht closing what you may want, and he'll ordered a well known German scilp quote a mighty low bargain. tor to produce In wood a m on strain CARPET A FURNITURE HARRIS face of a woman wtih a tongue killlnf HOUSE. f out of the mouth. The Emperor State Street. Salt lAke City superintended the fixing of Ihb TAYLOR. ROMNEY, ARMSTRONG CO. Wholesale and Retail 'i a kin'ie l,i i ;i. LDM BEP . CYRUS Attorney A Counselor. 8 CEMENTETC, CHIMNEYS OF 0? I Block. MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, CRATES. .TILES. FIRE-PRO- s faa&invsfi t-- sffi-rnoon- DEALERS at Corner South Temple and 2d West St. SALT LAKE CITY - - UTAH THE KEELEY CURE. Drunkenness Cured. A positive and permanent cure tot irankenneae and tba opium diseases. There la no publicity, no sickness. Ladles treated aa privately as at thali own homes. The Keeley Institute, 134 W. Bo. Temple, Salt Lake City. Utah. P MUSIC Lmtest SONGS X ALL MUSICAL HI GOODS G BEESLiEVS JL JL XT s Officer F. Co., CHy, M I1 ENJOYABLE! remained ever since. Valuable Book. A The Sign of Safety, Speed and fort. .... 11:17 a. 1:11 p. 1:35 p. 3 From UTAH to KANSAS CITY, ST. JOE, CHICAGO, GALVESTON, EL PASO. And the Mining Camps of NEW MEXICO AND ARIZONA. 1RTBTTM Rates this Sum- The Atchison, Topeka dl Santa Fa Railway Company. Salt Lake City, Utah. er3we333ti rtltiti NEXT TIME ' YOU GO EAST Be Sure And Use The UNION PACIFIU and Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway The Reute ef the m. m. m. IMXGHAk BRANCH. Arrives th Laavee. A. M. P. M. A. 1L P. M. 10:M 1:40 Unit Lake City 1:00 In 3:10 a of then India, Ulwar, Rajah city t 10:17 3:17 3:33 Klngham Junction I a manuscript book called Tke Go 10:40 3:64 1:41 Revere 1:4 : 6:43 list an, which la claimed to kt th 117 3:37 leil Mine 1:40 3d 139 4:10 Bingham moat valuable volume In India. I. A. BENTON. The librarian lushd that It iivortl Qen. Ait. Pass .Dept. i five hundred thounund rupees, thick In equivalent to about a hundred anf seventy thousand dollars, and deelarei that the actual cost of the gold aei In illuminating it was more thu flftj thousand dollars. It la a modern na imrrlpt copy of a religious poem, naili In 1848 by a German scribe at tke der of the Maharajah llanl Singh. The miniatures anil olher pictures wm painted by a native artist at Delhi, and the ornamental scroll work Hpo To be assured of a pleasant trip the margin of the pages and the till ial letter were done by a resident of east, purchase your tickets via the VI war. Trains Dail. 3 BISHOP, Leaves Lehl .Leaves Bingham Junction ) Arrive Balt Lake City Com- mer. C. F. WARREN, General Agent'. strange ornament above the doorvay no. i TituiiCIi TraIN. of the blacksmith's shop, where th Leave Thistle ll:Sa.m. 11:03 a. m. Provo Leave woman bred resided, and there 11:40 a. m. Leave American Fork lnd. Trl. 733. alls Ask us aliout Cheap Dm-sel- LEWIS. SALT LAKE PRI VATE HOSPITAL. mm Sanitarium Baths 334-23- DR. ALVAH EASY. BALT LAKE KOT CntlNOB VHHS? 753. WE MAKE TRAVEL - i get your teeth 94-0- XT JSSLSJS fwi DDaH Ika THE EASTERN PAINLESS DENTAL COMPANY. Flrat-claa- a work, a full guarantee sad courteous treatment to alL Kota a few of our prices. Full set of teeth, 95.00. Solid gold crown, 22k., 95.00. Bridge work for tooth, Absolutely painless extraction. , Rooms 9, 10, 11, 12 Galena Block. Entrance, 09 EL Second South. S li C TJ HARRIS AT SALT LAKE sill'll Tel. at Orders promptly filled Mall UNIQUE! lu-r- R. 44 Main St,, UJi Led O o Whita In Balt fixed OVERLAND LIMITED Cars to Chicago. Through In the library of the palace tf tC S. WILLIAMS. 4 4 1 COMMERCIAL AGENT 06 West Second South Street. Salt Lake 4 4 aty. 4 4 i Illinois Central Special Attention given SURGICAL and OBSTETRICAL CASES. TIIK ONLY STRICTLY I'RIVATB HOSPITAL IN TUB STATK. No. 332 E. 1st South. Salt Lake City. r Every Day During Limit October 31. E. DRAKE, Diet. Past. Agt. Write for Further Information. G. A. BIBLE, Trav. Pass. Agt. CHAS. SLOAT, General Agt, Salt Lake City, Utah. I 800 17th St., Denver. America's First Iron Bridgt Vp to 181d there were no Iron bridges In the Vai -- d Slate eiccpt in which Iren suspension hri link were used in the rallies and the floor heiag of wood. The first lui,!.-- (n America consisting of iron 'hioughont was built In 18b by Earl Trumbull over tlie Erie canal In the village of hank-for- t. 44 N Y. 1 44 stTlolis 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 ORANGE GROVES. PASADENA. . THE TOURIST'S FAVORITE ROUTE FAST FLYERS DAILY BETWEEN 1 OGDEN AND PKTYVF.T? ; A Cambridge lady finds on careful comp..la- :on that two fuilta which she hn made aaiala about 3.834. PJ'.i sthehes. la on gar mem there are 1.333 sMiches laeach of the 1.0SU piists. making a total, with border work, of 1.618, OJA 44 Watch Kept Time Under Watir 44 DIRECT TO CORONADO TENT CITY. Ray Jenkins k.- hi, w,tci .fr. 44 board In fifteen of water at Ba44ra!at!al Wntlbuied Tralna leava Salt iAke City 8:30 p. m. dally. Ob- Island. Mus Two days !. ker serration. Drawing Room and Standard rullman Sleeper. Tourist and j Frank Turner ,he watck whlla Dining Car. 4 4 diving, and cxmuina-ioshowed that . 4 It waa In pcrf.-- i t r, inning order. CAR. FREE RECLINING CHAIR 4 Whole Town to Be Moved. or Coast Pacific on Information Excursions, for' Ask nearest agent every b Practically Z. 4 write to J. L. Moore, Dint Taa. Agent. San Pedro, lais Angeles & 8alt He lumlH-rintown of Herrln.S; ' emunty. Pa., will bo gTLTl 4 Lake R. R.. Salt Laka City. . House by Ths dUt.ni 44 mile. The of !ran.iv." .j! 4444444444444444-4444444444444444building began a fw dayaa -t f.v-n- n THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOURIST FROM OGDEN OR BALT TO ST. LOUIS . SllPn AKR WITHOUT CHANGE OF CAR Free Reclining Chair Can. Dining Car If rTla, ? U Ulautratad through trains, Bookfet eta, Ijra TokUra, L A. BENTON, O. EAST A F. XX SALT XJLKZ CITY, UTAB VIA REMEMBER, IN FIGURING TOUR TRIP BAIT THAT THE Missouri Pacific Oregon Short Line THROUGH SCCNIO COLORADO FERTILE msu on dissoud RAILROADi THmucr coroccrcN with thi IL E. BVRLEY, G.F.GT.A. Bl S. SPENCER. A.C.P.GT.A. UNION PACIFIC THE OVERLAND ROUTE PULLMAN ms SLEEPING CARflL OBSERVATION DINING OANO. Etformo Liontd, Elkctnio Fans, cm aid Card rkounino Immmmm , VK04ATI W VHCH 11a KIUAX COMINN- O- main R.D. SALT it. LAM rr as. Cm. ta.-r- 1 j SAFETY DST g TO AU icons eanv Ran - SPEED com PORT m ran omci 201 4, ra-1- 3 CHOICE OF ROUTES. Many Stitches in Quilts. 44 4444444444444444444444444444444 II AND TMK RAILWAY - SAN PEDRO. Wo Through Servloo e 44444444444444444444444444444444444 nYcm. .If Rail- perpetual of birth and nationality. The othai the 8outh and Southeast. sort of tattixiing la simply fantasy and For full Information call on or write coquetry. But among certain tribe! there la a third kind. The women re J. A. FOLEY, ronl upon their bodies the epochs ol Commercial Agent. their existence. A horizontal link No. 75 West Second South Street. mark marriage, obluptc lines the birth of children, a wrin-n- l line Venning. another line rlinucc of residence: "" " Thu the autobiography of the woman la written upon h. peion. and regarded with pride if it is full of ereut. SEPTEMBER. 44444 4 4 4-- MiHStW First-clas- s EASTERN POINTS. OCEAN BEACHES. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4-- 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 road Tattooed Women. o 44 44 44 There are two aorta of tattooing Id from Omaha to Chicago. use among the women of the Coo go service also between One Is common to all the member, ol the same tribe, and Indicate the orf Omaha and and Chicago gin and birthplace of the subject, it g and St. aa well all points In as Louis, an Infallible and certillcatd Reduced Rates JULY, AUGUST, 4 TTNION PACIFIC NEXCELLED X ROGRESS3VH xJ (THE OVERLAND ROUTE) |