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Show You be the Judge !l TRY A CAN OF Mis you .tlW." BY WHOSE HAND ? Wi'llams Aartar mi Copyright By a Malra Broadtk," Fine tea is so daintily fine that a man (or even a woman) may gobble it down without suspecting it well. I Immediately took my way to the apartment of Mr. Harry Sinclair, leadcoming man In one of the THE QUALITY BAKING POWDER It will cost you nothing If It isn't the Best of ths good ones." d Hewlett Bros. Co. Tin From Malay. ' The Malay at at eg produce about even-tentof the world's supply of tin. h TEA best-know- n panies of the city. I found him In bed, reading tlie morning papers. Tve not come to see you," I said, a we shook hands, "but your man Williams. Don't tell me you want my treasure; I really couldn't keep house without him, Sinclair gayly cried. "No, no; 1 simply wish to see him on a matter of business. He may be able to give me some valuable information." "Well, here he la now with my coffee, responded the actor, as Williams 'entered the room. A few words with him were satisfactory, and an appointment was made for the afternoon. Savings Banka vs. Saloons. In Norway on pay days saloons are closed and savings bank open until midnight. - Beautify Your Walls and Ceilings! m whits - and beautiful Does not rub or scale. Destroys dls-cs-o grama and vsnnln. No washing of walla after snos applied. Any ons can brush It on mix with cold water. Other finishes, bearing fanciful nsmen and mixed with either hot or cold water, do not tint respectfully, and on after went away. s;ii fur a lung time iu a brown-uitand the of my cogita-'Ui- s look this shape: Miss Sat a tie (a pel n as years ago ted by Reginald Dairy uiple. Bbe Is 1 a re ongt-fu- l disposition, bhe bided at tiiiie. She discovered that ths reptile which ner cousin Toiighi fi mil India, could be tempted torn Its cage by means of a certain t, which i h Professor had In his Assess. on. she watched her sister iune from their cousin's apartment kat night. With diabolical dexterity Ac arranged her revenge. In her fright, or basic, her gown was torn, tnd a damning; bit of evidence left 'eiiind. She. by her extraordinary owers of comprehension, saw that sisici fancied herself to lie guilty, ad thus intensified her vengeance by biding this belief over Angel. Bo !ir iilain cuiingli. He who runs may tad. Now come two Inexplicable features the oi.-- e tin Professor's complicity 1 Butane's sudden reformat ibn. These problem 1 cun not as yet de-it 1 doubt not 1 shall find !k key. Shall 1 take Angel into my confi-Hic- e ami tell her what 1 have dlscov-tied- ? Nn, not yei. 1 must have more Himf before tin iniquity of her slater il d isrli i.il to her. What next am I to do? Where turn? There is bulbing more to be gained remaining In New YorH. What iay I not stumble upon if I return to &a View and watch this precious inir? Besides there Is Angele. She must he cheered, encouraged ay protect-u- d from Fatane. If this beautiful, wicked woman should get an inkling that she Is in danger, she would not Hesitate to crush her defenseless sister! 1 must at si hazards guard An- Blk etc. Diamond, How did you conic to tell hi:1 about the root?" 1 asked as calmly a: I could. He asked mo, sir. 'Williams,' sab he, a day or so af!cr he returned, think it was, sir. 'Williams.' said he did you And any bits of this atuf scattered about either of the ie rounifc during my absence?' Then he showed me some roots he had iu a I'ttb jar tut one of bis shelves. I lookei. closely at thousand says I. Yes. sir that's like the scraps I foj:;d along side Mr. Dalrymple's bed, sir. He turned deathly pale. and. rays be Have you told any one of tills?' 'No sir.' says I. You did well. says he; and I must say, sir, he treated me most handsome, for he gave me n good-sizebill, and told me never to sjieak of ft, and be would always be my friend, and If 1 was ever in need, to come to him." "Does he know where you arc now?" 1 asked. Yes. sir.- 1 wrote hin.and told him f had a good place, and then I met him a few weeks ago on Fourteenth street, and he stopp'd and spoke with me, and said he got my letter, and was glad I had a fine situation, and said again, if 1 was ever in nets, not to hesitate to come to him. Well, air, 1 ain't a fool, and I couldn't fail to see there was something back of all this, and It nas worried me a good deal at times. "Well, what about this bit of dress goods?" I have never spoken of that to human being, said the man earnestly "but when I was straightening up the room that morning, down by the foot of the bed, lying well to one aide, was a piece of cloth. I picked It up. looked as It was torn sort of if the wearer had caught her foot In It, or something of that kind. I've kept it ever since, and have always carried It about me. 1 xig-za- g , Heading diaoass germs, rubbing, spoiling walla, cloth-loscaling and etc. Bach Finishes mast be walked g, oil array year ex penal ts, filthy work. Boy Alabsstlneonlyla five pound pack ages, properly labeled. Tint card, pretty wall and (wiling design, Hints on Deoorating and our artists serTloes In in. ALABASTINE CO, HIVE sr YOU IM Water St, N. T COWS? a If you have eamtoaepar Cream Separator ia the moat profitable you can possiblr make. Delay means daily waste oil time, labor and product. DE LAVAL CREA1 SEPARATORS save $10- .- per cow per year every year of use over all gravity setting systems and $&- .- per oow over all imitating separators. They reoeived the Grand Prize ot Highest Award at St Louis. sepaBuying trashy rators is penny wise, dollar foolish. Such machines quickly less their cost instead of taring it. If you haven't the ready cash DE LAVAL wiachira may be bought on such liberal terms that they actually This Jn v0: SLICKER) ml j. UUnhW Crowd Was Assembled at Race Track in Utah Town, Watching a Race, When tho Bolt Camo Without a Moment's Notice. would tempt her from tbs cage." Have you got it with you now? I asked with a beating heart Yes, sir. I haven't dared leave It anywhere, At the Professor's acting so strange set all sorts of queer fancies afloat in my head. Then, too, I recognised the doth, he concluded, as he opened his coat and drew from his pocket a piece of filmy, gauxy stuff, a broad yellow and black stripe. I took it with shaking fingers. You say you recognized this?" I asked. "Yes, sir, Im sorry to say I did. I've seen a dress of that sort of stuff often on Miss Capel. CHAPTER V. better be fancied, than described as I sat staring at this flimsy bit of gauze. Such a trifle-li- ght as air and yet confirmation, strong as Holy writ, of my suspicions. My feelings may Everything pointed toward my theory as the correct one. The Professor had lied to me about his knowledge of Williams whereabouts. He was evidently shielding Satane, and did not care to hare me come In contact with the valet. Was the Professor an accomplice? It surely looked so, and yet what motive could he have bad? It was a puzzling knot to unfasten, but I did not despair. It was but a week since I had undertaken this quest, and already I had made momentous discoveries. Of course, sir, Williams said, suddenly, breaking the profound dilcnre. I don't like to suspect a fine young lady, like Miss Capel, of such a wicked act, but it has bothered me terribly. I havent known wbat to do. Sometimes I've thought, as it might be ray duty, to go to Mrs. Dalrymple and tell her, but I couldn't bring myself to do 1L That poor lady has bad so much trouble. So, whenever I've thought about It, something has always said to me that I'd better keep still and walL Since I left there I havent thought so much of it, but just now, when you began questioning me, some way I felt at once that the time had come for me to speak. I You have done exactly right , answered. No doubt this mystery will all be cleared away, and no doubt Miss Capel can satisfactorily explain how a piece of her dress cams You in her brother-in-law'- s room. nssd not worry over the matter at - Richfield. Utah. Lightning from a clear sky hurled "no persons to the ground, killing one, Tuesday afternoon. Aiioi her will probably die. Twenty-si- x more are Injured, several of them badly. The bolt fell in tho midst of 2.500 people, all crowded close to the rail of tho new race track. They ri watching the beginning of the .ay's third trolling race. It came without warning. A terrific reiort startled the thousands. Half dazed by Its Intensity those who liad escaped tho shock caught their scattered senses to see maddened horses dashing In all direr-lion- s through the crowd, while 200 men aud women lay prostrate. The bolt csnie from a broad strip of clear sky between two approaching rluud masses. Its explosion when It struck on a wagon was the first warning of its presence. The ground had been wet by light showers and ths electricity scattered over the grass in bhiM flames that knocked down, stunned and burned victims on nil sides. It ripped wagon wheels and seats and shattered the track fence. The crowd had gathered at the new fair grounds. They had come from many surrounding points In honor of Utah Commercial Travelers day. The races were the main thing of Interest and they had crowded rinse to the track, all along whose circuit they were strung. When the luilt struck some thought had Others dynamite exploded. thought it was a giant firecracker. A rush toward the place followed, as soon as people recovered their senses. Horses were running madly, soma dragging carriages and others loose. Women and children shrieked with terror. Ths area over which ths shock was felt extended almut 100 ytrdq each way. A number of wagons and carriages In this ares were broken by ths fores of the lightning. Mrs. A. D. Rasmussen wss in a surrey with her family of children when ths bolt fell. The horse ran sway and Mrs. the vehicle wss overturned. Rasmussen wa badly injured, as wss a little girl. The mother's nose wss rut off. H. S. I vie, a horseman, who had just lined up his sulky for ths start, had a strange experience. His animal wss dazed for several seconds, as was the driver. Both came to about the same time, and the horse bolted at once. Still half daxed, the driver held grimly to the reins and guided the horse around the trsek. Hy the time his wits fully came to him he lisd the brute under control. The new fdir grounds, the scene of the accident, are about three miles from town. After the first shock sustained by the throng, assistance was given to the injured. It wss found (hat Alins Bean, of Richfield, 19 years of age, vu dead. Among the most seriously injured 1 gelo. decision made, I proceeded to lack my belongings for a somewhat extended stay at Bea View. I took the train next morning, and, having arrived in safety and arranged my ttiodi and chattels, I dispatched a note to Angele. A speedy reply contained the request that I should dine with them that evening. Toward sunset accordingly I drove down to ths Dalrympls My heart At three oclock, therefore, the sleek, tidy valet made bis appearance at my office. Taking him into my consulting room, and closing the door behind us, I asked him point-blan"You were in Mr. Dalrymples service, were you not? "Yes, sir, Williams answered. You, I believe, were the first to (AiMMirea for paw Bead today for new catalogue and discover his death? man of nearest local agent Yes, sir," said the man, with a conshudder. vulsive De Co. Laval Separator The Tell me, did you discover any7 CsrtlssSt ItrMf SaaSsIph A Canal Sts. I thing unnatural about the room? Did New YORK CHICAGO you find traces of any one's presence?" The man hesitated a moment, and EATHER. WISDOM!) then said: "Well, sir, I don't like to THE ORKMAL m talk about this. It was a fearful affair. I told all I knew at the inquest. you sure you told all you know? I asked, meaningly. The man started a little and looked anxiously at me. You would not, I continued, like an Innocent person to be suspected of having caused your master's death, I would you? No, sir, said Williams, in' a supifJLL KEEP YOU DRY tone. pressed Vnothwg else "Then you bad best speak out, my TAKE NO SUBSTITUTES man. I am determined to thoroughly CATALOGUES MICK I have Important 1ft this mystery. uu UNK or OARMCNTG AND NATS. MAHh U.G.A. , TOWCR COL.GOGTOO clues In my hands, which I. propose OmuGCAWAMAM CO., LTO..TDGOGTO, CANADA. to follow. You may be of great assistance to me. A BUSINESS EDUCATION . Williams rose, walked to the window, and stood several minutes starIn the greatest Western Commercial ing out I waited patiently. I saw school (the combined Salt Lake and there was a struggle going on In his L. D. S. Business colleges) insures mind, and was positive he would peak. ready Employment and lays the founAt last ha turned. dation for a prosperous career. BookShort"I think I had better tell you, sir, be keeping, Higher Accounting, hand, Typewriting, Telegraphy, Law, What I know has often aid, quietly. English, Mathematics, etc. Enter at disturbed me. I did not tell quite all any time. Fall term opens SeptemI know at the Inquest. I answered ber 11th. Write for catalog to the questions which were asked me, H. PAUL, President but I did not volunteer any Informa0100 N. MAIN SVNEBT. SALT LAKS OITV tion. 1 have felt there was some awful secret back of my poor masSalt Laki Photo ter's death, but I have never spoken M any ons, except the Professor Supply Co..., I InvolunExcept the Professor! Osmans Kodaks exclaimed. tarily . end Bupvlios Yes, sir; and I did not tell him D wining I told him about quite everything. root I of bits the found, but not LASS CITT SOWN ST.. SALT ANS shout the scraps of cloth, torn from some woman's dress. When Answering Advertisements My heart leaped to my throat What This Mention Paper. Kindly did this man know? Sa0 Two Hundred People Struck by Lightning, One Being killed and a Score Injured. twilight brooded owr the sea, stretched braxen and motionless along the beach. The crlm-- i sun was Just sinking from sight we turned Into the grounds, saw little Marcelle flying about ths temis court She caught sight of ms d nni ran screaming with delight the carriage. I ordered the drlv- stop and took .the pretty child who embraced me rapturously. I next saw the smoke from the Professors cigar In the shrubbery, and lecehred a gracious bow and wave of the land from him as I drove by. Then I saw a stately figure on the broad piazza, and something about that supple, plisut form caused a curious, clutching sensation about my haw tha cementing property They art stack on with glue, or other animal matter, which rota Qrasd Rapids, Mich, T pbce. The soft summer of ' bowi-i-l lt Copyright, 1U0, liy Siraet It Smith. Wrt, by Willuid Frxrket k Co CHAPTER Well, It was a most shocking and mysterious affair," I observed, as I Hung my cigar away and, rising, consulted niy watch. I saw that - liad barely time to catch the train from Sea View. My horse was at the door, and sv without even a parting word to Angele. I roiln hastily away. I had resolved upon my next step, and (uuld scarcely wait until I reached New York, to put my design Into execution. The next morning I was ushered into, the presence of the kindly-facekeeu-eyechief inspector of police. 1 told hlin I wanted the whereabouts ot a man named John Williams, occupation that of a valet. A detective was called and at once detailed to begin the search, and 1 went to my office satisfied that something was being done. On the fourth morning after the detective called at my office, and told me where to And my man. As good fortune would have it, I discovered that he was valet to a prominent actor whom I chanced to know very Tka SENATOR SULLIVAN BOLT FROM SKY 1 By EDITH SESSIONS TUPPER. THREE CROWN making oolor pinna, your own counsel, and It further I will 1st yoa Miss Satane Capel stood there, leaning against the broad balustrade. Her superb throat and arms were bare; she hold an enormous cluster of yet low roses In her hands and her gown was of some filmy, transparent yellow ind black striped stuff, a lilt of which at that moment was hidden In my waistcoat pocket Never had she looked so radiant so dazzling, as she came toward me, holding out her hand in welcome. It was with difficulty 'I could touch it the hand of a murderess! and such a murderess! Had she taken a dagger in that soft, white hand and driven it home In Rex Dalrymple's heart, I could hsvs pitied and forgiven her. (To be continued.) Dwight neau,1 Rlrhffeld; will probably die; clothes all torn off. Mrs. A. H. Williams, badly shocked Unconscious Humor That Gets Into and burned about head and bark. Mrs. Harry E. Mills, Rlrhffeld, badthe Newspapers. J-- L. Harbour, one of the editors of ly shocked and Iniriiod about left side. Mrs. A. O. Rasmussen, Richfield, The Youth's Companion and an author, delights In poring the pacrs nose cut off. Inex Clark, Richfield, shocked, for unconscious humor. He says that over head. burned descriptions of weddings are InvariaChild of Mrs. Rasmussen, Internalbly funny, and among the Instances ly hurt. he cites Is a W. E. Ashmus, Richfield, paragraph which Indulges In eulogy concerning the bride and burned off, badly shocked. hair Archie Anderson. Glenwood. bridegroom, and concludes with. We wish them all happiness, for John is burned from head, badly shrieked. one of our best All the sliove are still confined to young men, and so is Mary." He also tell of the minute t'jeir lied. There were sliout a score of others descriptions of gifts which are set forth In rural papers on the occasion less serloiiHly Injured. a marriage, and says that In such Terrorized by Tartar. Paper he found: The brlde'a gift A St.. Petersburg dispatch from the groom was a large hair wreath mad lx received Tuesday, says: of his family and hers. Tiff Aunt Emma The whole of the southeast CaucasLeach presented the couple with a handsome motto, Fight us is now terrorised by Tarisrs. Reon- The bride's father gave her one fugees are pouring in here from Baku, Py of Bunyana Pilgrim Progress' Details Elizabeth pol and Bhrndia. and one Jersey cowxiund iu leather. from Shusha show that several engagements were fought between TarWires, Beasts and Birds. tar and Armenians behind regular A strange thing Is tho effect of positions and that a consdderablo pnr- ion of tbe Town was anon In flamen. jleetrlcsl energy on birds and wild beasts, any! B telegraph lineman. According to an offlc'sl estimate "Woodpeckers are continually tapping more than 2o house were destroyed. In the country you ?ii Was Penileas and Sick, flnd everywhere poles honeycombed hy the Mont. E. B. Ewing, claiming nutte, sturdy bills of of Senator CockThe birds mistake the bum-n- g to be brother-in-lasound inside the poles for ths rell of Missouri, idiot himself through humming of Insects, and It Is to get the bead at a Butte hospital Tuesday here three supposed Insects that they i"ke their perforations. Bears, on afternoon. He arrived National Yellowstone other hand, think the bumming days ago from a HI. had drawn He was and !?Bc from bees, and they overturn park stones at the pole's base In their check on the Clark Bros. hank. Butte, to Wt at the honey. Y.olves Tor 1100 In part payment of a bill for Afraid of the sound. A wolf won't board In the park. He was not known ffonear a telegraph pole under any there and had no fund Jn the liank-Ewinwas 45 year old. The corona nrcuoitancea." Philadelphia Union. will hold an inquwt. NOT WITH MALICE PREPENSE. wood-Piker- .!r s. Says Hs Has Found Dsan's Kidney! Pills Invaluable in Treating Sick i j Kidneys. Hon. Tlmotky D. Sullivan of Nsvj York, Member of Congress from tho Mghth New York District, and ons of) ths Democratic leaders of Now York; State, strongly recommends Doan's Kidney Pills. Senator Sullivan writes: It Is a pleas- ure to endorse a remedy like Doan's Kidney having Filli, found them of greatest value In eliminating tho caused by sick kidneys, and In restoring those organs to n condition of health. My experience with your valuable remedy was equally gratifying as that of several of my friend. Yours truly, (Signed) TIMOTHY D. SULIJVAN. distress Poeter-Mllbur- n Coi, Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by all druggists. Price, cents per box. 59 Amethyst for Topers. Amethyst Is from a Greek word signifying a remedy against drunken ness. It being supposed that wins drunk from a cup made of amethyst nould not Intoxicate. TEA You can have good tea if you want it, wherever you are. Tw snasr Mini MUUWxSml gu mv; II rw Swl Us Intelligence and ths Voles. Just as people are trained to uis their Intelligence so they ought to bs trained to use their voice. Bishop of Bristol. Hero is Relief for Women. Mother Urey, a nuns la New York, dla esvsrrd pioensnt barb remedy for women's Ills, oslledAUBTRAUAN-LEAF- . It Is tbs only cartels mouMily regulate. Curas Camels weeknse.ee, Hack soil a, Kidney sad Urinary troubles. At all Drsggisla or by meilMota. Sample mailed FREE. Address, Ths Mother Prey Os., Leltdy, M. Y.. Firedamp." and afterdamp, words brought Into terrible promt enco In many disasters la mines, pro. nrs tho older English sense of damp vapor, and especially noxious vapor. Precisely whore tho word camo fro In philology doss not know, but ths sarilsst existence ot Its oso quoted by Dr. Murray's dictionary la Caxton's 1480) "after tho drsgoa bal oomt a goot and thsr shal ooms out of his noatrsl a dbmp that feL betpkeq hpnger and grots peple. Bacon Is oat of tho writers of his time who speak of tho damps of mine. Damp gradually camo to ho applied to vlslblo vapors, such as evening mists, aud ths transition to tho sens of moisture is ' obvious. Bnt In damping down a furaacs ons finds a relic of ths verb damp la ths sente of uffocste." , Firedamp Ths Good Mixer. He's a good mixer, or Ho Isnt, a good mixer, are expressions yoa often hear. A good mixer Is supposed to ho a man who can associate with people and make business. A poor mixer is one who makes friends lowly, who minds bis own business and Is not much of a rounder, A man who gives his business close attention is the best mixer. When people are In need of a certain article they buy where they can get the beat and cheapest where conditions suit them. When people are buying articles they aesd they do not cars whether ths dealer Is a good fellow or noL We hive never thought much of tho good-mixIdes. Atchison Globs. OUST THE DEMON. A Tussle with Coffee. There ia something fairly demoniacal in the way ooffee sometimes wreaks its fiendish malice on those who use 1L A lady writing from Calif, says: My husband and I, both lovers of coffee, suffered for some time from a very annoying form of nervousness, accompanied by most frightful In my own case there wss eventually developed some sort of affection of the nerves leading from tho pins to tbe head. I wss unable to hold my hesd up straight, the tension of the nerves draw It to one side, causing me ths most Intense pain. Ws got no relief from medicine, and were puzzled as to what caused the trouble, until a friend suggested that possibly tbe coffee ws drank had something to do with It, and advised that we quit It and try Poslum Coffee. Wo followed his advice, and from the day that ws began to use Poetum ws both began to improve, and in a very short time both of us wera entirely relieved. The nerves became steady once more, the headaches cessed, the muscles in the back of my neck relaxed, my head straightened up and the dreadful pain that had m punished me while I used the old kind of coffee vanished. We have never resumed the use oi the old coffee, hut relish our Postum well as ws did the every day former beverage. And we are de lighted to find that we can give it freely to our children also, something we never dared to do with the old kfsd of coffee. Name given hy Pox tnm Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Postum Coffee contains absolutely so drugs of any kind, but relieves the coffee drinker from the eld drug poison. Thens s reason. besd-aehe- a. ' |