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Show THE ALTA INDEPENDENT Successor to Vol X SILVER DROOPING. Published Wednesdays Wednesday silver dropiied to 6'i from tin. quotation of Cl1-- , oulv the day previous. So areal a full In so short a time is only a mutter of a moments wonder, and It Is not at all attributable to the favorite refuge of eastern A silverphabists overproduction. war Is going on between two gold nations, no matter what two nor where the contest is located, menus au in the price of every commodity which we produce and they or either of them use; so it wus with the white metal. Although Japan Is on the gold basis, she nevertheless uses great quantities of silver; in fact, it Is the only money known to the masses, anil the same in a more restricted sense applies to Russia. Naturally, the breaking out of war which at the outset promised to be quite as long as it has been, between those nations, gave un upward impetus to the silver market and kept it up while the contest lasted; naturally also, with tlm conclusion of peace, the reactlou sets in and a full occurs immediately. The fall in this cuhc, we take It, is purely scmiritlietic and spasmodic, in no sense reflecting actuul conditions, nnd ii this proves to be correct, there Is no reason why the decline should be more prunuunred; rather may we look ror complete recovery so scam as the flurry. The point from which silver receded was low enough without reference to outside influences; Indeed, we would ull look with the utmost complacency upon a much higher figure than has been recorded since it by the Independent Publishing Company. SUBSCRIPTIONS. One yeur $1.50 9u Six months Three months 15 Salt Lake Office, 257 Commercial Club Building. Jas. T. Jakeman . . Manager NOTICE. All paid-uto the subscriptions Utah Pioneer will receive this paper to the end of the term for which they have paid. p PUBLISHERS INDEPENDENT. METAL MARKET. Tuesday, 29. Silver, 6214: lead, f3.50. Wednesday, 30. Silver, 60; 15 lead 3.50. Thursday, 31. Silver, 6U4: 15 lead, 53.50. Friday, 1. Silver, 60 S lead, 53.50. Saturday, 2. 811 ver, 6114; 15 lead, 53.50. Monday, 4. Silver, 6114c; 15 lead, 53.50. copper, 6; 3-- copper, copper, copper. copper. copjier, EDITORIAL BRIjEFS. WITH THE RAILS! Every day last week the mining reports contained an Item to the effect of ore reached the that two carloada e Of course the refrom Alta. sampler port was correct, and It brings up a the question so often presented No 6 ami he is ours. Truly, the foremost "built in Cedar valley lias been Isiandpoint, said Mr. IVery, 10 buy the nation or the earth lias- much to be limed by John lturrl of Alta. Mr. sliar-- s at 52 can only lie cum pa red to W had been prospecting and aim- - taking candy from an iufaui. thankful for. and having the foremost The hid his outfit while be Went lo'cl-tsiuman is not the least of its causes foi of the books oil the August for J iifH atuill'K. luih tf'nita MhlpniPfit kTiowk oivm lntrkilcMl of a profound gratitude. mysteiy. total value of IT.'i.ihmi, while he re and was Labor The last holiday day, Jl jl gards it bn absolutely certain that occurred last Monday. We are plenti- . ho camp of Alta proKenia a lie-- sere the management no disposed, an appearance today than it has output of lltNi.out) fully blest with holidays lit this state, mouth for the the number. Including Sundays, being ' in many years, and from what la next halt year would in no wise overabout sixty and either the governor rK and from the inquiries he hears tax the present resources of the propor mayor of any city can proclaim an teeming the district, lie is emit-fi- t erty. Adding to this the fact (lint that It is going to spring into new giouiid is being extra one whenever there is thought brokto be occasion for it. Matt dishorn rmlnence again and take its place en. and that tlio valueseonatantly In virgin terrinkng the stale's big producers. says this is nothing to -what they have tory uiv highly satisfactory, and the in Mexico, where the.- have 365 holJl Jl lust rise In tlie price of the shares is Some peo. the lu will honey." lie soon year, made for not ditlictilt of explanation. Jrrsngemeuts idays pie seem to have the Idea that latnor tM rehandling or the wuUemlc that are being made in the day is a national holiday, but this la a All Chinese Can Cook. mistake. Its observance being nmde t'fclar course of operations at the A nutlet of ciNiks are the Chinese. action eipany's mill. While the compulsory by congressional product, There is senively an Individual In t is, runs very high in leud, it is their only In the District of Columbia. There vast coii'inmiity who la not move are no mAiouul holidays, each state jualhle to materially raise the of molylilonuni. and lie ex-- or less ciitiij eti m to took himself a having such aa It chooses, though the Cl lo make provision in the plant respect kJJc dinner. Fourth of July, being observed in tho fullest nianuer by all of them amounts it. to that in fact. J ' r Siglneer P. J. Donahue spent Tuos-feijg- t Hanson. Chris Alta, whore he went over prop-irALTA HACK LINE. 8 with parties front Wyoming who From & J) jmi ground near the Pittsburg and on hedivide the groups, '(peer Little and IUg Cottonwood. He e Ratea: fl.5fl to Alla 51.l0 from was nothing particular that ALTA LOCAL BRIEFS. Alta to Sandy. iitl be said respecting the visit at On Tuesday, 29, two more cars of vf time, though there was a hhI-HfeVsxStetsXiflrtsxjwiiXEiifXa that something would lie doing Alta ore reached the sampler. not distant future, fpthe (SjSiWtMt.otS) The Wyoming mine continues to A ! send In its carload of ore a day. A. W. THORSON .turning from an examination of J J of the Columbus Conaoll-dsp- d ground Will Carry to Two cars of ore were forwarded mines of Alla, D. H. 1eery. upon Your Exprcas or Yourself tfic Pioneer sampler Monday. wlbsc Judgment the fate of many . to or from Bspe mining deals has j! j said Two cars of Alta ore was received duflng Friday afternoon hinged, that ALTA. had he 28th. at the Pioneer sampler, Monday, bets astounded at the magnitude and And Do It on Time Every Day. Wbe of the ore reserves which he J Jl $ On aSuturday, the 2nd Inst., four bl inspected. From the Inventor's more cars of Alta reached the samplers. - Oil Alta, 8alt Lake County, Utah. DOWN Utah Pioneer. o Alta, Salt Lake County,. Utah, Wednesday, September 6, 1905 The Alta Independent 15 tl-J- In these columns. What would the output from that point be If It had the transportation facilities that some camps not equal to It In productive capacity have? Of. course only the beat- of what la mined la shipped at liie espouse at-4res;bt,r owlng tending the first half of the haul and the necessity for making each shipment yield aa much as possible above its coat; but suppose the railway were continuous between the two points, that freights could be loaded on at one and unloaded at the other with no handling between and at a rate making It possible for the second or even the third grades of ore to be moved at What would It a profit what then In of the way mean augmenting Altas development, adding renewed impetus and wealth to the commerce of the country and amplifying the coffers of the railway company? More than can be told In a newspaper article or anything else, except the book of fate, with which mining men, like their follows, are not overly Intimate. We are clearly within the proprletiep, however, when we say that a railroad to Alta would be a mighty big thing all around. - 1 IT IS PEACE. With a suddenness tor which neither the world nor anyone In It not even excepting the plenipotentiaries themselves was prepared, the Portsmouth meeting came to a close ou Tuesday last with an agreement for peace. In reaching this astonishing Tesult In such an astonishing manner It was of course necessary for oue all Its contentions as to the disputed side or the other to yield absolutely points, and the fact that Japan finally did so does hnt add to the wonderment of the situation. Up to the last minute the Japanese envoys showed a Indemnity In one form or another, ap-for and to stick hang disposition that parently not caring in the leastmeant the failure of the deliberations war to a finish, and those of the it earths people who did not know before know now that Japan la abunfight dantly able and quite willing to ns long and aa hard aa may be necessary ; furthermore, the bulldog tenhas acity of the little brown fellows anu been abundantly seen and heard felt. This being the status of things, the announcement of peace catne as a thunderbolt from a clear sky, and orit Is no wonder that many who read were Informed of the news would not at first believe It; it seemed The great campaign was awakened from its reKiKefui slumber a few days ago and uid a visit, for this occasion only, to former friends and acquaintances. It Is as previously Republican in politics, urges the hosts to come a thegither, and makes an announcement which ought to find favor In some circles, to the effect that the party can win the November election, hands However down, against the field. this may be, all indications at this time point to a hotly contested and exciting campaign, ut least In Salt Lake City, with Ogden not likely to escape altogether. In the former It looks as if there would be four tickets In the field: Republican, Democratic, Amer and then some,' ican and Socialist perhaps. The ' steadfast and humano attitude of President Roosevelt during the peace negotiations, and at the same time hia perfect success In keeping aloof from Interference with the plea lpotentlaries or showing the slightest partiality stamp him as not only one of the greatest of the worlds statesmen but as a Christian gentleman In the front rank. Few there be who do not appreciate hie sterling characteristics and general capacity; he la admired by those who opposed him and la not opposed by those who have all along admired him. There is but one President Roosevelt in all the world past three years. J pr i con-t'Xrat- e v Local News Items t ri j y j j Two cars of Alta ore was the usual quota on Friday, 1st, at the Pioneer sampler. Jl Jl Manage! Henry M. Crowther CcniMnenial, was In camp the the week. f of the first of t Tom Keene 5 cent Cigar is being distributed by Rieger & Lindley, The Whiskey Merchants. Jl Jl Tuesday, 29. 800 shares of Columbus Con. sold at 52 a share. The entire sales netting 5L600. ' Salt Arthur Murphy has Just returned from Ploche where he has been look, ing after mining interests. : Lako-City- . 'v. jiJOOO jishane.vit Cobm-bl- a September S, Con. sold for 52.05 and 1.0U0 Tor 52.10. The days eales realised . University of Utah. "The Head of tho Public School tem of the State SCHOOL OF ARTS AND 8CIENCES. Tho School of Aria and Sciences of- fers coiir.-.-c in; General Science. 2 Liberal Arts. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. The Normal School offers: 1 A Four-yea- r Normal Course. 2 Advanced Normal Courses. 3 Course in Kindergarten Training. THE SCHOOL OF MINES. The School of Mines offers courses In: 1 Mining Engineering. 2 Electrics! Engineering. 3 Civil Engineering. 4 Mechanical Engineering. 5 Chemical Engineering. PREPARATORY SCHOOL. A Preparatory School la maintained which gives preparation for the course lu General Science, Liberal Arts, Engineering, Law, Medicine and Business. Graduates from the eight grades ot the public schools are admitted to the Normal School; but a year of High School work Is necessary for admit slnn to the Preparatory School New buildings, excellent facilities, splendid equipment. No tuition is charged, but aa annual registration fee ot ten dollars Is required. Registration, September 15th and 16th. Instruction begins September 18th. Catalogue and Illustrated booklet 1 UNIVERSITY "ur . Salt Lake City. 54,-16- 0. Jl Jl Things are looking very bright In American Fork canyon and prospects are good that they will continue and improve. W. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE OF UTAH Jl Jl F.Mitchell, a ho is running the oo;o:o;o;o.o.o:o;o;oooo.o;o.o.o. uew tunnel on the Kennebec company's property was in Salt Lake last week and returned to camp Monday. oooaooaooo.o.oo;ooo:oo.oToo.o;ooo Utah's Scientific, Technical tion of Higher Learning. Jl Jl The camp outfit which was found some time ago cached Just over the Miners and Prospectors, Don't Forget the Place-XXXXXX SANDY, UTAH JOHN G. STILLWELL GROUP OF COLLEGE BUILDINGS. DEALER IK. THE COLLEGE COMPRISES: ...General Merchandise... The School of Agriculture. Tho School of Domestic Science and Arts. The best place in Alta to get supplies for the Home or the Mine, TCTCTCTC The School of Commerce. Miners' and Prospectors' Supplies The School of Engineering chanic Arti. and Me- The School of General Science. The School of Muaic. The Agricultural Experiment Station. MMf 4444 4444t To those who contemplate building Homes and Business Houses in Altai bent modern equipment, afford Twenty buildings, provided with tin: work. efiiidrnt and ception.il facilities for thorough liixtlnitlona of America and strong Fiirulty, representing the best nnd experimentation. elmra'c instruction of work of tho ope, are in The Jensen Lumber Company - No tuition U SEPTEMBER 19TH. SANDY, UTAH cx-- Eur-- 4 COLLEGE OPENS Registration foe. 6a.on. Write for illustrated Catalogue. Can supply your every want in BUILDING MATERIAL JOSEPH BURKINSHAW'S . . LIVERY STABLE Opposite San Pedro Dcpst Sandy, Utah W Any kind of rig or saddle horse at any hour of (he day or night, reaaonaUo rates and courteoua treatment guaranteed. X Burkinehaw'i team well known In Alta, Wasatch and other Cottonwood resorts Sys- The University of Utah Includes the School of Arts and Sciences, the State School of Mines and the Stats Normal School. THE BIG SANDY JWERCHANTXKX C. C. CRAPO j Rooms 5 and 6 Walker Bank UuJld-f- ? ) Ing. Salt latke City, si With Or. Hector Griswold for th' The oldest reliable Shipper and Outfitter for Alta In receding, however, of prestige but Japan has lost nothingbad already, by gained Instead. She at era conquest, carried every point for which she originally contended and could well afford to rise to the greatness which only comes of magnanimity. The outcome makes President Roosevelt the most conspicuous figure In modern diplomacy. All honor to him! - OR. E. C. FAIRWEATHER, CATTLE AND SHEEP BARNS. aod arc agricultural college, J LOGAN, UTAH. I ' L |