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Show August Wedding Planned Kaysville. Christine is a graduate of Lay-to- n High School and is currently attending Weber State College. She is employed at Candle Graphics in Layton as a layout artist and typesetter. Paul is a graduate of Davis High School. He has his bachelors degree in humanities from Weber State Special to the Lakeside Review Ah, the joys of summer. Skies are blue. Grass is green. The perfume of a thousand flowers fills the air. And everywhere we hear the sound of mothers screaming, you kids turn that water offl Few sounds are more nerve wracking than the intermittent whine of an outside watertap that's been commandeered by a bunch of kids too young to water the lawn, wash the car, or hose down the driveway. Bare fingernails rasping on a blackboard seem downright musical when compared to the thunder water makes as it rushes through a houses plumbing at the whim of any child. But whats most aggravating about the racket of running water College. He is currently the band director at Davis High. ftlrflwl fT liimOTf 'VxtolW, Will &$ W v. a v CHRISTINE GOLIGHTLY AND PAUL KAPP Heidi Sias Layton Woman to be Married in Fall Communication Officers Installed HILL AIR FORCE BASE New officers have been installed at the Hill AFB Officers Club for Rhets International Training in Communication. The new president is Kay Wysong, is Nancy Hollister, secretary is Carol Wright, and treasurer is LaVerne Young. Delegates to Council will be Ruth Carper and Lana Nutter. The club will not hold any meetings until Sept. 11, They are planning a reception at the Ogden Hilton Hotel. Ms. Sias graduated from Lay-to- n High School. She is currently a student at Stevens Henager College of Business and employed by Weber County. Mr. Hess attended Ogden High School and is employed by the Ogden Hilton. The engagement was announced by the parents of the bride at a July 4 barbecue at their residence. Retired Master LAYTON Sgt. and Mrs. Clair S. Sias, of 1527 Parkdale Circle, have announced the engagement of their daughter Heidi M., to Randy K. Hess of Ogden. Randy is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Theron Hess of 3800 S. 1900 W. in Roy. 12 as the wedding date. They will be married at the First Presbyterian Church in Ogden. HEIDI M. SIAS Royalty 4 This rich soil additive will be available FREE to you Circus Evening of July 17, Wednesday j ? X club, have been selected. Kimberlee Nielson will serve as president; Shelly Bradley is the clubs Becky Hyer is the secretary; Rebecca Ronnen-kam- p s' SUNSET set, first attendant and second at- tendant have been selected at the Little Miss Sunset pageant. Little Miss Sunset is Lisa Ann Knowles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Knowles, 258 W. A Little Miss Sun- , V. ,v is treasurer, Kaylene Adams is the reporter and Amy Faerber is historian. The club will be studying Z'A , first-ye- ar cooking. 2575 N., Sunset. The first attendant is Holly Gibbons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Greg Gibbons, 362 W. 2200 ' N., Sunset. ?r . at Stoker Park. I Sunset royalty are from left to right, Amber Rae Allen, second attendant; Lisa Ann Knowles, Little Miss Sunset; and Holly Gibbons, first attendant. NEW LITTLE Miss Mrs. Bill Allen. The pageant was held June 21. i Bring your own container, WE J ( will HANDLE POO for YOU! I I Roller I Bros. i ! PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH U.S.A. CIRCUS CHURCH SCHOOL 3:00 P.M. WORSHIP 4:00 P.M. SUMMER WORSHIP 8:30 For Flour, Fruit Pastor Church Office 544-410- Sidewalk Sale 11-1- 3, r? 1 1985 Follow Rules on Food Storing SUSAN TANNER HOLMES Review Correspondent FARMINGTON Many foods being stored for a long time will not lose appreciable nutritional value, but there is a good chance they will have become unappetizing and be wasted. Food should be chosen by the nose and eyes before worrying about nutrition, said Deloy G. Hendricks, professor of nutrition and food sciences at Utah State University. In whole wheat flour, the fats will become rancid in six months if the flour is stored at room tern- perature, he said. White flour, on the other hand, so it can be stored lonis of eight years maximum a ger under ideal conditions. The flour will not produce large loaves, however, because it has lost gluten, a protein responsible for dough elasticity. Seeds containing dormant embryo plants are living and can be stored longer, but the length of time depends on the quality of fat-fr- ee -- the wheat, said Hendricks. He found wheat stored 23 years produced larger and tastier loaves than wheat stored two years. He found the older wheat contained a larger percentage of protein. For bottled fruits and vegetables, storage conditions are important in maintaining their palatability. Peaches and raspberries stored in light, warm environments fade and become mushy, he said. The same fruits stored in dark cool environments retained their aesthetic appeal. Vitamins A and C are lost more quickly under light, warm conditions, he said. But more vitamins are lost from cooking than from storage. The minerals calcium and iron are not lost in storage, but may be leached out in cooking and thrown out in the cooking liquid, he said. Stored powdered eggs and dried milk are often wasted because they become brown, odorous and unappetizing. The nutrients are still present in stored dried milk, and he is chemically analyzing powdered eggs to se what changes occur with storage. Hendricks has studied the effects of storage in different types of containers and at different temperatures for dried carrots, cabbage, peaches and apples. Oxidation and browning occurs more rapidly at higher temperatures for fruits and vegetables kept in bottles, he found. . If storage temperatures are kept below 50 degrees, you cant tell the difference from frozen food up to four or five years, but .most home storage conditions will exceed 70 degrees some time during the year. Store food you like and will use and rotate the stored food so nothing is kept more than two years, he said. After that you get changes and the product becomes unacceptable." If a person is worried about vitamin C loss in stored fruits and vegetables, Hendricks suggests vitamin supplements, again rotated because the vitamins deteriorate with time. Kits Available on Many Subjects In an efFARMINGTON fort to help individuals learn more about safety, the Utah State University Extension Safety Office has put together some kits on a variety of subjects. Most kits are available free of charge for the first kit, said Paul K. Edmunds, USU Extension safety specialist. Call the Davis County USU Extension office or the Extension Safety Office at USU for more information. Titles, guide numbers and fees for the kits are: Agricultural Machinery Safety, USG-1- ATV Safety, $1. 5, 0, (All-Terra- Vehicle) in USG-- 7, $1. 5, Farm Accident Rescue and Extrication Curriculum Outline and Leaders Kit, USG-$10. Fire Prevention and Protec$2. tion, USG 12, Motorcycle Safety, USG-12, 5, 5, 3, Electrical Safety Around the $1. Home, USG-1Farm Accident Rescue and Extrication Participants Curriculum Outline and Kit, USG-1- , 1, $5. 5, 5, $1. Poison Control in the home, , $1. Senior Citizen Accident Pre$1. vention, USG-. USG-9- 5, 8, 5, Canning Clinics Open to Public, Free FARMINGTON If you have wanted to know more about e canning, steam sugar and canner usage and safety, or new ' canning procedures, then the Utah State University Extension Office canning clinic is for you. salt-fre- i Clinics are set for Monday, Jup.m. at the county lily 15 at 725 S. Main in Bountiful, brary and Tuesday, July 16, at p.m. at the countys Clearfield library, 1 1 562 S. 1000 E. The clinics, free and open to the public, are taught by Judy Starkey, extension home economist. She will provide information on safe canning techniques, freezing foods, and making jams, jellies and pickles. Get Ready For New Dance and Drill Classes FANCY LEOTARDS PLAIN COLORS MANY UNADVERTISED SPECIALSI 6 Meeting at Layton Community Church 644 East 1000 North Layton, Utah 84041 Back-To-Scho- oS July A.M. Rev. Russell W. Durler Jolene's Annual -- Second attendant is Amber Rae Allen, daughter of Mr. and 3. ! 4-- H y 544-132- WESTMINSTER Chooses Leaders :n.' to take advantage of the ITC program. This program features leadership training, improved communication skills and organizational techniques for personal development, career advancement, or community service. ITC meetings are open and visitors are encouraged to attend. For information about a club near you please call Nancy Hollister at Club 4-- H LAYTON New officers for the Country Cookers, a local Chosen - when the new officers will be glad to welcome any visitors or prospective members. International Training in Communication (ITC), formerly International Toastmistress Clubs begins its 48th year on Aug. 1. Claiming mostly women as members because of its past name, the organization has added a new goal: to involve those men who have expressed interest and wish vice-preside- nt w. Sunset . ter tap. But what kind of parent is she then, making her offspring go thirsty when its 100 degrees in the shade, and even her own are the potential disasters she tongue feels like 3 sandpaper evfaces each time her children twist ery time she swallows hard? Mother better be more practithe handle on the water valve: cal: China to out Say her kids can turn the wapassage ways gouged ter on long enough to wet their by the hose nozzle thrust deep into the soil; mud puddles carefully whistles, but the first one who formed outside and subsequently aims even one drop of HO anymoved inside to the living room; where but in his mouth will be wet towels and clothes hanging sentenced to five hours of Chieverywhere but in on the nese water torture! The only possible solution is to clothesline where they belong; have a swimming pool installed, heartand last but not least, the and size water maybe the of put a little refrigeratstopping family ed water fountain on the side. Afbill each month. Of course mom can put her foot ter all, if a mom could thus get down (hopefully not in the mid- the kids to leave the outside wadle of some kids mudpie) and ter tap alone, she might be able to forbid anyone under the age of 30 save enough on the monthlv wato lay one little pinky on the wa ter bill to make poo! payments. has nothing to do with pitch, volume, or variations in the way it vibrates through the pipes. What really does the average mother in SHARON NAUTA STEELE The couple plan to be married on Aug. 21. They will then reside in 3B Outside Water Faucet Proves Great Attraction to Children LAYTON Bruce and Emma Lue Golightly of Layton, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Christine to Paul Kapp, son of George and Eileen Kapp of The couple has set Nov. Lakeside Review, Wednesday, July 10, 1985 Rain or Shine 99 |