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Show Page 5A Lakeside Review Wednesday, July 10, 1985 Man on the Street Is New Parental Consent Law Beneficial a In Utahs special legislative session in June, the parental consent law was broadened. Where minors had to obtain parental permission to receive contraceptives, now they must obtain parental consent for every type of medical treatment other than treatment required during an emergency. a A . I W :m I , & & W, f'tj I V PAULA RITCHIE 4 ' m responsible. Thorough Investigating Called for ANN FELTER The Lakeside Now, it is too late to help those who have already had their reputations damaged or ruined, but it is not too late to make sure it ed doesnt happen anymore. The people of Davis County and everywhere else would like to see our tax dollars spent a little wiser, not on unnecessary trials that come from lack of investigation. The time has come to stop child molestation, but not at the expense of innocent men. D. David Thomas Sunset Roy. Letters should be typed, and must in double-space- Travel. plus room and Board furnished. Laborers, Drivers, mechanics, Wages, WITH THIS COUPON If You Have Any Of These Warning Signals: Dr. Jerry Bullough, Evening Chiropractic On Tuesdays 1:00 5' j 8 ) r( P.M.-9:0- Open Mon. 9-- 6, e e e e e D.C. Care Headaches, Dizziness Neck, Arm, Shoulder Pain Pain Between Shoulders Numbness Hand & Arm Low Back, and Leg Pain Painful Joints, Cramps P.M. 0 9-- 6, Fri. 9-- 6, Tues., Sat. MEDI-CAR- E 9, 9-- e Numbness in Legs & Feet e Loss of Sleep e Nervousness e Fatigue and Energy Loss e Difficult Breathing COVERED BY MOST INSURANCES - AUTO - WORKERS COMPENSATION CROUP - PRIVATE - PERSONAL INJURY This Coupon Is Valid Thru July 31, 1985. 'L J L 546-373- 1 DAY OR NIGHT FOR APPOINTMENT 1 Apply: Roller Bros. CIRCUS j Send all letters to the Lakeside Review, 2146 N. Main, Suite 526, Layton, Ut., 84041. Hours are 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. i ! I ! Libelous material will be d, tions, letters companied by the writers name when published. I dishwashers, cooks, equipment operators & animal attendants. On: Wed., July 17th Only! At: STOKER PARK ! Shorter letters are more likely to be published. Long letters will be subject to editing at the discretion of Lakeside Review editorial staff. j office help, musicians, i phone number of the writer. CALL 1 ' few excepmust be ac- tele- -. j I s Tammy Skeen, Clearfield: There are some kids who can t go to their parents. As far as the medical treatment, I agree with it. "But as far as birth control, I think if my daughter was 15 and consent). Ive always taught my kids to she found herself in a situation, come to me if they have a prob- "Id rather see her prepared. If it did happen. lem and talk to me about it. Bullough Chiropractic Center PALMER GRADUATE - GENTLE EFFECTIVE CARE MEN AND WOMEN SEE THE U.S.A. money. ,3 , MICHAEL EVERTSEN EXAMINATION ADVENTUROUS YOUNG Save - FREE SPIRAL Thurs., j ' Ann Felter, Layton: I believe in the law strongly. You dont know what drugs theyre gonna get (if kids get medical treatment without parental en- courages readers to submit letters to the editor. Content of letters should address issues of interest to our readership throughout north Davis County and in peo-'pl- s i' Lakeside Review Letter Policy Outlined Review clude the name and deleted. With Letter to the Editor coming victims. Encouraged by the victims and vigilante groups such as SLAM, Davis County law officials are arresting suspects with little or no investigation. It is appalling that people are being prosecuted and who knows, possibly imprisoned for crimes of which they are totally Dear Editor. innocent. At one time in our lives we Because of Davis Countys achave all heard the story of the tions, many people are beginning boy who cried wolf. to immediately discredit accounts However, few of us realize the sexual abuse. As a result, peoof DaIn reality of that story today. vis County there exists a very ple who are truly guilty of this similar situation. The part of the abominable crime may receive public sympathy because the peoe boy in this case is played by who for some reason fabricate ple just dont know anymore who to believe. It is time that Davis 'stories of child molestation. It is true that sexual abuse of County stops its pretense of shodchildren is a very real and serious dy investigating and stop being pressured by groups such as problem and it needs to be SLAM. No man should be arstopped. However, as a result of some well publicized abuse cases, rested until a thorough investigation presents a reasonable doubt many people are jumping the gun his guilt or innocence. It is also to and shouting abuse before they time to remember the part of our been sure committed. it has are In Davis County, this problem constitution which states, Every is growing at an alarming rate man is innocent until proven and many innocent people are be- -. guilty. 4 TAMMY SKEEN Michael Evertson, Salt Lake "Those kids are the ones who City: What about the kids who get into trouble and then end up cant go to their parents and talk on the welfare rolls. "I guess the question is, are you to them. Some kids dont even trust going to corrupt the good kids, or their parents. The type, who if save the bad ones. Are you going to let the bad they did get in trouble the parents would say, You little slut. Get out kids get in trouble so you wont of my house. corrupt the good ones." The government looks at the Mike Mount, Clearfield: 7 hate to see the federal and state gov-- few with problems instead of ernment get involved in the rais- - looking at the other good things that are going on. ing of our children. i - n" MIKE MOUNT If they need medical help they should get it, but we need to teach our children to become sexually " i' " .. V. r for birth control. "I think if theyre minors, parents should know what they are Vf"' . V , i The Lakeside Review asked several individuals in random interviews how they felt about the new law. Paula Ritchie, West Point: The law should be more specific, just V ' 'if is The law was broadened to allow Utah to receive federal Title 10 money for planned parenthood programs, funding that had been cut off because of the specific law on minors and doing. or Harmful? I ' y i J 8 ' 8 ,( )) j) ' 8 ' 9? NuTone t-- PVC PIPE 'ii H to 2" Class 200 or Schedule 40 OFF 50 Our List Price o i v f K in Full MEDICINE CABINETS DOOR CHlAlES e BATH FANS Lengths V) WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF SPRINKLING SYSTEM SUPPLIES I i t I Compare Our Prices .J' BRIGHAM OGDEN CLEARFIELD SOS So. Maia 1950 Wl! 147S Se. Stota 723-774- 334-771- 4 8- Weekday, CLOSED SUNDAY Store Hour 773-71- 6 8-- 4 48 Set. f |