Show 'TP the i Sauna call A Weekly Newspaper Published Every Friday At Salifca Utah fey The Call Publishing — Subscription Price - - T" N C LUND 'JR James A Lund —— — i — Co - - $150 Per Y$ar iu Editor and Manager Assistant r IIow far mind lias power over all the forces of nature each and all alike is in the present limitations of human knowledge difficult to state IIow ever recorded and incontrovertable incidents in the lives of mer of great will power of unbounded faith in themselves or in the guide and aid of an overruling Power prove bequestion that there is a something within a man' that when exercised in full faith and with full will power is almost irresistable t The members of no calling need more of this power than of the one Which deals with men in all the relations of life with all human instittyions’ and measures enterprises ' editors yond Two things make it necessary had to help remove his shirt’ S ch treatment of child prisondark ages It ers beldngS td the has noplace under American irsti lY tit here it tutions is— almost as moan and cruel as any thjng of the Outfuled past when savagery side of reformatories noble men and worti-- n are w oiking wonders for children arid young peonle Cruforces of elty Is being abolished'jthe love and kindness bave taken ti e of place savage and brutal fcce Education and mral uplift are woikihg miracles for the children of the high and the low the rifch and the poor But here right in the shadow of all that is good and true and lovable and kind is something just like the dark dungeon and the rack ot of the middle ages only the horror is the wose at the Ogden school because children are the victims and there is nothing mpre terrible in all the stretch of evil than the practise of brutal cruelties upon defenseless children What about it? To our mind it is just this Any man or set of men who will knowingly peifnrm or ask to have pei formed such acts of citielty against children as a dozen reliable witnesses have told of should he denied the right to mingle with civil'zed society’ and forced to a life with the beasts or life man for a city or a community to adveitise its to the wot Id first the advantages in a dungeon inct eased business that comes with and homes for a greater population the less foi unate people of thewoild TLe Sign Post Of Civilization ‘ The sign Every city ot importance in the “Newspaper Office” United States is striving by all or its equivalent in meaning is the Wherever legitimate mean to atliact capital and sign post of civilizatio’i people and west of the Mississippi that sign has been oris seen there isn’t a hamlet a of there civilization is floating her flag It Valley is the sign of the woild’s most bundled souls that hasn’t a influence for developing and constantly praisirg the west n gereial and Us own in particular It is aroadening human intelligence This is not because they wish to sell the vanguard of enlightenment It has something so much as because “Eu arogiess and development leka they have found It” — the place nought the whole world up to a and aigh even and wonderful progress or region of least oppression The real making of the whole most advantage and they want to tell this good news to their more tim- modern fabric of life began when a id or less fortunate fiiend elsewhere couple of men were playing with wooden blocks in an obscure corner the new wrestern communiTrue ties need the colonists from Ihe Con- of Germany and brought forth the The invention of gested center of the east but the piinted page average laboiing family in the large piinting and its miraculous perfection the one of is westcities need new the eastern supremest glories ern community moie than it needs that the lifetime of a world can shed him-T- he From the moment Outhck upon a race that Gultenberg and Faust brought forth the printed page the modern A Stain On Utah’s Escutcheon world dates its rise Because of that Elbeit Ilubbar l once saw a con- momentous event the spirit of ductor go out of his w ay to do a has been poured out upon lot of goed for two st’ange and all nations and the redemption of fiierdless children and it caused every son and daughter of Adam We ficm him to weep out of pure joy ignorance and sin is in sight wonder how it would affect him to Wherever the press and its products witness the awful brutality that as are the most perfected there civilwitness have sworn is being piact-ise- ization is the highest and life the upon children at the Strte In- grandest dustrial School and to peer into the Tiuly newspaper offices are the dark and loathsome dungeons where sign posts of civilization suffer in little children sometimes solitude through eleven day s and nights on bread and water and added to this the bruised lathed torn and beaten bodies of children He would suiely try to tall down tic curse of Almighty God upon those Right This Way For Choice who are responsible Read a sentence from the testimony of Mrs D T Tracy former ‘A girl in the last stages matron of appendicitis was taken to the hosin a of protestations At every bump the hnd when girl groaned with pain s so Weakenat the hospital ed that she died right after the op- pital in spite rickety wagon Professional People— CO SAUNA MEAT & SUPPLY P P Spicer Graduate Dental Surgeon ' We have fine Meats and good Groceries always We handle cattle veal hogs 7L Dr 9 ' OFFICE and Poultry MEAT MARKET OVER Fresh Fruit Tuesdays ‘and Fridays "T We have dressed chickens Tuesdays and Fridays TAILORING Step up stairs over the Go t p Be store ard ask the man s cleans and makes suits to order 1!r Ericksen August s VIVIAN - BURNS t line of complete Hamers saddles whips robes horse medicines etc Come in Stole Just Scuthcf The s Step in and get acquainted when you need it Jet me you the best tonsorial work in town Agent for the Richfield Steam Laundry— of goods to select from as can be found south of Provo Come and Sh for yourself see a P F Peterson And White House Building —— EVERYTHING IN FURNIT Hardware Stoves and Ranf iSWWWSVAWWNNVWWSS ins && ?& ¥& Davidsen Professional Painter and Pap er Hanger “Se j — Tfl A1 NO £0 1 © Red OCCCOOCOCXDCOP Prof Theo France J $ V 0 © Q Teacher of Vocal Violin and Cornet Music :— - § Piano Tuning Q Q 0 (0 And Repai’riug Cleaned and Repaired OCX H 0 Professional BLACKSMITH That’s what all know of Carl Nielsen Just across the street from SalinaOpera House i I have as’ fine a stock fssd give 8 honest about it & © A Emmit Robins Barber To be a § Professional ' Harness - Maker PHONE r q I have been very particular careful jn selecting my completely of spring and summer' goods botll to quality and prices Therefore 1 able to do better by you than oth! I buy right and consequently can light at prices that are money savv to tlie buyers My friends knew tl and keep coming 8 You g cant 0 " better bn earth m')H ftic 9 money than at my 'STORE jj Yours LOUIS JA Truly' ' do r' ft ' C£333C&32£33CC£I2C3£&g333£&5 ConftcHoucPu Tee Cream Jrnifs Soft Uriahs Richfield Business and Professional Directory Tie — la Old Post Office Building — ? Open at all Hours eration’ Homer Rasmussen And here is something) ‘Two boys Bir1 Hughes and Peery Bacon were punished so severely that they could not work for a tiitae afterward s2s2sa5sasE£?S2SRsas?szsR5a on account through loss of blood Uughes back was a Money Made mass of $eh ahl ‘blood and1 To Work You A flesh about" five place a piece p PM out oil farbniadretl ttUteai laatf it tlue ' inches long had )een cut ‘out with ia nfut plc 01 m iti art panic t cai pat it aat for roo at fin at tab' rotet the strap ani plaoed back inb placet Abrtrtct of till lawyer foot ortr paper yaa will bt aatiafic4 Ajk aboai it aaywaf ' after the whipping The Bacon " A J atosre ' boy was so badly whipped that a 5252S252525252S252S252S2525252S252 idle For LUMBER Johnson-Arneso- n HAYES and BATES Attorneys at Law k FARM LOANS Richfield i§ AtPy ad Utah j tt Jorgenson Qounselor at Law Court House kichfield now prepared tofninish all kii ds hipcitid LiS Shingles Lath Doors Windows and all soils of lV Furnishings at Prices as low as any firm in the st‘ H'CK QcteGoooctocpo G J Is wUtah tboexoocbooexso i H m&a W & HUMPHREY: Mt liOTllVE BIOS PHOMPTlt Ti ATTEXfiED Office at Residence Salina Utah - - - i |