Show A AT MONARCH WORK MIDDY GRADUATE STRETCHED Kansas City Boy Who' Had Reefs Pulled Out of His 8plnal Column Has Good Record His majesty Alfonso of Spain who has developed Into the sporting king and devotes much attention to motor sports shooting and the like also has time for the serious business of state and passes much time at his desk perusing bills and other public documents and signing such as require his official His desk is littered with photographs of those who are near to him signature and there are many ornaments In his private office When at work he wears a plain tweed business suit and conducts himself as any official of the upper class However King Alfonso Is of an adventurous spirit and prefers outdoor life to that of the court in Madrid INDIAN CA VE FOUND ago years Annapolis there was much Interest In a little chap frpm Kansas City Mo who had an appointment as a midshipman at the United States Navel academy within his grasp but who was short by an Inch or two of reaching the required height and who with great spirit and determination had submitted himself to a specially constructed Instrument similar to the rack of Inquisition days and had succeeded In pulling out the reefs in his spinal column until he measured up to the full standard of an American midshipman The name of this ambitious young A few Missourian Is Luther Welch days ago this undersized young man received his diploma and stood out as one of the in his class Welch graduated No 4 among 174 picked young men who composed the class He has shown great brilliancy in mathematics and kindred subjects and scarcely less aptitude in languages and other scholastic branches Welch also developed as an athlete Last year Welch was captain and conducted the lacrosse team through a successful season the crowning result of which was a victory over the Harvard twelve in a game In which Welch did yeoman’s work Welch is one of the popular men In his class and there is no one of this who has Indicated year’s graduates greater all around efficiency In the qualities that go to make up a soldier and an officer — HUSBANDS onghold of Aborigines Was ut of Solid Rock Along Shore the Columbia River in State of Washington Dug of I Wash — A large Indian cave en discovered in the solid rock two miles from town No one anything about this cave not e of the old time Inhabitants odnoe hills who have resided lumbla valley for more than rs Nor do the oldest Rock dians know anything about s auch volunteered to lead the pring party of 20 of Clifts’ this wonderful cave a few and since that time every- ts to see it The cave Is a The the railroad track f the cave is reached by a ht walk up a gradual ascent Ve to two miles door-The cave Is between two and thigh and about four feet bn account of the loose ng near a footman might ar to It without observing cave These loose rocks ir color that they have not for ages and the quantity licates ' that they were e so as to wall up the e cave If desired The Inside and It was was room for 200 Lewis and Clark fair in Portland were found on these grounds Some splendid specimens have been found since A C Butt has a mortar picked up last summer that Is perfectly carved having for an outside border many of the various carvings found on totem poles and W P‘ Rauch has what is said by many to be the best specimen of an Indian pestle It Is nearly twenty inches long of black stone carved as perfectly as a lathe could make It and has a perfect animal head with protruding eyes and a collar around its neck It gives evidence of having been used hundreds of years and is still unbroken DREDGE UP RELICS OF WAR 0 Is of circular form and to nine feet to the highest le celling The formation is burned lava rocks and the rof the walls and ceiling show j the work of man A number ngs Indian hieroglyphics etc to be seen- on the smoothest the celling Parts of the walls to be Bmoked and owing to rmation It is easy to break off fe nts of the lava rock which very plainly that it had at one (undergone a high degree of heat booth sand floor at the bottom of fave and an obstructed opening le side toward a perpendicular only a few feet away give evidence thht the cave was used by wild Indians The sand used at the bottom of the ie must have been carried there as re Is no soil of this nature within number of rods practically every-inbeing of rock formation About fifty yards from this cave Is nother wonder— the handiwork of the ndians of years ago This consists of n opening cut through the cliff to the perpendicular wall which overlooks he level valley of hundreds of acres below This window Is nearly a foot wide and about three feet in height No doubt many deer buffalo or other wild animals have been killed on the who shot flat below by Indians through the opening The oldest white settlers tell of the remnants of a once large Indian village on the grounds where the town of Cliffs is built and some of the oldest Indians tell of their “ancotta” fathers living here many years ago when the first white man (supposed to be the Lewis and Clprk expedition) drifted down the Columbia river and stopped at this Indian village several The finding of many Indian days curios such as Btone axes mortars pestles battleaxes flint arrow points etc rives further evidence of a tribe fe Federal Officials Think kThey've " cated Old Treasure Ship in Delaware River Lo- - Chester Pa — Government officials are agitated over the discovery of an obstruction in the Delaware river in the vicinity of Fort Mifflin which they think'' may prove to be a treasure ship which went down with one of the in one boats of the English early wars It is known that there is a boat at the bottom of the river at that point and that war equipments of value' as well as gold and silver are still confined within the hold of the ship While the government boat Cataract was working In the vicinity the suction pump became clogged and when it was brought to the surface it was found to contain several fancy and costly helmets that had been worn by the English soldiers and equipments of other description This discovery has led to the belief that it is one of the boats of the English government which brought gold to this country to pay its soldiers For the purpose of trying to bring the boat to the surface the Hell Gate which has been dredging the river off this city will be sent to Fort Mifflin THE FOR Some occupying these grounds Interior of Place Covered with once of the best curios In the Stewart collection that were on exhibition at the Young American Crude Carvings Has a Home Acres and He ASKING Collection of White House Tableware A Washington family bought many pieces of plate chinaware and glassware belonging to the Madison Polk and Pierce administrations This family has been the proud possessor of a large quantity of White House china for more than 50 years Through the efforts of Mrs Abby G Baker the granddaughters of the beWASHINGTON— The White House family to whom it had descended came interested in the patriotic colpresidential tableware which has become one of the lection at the White House They great show features of the historic were Induced to send some pieces to home of presidents has taken an im- Mrs Taft for exhibition in the cabpetus under the new administration inets where they will undoubtedly Some time ago the collection re- prove one of the most interesting ceived an Important addition in some features of the collection Fillmore ceramic relics sent from There are also two most Interesting Buffalo There has now been con- plates — a service and a soup plate— tributed one of the largest and most of the Polk administration They are of French pottery interesting additions yet made The contribution also includes a Many years ago It was a custom of incoming presidents to have the old tea plate of the Pierce set as well as a quaint coffurnishings sold at public and private sales Such a sale took place when fee cup and saucer and a breakfast President Buchanan came into office plate decorated in blue and gold President Taft Is Caught New Haven Conn— In the Union the other day there was published an appeal for young women to go to the Philippine Islands and become the wives of young Americans over there The letter follows: Malabaug Mindanao P I — Dear I have been requested Editor: by several young Americans of Malabaug to write you these lines requesting you to aid us in finding some good American girls preferably of your city (New Haven) who are looking for husbands and would like to live in the tropics There are lots of young men over here who are in good circumstances and simply pining away for the love of a good woman from the dear old United States ofc Amerigo I can for at least twenty young meh besides myself who would be grateful to you if you could aid us I am located on a plantation have 1000 acres of hemp cocoanuts and rubber under cultivation and have a good I am in a position to care income for a wife in every way Have a large home with all conveniences and life over here is fine in this land of everlasting sun and summer I am sure any good woman will be well satisfied GEORGE over here P GREY TAFT dearly loves his passion for posies out came near causing his arrest the other night by a vigilant Washington watchman The president accompanied by Butt his chief miliCapt Archibald tary aid and a friend whose Identity a remains mystery was taking a ride in the president’s big touring car Their route took them through the Mall and when they arrived in the grounds of the department of agriculture the president ordered the chauffeur to stop “Those are beautiful flowers' Butt” he said to his chief of staff pointing to one of the beds in front of the “let’s get out and secretary’s office pick a few” In the fraction of a second the had deserted the automobile three and like three small boys were hav- PRESIDENT It has leaked “Stealing” of their lives robbing the Each gathered a big bouquet when all of a sudden the watchman appeared The president had just finished his bouquet and was standing a few feet away in the shadow of a tree “What are you doing there?" said the watchman to Capt Butt who was caught with a big bunch of flowers in his hand "Don’t you know you have no business doing that? Don’t you know the law stealing you are breaking government property that way?” Just then the president came from the shadow of the tree and joined the watchman in a tirade against the astonished Butt While Capt Butt was gasping for breath and trying to understand the desertion of his chief in the hour of trial the watchman got a look at President Taft Recognizing him he stopped talking and began wondering what to do next Then the president told him they would quit their trespassing right away if he would not arrest them “You’ve done your duty and I shall tell Secretary Wilson so the first time I see him” said the president And he did tell the whole story to Wilson in great glee ing the time flower bed the Philippines Thousand One Wants a Wife in Federal Salaries a id Cost of Living The “government service’’—a term which stirs the ambition of many a plodder in other work — does not figure out attractively on paper Crime to Smash China In Uncle Sam’s employ you may be getBeverly N J — It is a crime punishable by a fine for servants to break ting a “salary” in stead of earning the chinaware of an employer ac“wages” but the distinction is one without much difference in dollars cording to the ruling of a local justice and cents Moreover the federal of the peace THE 25361 employes of the gov- salary has not increased with the upMrs Edward Elliott had caused the arrest of Jean Jones her colored OFernment residing In Washington trend in the cost of food and raiment The approxiare married nor kept pace with the Improvement housemaid whom she accused of smashing a number of pieces of her mate average compensation is $948 a of “wages” which the aggressiveness best chinaware year Of those earning less than $720 of the laboring classes especially skilled and specialized labor have The squire weighed the evidence a year 6501 in all 2028 are married The bureau of the census recently brought about in the industries very gravely and gave his decision The entire range of the federal but as the trembling culprit was un- compiled statistics dealing with government employes Including service in Washington including all able to produce the fine she was remanded to the custody of a home for workers in all parts of the country grades up to the cabinet and the The largest class 43790 persons 236 president has but 617 persons receivcolored girls Many per cent of the total receive from ing $2500 a year or better $900 to $1000 each year Nineteen men whose names figure daily in the per cent or 35331 persons earn less news accounts of the government’s a assistant secretaries and than $720 year Those making activity but less than $12000 form 184 per chief clerks of departments receive from $4000 to $5500 a year cent lovers decided to learn his fate Negley was the favored one and was accepted The wedding followed soon Carnegie never again appeared at corn and grain One rat will eat 60 the Central church It was said at the cents' worth of grain in a year while time that he gave up for years atof oatmeal it will consume $180 tendance at any religous services It worth also has been said that the loss of Through pollution of food products Miss Crawford had much to do with it does as much damage as by eating the steel master’s remaining single them It also does great damage by until late in life digging under buildings and embank ments by gnawing wood cutting Building Will Be Narrow holes in sacks and by cutting up New York — Plans for a building 6 EVEN the wealthiest- - of American soon would be a bank- goods and papers to make nests Killfeet 11 inches wide were recently filed with the bureau of buildings at rupt if he had to pay out the rats’ ing young poultry and stealing eggs are among its destructive habits Manhattan The building is to be erect- annual board bill It costs the Amerto The rapidity with which rats mulyearly ed at Delancey and Chrystie streets ican people $100000000 and is to be two stories high and 100 feed on grain alone that worst mam- tiply is the main reason why man apfeet long The plans were filed by malian pest according to a statement pears to make so little headway in of the agricultural their destruction It is calculated that Raphael Prager to be built for Lowen-fel- from the experts entitled “The Rat Prob- a single pair of rats and their progeny department & Prager upon a site made narlem” An active campaign to rid the breeding without Interruption and sufrow by the creation of the Williamscountry of the pest is strongly urged fering no losses would in three years burg bridge plaza This Untold millions of dollars in prop- Increase to more than 20090000 structure is designed to have ground construction of buildings espeerty are being destroyed every year floor stores and is to cost $10000 by the rat also the principal agent in cially the use of concrete in foundaGood Definition for Power the dissemination of bubonic plague tions is urged The rats’ food supply To deal honestly with others is not The rat’s bill of fare includes every could be reduced and their numbers To compel others to deal so difficult thing eaten by man and carrion mice thereby decreased by the disposal of honestly with you— that Is power— kid gloves Ivory and living horses’ garbage and the protection of food Its most common foods are supplies the statement says hoofs Smart Set Carnegie’s Rival in Love ' Light Shed on Early Romance of the Famous Steel Master and Millionaire Pa — Andrew Carnegie’s Pittsburg former rival in love a poor man has died here He was “Squire” Edward Cox Negley alderman in the east end and husband of the girl who threw over the steel master for the poor but gallant soldier just returned from the civil war During the closing days of the war Carnegie who was not then a rich steel master was devoted in his atat Central tendance Presbyterian church He was a struggling man with bright prospects well known and well liked His attentions to one of the choir singers Miss Crawford grew marked Matters were progressing finely until word came that the war was over Soon after there appeared at an evening service at Central church a handsome young fellow who wore a colonel’s uniform Miss Crawford noted his gallant bearing There followed an Introduction and soon Carnegie had a rival in Colonel Negley the battle was waged until the crisis came and each of the Rats Cost Americans Big Sum Yearly |