Show NEW UTENSILS FOR KITCHE Designed to Improve Flavor and pearance of Dishes and to Save Labor Ap- Several new kitchen dishes are 6hown in the sketch together with a table egg cooker This little cooker No 1 in the illustration may be placed on the breakfast table and the egg cooked to a turn No 2 Is a coquille for fish and No 3 a rabbit cookey cut UNDER SLEEP’S STRANGE SPELL Remarkable Cases Which Tend to Show That in Our Slumbers We Employ Senses and Faculties of Which We Know Nothing When Awake ' HIDDEN MYSTERIES OF SOMNAMBULISM By Prof Pierre Janes of the Paris Sorbonne Popularly speaking a somnambulist is an Individual who thinks and acts while he Is asleep That definition is not very clear for we do not) really know what sleep Is There Is a first very Important period at the moment when somnam-- ) All bulism begins— the change from the normal to the second state thej phenomena in connection with the dream seem enormously intensified ) The somnambulist has not our dull memory of things but he sees the jects he dreams and speaks of He actually hears feels and touches them exactly as if they were real When the somnambulist speaks he has a fluency of language and an elo-- i quence superior to his normal powers When he acts he has a precision and quickness that are wonderful (1)— Table Egg Cooker (2) — Fish Co(4)— (3) — Cooky Cutter quille Bean Pot Russe (5) — Charlotte Cup ter Two or three rabbit cookies slipped into the wee one’s lunch bas ket will be a delightful surprise No 4 a most attractive bean cooker may be sent directly to the table from the oven which will be a little' time saver especially in a household where there Is no maid The dish is on the ramekin order The remaining sketch is a charlotte russe cup and the lit tie cakes are baked In It then turned out and when cold filled with whipped cream This is especially made for home cooking as no paper cups are needed SOME Wise POINTS ON ECONOMY the Housekeeper Who Appreciates That In This There Are No Trifles Is There are no trifles in economy The housekeeper w ho appreciates this in practice as wrell as in theory is on the road to success in her profession It may seem hardly worth while to save crusts and heels of loaves for tjead crumbs scraps of cheese for macaroni and soup bones and all meat trimmings for stock cold vegetables for salads to make jelly of apple and pineapple peelings to keep orange and lemon peel to candy for desserts — in short to throw away nothing eatable no matter how small the fragments But these apparently insignificant sav ings mount up to a goodly total in the course of a year and add much to the variety that one may have at small expense The woman who has studied the disposition of remnants does not have to stint her husband in order to She can keep w ithin a small income provide a breakfast of fruit cereal coffee toast or rolls and bacon or eggs or fish supply a lunch which is plentiful and appetizing and spread her table at night with a soup a meat and a couple of vegetables a salad or a sweet and a cup of coffee have a good variety at all the meals and invite an occasional friend to dinner housewithout exceeding a moderate hold allowance — Harper’s Bazar Bacon and Cheese Sandwiches Take round sandwich bread cut off crust before slicing slice bread in inch thick pieces Mix one slightly beaten egg with one jar of club cheese pinch of salt and Butter bread with plenty red pepper of cheese put on top three slices of crisply fried bacon and put under This broiler until cheese is melted makes a delicious sandwich of toasted bread melted cheese and broiled bacon Appetizing Sandwiches Take made mustard and stir into it as much grated Parmesan cheese as Slice the mustard will hold together Butter a bread thin remove crust 6lice add the cheese mixture place on unbuttered slice top press together Lemon Pie Two lemons grated rind of one juice of both two cups of BUgar eggs six rolled common crackers Bake with cups of hot water crust Worthy a place in all the cook books and two two top new Griddle Frying For some kinds of frying the griddle is better and has less tendency to Among grease than the frying pan other things potato cakes browned on a hot greased griddle are specially crisp and delicious Flour Polish You can polish your nickel kitchen utensils by rubbing them while hot with a soft' cloth dipped in flour If any flour remains around the handles it can easily be removed with a small brush MAGINE for a moment the horror of being suddenly roused from a deep but troubled sleep to be told that you had just shot dead the one person you loved better than all else on earth Then imagine the rapid return to consciousness to find that the reality more hideous conditions presents Clutched in even than your dreams your hand is a revolver the barrel On the floor warm and smoking dead or dying is the body of your sum’wife friends Half frantic moned by the revolver shot are asking what possessed you to kill her Imagine all of that and you may feel somewhat as Hugh Hollis did at three o'clock on a recent May morning at his home in Washington Hollis has since been exonerated by the coroner’s jury which brought in a verdict that he was unconscious and therefore not responsible when he fired at and killed his young wife Hollis was accordingly released to be taken direct to the hospital where he remained for days 'n a state of complete nervous collapse at times showing evidence of hysteria that the physicians fear will lead to suicide if ever an opportunity is afforded Distressing and unusual as the Hollis tragedy may seem it is not without parallel in medical records Hollis who was private secretary to) a division chief in the treasury department lived with his wife Evelyn Forsythe Hollis and her mother Mrs Emma Forsythe at No 1415 Newton Forsythe in the adjoining room The only connected story of the shooting at three o'clock oft the following morning was told by Mrs For First the baby began to cry sythe and Mrs Hollis went to her mother’s room to quiet him A moment after Mrs Hollis returned to the room where her husband was Mrs Forsythe heard a pistol shot and rushing Into the adjoining found her daughter clinging to the bed in which Hollis was hajlf sitting up On the bed was a Hollis apparently was sound asleep Mrs Forsythe’s screams awakened him He was unable to explain what had happened said he had no recol lection of using the revolver and the only thing he could recall was that he had been dreaming about burglars Mrs Hollis died in a few minutes The bullet had struck her near the right collarbone and had passed downward through the right lung and into the spine "It is evident” said Dr Wilfred M Barton the eminent Washington specialist in mental and nervous affections "that Hollis belongs to a type suffering from In such cases the features of a dream will persist a much longer time than in the case of a normal individual and may give rise to a variety of acci dents For instance persons in this state fiJhy have a convulsive crisis and may commit acts which represent the projection of subconsciousness without the higher faculties of the brain partaking in any way of its deIn some of these cases street N W velopment Hollis was a somnambulist given they suffer from sleep drunkenness of to doing queer things in his sleep somnolentia in which acts of violence He was an expert shot with a re- may be committed During this frenvolver and shortly before the tragedy zied state almost any act of violence had joined a target shooting club ITe may be coc’mltted in a condition of frequently slept with a revolver un- complete unconsciousness der his pillow because as he has Dreams Leading to Violence since explained he wanted to be pre“The influence of a terrifying pared in the event of a visit from dream on a hysterical person has As a matter of fact that been known to lead up to acts of vio burglars serted that he had been dreaming that he was attacked by a burglar and fired his revolver in seeming Manoley who was only about 22 years old was a somnambulist and an inveterate cigarette smoker His mind had been poisoned by reading dime novels and other literature dealing with crimes reckless adventures and burglaries "I dreamt that burglars had entered the room and that they were approaching me" said Manoley in court ‘‘I saw a dagger uplifted above me in the hands of a big burly negro The man stood on my wife’s side of the bed and he seemed to be reaching over to get at me I remembered in my dream having grabbed the revolver from underneath my pillow raising myself up aud resting on one elbow and then shooting "I do not know how many shots I fired The police say there were four but I know nothing about them I simply know that I was suffering from a terrible nightmare When I awoke I was dazed I then realized Including descending into the rriusic room and playing the piano tpning a violin and fitting new strings to it and crocheting Her most remarkable feats however were reading and writing in the dark If there was even a faint artificial light in the room1 she would avoid it and go to the darkest corner where she would read various books study the theory of harmony and write adOne of her letters was letters dressed to her music teacher It cony tained a short essay on "The S- Form” which was accurate Another and construction wrote was in German When she was awake she the least remember writing or feu ing An examination of her eyei di not reveal the reason for her being able to see in the dark She has now left the hospital her condition having improved but she still occasionally walks in her sleep Wrote Sermons During Sleep The archbishop of Bordeaux attests the case of a young priest who was in 4k MW WLUAli CWLLAM WA6 HILL CD WHLC WALklM h6 tSLCCP what I had done and that the man the habit of getting with a ’dagger was only a dram I night in a state of shook my wife and called out: Josie! taking pen ink and pap Oh my God! what have I done?’” original sermons' Wht other cases a of somewhat ished a page he wouf Many similar nature may be cited all equal- what he had written ly distressing and all attributed to In order to ascertain w dreams hallucinations and to som- nambulist made use A One of the saddest is archbishop held a pi V nambulism that of Simon Frazer who was tried under his chin to pt in Scotland in 1878 for the murder of the paper He cont his own child It was proved that without being in the Frazer lifted the child from the bed incommoded and dashed its brains out against the One of the most wall The defense was that the deed cases of somnambuli was done while Frazer was in a state liam E McLean a gr of somnambulism He dreamed that ton last year and a) he had seen a wild beast jump in his baseball and basketli bed and he seized the supposed ani- was found dead earljrl mal and killed it The court instruct- of March 21 on the ed the jury to find that he had killed near the North Philal his child while unconscious of his ac- McLean had developed tions by reason of his condition as a traits while at collegtyL somnambulist and’ that he was not re- quently been found vie sponsible for the deed and conse- sleep It is believed tha laJ quently he was acquitted ing along the track in £ne Sam Appleby a Baltimore editor a train struck and killed went with the crew of the Baltimore was 22 years old and aw Athletic club to Saratoga in 189G He John R McLean Jr forpug ' athletic in- of the Pennsylvania state anI slept with Prof Doyle structor of' the club As they went and a leading lawyer of PlpiL to bed Doyle said: “Say Sam what ribld would you do if a bear or a cataHad No Common Lan'tlcil mount should come through that win"I met a gentlepaan on tbgra dow?” tween Memphis and St Loite dt "Crawl under the bed and let you er- day who was accompanntic on him” was the little son a get a hammer-locbright juvenie reply Prof Doyle laughed and' both years but between the pai the' dropped off to sleep versation was possible beyce Suddenly there was a commotion words” said H D Pau) Doyle leaped up in bed planted his ville knees on Appleby’s chest go a vise“The reason was that tin like grip on both arms and with his could speak only English wro$ extraordinary strength was on the boy could prattle fluently in verge of breaking the newspaper The gentleman md Spanish man’s arm ’that he had not been with hls ng in the City of Mexico except Thought Bear Had Broken In "John John wake up!” Bcreamed for the last two yea‘ft Appleby Doyle leaped from the bed cause of business engagement to take a firmer grip Appleby disen- the child had not been thrown Its anyone that spoke English Doyle gaged one arm and struck This awakened the latter He said he a French lady who had reA had gone to sleep with the idea of a died conversed only in her the thft nurse but Mexican bear coming through open win- tongue dow He fancied he had remained taught the little one a first rate 0 awake to catch the bear if it came lsh vocabulary and he then had of two saw he countries d( the bear Suddenly quite plain- vernacular The father was taking the ly as he afterward insisted and at- fine to St Louis to put him in a sclj tacked it part of Washington has been overrun lence Cases of this kind have been where he will not be long before n The particulars of an extraordinary by petty thieves for some time past The case of somnambulism have recently ting a working knowledge of EnglH reported In medical literature condition is somewhat related to what been communicated to the British as that is the only speech he w Story of the Tragedy On the fateful night a few hours is known in children as ’night ter- Medical Journal by Dr James Russell hear” — Baltimore American before the tragedy Hollis and his rors’ from which the patient awakes assistant physician at the Birmingham discussed re- in vague and wild alarm from agitated hospital It relates to a young woman jwife and Appeal to Patriotism cent burglaries in their neighborIn cases reported there has of 21 yearn who is a teacher pf the O my brothers love your country! sleep hood the target shooting club the re- been complete absence of memory typewriter and a student of music Our country 4s our home the house' volver under Hollis’ pillow and the concerning all of the acts committed She entered the hospital to be cured that God fias given us placing thereJ ability of Hollis to use it the very during this state" While under obser- in a num&ous family that loves usi of last thing before retiring Mr and Five years ago Frank Manoley shot vation there she habitually left her and whom we love In laboring fol Mrs Hollis slept in one’ bedroom and and killed his wife under almost sim- bed after three or four hours’ sleep our own country on the right princitheir baby and Mrs ilar conditions at Baltimore He as-- and busied herself in various ways ple we labor for humanity— Maislni u |