Show r A THE SAUNA CALL By C N LUND TO Jr DEBTS INCURRED PRESIDENT BT SPAIN ON FAVORS CORPORATION TAN EARl'GS UTAK BALIPIA UTAH STATE A NEWS Courteous But Positive Refusal Given to Proposal for Cuba to As aume a Portion of the Spanish National Debt It Special Message to Congress Which Chief Executive Suggests Plan for Raising Sufficient Revenue In Incident Which Shows The Utah State Dental society will Futile End of Trial Lasting Oyer the Extreme bold its annual meeting in Logan4 July Five Months Ten Jurors Voting Measures Taken to Insure the 2 and 3 for Acquittal of Accused The union painters and paper hangHavana— Secretary of State Velez Safety of the Czar Washington — The message of P ers of Salt Lake City have gone on in reply to Senor Soler the Spanish ident Taft to the senate on Wed strike objecting to the use of the emminister has declined to consider fiay recommending the iacofpor "‘card of merit” ployers’ of a provision in the tariff bill for Calhoun Declares That He Will Bring Span’8 Proposal that Cuba assume a I Ater to Answer A son of Mr and Mrs Signals taxation of the earn’ngs of corpora portion of the Spanish national debt Bribery Chargea Against Heney Ruaslan Commander the British Thomas Jones of Wellsville was tions and the adoption of a resolution This announcement was made at the and Phelan—Was Spreckels drowned in what is known as the Steamer Woodburn is Made a close of what Senor Velez described looking to an amendment to the conDisappointed at Failure “Big Creek” at that place Sunday Target by Russian Boat as most amicable negotiations stitution to permit the levying of an beof Jury to Acquit Frank Mangum manager of the income tax without interference from tween himself and the Spanish minisOaks in Ogden canyon was seriously ter relative to Spain’s desire that tpe courts was regarded by senators as of such importance as to place in Injured on Sunday as the result of a Cuba assume a borg Finland— The of the SpanBvltis'i San Francisco— Terminating in a ish debt The proportion on runaway his skull being fractured steamer Woodburn was fired the shade all questions pertaining secretary upon at Saturday disagreement of the Jury with ten and his collar bone broken to the tariff schedules a night strictly Russian by out the following statement: gave torpedo boat near Robert Patterson The president In his newspaper i nien determined on acquilttal and two “The message minister to Cuba on £e Wand of Birke for approaching 're“0'v "pon “"vct'orM May 27 Spanish carrier couM with an aulomoblle clo 1eak8 0 " “PPUrent Inability ot 1909 addresaed to tile Cuban baj on the Finals whll delivering ‘° papers from ha Emper°r NICW“ of late a eourteon note ‘gr“ houn the of United toRailroads came in Salt Lake City his leg bebicycle Emperor William were to meet The tax’ and as re6ards an an end at noon Sunday Settln? forth the deslre of'his govern' Five months ing broken from the torpedo boat refers to the decision of the supreme ment to mantan the closest and most projectile Pierced a steam pipe and one mem- court In the case of Pollock vs the Mrs Sarah Kershaw aged 80 years and a week had transpired since the relations with Cuba as befrendly street car dewealthy a magnate Farmers Loan & Trust company In one of the pioneer women of Weber ber of the crew of the British vsesel so countries united of closely scendant Patrick Henrv made was wounded The incident shows the which the court held the tax to be ""“- -1 radi°" rTuy’?7d In unless apportioned extremq nervousness for the safety unconstitutional Insaid that he had been the of a brlbe cbarge of $4 offerlng of Emperor Nicholas to population Ogden since 18G6 "It Is according 000 to a corporation to obtain a prlv- - structed to express the desire of Spain The first was a blank tb® Pr®sldent “undoubtedly a Soren Sorensen an aged and highcharge but says Siege for his corporation and a pe- for a discussion of the matter of the this was followed which power the government ought citizen of Fountain riod of ly respected by two shells' Por-debts on account contracted r by Spain hours had been of Green Is dead after an Illness of Cuba when the latter was her col- - tions of the shells penetrated the to bav®‘ H might be Indispensable consumed in fruitless deliberation bu1heads and the boiler of the Wood- to lbe naon’8 bfe in great crises several months Death was due to Not until each juror had pronounced ony Spain founded her contention on barnrheumatism and heart trouble amendment suggested provlj engineer was wounded in principle that a country separated as hopeless the prospect of a verdict the aad was taken aboard the lor lb® Imposition on all co from another should be chargeable John C Walters a Nevada mining Wa thelr‘ llberation with a part of the debt of the !!e °Trdf r where bis and Joint stock companies man attempted suicide in O" len cut country Pussan cruiser Asia ade by Judge "llllam p Lawlor from which dreS8ed°U?ds it had Yere After making except hational banks (othe separated ting his throat with a razor while in- Prosecut on and defense Woodburn 831161 tor her taxed) gave assent atudled closely tb® antece‘ 7 savings bank and building toxicated He did not succeed in sev-- to the ?avlag of this question which public discharge and the proceedings loan association of nn t ering the Jugular vein and will re- ended within a to the reports received lag min-of in bus-- I neither nor fifteen Cuba frntfC(d opinion period Spain cover the net inenme °f Sa!d th® reason given colorations utes Pected of being still pending Secre- - J7hwC°pen?agenThe body of James Newton 50 a" corrP°ralon® commander for firing The trial wbich will stand on rec- - tary Velez replied on June 19 to the Jy ie Presldent points out that ar steamer years old was found on the brink of ord In the Woodburn note of the Spanish minister Senor wna history of western tae mert to the tax on corpon a small pond In Salt Lake City last tun Tor n SS 308 !atter was slsnaed by a year ended quietly Velez declared that the acceptance of J is the federal supervision whl no week He had been gathering water “ons Eave In stsaat j the was view Spanish incompatible return cress and death was due to heart and without demonstration will give to he government with the provisions of the Cuban con t In a statement issued loDg Mr by failure stockholders and the public kry stitutlon to which Spain consented in PUBLIC PAYS THE PRICE Coal Is again selling in Salt Lake Calhoun Sunday night he sad the republic The secreedge of the real business transa: “Of course I am d’sappointed at recognizing had decided at tary that consequently Some Figures in Coal Suit to City $575 per ton delivered the the failure of the Set HUGHES’ COMMITTEE REP jury to acquit me of his government was unable to enter summer storage rate having been the Peoole Thinking f whici have been Into negotiations on the question of abandoned the dealers reporting that the unjustagaVnt New York W W Buie' statistic-iaI should me the brought have colonial Investigation of Speculation debt” Spanish few very people had taken advantage1 liked my vindication of the anthracite by the jury to curities and Commodities of the rate companies was And yet when Thursday in the govern- Lltnesson Lehi will have to hold another bond have been absolute New York— The report of mpnto circumstances are considered C°al r°ads mlttee appointed election in order to make her last is- all Idaho Man Shoots His Wife and Then with maintain8188 by Governor combnasue of water works bonds legal The from the fact that ten members of to Investigate speculation In iIIesal r? nt:nDS Life Ends His SurRather Than tion were In favor of acquittal It the questIoned aa 10 the ties and commodities and ttf city council has accordingly called an- mustjury vmrtin- - nr be I have won to render Posse that recognized other election for July 27 The new mmviuuo UDCU III ueaimgs fhii BetUementof the a substantial victory The record 'of Issue will be for $15000 Wash — Battling with a Spokane struggle of 1902 made public Wednesday nil the case demonstrates that my trial the Intervention of President New York Several of the young men of EphpoSse 0f citizens who surprised him thnnigh stock the Coi was roost In unfair °°sevelt the which unprallelei bjr hn the Where a miners were stock the Cotton the Pn f)mise raim have organized a town band he had fortified himannals of American jurisprudence The 8ef philip Clemens wife Biayer shot "ecelve a oae Per cent increase ' Coffee the Sixteen members are enrolled A Mercantile and ‘ " Cents ad himself and cut his throat dying al £vS?Be8ahi supply of music has exchanges and the' Curb ma Ve 4'50 a ton made bribed and the admin- 1 atitorney and when it hy thoroughly investigated the an mine roeaiaaety owners of law the criminal istration Pvnlf of this IT Bnhxvdm mav DubIlc con®ertsThe tragedy occurred June 19 at his Mr Buie admitted that the coal mendations looking to imr state disgraced I propose at the t a er of a Clemens se-- companies likely received at least as of existing conditions were PHst mis-- proper time and in a proper manner farm near Deary Idaho slon a rouch from the Increase In in Beattie so upset the j to submit formal charges against As- - cured his wdfe through a matrimonial price as length by the committee mind of W S Shing a Chinese stu-- slstant District Attorney Francis J bureau and she left him dld tbe miners drastic finding is that a ffl quickly Sat- dent that he is declared to be Insane Heney tor receiving bribes as a pub-Jabor recelved $17000- - Mercantile and Metal urday morning she drove to the ranch AAA ’ by Salt Lake physicians and will against Rudolph writh four men to get her belongings u8ses slnce the strike follows: “Under present 8 D- Pbelaaho Us they approached the house ?d ta® operators benefltted we are of the probably be sent to the state mental opinion th or e pa“ tioepital The child of Grant harm to producers and I so said the witness Moser was so severely bitten by a and that their charters sli bulldog in Balt Lake last week that pealed’' Stocking Causes Death the little ones life was In danger New York— Mrs Phoebe PRIMARY Clayton MEASURE for a time It seems the dog atof Freehold N J Is dead ln the tacked the child without th® slighthospital at Long Branch of Supreme Court of Illinois est provocation caused Law by from Enacted by Refor) dye her Salt Lake county Salt including stocking which penetrated a wound Lake City cast a total of 3 596 votes WWle atteraPtlnS to cross the Clarks Chicago — The primary she received last week Mrs In the recent election on 'the state Fork rlver bere on SundaF ln a fra11 Glared unconstitutional by HAVE FAITH IN PEARY ton was driving a light runabout ClayPl a and dePutF forest CortneJ' capitol poposition 3 133 of which supreme court Wednesday in turning the horse 'ear-olniece Imo-were in ‘favor of the'capltof and463 guard ?d his Frieds Believe that the Explorer Haa wTgon '"“turned over third state primary law wJ w®re drowned and Mrs out breaking her right throwing against it The vote In the city was gene and°mak- - been declared Invalid by the Reached the North Pole leg in' 2625 favor and 230 against it Courtney barely escaped death The trIbunal ln th state The la Washington— Friends in this city of ing was imbedded lnZhich the stock’ 10 cross thl® I’!ver While walking along the The leg was track three attemPted passed by the Forty-fiftgene when gangrene set in but sembly near Boulder siding Howard Beck- near the Eddy deP°t ln a sklff that Commander Robert Edwin Peary the who left for the last it Bal1failed explorer to July a save Mr her life stead aged 23 a resident of Sandy Courtney had r1®3 wlth In the workings of the law In ti n of if a fl nnJ V aIotViI frozen north believe that Peary by n I tin Iiih was struck by a train tion was a to made the cumbrou suffering this time has successfully planted the Woman Would Part With Her Child compound fracture of both legs chinery which it occasioned for a Ticket to Germany Stars and Stripes at the north pole Beckstead failed to hear the whistle the restrictions which were No news has been received since he of the engine n’voteiero7e I bab)r approaching behind left Etapa North Greenland August la hlmr to Germany participate in the primary 17 1908 for a dash as far Into the iceCritlcd Th nflS? As the result of an automobile ac& W&S 8SO ralsed on lbe powers bound seas as the Roosevelt his spe-young widow8 Mrs cident near Lehi Mrs Eugene Wille lgab®tb Allert ed to various committees of the dl t vessel would carry him befJ prpn’flQa Mrs to was seriously Mr while injured fore being frozen in If he has been ferent Political parties theml° In politic of Wille Mr and Mrs W G Hines and successful in reaching the pole the Woma'n declared considered that the d c!rcles J rhi h Lillian Hines were painfully bruised news of his discovery will not reach a CIsIon wlU Probably necessitate the in Germany and dying In attempting to pass a wagon the unand was formerly a well point of telegraphic communication calling of a special session of the leg reach her She Is ill htroir' automobile went over an embank- net forest til August or September' lslature ths falL known newspaer man of the west been unable to support ment th b b since her husband died of the Philippines of about sixty of Trade Representatives in Honolulu Murder Mystery or Suicide Trouble Up Stirring the national state and private banks Glendive Mont— Though the coro Honolulu — In an editorial appearWashington — Statistics compiled by More Injured in Celebration of Battle of Utah met in Salt Lake City last ner’s jury reached a verdict or suiIn Sunday’s issue of the Nippu the bureau of statistics regarding the of Bunker Hill Than in Real Battle ing week and formed the Utah Bankers Boston — The list of Injured In the cide tbeie Is yet much mystery and the organ of the leaders of the trade of the Philippines announced association with the Idea of promot-- Jljl Japanese strike movement an appeal Sunday show the total value of im- - Bunker Hill celebration equaled that some conflicting stories surrounding ing the general welfaro nni in the Hawaiian Interference for of the battle of 134 years ago Sixty- the death of Alexander Atkinson who1908 lnto the isiand8 $29as jn or the banks and banking lDtere8tS port8 strke 8110811011 "d bX neighbors lying dead on 186120 persons were treated at the hosThe amount of the exports raaTt to b® of the state fneSe4wenTananptJhiievtrthpin no from he United States to the islands PitaIs of Boston and vicinity for ln- hIa b®d In his rough ranch home r r m Arch Thomas a lurle caused by fireworks and pis- eighteen miles from this toT 1908 was wbll the offlnnfal Troamient was killed by a train city The by the cla! flgure3 of and place on corded to8 more were many from the attended by man had evidently been dead for sev- United imports June 15 Thomas’ body was found ln courts and by the federal and terriStates Into the islands exclusive of physicians at their homes Charlesthe early morning the supposition torial officials of the islands The Jijf government tons great day closed Thursday with eral days for his body was In a state free entries and supplies of of advanced the leaders the when decomposition an elaborate electrical being that he was walking along has supported free entry in connecsupplies pageant The the track fell and struck hto head on higher wage movement ever since tion withgranted display was emblematic of the "gems found and yet two boys claim they the construction of the rail issuing from Atkinson’s the rail where he lay until the en- the strike of the Japanese sugar plan-- way system' to the islands were hut of the world” the floats representing saw smoke on Sunday was called hands tatlon He chimney had been the struck his body gine brilliancy and lustre of various $5101836 shot In the head precious stones In attempting to catch a ride on for Quarter of a Million Chinaman Who Murdered the rear end of a concrete mixer atWhite Girl Banker Morse Released from Prison Feud Ends in Tragedy Goldfield Nev— A mining May Never Be Captured tached to a wagon in Salt Lake City on Bail of $125000 Fairfield 111 — As a result of a feud Theodore Matson May 5 years old suit involving a quarter of a million New York — Leon IJng the China- New York— Charles W Morse forbetween certain young men of this was caught between the side of the dollars was brought to an end here roan suspected of murdering Elsie city and members of ' band In a mer king of ice former cqIector of of New York B Mechem the when George machine and one of the rear wheels Sigel may nevpr be found Th0 poicej theatrical here Dr ocean steamships and recent monopoand was killed The heavy wheel aad B- L to an announcement made Charles L company showing set- - according Leninger is dead Frank list of New York banks left the First National bank of Goldfield broke the child’s neck McCullough is dying and Richard Tombs late Wedensday afternoon a the Sloan is suffering from a severe free man until Navajo ledJhelrfldlTere?Ce8 Patrick for next October In the Indian wound Herbert Orrln Piunick ° kllllng $280000 some months ago alleging 18 Interim the United States govern- ®rs years old of French Lick Springs bls trlbe ln aouth- roent holds one of the largest and this sum wa3 due him oh the sale era Utah has been sentenced to ten tbat fad 18 ln Jal1 for aleged complicity most intricate hail bonds ever of an option on the Combination mine wblcbwas ®nacted cuted for an individual convicted of years’ imprisonment at Fort Leaven-- made by Patrick He declared that he over worth The boy was practically their had It calls for $125000 rlme the defendant before fwfnn37 ilh? trouble arose and Is lave revolted at their brutal treat the young women of signed by twenty of the richest men option was secured Fairfield kP members of the theat-- ) (In Blent and slew them New York rtcal company ' “ ““V'T “h"’?- Bbhbadr:n7v0f homei6 ft ttTdtln £ f “r:n aara: bel s r s sysw r!r7A V” “e T sS Pacl 0t |