Show Y NEWS SUMMARY One hundred and thirty-ondeaths from bubonic plague occurred in Amoy during: the fortnight ending June 14 The United States Norwegian Lutheran church has decided to establish a pension fund of at least $100000 for its pastors and professors Mrs W H Butterbaugh of Eli Paso Texas who on January 1 1908 gave birth to triplets on June 18 became tbe mother of twins a boy and a girl A tornado west of Monette Mo ed Andrew A McCormick a far-and injured seven children The ’McCormick farm house was demolished Issued were Iasi Specifications wreek to prospective bidders for the two 3ti000-tobattleships Arkansas and Wyoming authorized by the las’ congress What is said to be the largest con of alligators ever shippet slgnment over a railroad left' New Orleant June 15 forjjos Angeles There was a full carload of the reptiles A committee has been formed tc collect funds for raising the submarine boat Kambala which was sunk in collision with the battleship Rostislav and in which the bodies of the crew are still imprisoned Joseph B Ramerla’ formerly of Chiand a leader of the Black Hand in western Canada who was found cago guilty recently of Black Hahd practices was sentenced at Fernie B C last week to fourteen years in pr son Harper E Bennett a Los Angeles real estate man charged with poisoning his wife Eugenia T Bennett administering strychnine in order that he might marry an alleged “affinity" 'has been held for trial after preliminary examination Mrs Joseph Davis was instantly killed at Santa Ana Cal by an angry w The animal had a young calf d when Mrs Davis attempted to ed the calf the cow rushed at her st both horns into her body e ernor d the heart has Hadley of Missouri bill providing Tor an of $20000 for a Missouri the Seattle fair The the state needed this worse for educating its chil-for the poor reports on the mutiny of the constabulary at the post of Philippine islands which 6 show that one ser-ntwenty-twprivates of the at ne ulary mutinied but sixteen of ates remaining loyal ign camp Woodmen of the as appropriated $30000 for of the uniformed rank was The country districts the uniformed ich shall hold either annual district encampments of the Holland American r Noordam with 550 n board was raked by the a schooner believed to ra J Bryan In a fog ofT une 15 The Noordam the loss of a life boat lieved to have been an isassinate M?yor William id bum his residence in 0 was made early June bottle filled with been seit 'aflame was his rough a window ' of sion der Lorimer f office ' of Illinois took and became a on June 18 several weeks ago he iis seat in the house of until satisfied that he ider better service in the fnited States gunboat has been out of commis-- i about two years has left San on avlng a voyage around the been ordered to service Atlantic before She will make reaching her destin- e than 10000 skilled workmen ers of the Amalgamated Asso-o- f Iron Steel & Tin Workers yed by the American Steel and Plate company will quit work the “open 30 at which time order of the company becomes tlve 'he clan fights in the Heuwah dis-north of Amoy continue A nber of Moellra villagers recently lured a junk with a crew of on board and killed nine remainder The escaped them Two of the Moelim men 'erboard re killed a is elaborating The government n for rebuilding the villages in the the by uth at France destroyed rthquake of last week It will part of the expense outright nd arrange loans on easy terms for President Fallleres has he balance ontrlbuted $4000 The historic sloop Gjoa in which Captain Raoid Amundson successfully for navigated the northwest passage the first time and as yet the only been has annals maritime time in presented to the city of San Francisco and was formally turned over to the city last week NEVER DONE SUFFER WOMEN NEEDLESSLY ACCENT THE "PUS” ON Aches and Pains Are Many Mysterious ' Easily Cured Backache pain through the hips dizzy spells headaches nervousness etc are bloating troubles that commonly come from sick kidneys Don’t mistake the cause — Doan’s Kidney Pills have cured thouSlimkins — I — I hope you didn’t Teacher— Now Jimmy Greeh can sands of women afof matter mind my putting that little flicted in this way— you tell me what—an octopus is? it’s an $5 in the hands of the bill collector Green Yes sir Jimmy kidthe by curing cat yesterday? Mrs C R neys Podger — Not at all I borrowed a S 113 ForeBman dollar from him Eighth St ianon City Colo says: “Three years I suffered with rheumaSORE EYES CURED tism dropsy and kidney complaint I found reand Lids Became Terribly and became utterly helpless or three boxes of Inflamed — Was Unable to Go About lief after using two on until and Pills Doan’s kept Kidney —All Other Treatments Failed But Doan’s Kidney Pills have cured been a blessing to me" Cuticura Proved Successful Sold by all dealers 60 cents a box Co Buffalo N Y "About two years ago my eyes got in such a condition that I was unable Fellow Feeling Youngster’s to go about They were terribly inA small boy about five years old flamed both the balls and lids I was taken to an entertainment by his tried home remedies without relief It was mother the other evening Then I decided to go to our family when they reached 10:30 o’clock physician but he didn’t help them home and the little fellow was very Then I tried two more of our most tired and sleepy He undressed quickprominent physicians but my eyes “George" ly and hopped into bed grew continually worse At this time said “I’m surhis mother sternly a friend of mine advised me to try Because they are at you” “Why mamma?” he prised Cuticura Ointment and after using it asked "You didn’t say your prayers made of the choicest about one week my eyes were conGet right out of that bed and Bay materials and guaransiderably improved and in two weeks them” “Aw mamma” came from the teed to be absolutely they were almost well They have tired “what’s the use of never given me any trouble since and wakin’ youngster the Lord up at this time of pure I am now years old I shall night to hear me pray?” always praise Cuticura G B Halsey Mouth of Wilson Va Apr 4 1908” How He Stood Up for Him makes a delightPotter Drag St Cbem Corp Sole Props Boston Dolan— So Casey was running me ful dish for Luncheon down an’ ye stood up for me? Forestalled Calaban— OI did Oi siz to him: and you will find "Well Mrs Dennis what are you “Casey ye’re no coward— and ye work going to give Pat for Christmas this hard an’ pay yer dibts — an’ we don't year?” inquired the recipient of Mrs get drunk an’ lick yer woife — but in Dennis’ regular washday vists one other despects ye’re no better than day at the beginning of the festal Dolon!" — Puck season " 'Deed thin ma’am I don’t know” Evidence “His wife married him to reform replied Mrs Dennis raising herself from the washtub and setting her him” “And she succeeded didn’t she?” "I did be dripping arms akimbo “I don’t know I didn’t know him thinkin’ I’d give him a pair of pants but Lord bless ye ma’am only last before he was married” equally tempting for “Neither did I but you can see night didn’t he come home wid a that he don’t amount to anything any meal pair on” — Success Magazine Food Products Aro Bod For Your Tcbfo Veal Libby's Loaf Canton Plows The Success Sulky Plow You can make two mistakss in buying One Is to buy en Inferior Riding Plows plow because It is ottered cheap and the other Is to buy high priced riding plow when the SUCCESS a medium priced plow will do better work Successful Plowing Can always be accomplished under with the Success Plow It Is a fraineless plow that will lust a lifetime It haa the best hitch the best landing device the best rolling cutter and hq best bottoms ever pnt on Killing 1'Iowh It has only two levers but they give the same range of adjustments an plows with three or four levers It is heavier— haa more material— but fewer parts and la less complicated than others Finished with wide shares for Alfalfa Plowing when ordered That’s why It Is strong simple and durable That'a why we call It the ‘‘Success' Ask the farmer who owns one— he knows 67 Years of "Knowing How” Hammered Into Every One of Them Write for Beautifully Illustrated Pamphlet No 37 of Interest to every farmer and a P St O Catalog which will be mailed free PARLIN & ORENDORFF CO Canton Illinois Utah Co Pelt Lake flty Utah Burton Implement Oo Ogden Utah lllcliflelil Co Richfield Huh Implement Snake Klver Implement Co Burley Idaho Libby's Vlonna Causago Corned Dccf Pork and Deans Evaporated f7V now” Flies man who first InventGod pity the man who or indifferent to place God bless the ed screens and is too indolent them between his family and the spreaders df deadly disease There is absolutely’ no excuse for the man or woman of habitation whose place swarms with flies and whines with the voices of mosquitoes They can be kept out and 25 cents spent in keeping them out is equivalent to keeping out a doctor who would cost $25 or possibly to keeping out a much less welcome visitor WON’T Good and You can buy at all grocers Libby's truth is better than a W N U Thompson’ Salt Lake City Eye Wafer i & For Infants and Children The Kind You llavo Mix The human stomach stands much abuse but it won’t return good health if you give it bad food If you feed right you will feel right for proper food and a good mind is the sure road to health "A year ago I became much alarmed about my health for I began to suffer after each meal no matter how little I ate” says a Denver woman "I lost my appetite and the very thought of food grew distasteful with the result that I was not nourished and got weak and thin "My home cares were very heavy for besides a large family of my own I have also to look out for my aged mother There was no one to shoulder my household burdens and come what might I must’ bear them and this thought nearly drove me frantic when I realized that my health was breaking down "I read an article in the paper about some one with trouble just like mine befood and acting cured on ing on this suggestion I gave a trial The first dish of this delicious food proved that I had struck the right thing "My uncomfortable feelings In’stom-acand brain disappeared as if by magic and in an Incredibly short space of time I was myself again Since then I have gained 12 pounds in weight through a summer of hard work and realize I am a very different woman all due to the splendid food ALCOHOL-- 3 PER CENT Vegetable Preparation for As similating iheFoodandRegula-tin- g the Stomachs and Bowels of PIOIITII IslUUIII THE FREE! PAXTON TOILET CO B08TON MA8& Your Liver’s r Your Life No MIX Health Won’t Always Bought A dead liver means awful sickness—don’t let it come— when it can be prevented Cascarets keep the liver lively and bowels regular and ward off serious fatal illness CASCARRTS— roe box—week's treat ment All druggists Biggest seller in the world Million boxes a month DAISY FLY KILLER SS&SZTEIK Mil fllen Neat clean ornament! convert ientciimjA Bears the not ap II over will ortnjureany (lTT5HOi i nTKBflll Signature Promotes Cheerful Digestion ness and Re si Contains neither Opium Morphine nor Mineral or th I of NO tf Old DrSAMVElPfTCFEJt Pmipt or tiM not noil OfftlllFtlFrie Bent prepaid far 20e l&ODftkalbAvPave Brooklja Sv Narcotic Not and tartar from the teeth besides destroying all germs of decay and disease which ordinary tooth preparations cannot do Paxtine used asamoutfw THE I wash disinfects the moutk nd throat purifies the breath and kills the senna which collect in the mouth causing tore throat had teeth bad breath grippe and much sickness when inflamed tired achs TIIP and bum may be instantly relieved and strengthened by Paxtine Paxtine will destroy the germ I that cause catarrh neat the io flammation It is a and atop the discharge remedy for uterine catarrh Paxtine ii a harmless yet powerful ermicide disinfectant ana deodorizer Used in bathing it destroys odors and leaves the body antiseptically clean FOR SALE AT DRUG STORES 50c OR POSTPAID BV MAIL removing LARGE SAMPLE eyesTuM FOR any dentifrice whitening in PATAfinil Mlllill w" Ubby McNoH Ltbby Ohtoago Mr Winslow’s Soothing Syrop For children teething softens the gum reduces flammation sllaya pain cures wind collu 25c a buttie NOTHING LIKE IT exceli Tljf yrrTII Paxtine cleansing PYPQ and you will always be prepared for an extra guest Evidence Farmer Hayrick — The city is mighty wicked Farmer Corncrib — Yes even the trees are behind bars Great Improvement A homely The patient told the doctor all his handsome lie At the end of the recital symptoms the medical man looked severe "My dear sir” he said “you must gradually give up whisky and soda” Some months later he met the patient and inquired whether the advice had been followed “To the letter” replied the patient beaming “Why I’ve already given up Boda completely!" Bad Food Have a supply of Libby's in the house Uts Allen’s It Is the only relief for Swollen SmartHot Sweating Feel ing Tired Aching Ask for Allen's Corns and Bunions a powder to be shaken into the shoes Cures while you walk At all Drug25c Don't accept Shoe and Stores gists any substitute S Sample sent FREE AdOlmsted dress Allen LeRoy N T TOILET A11T1SEPTIG fltmpiin Sdm dlxStnna RothtUt Salts Jniit SooJ fimxrmint BiCttrlmaUSrd it Setd Clarini Sugar Wioiyrrrr Flavor The Only Perfect Razor STROPPING NO HONING :fHfb In A perfect Remedy for Constipation Sour Stomach Diarrhoea (Convulsions Fever and OF SLEEP KNOWN THE WORLD OVER Use Worms Loss lac Simile Signature of' to The Centaur Company NEW YORK jr fiiiiiiv it For Over Thirty Years a i under the Food and Copy of Wrapper Guaranteed Exact fNl NNTlUa MHMftfi KELIAIUK PROMPT V luld and Gold Sliver II fioldj Gold and Silver refined Silver and Copper SI Wuite for free mailing sacks and bought OGDEN ASSAY CO DSSCmrtlW Brswr lL HOWARD E BURTOH cshV£M"' Specimen prices: Gold Silver Lead II Gold Gold 60c Zi nc or Copper fl Mailing Silver envelopes and full price list sent on application Control and umpire work solicited Leadviile CoL Huferenco Carbonate National Bank For any DDCCPRIDTIflMC FIFTY CENTS lUllv disease or bad condition of rtiLOurlir health Can be filled at any drag store Describe your symptoms California Herbs Co Cayucos CaL HEW VOSB "There’s a Reason” Trial will prove Read the famous little book "The Road to Wellville” in pkgs Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time They are Keanlne true and full of human Interest J f DEFIltICECold Water SUrtiri makes laundry t ork a pleasure FORTY I I rtin UL x 16 oz pkg lUa Beautiful and Curious California sheila two dimes Shell Co Morro CaL A |