Show Bp LoretPzen says that the Salina Current Expenses&Taxes Fid 126 90 Roller Mill will have to close down Total 10396638 pretty soon unhss he can buy the LIABILITIES wheat which the Relief Soolety has stored The society will not sell so the mill Capital Stock Paid In Undivided Profits will have to close until the fall wheat f A min called at this offic Wednes- comes in Dividends Unpaid Individual Deposits day and asked fpr something’ to drink Everything in Ashing tackle at LewtYe mixedka little Ink with some gasoSavings Dep Int at 4 per cent 25161 30 line for him but he said it was ton is Drug Co Cashier’s Checks 4180 819 88 Demand Certs of Deposit strong Call'again brother 103906 38 Total C)f fools the world has 6uoh a store BTATE OF UTAH Thai he who would not sea an ass COUNTY OF SEVIER bide at home and bolt his door A V Huish being first duly sworn I break his looking glass according to law deposes and says that The Commercial club is still breathbe is Cashier of the above named kank fireworks and flags at lind6of ing Borne signs of life were seen to that the above’ and foregoing report ' Vatyeat and Supply Company’s exist Monday evening at a meeting at contains a full true and correct statethe rooms of a few of the members ment of the condition of the said bank A The question of giving an’ anniversheavy hail storm visited Emery ou at the close of business on the Eighth iMouday ami did considerable damage ary program and banquet was discussday of June 1909 ' (to the fruit crop and the gardens As ed and it was decided not to do it A V Hvish Cashier the fruit here was fortunate enough to The matter of the meeting of the Correct Attest: escape most of the frost we had good United clubs to be held in Selina W H Brown prospects but the hail storm stripped August 9th was talked of and it wat Margaret a Freeze some of the fruit trees while others apparent to all that the date will have Subscribed and sworn to before me were not seriously damaged The early to be changed owing to the G A It this 16th day of June 1Q09 vegetables were alec bably damaged Euoampment at Saltlake The change C N Lund Notary Poblio Emery Progress will be announced later (SEAL) My commission expires FOP SALE -- 160 acres of lacd with Jan 5 1913 reseivoir water right Iuquire of Geo STATE OF UTAH Stevens Olllce of the Secretary of Slate ( JunlSlt A new line cf Gent’s I C S Tingey Secretary of State watch chains A crowd of good at Lewis Drug Co patriotic citizens of the State of Utah dohereby certify f If you want something good in jew- turLed out Wendnesday and cleaned that the foregoing is a full true and correct statement of the above named the house to meeting Lewis Diug Co grounds to perfecelry go company filed in my offices this 17th Balsam of Myrrh for cuts and bruis- tion They did as fine a job as men day of June 1909 well could do is and indeed es on horses gauranteed it very C S Tingey At Vivian Burns’ harness 6hop to all concerned Fine line of good creditable Secretary of State horse medicines and makes the place attractive Rea those new hat pins at Lewis A delicious lunch was served on the Drug Co lawns there by the women of the Caught directfy in the path of a Relief Society use FOR age boulder which crashed down the o— and lot Nnitaiubide and through the tent in Vh Le was sleeping in Leaver Liver 25 foot business front on Main ulialph Ilurst of Beaver 18 year street was terubly crushed ly the impact and instantly killed Another good family has come to A good farm b' watch fobs at Lewis Drug Co town and a new business house bas List your wants and property for a sale with Homer Rasmussen soon be time to flsh We have been added moved his man of has Ephraim A J CROSIER ly new line and fresh stock young Lewis Drug: Co family here and has purchased the old ienygood3 postofl(oe building from Mrs Lebi The front room of this is i’eterson K0T1CL devoted to a fine confectionery parlor ed Stages Land Office where the very choicest of candies Balt Lake City Utah Y’ou can get all the supplies fruits iee cream soft drinks etc cud you June 5tb 1909 be bad at all hours The place has want at the Salina Meat and Supply fray Concern fitted been and very up handsomely State Company’s Store Just the place you reby given that the lied in this office lists of will invite patronage The general want to come to by the said Btate under public is assured the most courteous ie Act of Congress of treatment at this place Keep yout 1S91 as Indemnity eye on the ad viz: — o swh£ Sec 20NK NW'I Headquarters for fishing tackle 28 T 30 s 7 Et It Split bamboo rods from $1 50 lvi NvU se'4 se4 Sec each to $5 each & teel rods ’3 50 to VwqrsE'4 se‘J se'4 Sec Also Colorado spinners $550 each n sk l4 SEquar swquar Hendrix spoon hook® Reels Wood Have you a little idle money? swquarSec 19 NEquar and cork floaters sinkers Leader We allow tEquar xEquar SYVquar Tlace it where it is safe boxes books Fly Oil Cuttyhunk r SEquar SEquar Sec finish Braided oil silk Irish linen FOUR I’ER CENT on time deE SEquar SEquar you Lisle thread Raw silk Enamel and K 3E Serial 03o73 posits That’s better than a larger common fish lines from 5 cents to Sec 18 T 22 B R per cent unless you are sure of your $1 each Suelled books double and investmeht single and a full assortment of flies Its so far as they Bank Of Come in early and get your pick Sauna State First descriptive conspicuously a for inspection by ted nd by the pub- - Some Signs Of Life Yet The Call is the family Friend Jr 9©89999©3©99999995®9C0©®99© © w 1 The character ot the selections thereof free fiom objejtion to the State E D R Thompson li9gister be Ted ock Salt Located at Salina in the county cf Sevier state of Utah at the close of business on the eighth day of June 1909 Loans and Discounts Overdrafts 1975 Banking House Furniture &Fixtures 139170 Due from National Banks Due from State Banks&Bankers Cash on nand ft O ft (9 O ft ft ft ft ft nderson-Fisb- Lumber Company ft ® ft “Brown’s South of Plaster and Cement Mgrs In Town” a CQC3S90®93999999$eS$9333®CtGe9993&®809®$99ftftQ®3f$®ea FIRST STATE BANK OF SAUNA Salina Utah o' OFFICERS N ESnLL President —' ' J Lewis A t A s p Drafts drawn on all the principal cities ot the United States and Europe E©Fourper cent interest paid on time deposits Slogans iSt’FStEB Sewing M a c li i n e runs L’gliter tLan any otlier 1 lasts longer tkan any ptlier & is more beautiful W CANYON EAGLE Phone 29 Black Spalding Investment Co Gunnison Ut T U SEWING OF THE RIVER I Co-o- TOURIST m Southbound 2 :2 p m E M Peyton Local Agent When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper acting u by bowels is p and SLBEPERS CO ILLINOIS Sold by Salina if GRANDE CANYON To Denver St Louis and Chicago Trains leave Salina Northbound 10:51a MACHINE it M WAGON VIIBEL GAP GLENWOOD SPRING PULLMAN perfect 6titck tkan any otker CHICAGO (it natural OF THE GUNNISON GARDEN OF HIE GODS MANITOU SPRINGS THE ROYAL COROB FlEE makes a more FREE of CANYON kas less vibration tkan any otker ® ci beauty all the way A beauty spot in every mile tkan any otker liu A panorama is tke kest of all combined in one AXTELLjU TAH IIuisil Cashier V 2B000-0- CAPITAL STOCK WANTED Paints Electrical Supplies Tungston Lamps Hardware een Doors ndows oors Nord felt Bros Salina Branch ft ft ft ft ft V) ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft M ft O easier to operate tkan any otker wanting permanent vork should apply at once at © FT" n4 is Those © © 2932 33 This Salt is miles northeast from Siilina on road to Mayfield lest grade and will average f i om 96 to 98 per cent pure salt Id I stimulate trade and make it an teams send to the objeetto The roads are excellent and one e make a price of $123 per ton at the mine Oar men always an handle from 6000 to 8000 pounds fere will be no delay for those who send for Salt Soliciting your business We are Yours Very Truly THE GUNNISON VALLEY SALT CO Gunnison Utah ' f wishing carload lets should write for prices 8 c i Gunnison Vallfey Salt Mine ft ‘ C35937 MENTEAMS 1 Hardware c tv sisssaKSKSEa for Sale ft ft ft s prepared public supply with the finest kind of Lime at ery reasonable prices See him resource-- 3 Binders E(c REPORT LIME Oluf Jeppson the to ft ft ft ft BuggieSjMoweFs Wagons Bank Your Money MADE TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE STATE OF U TAII OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST STATE BANK of SALINA Groceries Dry Goods Lewis Drug Co ot puclication time any Ifore final approval (under departmental ril 25 1997 protests ns the claim of the tracts or subdivis-J- e on the described same is more Valuable for agricultural and noted for Jrieral Land Office at Failure so to the time sufficient ft ft ft ft ft 0 ft leads on the run others follow on the walk p Men’s and Boys’ Furnishings Ladies' Furnishings Of Every Conceivable Kind To Travelers fd of or ft ft North Sevier county headquarters Clean As A Pin ' s We have all there is in merchandise and win our way on merit © - A New Business ft ome Here re P Beal Estate' Ct9099?9999 Cough Syrup that rids the system of a cold as a cathartic on the 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE Marks Designs Copyrights Ac Anotie fending sketch and description irmj Quickly ascertiiln our opinion tree whether an Invention Is prohnbljr patentable Conimiinlrn on I’nteuta (ions strictly confidential Sent free Uldest auenry lor securing patents Patent taken throuch Munn A Co rcceir tpenal notice without charge In the Scientific American weekly I sreest clr journal 1 ernis fl yeort four moulds (L Sold by all newsdealei A Handsomely lllnstrsted culm toil of any seientlflo MUNN & firanga -Co38aSt Office V Hew York Washing tuuI U- Bees is the Original laxative cough syrap contains the no opiates gently moves bowels carrying the cold off through the Guaranteed to give natural channels ' satisfaction or money refunded FOR SALE BY LEWIS DRUG CC ' - |