Show v ) PORTLAND MIN SELLS- - HIS WIPE TO PREVENTE1 By Lydia E Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Chicago I1L — ‘‘I want to tell you what Lydia E Finkham’s Vegetable Compound did for me I was so sick that two of the best doctors in Chicago said I would die if I did not have an eration I had lready had two operations and 7' go through a thin one I suffered day and night from in flammation and a small tumor anc never thought of seeing a well day A friend again told me how Lydia EPinkham’s veg stable Compound had helped her ant tried it and after the third bottle was cured”— Mrs Ax vena Sperlino II Langdon Street Chicago 11L If you are ill do not drag along at home or in your place of employment until an operation is necessary but build up the feminine system and remove the cause of those distressing aches and pains by taking Lydia E Finkham’s V egetable Compound made from roots and herbs For thirty years it has been the standard remedy for female ills and has positively restored the health of thou sands of women who have been troubled with displacements inflammation ulceration fibroid tumors irregularities periodic pains backache bearing-dowfeeling flatulency indigestion dizziness or nervous prostration Why don’t you try it? I After Giving Purchaser a Bill of 8alef Brings Suit Against Him for Alienating His Wife’s Af- fections Portland Ore — John Braganza a German after having sold his wife to his neighbor H Ruddat for $150 has brought up the most perplexing legal problem in many years by ’bringing action against his wife’s purchaser for her affections Ruddat alienating made good his claim that he had purchased Mrs Braganza by presenting a bill of sale bearing the signature not only of his complaining neighbor but of the woman This unusual document Is to be presented in the circuit court as Ruddat’s defense of the charge of alienating the woman’s affections It is now in the possession of Attorneys John F Logan and John H Stevenson The point they raise is as to how Braganza can be damaged as he contends In his complaint when he sold bartered and exchanged his wife for the sum of Here Is a copy of the bill of $150 sale: "Portland Oregon March 4 1909 I my wife have sold to H Ruddat for $150 John Braganza Em(Signed) ma Braganza H Ruddat" HUGHES’ MAIDEN SPEECH Colorado Senator Eulogizes Lats Democratic Presidential Candidate Washington — Senator Hughes of Colorado found opportunity on Friday in connection with the consideration of print paper and wood pulp provisions of the tariff bill to make his first speech in the senate This opportunity was the result of the reading by Senator Johnson of North Dar1 ! kota of a newspaper clipping respefct- Tuberculosis Afflicts Japanese I Consumption among Japanese labor ing the free lumber piank of the last It provoked era is increasing to such a degree that Democratic convention the figures are becoming a source of various comments on the Democratic anxiety to Japanese merchants and of- platform among which was a statement by Mr Bailey that that platA large percentage of labor ficials en who are sent back to Japan by form was written by “one man” evithe Japanese charity associations are dently referring to Mr Bryan To that statement Mr Hughes took It is claimed by the consumptives He declared there were Japanese newspapers comenting on exception this matter that through the lack of parts of the platform which were not' the Mr Hughes work of Mr Bryan hospital accommodations in the Japin eulogized the Democratic presidenanese labor camps tuberculosis tial candidate who he said enjoyed creases at an alarming rate They popular esteem to a degree that could suggest that a new system be emnot be equalled by any one else ”un- ployed in dealing with the sick in less” he added “we resort to the these camps as the Japanese are banks of the rivers of Africa to find quite ignorant of even the most sim- some one” referring of course to former President Roosevelt ple health safeguards Who burnt Sunburnt Eyelids does not know the misery of suneyelids— that crinkly and burning condition of the skin? Isn’t it worth a great deal to know that Dr Mitchell’s Salve applied to them upon retiring Eye will effect a complete cure before morning On sale everywhere Price 25 cents or by mail Ilall & Ruckel New York City The Rebound “Every time we were alone before we were married you used to take advantage of the fact to tell me what you thought of me” "And now every time we are not alone you tell me what you think of me” — Houston Post Falling Off in Exports Issued Washington — A statement the bureau of statistics says that "it is now apparent that the exports from the United States in the fiscal year will fall below those of 1908 and 1907 and slightly below those by of 1906”-Th- total value of the domestic merchandise exported in 1908 was In 1907 $1854 000 000 $1885000000 The buand in 1906 $1718000000 reau est’mates that the domestic exports fo rthe fiscal year 1909 will be nearly $200000000 below 1908 and below 1907 and perhaps $50000000 those of 1906 Great Britain Has a Kick Coming London— Great Britain has asked America not to press her claim foe And occasionally a man tells lies by participation in the loan of $27500000 which railroad jkeeping his mouth shut British German and French bankers £ stand ready to take up This request has keen sent to James Bryce ths at Washington British ambassador Great Britain points out that the ar-angements for this loan were concluded after the greatest difficulty entailing long negotiations between the British German and French bankers and the Chinese governconcerned meat ' PERRY DAVIS’ PAINKILLER B an ounce of prevention” as well as a For bowel troubles skin poond of ctfre' rwoonda colds and other Ills 85e and 60c sizes aXB®Fr (fcsocDGadsyl Mob After Priests Ulysses Neb— Right Rev Bishop Bonacum of the Catholic diocese of Lincoln Father O’Brien of Seward and Father Kline of Bralnerd were on Friday night driven from this village by an angry mob of between 200 and 250 people The bishop and priests had come to Ulysses to take formal possession of the church here over which Father Murphy has held charge Sympathizers of Father Muruhy both Positively cured by Catholics and Joined the Little Pills these mob and would have done violence to the bishop and his party had It not They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia la been for Father Murphy’s interferdigestion and Too Hearty ence Eating A perfect remedy for Dizziness Nau sea Drowsiness Bad Liquor Was the Cause of His Downfall Taste In the Mouth Coat Salem Ore — Adolf N Nordstrom ed Tongue Pain in the John Peter1 Side TORPID LIVER convicted of the murder of son foreman of a railroad construcPurely Vegetable iThey regnlats the Bowels last February expiated hla HALL PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PRICE tion gang crime on the gallows here on Friday Nordstrom delivered a short sermon on Genuine Must Bear “Keep liquor saying: temperance Signature down people if you can I am not the first man to be hanged on account of It 1 am sorry for what I have don and wish Ged weuld ' save my souL REFUSE SUBSTITUTES God bless all of you SICK HEADACHE NORTHWEST NOTES The explosion of a lamp In one o:! at the rooms of the Moore hotel Moore Mont started a fire which de stroyed the hotel and another buildin causing a los of $10000 Mrs Lizzie H Welsh of Riverside Cal a wealthy woman who owns large tracts of land in Pueblo county has given land valued at $10000 to the Mo Clellan orphanage of Pueblo Colo Four persons were seriously and two slightly injuied at Klamath Falls Ore Dr by the overturning of a hotel bus Relun of Redding Cal was the most The driver was seriously injured hurrying to the station and made too short a turn After a desperate struggle with his wife over the possession of his revolver Grover Cleveland Hill former county clerk of Humboldt county shot himself through the head in his room In a hotel in Reno Nevada dying In' stantly Horse buyers from Iowa have been making a thorough canvass during the past two months of Lewis and Clark and Cascade counties Montana and have secured between 1200 and 1500 head which will go to the Miles City and St Louis markets Harry Croyle a well known Northern Pacific engineer was fatally in Jured in a peculiar manner in the yards at Livingston Mont Croyle was making some trifling repairs on an injection pipfe and when his face was close the pipe exploded As the result of an explosion of giant powder' and a tank of gasoline the roundhouse of the Burlington Rail road company at Toluca Mont was destroyed June 18 and L H Klntz trainmen and Alfred Wlerschem were badly burned and Injured A drunken negro porter on a wool buyers’ special car which was sidetracked at Shanlko Ore during the wool sales shot and seriously wounded commercial Bernard Trumbull H agent of the Illinois Central railroad and John S McLaughlin traveling freight and passenger agent of the same road In the federal court at Helena last week Judge Hunt declared the Montana Kimberly Mining company in which many Chicagoans are interested to be a bankrupt and referred the case to a refree at Livingston The company has been involved in more or less litigation between the stockholders As the result of a gas explosion at the East Helena Mont smelter five men came near' losing their lives but The it is believed all will recover roaster had not been in commission recently and the flue was cold the result being that instead of the gases going out through the flue they came out of the front The courts of Montana will have to decide who is entitled to the reward offered two years ago by the Northern Pacific for the arrest of James Calvin TowerB George Hastings and Harry J Gruber who held up and robbed the Northern Pacific coastbound passenger train and killed Engineer Clow at Walsh’s spur on the morning of May The Increased cost of living In India generally and in Calcutta particularly writes our correspondent is severely felt not only by Europeans but also by Indians House- rent in recent years has trebled and even quadrupled Ten years ago a family of half a dozen persons could live in fair com fort for £200 a year excluding extras With nothing less than £500 can one live in the same way now This is and recognized by the government the salaries of subordinate officials have been revised servants’ Domestic wages have inA good cook creased enormously cannot be had for less than £40 a year whereas half that sum was considered sufficient ten years ago — London Dally Mail Holland’s Famous Bird The stork is treated with great and singular respect in the Netherlands These strange birds may be seen here and there almost everywhere in the south’ but I do not remember seeThe housq seing any in the north lected by the stork for a nesting place is considered fortunate and very special facilities are provided by the householders to enable it to build a nest comfortably At The Hague many of these birds are maintained at public expense The first that I saw was from a window of the railway train as we were crossing the cams when a chimney-tointo view on which were two ol tk creatures preening them selves their nest an unsightly bun die of sticks and straws littering the Bringing Dickens to Earth — The Chautauquan housetop reme’ tell Dickens from to “Pray member that he Is still but man The Ant Eater’s Lament and that however elated by this AmerThe poor ant eater was up in arms ican deification he must return to "Confound this Billy Possum craze" his anthropic state and that he will he growled “There don’t happen to find us — you and me — good friends be any possums around this zoo and but bad idolators” Thus wrote Sydthey have shaved all the hair off my and ney Smith In a letter It was written tail trimmed my whiskers after Dickens’ first visit to the United changed the sign over my cage to States "Georgia Possum" TURKISH DAY OF REJOICING Hospitable Welcome Accorded to During the Month of Ramazan All Every year In Turkey In the month Ramazan as they term it— which b the month when the Koran was re vealed In 26 parts to Mohammed— It was for years a general custom In Turkey for the Turks to open their houses at 12 o’clock the Turkish sunset time to strangers and anyone was permitted to enter and take supper a meal the Turks call ovlftar during Ramazan No matter how poor or how rich the persons and whether a complete stranger or near friend they come Just before the sunset hour and all are seated at the truly hospitable table before 12 o’clock Immediately after the roar of the cannons announces sunset the Turks eat either an olive or a date it being the legend that the holy prophet did this and those who smoke may begin as soon as the date or olive supposed to be the fruits of Then come jelparadise disappears lies as It is a belief In Turkey that sweets “collect the senses” whatever that may mean Oddly enough soups follow the sweets and then after that eggs cooked in butter are served followed In turn by mutton chops or roasted meat these are succeeded by vegetables and the vegetables by a sort of sugarless pudding called beurek and after this the famous baclava or kadaif After all this more meat courses fish and vegetables are served and such sweets as rice milk (gullaj native blanc mange (mahallebl) pilaf with hishad or junket (yaourt) and coffee of TO UTAH J EDUCATORS The Salt Lake Route Utah’s most announces many rates popular exand dates for east and cursions These excursions' include attractive water and rail trips ocean voyages and Bide trips to the Exposition and other notable places For the N E A convention at Denver July 5th to 9th all stations Id Utah will sell round trip tickets also on many other dates low round trips to Denver Cheyenne Pueblo and Colorado Springs ' The round trip to Los Angeles on days especially suited for teachers going on their vacation Is $3000 Tick ets also Bold returning via San Francisco and Portland Ore and good Even for ocean trip to Portland teacher In Utah should call on nearest Salt Lake Route agent for f particulars or write to Kenneth Kerr D P A Salt Lake City will cheerfully give full informat! Burled Treasures In Merocc In Morocco It Is customary man to bury most of his richetl place known only to himself Thf tom Is practiced by all Moors fcl cannot trust their own famili would murder them directly known where the money was At the death of the head of ily in Morocco digging operation mence at once but seldom is th There must ey discovered fortunes burled away in odd An instance cj of the country der the writer’s notice at onif coast towns During the del of a house a considerable sun ey was found built Into the Well Put The Conversationalist known authoress — I am so Projected Brings Back Contest meet you — it was only the t in Which Royalty Was I saw something of yo Involved something or other — In sonjj The Sketch The projected golf match between His Limitations two well known amateurs afid a lead7 1907 “Yes indeed” averred ing member of the London stock exto have change for a stake of $2500 recalls to nlous party “I enjoy autc Mrs Lee Self is reported the the Westminster Gazette the famous enjoy them very much In Mont suicided at Sandusky woman shooting herself through the foursome In which the duke of York I am never carried away by Colt’s heart with a afterward James II took a prominent With the exception of Har- part on the Leith links in the year It is no wonder brides ar It was really an International ed when they see what beau r vey Mrs Self was the last of the 1682 lal of contest in which the duke with John ding silver we display Curry family notorious because ne of silver wedding presents may the daring deeds of outlawry of Kid Patersone' a golfing 'shoemaker of us from two to three dollaS holdtrain Northern Great of Scotland great repute championed Curry ailver services fl against two noblemen of England a the elaborate up fame All hundreds of dollars sopus! James McCrea of the heavy wager depending on the issue value with our unequalled gu President The duke an the had and cobbler easy has been apPennsylvania railroad of victory thanks largely to the man pointed agent of the the last and John Patersone’s share exposition In the negotiations of the stakes was so substantial that with the city council of Philadelphia he was able to build a goodly house in for the loan of the famous Liberty bell the in a wall of which the There has been oppo- dukeCanongate as an exhibit caused a stone to be placed bearsition in Philadelphia to letting the ing the Patersone arms with the motMAIN the' the leave bell to “Far and sure” a tribute to the city The executive committee of the Mon- cobbler’s driving powers Patersone’s SALT LAKE CITY UT met Guaran1' at house tana Development a survives of Park’s Mark The league Helena last week for the' purpose of The First Misunderstanding "publicity” taking steps along Bride — “That is too much — I shall ROBINSCwrot HARRY lines Governor Norris presided and leave you forever— going to my mothUATTORNEY AT LAW delivered an address urging the rais- er He — “Well what are you looking 5 Judge Building Salt LakeC ing of funds for the work of the for then” She—"The latchkey” (slgr league Frank Stevens a railroad brakeraan was the victim of a terrible accident Wo took Ordara Dependable Want Information Handlod Exaeutad at Las Vegas Nevada one of his arms on in all and Your being Jerked from his body and his C a Intel Market a Prompt Sorvieo Margin shoulder being so badly torn that part of a lung was exposed In spite of bis Is It will believed he frightful injuries i recover Wyoming will produce forty million pounds of wool for which the growers will receive $8000000 gross according 343 MAIN STREET SALT LAKE CITY to conservative estimates from authorBRANCH OFFICES! EUREKA ANO PARK CITY The clips average itative sources Il' close to eight pounds per fleece and Our Private Wire Connects us With tho Offices of the Western some of it has sold as high as 25 cents Development Co American Fork Provo Sprlngvillc per pound Spanish Fork Payton Nephl and Ephraim Police Officer William C Taylor was seriously wounded and John L WillFREE UPON APPLICATION cement worker iams a How High and Low Map Map To Trad of tho Prloos Utah was almost Instantly killed in a pistol of tha In Tlntio Park City took Plret Utah duel between the two men in Butte Pour Diet teaks months 1 EOS riot Camp which was the culmination of an attempt on the part of the officer to arREFERENCE: ANY BANK IN UTAH rest Williams RECALLS FAMOUS GOLF MATCH Game J hil3 ©ole & ©oiiipaoay BROKERS — v |