Show r VJ b t 4 ' O” X fci! V4 VOL A A SAUNA IV NEW BOND SociaU Personal ISSUE TO BE MADE K‘ Council Finds Way To Raise Another Ten Thousand A:sessmeni flan Will Dollar's Consequently Be Abandons! While there lia9 nevej been any earnest donbt about getting tbe water system since the council started in on the proposition It is as sure now as the rising sun At a meeting Tuesday evening called by the council it was voted unanimously xm motion of Jas 8 Jensen to authorize tbe calling ol an election for the purpose of bonding the town for another fonr per cent The board which brings about $10000 will proceed to do this just as quickly Us possible It was explained at the opening of the meeting by Town President Jorgensen that since the assessment plan had been started the supreme court o' U’ah had rendered a dicislon to the effect jlLat cities and towns can bond for eight per cent of their assessed valuation The city of Lehi had brought Herethe question before the court tofore it was thought that only four per cent could be bonded for This is exceedingly well for Saliua Whenths town undeitook to build a water system they had barely $10000 to ro on and everyone knew it would take least It was no easy matter devise plans forgetting the balance my ways were thought of but the ssment plan was finally decided an and was well under way when the Vre me court rendered its dicision b Downtcpups abandoned it col been for the court's decis-- i the assessment pirn 'would bavt to carry or there would have been ompleted water sys'em jverything is lovely now and by ember people will be filling up on pure wster from an up r system ielp Thie Boys e Call would like to see this comity dosomething substantial in the 'of encouraging and keeping up ?ball playing It i9 a great Eport should be encouraged The boys going to do something now for the Jurlh and something should be done them They are asking for a goodly share of the money collected for the Celebration and it should be given un- grudgingly Wanted Land t to Lease I want 1000 acres of land between Redmond and Axtelon either or both sides of railroad track I will make improvement on the land and pay you reasonable rent Apply to E T TAKAHASUr Axtel Ut o Other Teachers Salina has other teachers than those who teach at home and good ones too Joseph A Anderson expects to return to Wyoming to take thefairview school Miss Rhode Humphrey goes to again Morgan county to onter the schools Ollie Casto has been ‘there as teacher fortunate enough to get into the Balt Lake county schools ana Clay Allred will return to Richfield to teach' there All ofthese arc competent and will win success o- The customers ot the Salina Boiler Mill9 who have Whbat stored at the Mill are hereby notified ti coi fie ahd ' 'got what they thirtk they will need tween now and harvest right atyay at ’ " month’1 least withih a XI Lo'pl'xtzex ft -i UVA - big bouncing baby boy was brought to the1 home of Mr and Mrs Arthur Brandt Wednesday niorniDg JUNE 25 He’s Married Mrs Thomas Simpers and children went to Salt Lake last week to be ab sent a short time The lady will be treated by a physician there beforo returning Mrs Annie M Peterson o’ Ml Pleasant mother of Mrs William Lund and her son Lawrence have spent the week in Salina and had an enjoyable visit J O Ivie is building a new fence around his residence which will be quite an improvement to the premises Mr Knight of New Pork and his sou’s wife Mrs Knight are visitiug the lady’s parents in Salina Mr and Mr9 Lewis Larsen Mrs Knight has been east for three years aud greatly enjoyed the trip They are figuring on a trip to Fish Lake soon Salina schools without any extraordinary significance but this June’in this year of grace given him a bride to love and cherish forever IJe was married ou June lCth to Miss Grace M Larsen at Berkeley California the home of the bride Their plans for the future are not known but t hey vill return to Salina shortly to visit relatives and friends t Mr Freece is a young man of whom He is educated Salina can be prond andwuiltured and hus made most excellent use of bis young dajs J: should be very desirable to lire community to have him locate and live here The bride is an accomplished young lady known to many in these part? especially at Mt Pleasant whale s te spent years at the Wasatch Academy The Call extends the kindliest of congratulations s ' hs Conference Miss Clarissa Jensen returned home from Salt Lake Sunday after quite an absence She is smllling sweetly on all The L D 8 quarterly conference her old friends again held at Richfield and Sunday was a very successful affair from every Just glance over the bank report in You will see that it is the standpoint Toe attendance was this is3’e best ever put out and you can rest as- eellent The singing was most beauti-fn- l the 6peaking ii ftresting and the sured that the First State Bank of Salina i9 alright and jdoiDg lots of busi- mingling together of the people io a social wa was beneficial ness Apostle Anthony V Ivins and PmJ C Mickelsen has teen the light J W MoMurrin were present o aid and ha9 taken the friend of all friends the local authorities and to give inof the family The Salina Call into bis Both are structions to the people home learned men good speakers and thej were listened to very attentively M L Burns' new residence is nearThe walls are np and Their instructions were exceedingly ing completion the roof on A fine porch h&9 been timely and if followed by the people finished which adorns the front of the will be of immense b' neflfc Those in attendance from Salina house to perfection were the foliowing named: Lily Ivie was one of the fifty to guess Bp G Loren tzen and wife T G nearest to the prize in the republican's Humphrey and wife J S Jensen and N6 one guessed right-tpuzzle Sunday wiCftWsjtjIohnscn and wife- Bri ’“V'r 7J Casto and wife ciftttatf Niesm) uuo Mrs Peter Brown of Scipio died Sat- wife Mrs Jorgensen Mrs Herbert urday and funeral' services were held Charles and AlbertNordfelt and others Dr West was asked to go Monday over to speak at the funeral but was How is your hen roost? Look well unable to do so owing to pressure of to it and make a new count Monday business night a number of gay young Benedicts Dan Murphy has been quite sick re- and others took it into their heads to cently and for a time it looked as if lie give Mr and Mrs Dan Argyle a chicken would have typhoid fever but he is shower They did it to perfection and now Dan has a good start and plenty now up and about again of eggs for breakfast Ranger Thomas Herbert has returnW B Humphrey is getting tbirtgs in ed from the W’asatch foiest where he took a special coarse in tree and seed bape for etartiug his saw mill and I Since his return here he within a week will kely have things planting with others has planted 12 acresftf the moving He will be prepared to in native lumber to fill Fish Lake forest to seed and in the fall He ha9 on a large number of trees will be set out any bill for the market hand anout 5000U feet of good dry Mrs George Casto and Mrs Ilans lumber from last year ready for sale Nielsen and their father Hans Hansen He is wanting four or five gOod chopwent to Manti Tuesday to spend a pers or men for the timber short time on business Chris Christensen went up to the Reports from WilforJ Jansen at general merchant W H BrowD TuesBingham are to the eifect that he is do- day aud bought one of his best double He can now enjoy riding ing nioely at his work He is found buggies very trustworthy by the management betwien the farm and town and is often entrusted with big duties II j Gottfreason L Dastfup and J Mr and Mrs Dan Argylr got back F Marlin were in Richfield Monday from Mt Pleasant alright and are now meeting with ether Indian War Vetercomfortably situated in their home A ans The proposition to hold an enfine wedding reception was tendered campment this year practical-lthem at tho bride’s horns in the decided cot to do so It is the decision of the county veterans Queen City and they were scrnaded by the band and tho glee club to ereet a monument to the late John The Misses Jane and Ura Sorensen Ivie Tho street Sprinkler has been runof Spring City returned home Tuesday after a pleasant visit with relatives in ning this week and doing excellent Saliva They both stopped at the work A Martin boy is running it and will keep it going home of Frank Rasmussen Mrs A W Kesler and daughters Eva Mrs Hattie Allred was in Richfield and Louise came Jown from Salt Lake Monday to attond the funeral of Mrs and will remain in Salina Thursday Niels Jensen Miss Eva graduated for the sutmner Constable Thomas Feterson and his froth the Salt Lake high school with deputies were up the creek again last the very highest honors and Miss Friday and dragged three dead cows Louise won out in the eighth grade out of the stream Fine isn’t it— the Dr Steiner and Dr C E West water performed a surgical Operation Upon Mrs George Stevens Monday The lady has about complete Bp G'LorenHen is recovering nicely ed the substantial addition to his resiDr West certainly did sortie manuv-erlndence and now has a pretty comfortduring the 24 hours between able hotoe' ' ' Tuesday morning and Wednesday i A F Anderson the hustling agon t of morning During that time he brought M Co has been in 'Salthe three babies to earth oue in Sigurd ina daring the freek applying the ofiein Redmond and pne in Salina farmers with machinery Horace Allred and Art poison have Mrs Joseph Poulsen returned this been added to the 4th Amusement While and there will be something Oommitte to week from a visit Ephraim there she attended a swell wedding good in the line of eports for the day ' JJ Notice COUNTV UTAH Many J uti6s mitf have come and gone Freece late principal' of the pons for £ J John Hood and her two visited in Saliva the latter part of last week and tbe first of this Mrs SEVIER NO 6 1909 Richfield News AURORA TO BE GRIM HIDEOUS TRAGEDY Leaving home la the morning with everything well hnd the good wife cheerily at workj returning at eventide to find the companion of his life dead and her form dangling from a rope in a dark cellar was the experience o? Nicholas Jensen of Rich field Sa’ufday evening and the awful hideousness of it all will never leave hisnrnd Weak despondant and discouraged she made up her mind to shake off the mortal coil and try for the mySteyious bourne teyoud Sie soon found the means— a rope— and then to the cellar where no eye could see Here she filowly strangled herself to death aud sent her soul unbidden to the judgement of her maker She wras an elderly lady 60 years of age and was oue of the highly respectLast winter ed citizens of tbia county she wa9 taken sick with typhoid fever since tbeu having been troubled with a week mind She was rapidly recovering and hei- duughterh who are also living at Richfield thought that she would be perfectly safe to be left alone Since her illness they have been changing abqut in staying with their mo’her Mr Jensen left bis wife busily engaged in her household duties- and she was apparently feeling fine When he returned in the evoniDg he found toe house looking nice aud tiJy but could not find his wife “Jle searched the home then called in at the neighbor but she was nowhere to be found They all commenced to get alarmed and set out in search of her aud the last place they thought of searching was an old cellar which was not bing used and to their surprise found her iifekes The rope body hanging to a rafter was placed around her neck and she had strangled to death She leaves a husband and four married children oneuUughter in Mexico tier son Nils Jeusen Mrs Carrie BaAer and Mrs Lena Ericksen all residents of Richfield MADE INTO A TOWN u for this (The Aurcracorrespondeut He is paper is Principal Workman to receive subscriptions authorized and do other business fee the Call) A traveling orchestra gave k grand ball here Monday evening Mrs M M Lewis lost a brown mare colt between here and Salina Tuesday The people here are thinking of get- ting inenape for the incorporation of a towu here right soon The board of trustee! has deciled to assist their principal Mr Workman to attend theN E A this summer The teachers for next year have been employed and their names are as follows: Principal Prof Workman and assistants Blanche Ash ey of Salt Lake Miss Striugbam of Vermillion and Ethel Anderson of Aurora Oue of the finest baby boys that ever arrived iu this part of the country was brought to the home of Mr and Mrs Workman Saturday by th stork Willis Jensen has just completed his new home aud the family is now comfortably located therein Irvin Curtis of this place one of our best young men departed Monday for states a mission to the Northwestern He has just arrived at the age of manhood and gees to give two of the best years of his life to the service of his church Quite a number of the good people of Aurora attended conference at Richfield Siturday and Sunday and had an enjoyable time REDMOND it The stork found its way to the home of Mr end Mrstlebor Christenseij SaturJuy'ftdd loft there a baby girl td gladden tbs parents f Walter Christensen of Gunnison is SENTENCED TO THREE YEARS engaged in painting the curtain for Richfield June 19— In tbe district the Opera House and it will be a thing court the past two days has been oc- of Later he will paint the beauty cupied in the trial of the grand larceny sieneiy and then shows will be here case against George Merrell of Loa galore He is charged with taking a cow beMr and Mrs John Petersen are jubilonging to P C Scorup of Salina and over the arrival of a baby girl butchering it It appears that there lating at their hdme had been other suspicious circum- Wednesday morning stances of cattle disappearing in that vicinity and close watch had been kept upon Morrell by the officers and as soon as this animal wa9 butchered the Louis Jacobs announces that for the hide was secured as evidence Tbede deliver co&l feuse in tbe case Was that the animal next three months he will Save money by buyat $150 py toD was claimed by the defendant and that he believed ho had a right to butcher ing now $4 50 delivered it as he claimed to have raised the He admitted the killing but animal There is a movp on foot to get a claimed that tbe animal belonged to from North Sevier as Hm A verdict of guilty was returned The person school superintendent with a recommendation to mercy must be a Democrat it appears KnowHe was1 sentenced to serve three years ing that the Call will recommend S in the state prison jesso Workman of Aurora fo the position He is the graduate of an eastern MAN KILLED BY WAGON school and has had nin years of teachRichfield June 21— Word has just ing reached here of the accidental dea'h of As many teachers as possibly could William Anderson of Jacksonville ought io attend tbe N E A'at Denver dollars will Twenty-fiv- e Beaver county by falling from a wagon July 5—9 at Robinson’s ranch fifteen miles south make the round trip and it would be a benefit to attend lifetime of here He was driving a wagon loaded with salt and in some manner he Strawberry Day at Provo June 29 fell under the wheels and wa instant- All you can eat free Be a guest aof the club there for Commercial day killed the loaded by ly heavily wagon Cheap rates He leaves two children his wife havevenThe weduingdaneeWednesday ing died sometime ago ing by Mr and Mrs Daniel Argyle wag one of the big social events ' f tbe It will be remembered long by Miss Libbie West returned Thurs year Two of Mrs those who attended day from Salt Lake after a month’i sisters were here from Mt absence She was delighted with the Pleasant for the occasion city and greatly enjoyed her stay there The Misses Nola and Lvdia Clawsoa have had charge of the chapel Sunday There is a little doing now and then school since the of Misses In tho baseball line in Salina and some Elliott and Huntdeparture They are doing very well and are taking a great practising is being done The youngwork the in er teata is expecting to go to Monroe Miss Tillie Beutler visited Salina on the Fourth for a matched game The older team has had several offers to go again this week Miss jo i Peterson went to Salt Lake! out bat will remain at home and play Wednesday here ' A daughter was born to Mr and George w Long has completed his Mrs John Gribble Wednesday Meat Market and has it in even a betMiss Ada Nelson is home from Salt ter condition than before the Ere The Lake where she has been attending place is open now with a choice line of school the past year goods and he is prepared to serve the Salina is going to lose a very ’good his line in near the ia Hans future public Ten family traded places with Peter n H:F Jensen wa9 a Gunnison visitor sen has of Aurora and will more evt J Sunday going over on business there in September Coal! Coal! jjT V A |