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Show The Salt Lake Tribune, .Friday, January 31, 4A W Source: Probe to Clear Ferraro ill Kogers Says WASHINGTON (AP) . . . am down in old Virginia, the mother of Presidents when we thought Presidents had to be aristocrats. Since we got wise to the limitations of aristo- crats, Virginia their' ham over their Presidential timber. ary 31, 1927. Janu-- v Selected ond edited bv Bryan Ster-- . rights reserved for the Will Rogers Memorial. ? - The Justice will quoted unidentified officials as saying it was possible something could be uncovered that could lead to prosecution The investigation is expected to be finished within weeks, one official told The Times Ferraro had said she felt encouraged after being interviewed earlier this month by Justice Department investigators handling the case. A official told The Times the delay in finishing the investigation had been caused by leads that would pop up just as the probe seemed to be nearing an end. The official said it was unlikely that Ferraro would be indicted "unless we learn something very soon. clear Department probably mer Democratic vice presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro in an investigation of her campaign finances, a government source said Thursday. The source, who spoke only on the condition he not be identified, said prosecution of Ferraro is unlikely in the probe, which is now winding down, into allegations of improper financing in her successful 1978 congressional campaign. Justice Department spokesman John Russell said the matter was still under review. The New York Times reported that the department currently has no plans to prosecute Ferraro, but it for- I has featured Residents of Miamis Lillie Haiti Riot Over Duvalier Arrest Rumo 16 - "They are overturning cars an " looting one witness said Other witnesses said at least foul a motoris f people were injured when trapped in the crowd put his car tmJ reverse and roared away, hitting a rumor that Haie Duvalier President tian had been arrested sparked a riot in Miamis "Little Haiti Thursday night that injured at least five people, including a policeman trying to quell the violence Police said about 1,000 residents of MIAMI (LTD A Jean-Claud- a number of demonstrators. initially jubilant at The crowd unsubstantiated radio reports of a turned ugly after the coup in Haiti demontrapped motorist injured the strators The mob chased the car to a nearby house and set it afire before police rescued the driver. At the peak of the not, one reporter warned on his radio, Be careful when you are .th the cops, they are the targets." Haitian refugee neighborhood - smashed some store windows, looted some businesses and burned at least police one car before 80 restored partial order in the area It started out as a peaceful demonstration, and it's turned into a riot, Miami Police spokesman John Shannon said. "We are calling out the field force. We are going up there and clean it out. d AP co&erphoto Geraldine Ferraro Indictment Unlikely ling. All ' 8 1 TRUCKLOAD MATTRESS Census Survey BRASS Plate HEADBOARD 7 ;Non-Cas- Help Flows to 88 of U. S. Households h AUG - . 1 FULL GJEEN MLY aid program, such as food stamps, subsidized school lunches or pension and health-car- e plans, the Census Bureau said Thurs-- 1 ; TWIN FRIDAY & SATURDAY WASHINGTON (UPI) Almost nine of every 10 American households got help in 1984 from a government or ; flg00 day. The total of 76.7 million households h 88 benefits receiving was up by 972,000 house- percent holds from 1983, the bureau said, The Census survey covered means-- i j tested benefits those based on spe-- ; cific income guidelines and directed at those living in or near poverty i and those that are not means tested, benefits usually provided by employ- ere, anions or the government. The number of households receiv-- i ! h ing at least one means-teste- d benefit, which included food e school J stamps, free or reduced-priclunches, publicly owned or subsidized ! rental housing and Medicaid was 14.6 ; million in 1984, not significantly dif- ferent from the 1983 figure," the sur-- ! vey said. 1 It said that percentage about 17 has varied little since 1979. ptycent But most of the increase, the study said, was in families receiving bene-- ) fife that were not means-testeHouseholds receiving tested benefits, which included Mede but subsidized icare, regular-pric(school lunches, employer- - or union-- ( provided pension plans and . . . ; group health plans, increased from 69.8 million in 1983 to 70.7 million in ! 1984, the survey said. The median income for those rebenefits was ceiving means-teste- d 88,420 while those receiving the non-- ! means-teste- d benefits was 825,580, ' the Census Bureau said. The survey also reported: About 61 percent of poor holds received means-teste- d benefits. i About 8 percent of all house-- 1 holds received food stamps, including 6 percent of white households, 25 per-- i cent of black households and 17 per- cent for Hispanic households. ( -- I KINGS non-cas- ! EACH )) EACH EACH FIRMER INNERSPRING SUPPORT QUALITY non-cas- 1 0 YEAR WARRANTY : i FINEST QUALITY ORTHOPEDIC "BACK SAVER" SOFAS EX-FIR- M SOFA SLEEPERS BUNK BEDS & LOVE SEATS d. 1 A SET A SET non-mean- You ALL BED FRAMES Beautiful Spindle in Maple finish get both pieces NEW PRICE 299 TQWuoeFU"' Chest SALT LAKE 307 East 2 1 st South 467-375- 1 OREM WEST JORDAN 8901 So. 13th West 566-417- 1 032 224-010- 1 So. State 1 i I I i : ; Army Grounds Attack Helicopters - The Army its fleet of has WASHINGTON (AP) AH-6- 4 grounded dis-- the Apache helicopters following covery of cracks in the main rotor blades of more than a dozen of the I new attack helicopters, the Pentagon said Thursday. The service has also decided to suspend the acceptance of any more Apaches from the manufacturer, the j McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Co., pending the results of an investigation. The Apache has been designed as the Armys most deadly, front-lin- e aerial weapon for use in providing close combat support" against enemy tanks. "When fully deployed, the Apache will be the Armys primary attack helicopter, the service said last year. In a brief prepared statement .Thursday, the Pentagon said the Army issued the grounding order "as a precautionary measure." ! A spokesman for the Army Aviation Systems Command confirmed, however, that at least 13 of 68 Apaches accepted by the army so far had cracked blades. Howard DeMere said the first instance of blade cracking was discovthat had ered on Jan. 15 on an AH-6been set aside for testing. The blades, made of a combination of fnetals and composite material, were designed to last for at least 4,500 flight hours. The blade in which the first crack was found had been flown for only about 330 hours, DeMere said. During developmental testing, the main rotor blades on the copters "demonstrated a capability for continued safe operations after tree strikes or ballistic impact caused by enemy weapons, Thursday's statement said. The discovery of the cracks thus came as a surprise, DeMere said, and Army safety investigators at this point have no idea of the cause. The spokesman saidie blades are feet'jong. Smiths exclusive now lens color. ..Smith Gold' is 3 remarkable innovation for skiing in fldt light. Smith Gold blocks out the blue light which makes visibility difficult, and brings out optimum definition on the slope. Go for the Gold. ..and see what you ve been missing! UNBELIVABLE WOLFE S VALUE... We are offering a Limited Supply of Smith Sundance PMT or Teardrop Sunglasses, both with Smith Gold tenses, a $75.00 Value, Both for Only... 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