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Show 4k 8DA The Salt Lake Tribune Wednesday, January 13, iW ISM i i f . f U-'-- ,i Divorce Rate Spurs Irernarital Contracts By The Abbociated Prenuptial Presa Amencu'b rising divorce rate is being reflected in premarital contracts spelling (Nil how assets will be divided if the marriage breaks up, according to matrimonial consultants he adds. Many women are insecure about the strength of the marriage bond, says attorney. William Zabel. "The At 'ments l' . "One wer v. . f time, preiantal agree- - imtiateif almost , y with' women making But rioW accumustrides hi trc work01& , exclu-Sl,d- y ,';v, chances are gckxlthat they have been touched by divorce In some way, either through the divorce of their parents, brothers, sisters or friends. They are being acared into action," aus m , such con- lating significant tracts increasingly aft prompted by women, sgys Zabel, af$Mr, In the New York arid Palm ffcachrFla., law firm of chulte Roth &,at)el. Wedding Music: Start Marriage On Right Note think-lufctw- ctuldrwr and not to Hi) future spouse, S pi- . OFF OFF WOVEN 40 J . to 4 Gnai PLEATED SHADE Phvwy ) Tw WwiwHy U WOODS W1 Odnf Va,ni Increasing numbers of women will ask their future husbands to sign prenuptial agreements, Zabel predicts. eeenl changes in matrimonial have meant that courts are now ftr moff likely to require women to pHtbiftnony than theytmee were, noting that Jjhe Supreme rl hag declared unconstitutional law that provides alimony only to The high divorce rate is an unnerving factor to consider when planhe says. The ning a marriage, changes in matrimonial law have merely added to the uncertainty of women who are planning to marry. s, . wgmen.7 45 VIROSOL According to the American Bar Association, the obligation to pay child once imposed almost ensupport is now being tirely on the husband shared by both parents in most states. Jjiuce.niany women planning to rnarry are earning more than their future husbands, he explains, "its logical that more women are protecting their assets." Irequenlly ,,m-inLil- s are initiated by worqajUUatrying later in Jife, Who wanlm ensure that assets acquired durtngra previous marriage 4rjt dislrmned to their IViH I 'Jt , fiodgeo algo are' less reluctant to- -' d$y to dtotribute portions of a womans property to her husband, he adds. - 487-566- 2 SAIT LAKE 243? South Slot OREM 34 225-697- 7 bi IlOOCamWMi 79 1 OGDEN -44)05 5w4 Ibmm Hilli Fki Cavntfy "Prenuptial agreements appear to be the answer for many of them. 666 - ' ERVICEOU pANjRUS f1 $ (' By The Associated Press When Arleen and Richard Naids. were looking for a band to play at their 1984 wedding in Philadelphia, they went to hear five bands and , called a number of others. But "the-- . minute we heard Eddie Bruce, wtf knew, lie was the best, recalls s. Mrs--Naid- Bruce impressed the young couple , by showing them a vitteotgp of They wereuftlio able to? check on his style by watching him on a local television show. Others reef ommended the leaded and his groupsof five musicians, but the Naids went mostly on the evidence of their own,f tv.& Appliance SALES & SERVICE r" " ears. . WHY PAY MORE? m They decided to engage him everf though bis fee of $1,710 was several hundred dollars higher than the going rate of $1,200 to $1,400 in their area." They signed a contract with the band V leader specifying he would be om, hand, except in the case of illness and, paid a deposit. Their expectations were realized, recounts Mrs. Naids. The experience of this young couple illustrates the most important as-- J ' pect of choosing musicians for a wed- - , ding: Make sure that the bands style matches your own and creates the kind of ambience you are seeking. It's also wise to have a written contract specifying that the band leader you ' hear is the one who will be leading at your wedding. ' FREE 2nd year on all Parts labor WHIRLPOOL MODEL EV1S0FXR -- & Whirlpool warranty appliances bought from Charlie UPRIGHT FREEZER ' 15.1 cui ft. Storage Capacity Slim 28 Width Textured Steel Door Gold Trimmed Shelves Bulk Storage Basket 6 Super Storage Door Shelves Power Saving Heater Control Switch Defrost Drain -- Automatic Whirlpool MV3000XM timer provides up to 15 minutes of MID-SIZ- continuous cooking 0.8 cu. ft. oven capacity provides plenty of cooking Sealed-i- n shelf convenience Cooking Guide Weighs just 41 pounds. Lock. ct Key-eje- J WHIRLPOOL MICROWAVE E MICROWAVE I Arleen and Richard Naids gave Bruce a list of songs they especially' liked and those they didn't also described the character of the guests and asked him to play a little of everytfuijg,' she recalls.. . BETTER LAUNDRY PAIR like.-The- By engaging highly qualified pro- fessional musicians, the young couple paid top dollar for their music. However, you can have live music more reasonably by contacting local music schools, colleges and high schools for the names of student musicians and bands. "WHIRLPOOL NO-FRO- DRYER LE5700XP Design Large ludd capacity but omy 4 iutomalic was!' ,'7 wide 3 water temp com i ycles 2 water level binations selections Easy clean aqi tator mounted lint litter Super SURGILATOR agitator ST REFRIGERATOR 18.0 cu. ft. Capacity Adjustable Tempered Glass Provision for optional Shelves 1 wash and Automatic Automatic Ice 1 spin-spee- d cool-dow- n carp load g, imed rlry sysl'-, I ' ap.e d V 4 di y KNIT sel Special my cycles 3 temperature betting ling No Iron rocil-dow- n Automatic caie 108 degree sidePush lu start swing demhnl Exlta l.irgi button or pen FrM 2nd year parts & labor warranty on all I Adjustable Rollers Doors Adjustable Freezer Shelf. 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