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Show For Better or For Worse WHERE By Lynn Johnston RReMyrar MoM-Vo- Holders BNP ojeN Mms? A Tui1 HBVERE-BRRBNGE- i) D MV ENTIRE KITCHEN I rrrABRES it so much EMSlERTO FIND w 1 Ask Andy The Salt Lake Tribune, Wright Pioneered Modern Architecture Andy sends the Star Wars Question ond Answer Book About Space" to Angelo Strickland, 15, Galveston, Texas, for her question; WHAT WAS FRANK LLOYD WRIGHTS GREAT CONTRIBUTION? Frank Lloyd Wright is considered to have been one of the greatest figures In architecture. His great contribution comes from the fact that he was one of the most outstanding pioneers In modern architecture. Wright created the philosophy of the central "organic architecture, principle of which maintains that the building should develop out of its natural surroundings. From the outset he exhibited bold originality in his designs for both private and public structures and rebelled agamst the ornate neoclassic and Victorian styles favored by conventional architects. Wrights life stretched 92 years. He was born in Wisconsin in 1869 and was still working on projects when he died in Arizona in 1959. As an architect, he was opposed to the mechanical imposition of preconceived styles. He believed that the architectural form must ultimately be determined in each case by the particular function of the building, its environment and the type of materials employed in the structure. Among Wrights fundamental contributions was the use of various building materials for their natural colors and textures, as well as for their structural characteristics. Wrights interiors emphasize the sense of spaciousness, which derives from open planning with one room flowing into another. The concept was particularly evident in his early single-famil- y houses, the prairie houses. Wright initiated many new techniques, such as the use of precast concrete blocks reinforced by steel rods. He also introduced numerous innova 20th-centu- By Saunders and Ernst Mary Worth By Leonard Starr Annie Apartment By Alex Kotzky 3-- G HE'S FPOBABLV SAV HE WON'T f OH, AO I"1 DON'T WANT TO SEE HIM BESIDES, HERETO ACCEPT VOUR LETTER OP RESIGNATION PLEASE (TOMMIE TELL HIM I'VE GONE TO BED -- THAT HE'D LIRE THE rue lii'.uT PLEASURE OP OPEN Judge Parker tions, including air conditioning, indirect lighting and panel heating Wright designed the first office building to utilize air conditioning, doors windows, s and metal furniture. Among Wrights remarkable engineering feats was the design of the huge Imperial Hotel In Tokyo, constructed to withstand earthquakes. To obtain the required flexibility, he employed cantilever construction with a foundation floating on a bed of soft mud. The building was completed in 1922 and it suffered no damage in the disastrous earthquake that occurred the following year. Throughout his career, many ar double-glas- s Both vulnerable. North deals. NORTH Q43 87 0 J1076 K9 EAST D A K A K Q 108 D 0 J 32 975 653 542 10865 SOUTH J62 D Q 0 J 109 A98 A74 The bidding: Opening lead: King of . By C. H. Goren and Omar Sharif THREES A CROWD dummy. Sometimes you cannot achieve the ideal position, and have to rely on a partial elimination. Consider this hand. Note North's raise to two hearts after West's takeout double. The best way to counter a takeout double is to make the bid that you would have, had there been no interference, except that you have a redouble available to show a good soon reached hand. North-Souttheir sound four heart contract. The defense started with three rounds of spades, declarer winning the third. If East has one of the missing diamond honors, declarer can land his contract by taking two finesses. However, if West has both high diamonds, a subtler technique is called for. Since declarer has to ruff a club on the table to complete his elimination of the black suits, he cannot to draw three rounds of trumps that would exhaust dummys ruffers. So declarer must rely on a partial elimination. He can draw only two rounds of hearts and af-fo- To guarantee that an elimination play will succeed in a trump con tract, you need to draw all the op posing trumps and still have a trump left in both your hand and 'f By CLAY R. ARIES MAS. 21 $ If AfR ever-widenin- g Awards go to girls and boys between the ages of 7 ond 17 when their questions ore onswered In the Ask Andy column, Send your question on o post cord to Ask Andy, The Sort Lake Tribune, P. O. 67, Salt Lake City, Utah 14110. POLL A N- LIMA Your Daily Activity Guide MRT According to th OCT. Stars. t): VS 45 48 56 s. TAURUS A'R. 7" SCORPIO OCT MAT 20 I NOT, 33- - 36 54 GEMINI SAGITTARIUS MAT 21 r'jUNC NOT, 10 OfC 2- - &750-5- 66 2 CANCER JUNl II CAPRICORN JULY 11 11 6 AQUARIUS JAN. 10 LEO JULY 11 , iuAUG. D 22 ftl. 49 4 PISCIS fit. tt MAR. 20 ,yy S IfT. 11 20-3- 40-5- 2 1 67-- 80-8- 9 2 1 82-8- 77-7- 8 VIRGO AUG. 11 SAT. 10-- 9, MON.-FR- I. c 7- - D,63 & A tt JAN. savings during this Selected floor samples, discontinued models, he must hope that East has the long trump. After ruffing a club on the table, declarer should end up there once he has drawn two rounds of trumps. Now he leads the jack of diamonds. As the cards lie, West wins but is faced with a Hobson's choice. A diamond bined allow while would be into declarers The University of Utah Institutional Council this week added its endorsement of Gov. Norm Bangerters ALERT educational program. ALERT Agenda for Leadership Educational Resources for Tomorrow was announced last month by the governor. The program calls for managing burgeoning student growth in education, improving educational quality, linkage of education with economic development, and more partnership between public and higher education. Institutional Council members approved a resolution commending Gov. Bangerters program and agreed to do their part in seeking statewide support for the initiative. U. of U. President Chase Peterson said he was pleased with Gov. Bangerters emphasis on soliciting grassroots support on the need for educational improvements and additional funding if necessary. Councilman Emanuel A. Floor, who served as chairman of an educational reform steering committee appointed several years ago by former Gov. Scott Matheson, also praised the ALERT program. "Im delighted that I see continuing concern for education by the gover nor and our elected leaders, fie said. There are serious problems, and solutions are needed. Because a quorum of council members was not present for Mondays meeting, members agreed their approvals in the meeting would be conditional upon the assent of absent council members who would be contacted by telephone. However, the resolution supporting the governors ALERT program was binding, explained Vice Chairman Desmond Barker Jr., because othqr council members had concurred with it before it was brought into the meeting for voting. In other action, council members assented to several administrative appointments, including that of Don B. Olsen as director of the Institute for Biomedical Engineering. A research assistant professor in the department, Dr. Olsen's appointment becomes effective Feb. 15. He will replace Willem J. Kolff, a pioneer in artificial-orgaresearch, who will be honored by the community and 500 of his colleagues around the world Jan. 22 on his 75th birthday. Other appointments include Rodney J. Redding as chairman of the accounting department, and John P, n Dig :l SUN. NOON TO 6. 10-- 6, WITH ar event. Fantastic buys storewide. d and much, much more! fyiRYJCINGpRJJUEEN ORTHOIPAK com- tenace, and a black suit would declarer to ruff on the board discarding a diamond from hand. No matter what West elects to do. the contract is assured if declarer remembers to draw the last trump after he gains the lead. Sale price includes mattress, two Ortho Pak foundations and the ORTHO REGAL 328 398 FILLS! and the Ortho Pak. ORTHO EASE $298 ORTHO HOTEL Have you been running into double, trouble? Let Charles Goren help you find your way through the maze of DOUBLES for penalties and for takeout. For a copy of his DOUBLES" booklet, send $1.85 to care of this newspaper, P.O. Box 4426, Orlando, Fla. 32802-4426- . Make checks payable to Newspaperbooks. You get mattress, foundation ORTHO EASE 40TO6Q $248 ' wnmwnwiti. A ORTHO REGAL 298 368 Ortho factory direct savings mean no middleman No middleman profit Our below department prices are 40-6- 0 and furniture store list prices everyday Goren-Double- Governors ALERT Educational Plan Gains Support of University Panel in d (1909-1910- By Paul Nichols Goren on Todays Bridge Hand ?42 0KQ3 chitects who were more conventional than Wright opposed his unorthodox methods. Beset with personal difficulties and professional antagonisms, exile he passed a year of In Europe, Upon his re) turn, he began anew on a career of achievements. One of Wright's most outstanding buildings Is the curvilinear Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum In New York City, which was completed In 1959. Wright spent much time In writing, lecturing and teaching. STAR GAZERk0 - ,v once-a-ye- WEST B5 Wednesday, January 15, 1986 Simons as chairman of the chemistry department. Dr. Redding replaces Barry E. Cushing, who will return to e teaching and research. Dr. Simons will replace Edward M. Eyr-ine who will return to teaching and research. Council members also agreed to a U. of U. Graduate Council request to change the name of the accounting department to the School of Account- pet this elegant headboard with the purchase of any twin orjull mattress JRand Mattress, foundation and gleaming headboard ORTHO RITE $178 ORTHO HOTEL ORTHO REGAL ORTHO REGAL 268 218 full-tim- $178 $198 full-tim- ADJUSTABLE BEDS DAYBEDS Sleeps pop-u- p QUALITY SOFAS two with optional unit and mattress THE SARATOGA. LIFETIME WARf) RANTY on all Ortho sota wood frames ing. Irwin Altman, vice president for academic affairs, said the change reflects a nationwide trend, to increase the departments visibility to prospective students, satisfy accreditation requirements of professional associations, and encourage more professional and financial support. Dr. Altman said the department will still function as an academic department and will remain a part of the College of Business. Also endorsed by council members was a request to establish a joint master's of public administration and master of arts studies in Middle East studies. Dr. Altman said this request, too, is part of a trend to link disciplines and would not involve more funding or new degrees 298 SOLID WOOD Sleeper available at extra cost $128 try iC. ORTHO PRICES START AT .. The bed that does it all at the touch of a button VVHITE & BRASS $4I KQ THE WESTMINISTER. 74 inches arm to arm LIFETIME WARRANTY on-- , $498 USE YOUR GOOD CREDIT $448 VISA MasterCard Of Terms on Approved Lredil Genuine Ortho Products are manufactured by Ortho Mattiess Company and sold only by Ortho Factory Direct Showrooms ITHE NATIONS LARGEST CRAIN OF MATTRESS SHOWROOMSTO80 STORES.TO SERVE.YOU1 BflURRAV 6148 S. State St. 268-356- 3 (Across from Fashion Place) 10-(OPEN DAILY 9 1 SAT.110-- 6 i SUNJ12-- 4 lVISA eem I 4099 Riverdale Road MASTERCARD 621-550- 1 t OR TERMS ON APPROVED CREDIT! |