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Show - 8MJI t salisSs a tfaas at 2CB3 rj paniKfp tie it up right Reg. 2.99 6.50 luxurious polyester fabrics c pf?n - JKvf&& s'-'- 4 '" - . v5iZ,i 3Sv.a mm (g ?? i st fflee a! iVI stripes to neat figures carefully sewn, famously labeled, Handsomely successful. Men's Furnishings. 13 coordinate yourself and save R&CJ. $25 tO $45 polyester doubleknit slacks, you always celebrate sportcoats, leisure with ZCMI Candies, don't you? lackets in two colors Men's Sportswear. reg. 3.50 shirts dressy sport to 9.99 $18 tapered-bod- y Reg. $16 prints and westerns with long sleeves, correct collar. Young Men's Ba'liwick. Reg. $25 quality open bottom to custom fit, doubleknits. Men's Clothing. limited-siz- e corduroys for your boys Reg. 1 1 .50 to 3.50 1 him up c bit, most sizes 8-- 19.95 reversible down vests Reg. 23.95 rip-sto- 699 famous make first quality cords to dress in Boys' Weor. nylon shell in navy blaze p orange or tanblaze in Sporting Goods. orange Roc a that famous chocolate crunch, 14 oz tin 2.99 reg. 1.80 lb. chocolate bridge mix with choicest 1.29 centers Valora's Mint Squares, mmm: three proper places for precious plants 8.99 slacks premiumfirstmakefancies with Almond reg. 1.89 reg. 3.1 5 reg. 59c la reg. $2 size 3Vax4" reg. $3 size 414x4V4" reg. $4 size 5Vax5" in- in 2.59 box 14-o- z. Our stoneware Power pots complete with dividual saucers look quaint and competent blue or brown. Gifts. 1.39 box z Vosgienne tins-- , licorice, honey menthol, lemon, orange, cherry, raspberry, peppermint, assorted 2 79c .49 .99 2.49 1 1 4.99 here's the 'spirit' List 6.98 John Denver's newest album the one you've been waiting for our savings for in Records gauze flare jeans 9.99 Reg. $16 to $19 polyestercotton in various colors with 2 or 4 bock pockets Young Men's Bailiwick. 6.99 rocking chair pair Tuck seat ond back Reg. $12 Terry assorted colors pads in and prints to increase your mmd comfort. Notions A aU7v noritake stemware Distinctive casuals in three patterns sizes and colors Glassware off and several jewels for your table. 9.99 'water fingers' 1 6.99 Conair's Reg. stimulating, relaxing, soothing shower massage in easy permanent-moumodel. Housewares nt the 'quality' pillow 2 7.99 Reg. 5.99 Du Font's own Red Label of Quality on permanently plump Dacron polyester fiberfill. Fashion Domestics. 'meissen rose' by fieldcrest Towels inspired by the precious German porcelain blueyollow, brownpeach, pinkgold on white Fashion Domestics 8.00 reg. $9 bath reg. 4.75 hand reg. 2.05 wash 4.25 1 .85 9.99 kids' nylon jackets for both to 5 several Reg. $1 boys and girls, infant through size 6x7 most machine washable. Budget Children. queen of the bean NFL Reg. 49.99 27.88 bags touting the teams in red and blue on Furniture size. excspt Cache Valley. white, queen rad (cassette recorder Reg. 89.95 Sankyo ST235 VOGUE Acrylic yam pile the square yard Cache Valley. 'Lsqante in deep smmeTO'X two choice shades. See ii In sr'-ce- Ho ilia" cloth, antique sati. i- - 4.99 so many decorator pillows sofa to moke a bod or stelr sparkle in Draperies. 077 all the sweaters 9.99 If perf. $17 cardigans, pullovers, crewnecks,- stripes, Aztec prints, tunic everything. Budget lengths, wraps Sportswear. sew with vogue 1 Reg. 15.95 5 or clmli if perf. $16 to $20 - Cache Valley 1 yd. Revised Edition off contemporary prints. all sizes. Draperies, except morej way Reg. $6 to $60 exciting - dozens to soe to 2.50 print and solids and synthetic cotton in blends. 36 to 45". polyester doublokmts that fit so well, ar always so presentable. Budget Menswe ir. pile horn a very famous mill, thick sq yd. stock only. Carpets. Not in Cache Vailey. and deep, limited time, 50 89s flannel to washable slacks Reg. $24 Reg. $45 to $215 & luxury by Carpets, lives up to its name 1 best decorator bedspreads traditional end fleece List 9.99 sink into 'br litany' plush and lush List is 8.99 long nightgowns, baby dolls, slips and panties in Budget lingerie, except Cache Valley. THE 59.95 13 lovely things and short off Reg. to $10 V AMFM solid state with built-i- n condenser make, AC cord. Major Appliances, except Cache Valley. 1 styles u H.9S updated version of the famous Vogue illustrations and Sewing Book has an exce'lent instruction book for pro or terminology novice Fashion Yardage or Art Needlework shirt long sleeve brand Reg. $10 dress styles .ovuiol. Evdg'-.- t 2$1 0 name in many colors, oil fantastic opportunity to pick up ten's Fiimj.Mpgj JL |