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Show AsV.aw'4r.SKfi$v News of Record hi term ountam Obit ua ries JTw1 UN. ElX A Non Fsrr, New , C'"'y Mlad' 7' Herm4fl MWW'V Sept II, 1974 K'RKHAM Carence A. Soot 9 1976 72 32 Jr, 44, !JO Lisa K war old Moantof ot Ma-- u Tl and Wannv and 370 w COO pConnrt1 W1 J of can Soot 10 1976 MOUNTECS COfey 2554 jav. Dr , Soul 9 1970 Alton Oanand. u UO It Laacrt r.T'ct5. n I 19 6 pcTcorrw d,': , Soil 75 Saat 10 1976 SAVUELSON Frank 79, Sac ranwnto Cal1! Saot 9, 1974 SELIGW4N Annie ells Mavt le.d Loro island N T , Sew 9 !97 Uv' Ru,h s4muw Gilvs 409 Evelyn Phillips St Nvlh Salt SwjramA 10. 196 Lwe Sect Ethel Austin Bmwn m died Sect 10, 1976, in American Pork Hospital , Bom April 7, 18 80 Lehi 1 daughter f Per-p- i P fr y and Cher lev Zi lotte Butt Au stm 3HW GRANT, Ada Boren Andersor Ethel Austin Brown LEH1 Area Deaths WfcATHeRELL, Gwen Downs. Provo Sept H. 197$ 86 Married James A Brown 3 1909, Aug Provo, he died Juv jJa Survivors 2 grandchildren, grea-gre- brothers mer grandchildren ( henrw rv william Austin noth Lem, Herbert Austin Hjnter Date Austin Nechi, Mrs. Emah (Alta) Chipman, American Fork Funeral Tuesday 1pm, Wing Mortuary Chaoei where friends call Monday 79 pm, Tuesday prior Burial Lehi City Cemetery Herman H. Kaumans Herman Mfnry Kaumans 73 Seot 11,1976 ... . 5033 Kiowa Cl died Bom A, --3 2a, , 1904, Montrose, M o , son of ", and ithirln, Wagner Kaumans Mar CompairK rece.vetf bv the Sa City Police Department tor 54 hour Per too ended at 9 a m $atur May f S514N vu a - rled L Mane Cracroft July 25 1922 Ogden she Lee k S' Burglaries S. 1959 sf?r somd'eV West b'nek PH cOth ng ectnc hair cu-'4fC Caherra Aumte 0s 'Oh painting set bock Scwth teesistorset Michael cash West 300 lewetry acJio 00 $825 color West, 1300 West cock, 130C South, cassette stereo set SM0 W West block 1300 South, welding set H50 700 Sbjth block Green Street color te vision vet 1200 POO Sooth block Richards Street, wedaing ring set 100 200 Thefts West block 200 South nfie Si 25 o ock G Street pet Afghan hound value undetermined 300 South block, West Temwe wallet cash 130 W0 Bast block 400 Sou hi purse, 500 ?n oh 1 5 South block honey protem 15 200 East sugar 1000 Shopliftings 200 Sou'h block, of meat S 37 400 East block. East, pack ad 700 hair South 700 $1 49 Vandalisms 1S00 East bock. 1300 South pairt sprayed on campaign advertising sign North Temple State Street block. broker window 15 500 South block 400 East scratched car trunk damage undetermined 1000 West b ock, 600 South, broken wmoow panes $9n 1300 South block Emery St window value undetermined broken Burglaries bock 1100 East stereo speakers $90 6000 bock Eriaue Way garage door transmitter pair of sunglasses, e ertric drill tools S'80 300 West block 3300 South m.scel 'aneoustoos car cifitensbancradio. South OllO 500 bock Eiectia Circle, wedding 4800 shotgun $ 60 blcck Memory Lane corns she s. ice chst, food items shotgun Soum bock State Street two speakers television, $9' rfe teeion 3600 sereo Annie Wells Mayfield Seligman Annie Wells Mayfield Seligman d'ed m the Long Island New York Hospital Sept 9 196 at the age of 94 years, heail attack i She was bom u A F ter 3700 3800 121 2300 Scwth J60P State Street, block. $2? West bock, 3500 cash, South, 400 West, South bock U branded nogs 1600 South bock 3600 Weut. vacuum C'eaner St SO 4700 Sojth block, 4000 West, gascime 13 50 900 East block 5600 South Maltese Puptv I1 00 South bock. Redwood Road, gasoline $2 70 3700 South bock 900 East battery 145 0T 2 Fast bock 4760 support brace HO 3 X South bock dogs 69 certs scfo'd jOjfh 3o00 Wnst two hot Vandalisms 2800 ooor West rear lolue undter South bock am broken, 8950 m?&X South block 3000 West, vehicle driven over yard and Pushes 29 Ambers! corn and block cacbage patches destroyed, value uroetermined X bock Vme Street damaged maHbok value undetermined 3U0 South bock 8575 West broken camper windows 1)00 Shopliftings 4X South bock auto speaker system Redwood Rood 88 Cottonwood Hospital Mr and Mrs L Weston Despain 96j6 Wasatcn Bivd Sanov son Mr and Mrs Michael J 4253S 3760 West son Mr and Mrs John Z.mmerman City son Marks ter Hilda Mayfieo Glock ner. Salt Lake City, and son John Mavfied Derby England Also 2 steodauitv ters Mrs P McClure Florida and Mrs Peter Morgen. Belmore, New York Funeral will be conducted Tuesday m New York Mr and Mrs Carl longhurst Crandall Ave son Rick Epperson Mr and Mr E Lake Or Murray daughter 1458 4925 University Hospital Mrs Steven Kuzmck', Mr VthWwl son 748 Holy Cross Hospital Mr and Mrs Arihur V bracken, Southland Dr Tooele son Mrs Jerrv L Juset 625 N Mr Parkwa Tuoele son Mr ano Mrs Rodney M yasaki 453 WHson Ave daughter Simons 37j9S Mr anaMrs 33 5 Wust daughter Mr ano Mrs Ra Ph V 5jarei. 3679 S Tflflwest GraiKier daughter Mr and Mrs bame D Thiriot. Coalville oaughtnr ac Valley West Hospital Mr ano Mrs Gene Charles Dr Grander R Jensen, 4320 wm Mr and Mrs Darnel ReOnour 4325 S 4JfOWnt Kearns twin daughter s South Davis Corey Jay Mounteer Corev Jav Mounteer, Lakecreet Or .died Sept inturies suffered in en eutomooue . Mr and Mrl Eugene Holt 5W3 Murrsv, jon ooery A7, bcr7 4 autor son Fo.rmeSI Mr arid Mrs Ricnird Green, 1509 f run Heigf rs, son OroenFO Rodirey uresn, iJ4l N )Mr Mr 400V99S1 Bourn inji oeugnter Mr Mrs LDS Hospital 10527 end Mrs. Lnn Horst rM nArtw Mr end Mrs MichaH CrnK 36405 ml Megne on 3254 Mr erdMrs Garion Wrnward Mr OetnoroDr iv t II 2SM 1976. of accKSent J( 1932 1933. she moved back to Provo where she marred and lived with he for 10 veers before moving to Orem Lived In Pleas-an- t Grove 4 years, then returned to Orem Member, Orem IStn Want Among her interests were dramatics and hand-wweaving For pas' A) years, sne k worked with ceramics, running her own shop for seven years Survived bv son, daughter Gary Lee Anoarson, Orem, Mrs Preston tCienevl) Gerber Lehi, 4 idren Graveside services Tuesday 12 noon Provo Cty Cemetery F riends may call Monday o m , Tuesday orior to services at Bang Mortuary, Provo Family sugoests contributions to American Cancer Society tn lieu of flowers Adolph Locher Ado'ph Locher 74 Salt Lake City d ed Sept 1(1974 Bom Feb st )9iVJ o Switierlard Louis and; Johanna Locher Newsl Press 47 years I s and Sun Served LDS stake i missions Member eiders presidency Survivors wife children. Jams Locher Saif Lake City, Mrs Gene (Sharer) McCombs, Sandy, Craig Lx her St George, Loren Lxher LDS Mission, Switzerland, 6 brothers sisters, grandchildren Louis, Ernest MrsEI)aClapham, Mrs Mrs Margaret Hassard Helen Goff ail Salt Lake City Funeral Monday 12 30 pm. Valley View LDS Stake Center, 2245 E 3900 South frierds may caM Sunday pm, MacKay Cottonwood Mortuary, 4670 Hioh land Dr at chaoei hour before service Monday Lisa Kay LeGrand 'ORDAN year-olLeGrand Merle Laird and Wendv OCoft-- f nell LeGrand 8200 2820 W South dted Sept 3 , 1976, at home Born Mav 15 1975. Sait Lake j City Sur v i v or s parents grandparents, Audrey O'Connell, Idaho $ WEST Falls, Grace -daughter La Kay of Mrs Smith, .'s'" Montcelier Idaho Funeral Monday 1pm, West Jord n 2nd LDS Ward 7925 S 2700 West where friends call one hour pror to services Interment Redwood Memorial estates Funeral 0 rnctors. Memorial Estates Mortuary wtte. son, Jason Corey, parents. Salt Lake City, brothers, sisters, Mrs Rick Oris) May Debra Mounteer Edward Scott, all Salt Lake City, Mrs Dale (Nancy) Foster Mrs Robert (Carla) War die both Castle Dale, Mrs Steve (Dorothy) Peterson Granger, Mrs Wavne (Teddy) Wardle, Portland Ore Percy Mounteer, James Huntington grandparents Reid Salt Lake City, Olive Moun teer Murray Funeral Wednesday 2 30 pm, Jenkm Lotte Mortuary, 4?0 S State, where friends call Tuesday om, Wednesday one hour prior to services Buna!, Mountain View Memorial Estates Gladys Evelyn Phillips Vriens Sagrarrxre street North Sait Lake died September 10, 1976 in a local hospital after a short Hiness Bom August 24, 19.3, m Winslow Arizona to John R , and Rosahe Plunk Phillips Married Mitchei P Vriens Survivors husband, sons and Robert, daughters, Portland, Oregon, John, Centerville, Mrs Ervin t Shirley) Johnsen, Salt Lake. Mrs CliHord (Anneth) O'Dell, Portland Oregon Mrs Vincent Duman Nadine) Portland. Mrs Larry (Eieanor) Edwards , Colorado Springs, 16 Colorado 3 grandchildren, greatgrandchildren brother and Sisters, Mrs. Ottis (Mae) Cagie Fort Worth, Texas. Mrs Chet Cramer, (Elsie) Seattle, Claude Washington Pniltips, Kingman, Arizona Graveside services will be held 1100 am, in the Monday Bountiful Memorial Park Afton F. Grant Ralph Gcorsc Bonneville Heating Survivors AHon Farr NFW HARMONY Grant 62, died Sept 11.1976 in a Murray hospital after a short M illness Bom Dec 29 1913, Pay son to George A bert and Clara Naomi Farr Grant Loiene )V44 Married Taylor, later sol emnized Salt Lake LDS Tem- Retired ple from Pacific In termojntain Ex press after 27 years Served mUS Army, World War II Member, LDS Church Survivors Gayle daughters Ann Doutre Mrs Robert (Susan) Harris Salt Lake City, 3 grandchildren, brotheps, si'ters Shoidon B . George Dallas Mrs ail D (Snaron) Prince Lowell New Harmony Rodney D . Mrs Gien D (Ina) O Brien, Woodland. J Richard, Las Vegas, Cant Mrs Wilma Lynch Salt Lake City Funeral Tuesday 1pm. New Han'nony Ward Chapel where fricos may call twp tou- - prior Burial New Harmony Cemetery Ruth Sperry - Ruth Sperry 80 b.M II, 1976 in a Nhi hospital 1895 Seot Seot Born U Chie-L arm Druzela Allred Love Married Goan Sperry Sept 12 1913 Manti he dtxt June JO '957 sons Survivors daughters SimuelJ and Jim L, Mrs LaMar (tones) Johnson all Nephi Mrs Fay (Marie) Ogden, Richfield Mrs Hvrum (Pntllisl Wirthlm, SaitLakeCity Mrs Eivie(Helen) Robmson Midvale Mrs Cleon (Jovc) Rigby Fairview Mrs Norman iDorene) VanAusdaie, Soanisn Fork Mrs G'en (Janice) Oien Magna Mrs Td (Joan) Tavtor and 7rs Robert (Carol) 52 bom Granger, Taylor 40 great grandchildren Tressa grancchiidren siters, Stella Hansen Tonapah Nev McKnght Beaverton Ore, Mrs Htien Scot eld Hiko Nev Funeral Mondw Dam Nepni 4th IDS Ward cnapet Burial City Cemetery Nepni Memorial Mf s 4or Mary Hearty East who Bmwn 29 died Sept 6, 19'6, m an airplane crash near Boise Idaho will be oriered Wednesday at 5 30 p m at Our Lady of Louroes Church, 670 nth Fast Married to Steve Brown, pilot of the plane He now is in critical condition m a Boise hospital bv was She amploved advertising and public relations firms m Sait Lake CHy and Denver Her remains have been shipped to New Orleans, where Mass of Christian Burial will be offered Interment New Organs Frank Samuefeon Frank Samueison. 78 passed away Sept 9 1976 in Sacramento, California Bom Sept 6. 1898 m SaitLakeCfov Son of Thecdor M and Liien Bank Samvelsor World War I Veteran Lived in Salt Lake Art at 1975 Studied until University Of Utah under Mabel F rarer Well known for hi Art m ntmgs in Sacramento circles Marred Grae DObi m Sait Lake in 1923 who survives him Richard D of and one son Mildred Sister, Sacramento Samuel son and brother Ray of Sait Lake Wav Granger son and Mrs Frank Leavitt 26XW Dr dauohte and Mrs Mark Mayrv 261 800 East daughter Mr and Mrs Henry Kobe 3940 S 30C West son Mr ano M'S Carl Mol and JT6 Wavne O vn d v s Danes olet,'y"a!i Mr 3673 W 5'40 Sooth son TtVhJbotd. Mr and Mrv C W fncete wn Mr ano Mrs Steven Wait, 1901 5 West Temple son Dr and Mrs. E Keith Hansen 7456 Stone Srt Mr and Mrs &oraid Sexton, 653 Wilson Ave daxihter Mi and Mrs Rimard Ashton 1)40 Harvard Av sor M'' and Mn R j'on C'andaH 385 S 7080 Wes Hunter son Despite a secret weapon. Salt Lake City lost a softball game to Logan Saturday. The annual eent pits city emplojes in a softball contest Logan Mayor Desmond Anderson challenged Sait Lake City earlier this month Mayor Ted L Wilson accepted the challenge and ni if tnuothnr a vnlnutooFtAor II'O rt v upr women softball players liouever. it didnt help in the contest at Sunny-sidPark Logan snoueu us strength while Salt Lake City relied on a pair of home runs from Scott Gardner for half of its final score. Salt Lake- City i as lust the annual contest four times m a row . Tri-Ar- h 12. 1976 Z 3 ervites and to meet the tremendous growth facing tins state for the nevt decade " Delegates agreed to he prepared to fight the initiative and lontiibute tune, service or available c numev to defeat it Delegates also passed a statemmt .supporting . f Suspect Charged In Weber Kidnap 'V' eminent jurisdictions in the state nother lesolution called for a study of withdrawal from tlie Sotial Security Svsiem with a careful evaluation to be made of advantages and possible alternatives gov v; IT '(It .S'l man was booked on two counts of aggravated kidnaping in an incident imolung two Weber County sheriff's deputies Lenord Eugene Wright was arrested by Salt Lake County deputies at a Murray residence Friday night and brought to Weber County Jail Bail was set at . A Jail and charged rf Lvv 20,000 Weber Deputies Mike Schlosser and Bruce Hartman were on patrol m Wilson Wednesday at 2 a r.i. when they spotted a car in the river bottom They approached the car and awakened the driver, asking for identification. The man could not produce an auto registration and was taken to the patrol car, where Schlosser notified the sheriff's dispatcher. The man pulled a pistol on the two officers and took their weapons. He then ordered the deputies to harideuft themselves and kneel down. When the deputy attempted to reason with the man, he ordered them to walk toward the liver They broke into a run, stumbling and falling on the rocks m the river bed and shortly after, managed to stop a freight tram at Wilson Bridge. Rain Decreasing Sunday Evening NatMMl Wm 9ar Sootc Df Scotland showers end few areas thundershower activity will be over the infermountam Region Sunday, with clearing in most areas beginning later m the day It will be locally cooier TEMPERATURE 12 Nr South high Utah P ST-- - Exciting 3 day showing Famous Designer Headwear Don't miss our exclusive showing of fashion silhouettes from America's to fail's prime looks by foremost hat designers See the newest match-up- s Adolfo II, Albrezio, Mr. Henri, Adolfo Realities, Mr. John Classics, Arista, Ken Blair, Jimmie Hodges, Mr. John Jr., Leslie James, Jack McConnell, Mr. Leon and Mr. Andre Priced from CHART 18 hr low hr prec. 24 02 Salt Lake 6iathep Data Precip tation for per od ended Saturday at 5 p m Precipila t on for Sept , 03 Accumulative deficiency. 22 Precipitation since October 1, 1975, 16 18 acrumulaive 44 Sunrise Sunday 7 03 excess MDT, sunset 7 42 MOT Salt Lake City, Oaden and Provo Decreasing showers Sunday becoming partly ctoudv by afternoon Fair Sunday night and Monday Cooler Sunday and warmer Monday Lows Sunday night lower 50s Highs Sun-nmKl 70s and Monday near 80 Probability of measurable ram decreasing to 40 percent Sunday and 10 percent Sunday nignt Utah Decreasing showers Sunday becoming partly cloudy bv afternoon Fair Sunday night and Monday Locally cooler Sunday and warmer Monday Lows Sunday night 45 to 55 Highs Sunday in the 70s and Monday 75 to 85 Partial clearing from Nevada the northwest spreading 1o the east and south through Sunday Isolated thundershowers in the north Sunday and scattered thundershowers m the south Slight warming trend Over night lows from near 50 north to ne sr 70 south Highs from the upper 70s north to near 90 south Occasonal ra-Southeast Idaho shov'ers ending early Sunday Par late tial clearing Sunday through Monday Strong gusv wmn Sunday Turning cooler Overnight lows mid 30s to md-40Sunday ngnt Highs to mid 70s 60s Sunday and mid-60- s Monday Scattered showers Wyoming and thunderstorm, Sunday, most numerous in the north and far west PdiTiy cloudy Sunday night and Mondiy with a chance of showers High. Sunday 63 to 75 lar west to 80s eastern plains Lows Sunday night to 35 far west to 40s east Highs Monday upper 60s to the low 60s Peterson Ralph George Peterson 75 died Seofemoer 10, 1976, m a Salt Laxe nursing home Bom October 16 1900 at Wanship Utah, to George A and Nevada Winters Peterson Married Vera Anderson, 1936 November 25 she died 10 1957 Married Feoruary Margaret D Cole June 15 1957 Retired after 26 years with the Sait Lake City Lines son wife and Survivrors George H Peterson, daughfer Virginia Beai-Virgm.a Joyce 4 Neoeker, Corvallis, Oregon sister, Mrs Ben grandchildren, (Dora; Hopkirs Funeral services will be held Monday 12 noon In the Russon Brothers Mortuary Chape,, 255 South 2nd East, where friends may call Monday. 10 00 am, until noon Memorial Interment, Gardens ot the Vanev "Kirk" Kirkham CEDAR CITY - Clarence A K rkham Jr , died September 9 , 1976, at h,s home of cancer Born April 12. 1932, Beaver, A to Clarence and Utah Kirkham Gillies Ha nabe'ie Mamed Jean Mane Heffner, July 9 n Beaver 1952, Veteran LDs Member Korean War Church Survivors wte Jean of Cedar Cv 2 sons, Tracy R , food H , mother. Cedar bom City, Hannabehe Kirkham, motner inlaw brother Veras Heffner Paul all ot Beaver sister m law, Mary Burch Bountiful Funeral services w'H be held 00 pm, Cede' West Monday Stoke Cenfer Friends call Metcalf Southern Utah Mortuary Sunoav 7 to 9 om and Monday II 00 a m until time of service Interment, Cooar City Cemetery $20. Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday September 13th, 14th & 15th TE$e Ugfimate Ornamsnf Extended Outlook Tuesday Through Thursday Utah Generally fair Tuesdiv and Wednesday ard m south portion Thursday Chance of showers north Thursda Highs 75 to fa5 Lows 45 to 55 Fair through Wodnes Nevada Chance showers in north and partly cloudy in south Thurdav Little charge in temperature Hiqhs r i igmq from 75 to 65 north to mid 90s m south Lows varying from Is m north to mid 60s in outh Chance sc it Southern Idaho tered showers Tuesday then dry bv Thursday Highs 70s Low40 Clear to partly c'oudv Wyoming Chance of Tuesday and showers Thursday Highs in upper 60s and 70Lows in upper 30s aid d) James Alton Mower OAKLAND. Cal James Alton Mower, 77, former Fairview Utah resident died Sptembep 8 1976 at home of causes incident to aoe Born January 14. 1899 Fairview. Utan to Jordan H and May Mower Petersen Eurabeth Married Etta Ogdrn June 27 iv?4 Sait Laxe Temple Active member LDS Church wife two sons, Survivors Modesto Cal , Patrick James two Dick Ogden Palo Alto, Cal Melba sisters grandchiidren Pooisen, Cooperton Utah Zetla Madsen, Mt Pleasant Utah Funeral and burial pending from California JK k FLORISTS MILDRLD'S FLOWFRS irt E 33rd $0 PE re R SON Funeral service for Ralph George Petersen win be m ft held Monday, 12 noon Ruon Brother r v Mortuary Chapel, 255 South 3nd EaV where friend may can Monday 10am, till 12 noon Interment, Memorial Garden of the Vailev Funeral O'JCtC'J, RumwiI oiuubis inuf- tuam RlNO Funeral Mae for WilUam D Rino w)H be conducted Monday 10 a m at St Vincent Comrlic Church 1375 Spring Lane, with Holy Rosary at the church Sunday 8 P m , where friend may call 7 to 8 p m Interment Mt Calvary Cemetery Family suggest contributions to The Holy Cross Heart Equipment Fund or St Vincent Building Fund Funer al directors Eastman , Evans and Eary OHRAN Funeral services tor Carl R Ghian wll be held Mun oav 1pm m the Hohaoay United Church of Christ 2631 Last Murray HoMaday Roeo Viewing SunWtMte Chanel day 6 to 8 Mortuary, )J4 South 4th East pm, f rigno grwet the family Monday at the Church one hour prior to con Family to hie FufKi tribution Funeral director, White Chapel Mortuary VRIENS Gravmide service tor Giady Evelyn Phi lip Vrien will be held Monday II am m the Bountiful Memorial Perk Funeral director, Larkin Mor tuarv iervs a cost of living increase for public employes in all - of 63, 609 as gas fitter Strong opposition to the Rudgetan, Procedures Ceiling Act Initiative was voiced Soturdav in delegates at the final day of ttie I tail 1ulilie Emplojes Assn convention at TraveLodge The initiative, wind, will he on the Nov 2 hallo!, would put a lid on the state budget and do away with federal anl. Besides adopting a strong statement against the act, delegates heard Richard B Ktnnerslev. eeou tive director of the association, sav, "The budgetary procedures act, if enacted, will destroy the abilitv of state and local government', to provide essential 12-1- 1 slow-pitc- The Salt Lake Tribune, Sunday, September State Parley Employes Oppose Budgetary Plan ' ' Phillips Vriens j S.L. Softballers Bo Again to Logan OGDEN (API into Welier County Gladys Evelyn Onoic Mr Blake Mr Community Hospital UiwneDr on Mary Hearty Brown Hospital 99 Pot and Sirpete County to Samuel Births renorted at Sait Lake area period ending hospitals for the at 9 p m Saturday include N 1881 Nt PHI Area Births St. f wens SarahCook She ts sur viveo by daugtv Thefts purse cash sis- ters Mrs Pat Ceiia Wilson, Mrs Bill (Julia) Nhckoisen Sister Mary Labrata Sister Mary Urban Funeral Mass Tuesday 10 a m , Saints Peter and Paul CathohC Church 3580 W 3650 South Reci tation of Holy Rosary Monday 8 McDougal Funeral Home pm, S 4330 Redwood Rd , where friends call Monday 8 p m Me ried Mehssa Taylor Feb 21, 1975, Sett Lake! City Employed j Comp amts received bv the Sett Lake County Sheriff s Ofhce tor the per oo ended at 9 a m Satyr day rnctude ring set 14 3 and Dorofny Rod Mounteer Docket $9 inflta&Awwkirxi Mary Shaw, on April 3, to Thomas n , Deseret Bom k4ov 1, 1957, Sett Lake City, to Edward f Sheriff 5700 Mrs I A5arried Myrtt Henriksen Aug 18 Sait 1937, Lake LDS Temple Bookbinder s day include South block, OREM Ada Boren Anderson died Sept 18, 1976, Orem v Born A arch x 10 193 Rnjvo a to leRov Bomn and Ethel Haw 9fif Married Oatusfci Nile Anderson Aug 3, Ivjs hair Luke City he died 1959 L'veo in Provo until she wm 1ft Her S65CT parents movan to San Pedro 63 Ca'f son. daughters, Leo J , Lehl, Mrs J C (Neida) Gltcn 1st, Bountiful Mrs George F (OHean) Bartcn Pleasant Grove Mrs R Dear (Vera) Staton. Parson, Mrs Leonard A Melba) Canson Sait Lake City Mrs. Vernon H (Phvl us owee vrange cant Mrs Calvin M (Louse) Whitby Al 59 great pme 29 grandchildren Joseph K S.I.. Police Docket Re- 1965 23 ceived own tern- pie endowment LDS Member, Church At X-- ii- j, J k A ", Singeing SI 2 a Reg. great way to get rid of split ends without losing length Through Wednesday Beauty Salons. Hrt E3 q rvs !Zj O rVL I ? rt '1 i- v X - Carolyn Knight's breathtaking designs for Primitive Impressions" draw inspiration from Africa's Ivory Coast. Each is an adventure in native Bauole gold, hand formed brass, amoer, shell, and collector-qualit- y marketIvorian from the selected beaas painstakingly ornaments See extraordinaire. into crafted and place a from collection the entire $15) during spe(priced cial trunk showing this week in Fashion Jewelry, Salt Lake Downtown only. |