OCR Text |
Show 900-A- utw for Sato 908 for Sato JUw li MONTE CARLO V . Auto metic, Air, Vrtiiie, UW. Gw dr, Wi iaCf Chevrolet, 56, So. State. '74 MONTE CARLO Utedau Air cond , stereo. Rrima condition. 21,900 "'ll. U.m 74 Monte Ccrlo Landau 'JMONTE Carlo Lanoau 38 000 miles. Mags, tih stem me, pv snivel seats, ar Dark brown, white vinyl top, bMC int. 44 cu. m. Excel, cond. eves. $3,100 or best otter lirAooux u j ActC'rsf'C, Mr $3,W Cotton Wilson Chevrolet, 56 v0 So. State. XL rvM CAMARO IT, 4 speed, 5u40 super sharp cor $3 So State, 261 381 71 VEGA Hatchback, an exceptional buy tor $I4UU. Cad 95 583 2938. '71 VFGA low mileage, excellent cona., good rubber with snow tires extra, 27$ 9713. 71 NOVA, 37, automatic, s'r, good oond., 3923934. 73 NOVA loaded and extra. Must sell GT, 561 '71 NOVA. Good cond. CHEVROLET NOVA Hatchback, radio, power steering, air conditioning, automat transmission. 5UC Bue. I white. dr. 2 9Q0 p.s., air, 484. 364-- '73 MONTE CARLO, excel, cond., iuaued, $3,295 ot ttesl oitec. Coil Dave 467 2852, 376 So. 60 . 73 MON IE CARLO brand new $2,vv5 INTERMOUNTAIN 268-310- 1 3711 So, State amr 5 73 p radial tires, $2v5. 77 VEGA, looks and runs mai $650 or will trade for have vcxj '71 O'ds. looks and runs real good, hs everythinq or will trade for carpenter br!ck v.crk 2K tST. GT, good condition '72 VEGA $750. See at 409 6th Ave. Hatchback VEGA '7 sell Gltrade. Of or jq Excellent condition, many extras Usl.i-)vf- l Ma'ibu, 6 paw, waoon. auto S. P B. air. Lcrgoage rack. High road nvles Snarp cond. 71 P SUS. 2fe2h448f., 73 CHV 2 DR NOVA. P S . V 8. AUTO BOOk PRICE, $2,560 OUR PRtCE, $1,k7U DFAEY wnnnA to aaaim '73 Chev. Imoala, 4 di. Beautiful, low miles New tires- excel cond Fully equipped. Air, auto. P. S., P B 2 73 CHCV Vega HarcLback, 4 cxi. ) 4 spo. w;or oner '73 CHEVROLET MontPcario Landau $2,75 MOTORS 73 CHEV IMPALA, $1 500 or best offer. ar, i dr 4 73 CAPRICE. V8, Automatic, Air $2 598 Gordon Wilson 5650 So State. U, CAPRICr2 '3 a x, nice, $26U0 Low 4931. sod. Low miles. Extra Sharp, Must FREEDS, 5445 So. Siate, tbt 728. 4 73 CAAARO, 4 speed, V 8 power steering, vmyl roof, taw miles $3,375 73 CAMARO, air, auto, p.s., mags, new radlals. stereo, iust tuned, excel cond , 73 CAMARO. 350, 4 spd. Call or Cratg, '73 CAMARO artute LT, gold, vmvl top. auto., air, p.s., excel-len- t cond Cali 72 With Demo Ride While They Lest! 73 44 CHEV. Short Bed, Tires & 73 WTT 4x4 V 8. 4 Wheels DOME $2,695,-7- 6 spd.. P S Coronet. 5 to choose warranty PS. 75 14 PS..M rVan, P S . y 65 COMET 1974 ...$395 $5,295 4, x V 8. P.S., 66 CHEV owner $495 FORD M COUNTRY impaia PLYMOUTH $895 PS., Satellite, V 8, AT.. P 8., air. mag wheel. 68 PONTIAC.. GTO 71 new custom point, V 8, auto , roily wheels Beautiful co'. 261 3981 5540 So State, Murray 71 CAAAARO. 350 air, p s. p.b., best offer over $2,800 or OH Shene or Doug. SEDAN $595 fcj P.S., P.B., luggage rack, air F CAMARO, CAMARO, power steering, air, mags, $25C04H417. New engine. $1800 71 CAMARO, or best offer r CAMARO 27,000 mi., radial tires, high perl, front to back. See to apprc. $5,000 asking $2,WJ 1866 '71 195 Ave. Call 4 '70 NOVA, WEST MR. AMC ASKS, 1882-o- aeam-cotor- , p.s., ajr, excei. cond $1200, 3634333. MONTE Far above Carla 'h) average $100. 3600 So. Main 307 eng Depend70 MALIBU, able trans. As rs. S50 or beat offer, 176 N. Redwooa Rd., 40 70 CHEV Impaia Tudor. Good runner. Total price V495. Call FORD 8120 W. 3500 So. USED CAR SPECIALS 250-631- Magna 4q7 7102 excei. coni. Tooele. Utah '70 NOVA 307, VALLEY iMor?" rci'S hdrp i4 70 CHEV Impaia, 4 dr., hardtop dT. radials, good running cond. New upholstery. $900. 25057oB. 6 9438948 66 CHEV $300. '66 CHFV ni auto., runs wood. V 8. Hdto , o'-through out Never has had a dent or any rust, 58.000 mi., V8 auto, vinyl too, AM F M stereo. I have never tuuidi't be better neglected ai $64b. 65 CORVAIR Corsa extra sharp, has ail instruments and 4 cart). 40 hp eng 4 slaI. traiu , good tires, factory color paint See to believe First $L200 533 H36. convertible with 65 CORVAIR spd Good cond 4 $696. '64 CHEV Good MPALA 3638576 jond.y 80. Drive In and Check Hertz Used Car Prices NOW 5,758 SPARTAN AMC JEEP AT FREED'S 4355 Phone So. State, Murray 9 OPEN EVENINGS 262-545- 6 9 P4305 Come see Utah 's most attractive dealership and also one of the finest and most modem service departments la be found anywhere. 125 s3.595 CARS & TRUCKS IN 1.995 1 YEAR OR NOW 76 MALIBU Stock LAGUNA Save Hundreds Before Price increase on rem years models CORDOBA 76 Stock Fully equipped FIREBIRD CPE. P161, Fully equipped. Dr. Classic Stock The salt and style leader ! the Carta-byear. Ibis 1976 Chiyaitr hilly in Fornal llaca davee. tqulppad with control, vinyl tap. air Fatty Root Fully NOVA 2 Dr. '75 Stock 1481A, 6cyl. iptwd IMPALA CPE. '75 Stock P96, equipped CPE. NOVA '74 Stock 2830, 6 cyl., '74 MALIBU Stock P76. equipped. chroma road attach. 8040 spirt seat. Stock. ?6b78. This i a tenta buy cenfhhomng Fully at only Auto $6,572 Classic V0LARE 2 Cmnoeoii Vol.r. wece uraf Spert Loupe, wihi pecfcaiP, fat f Only $4,085 76 V0LARE The ulhente ceeipect car Ttua heaubM Vole luiury -premier 2 We harttae In had. Clara! ul)p mcludlnf 60,40 art dual rat-- men, air, n wort. Stack Sat tka haauft - $5,295 much 76WaoV0LARE Dr Fully SHOP USED CAR ROW 7. $.WpO ikjDC'E nmes aito.ps FORD Pinto Wgn factory new tires and practically st-thres. gold In ontor, excel, cond., retell price is $3 250 we are asking $2,900. Call 7S ar, . DODGE Polars loaded 86,000 road mi iirs Week days a6l 14J6 BAL RACE CAR. '69 "DODGE 64 Chevehe 4 dr looks bad, runs goodj 67.I mi. $200 299- 8104 '63 CHEV, 6 cvl. stick shift, near-neengine, runs good, 266 3X7 '57 CHfV 2 &. hardtop. 327, 4 spd. Tuk and roh interior. Good cond $2,000. 55 CHEV. 2 dr vd. Clean, orig. Rust free' Must see! 4SM618 55 CHEV. 4 dr , 6 cyl., $200 or best offer. 298 3159 CARLO 74 MONTE Air., ps., auto $3,295. RIVERTON MO7677 So State TOR, Owner must sell, 1975 Chev Impaia, 4 door sports sedan, like new, make offer, cmvert CAMARO. 350. V 6. auto., air. AM RM radio. 49,000 miles. $2,250 364 76 U 76 CHRYSLER Cordon, a.! or maxe cons, trade access otter. 359 5233. Must soli! 71 75 CORDOBA White on White tuilv equipped. Yorker CHRYSLER New Reois. Only 7.ou0 miles Immac. cond. Every possible option Still under warranty. $5 890 or best offer "CHRYSLER 1 NEWPORT $2399 Loaded Vefy clean FREEDS, 5445 So. State, 76i 49 JL 67 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 5 250- 7443. SO 500 W 74 PINTO WAGON eng , 4 spd trms luggage rack, erttito, light brown Int. See to apprec $2475 or best offer. 484 748. 74 PINTO station wagon, fully equipped. Air, radial. Must sell, 2000cc 2 $2, 5ff n 2587 , 74 MUSTANG. Blue $2,5L Gorcton Automate, Wilson Chev- rolet, 5L5fl So. State. 74 MUSTANG Ghia. sunroof, A sod., radial tire, aft. S. 2686953. 74 MUSTANG MACH I, 6 CVtlfV Per 52,500 k 74 A1 MAVERICK, T1QN. CONDI $2,400,943-122- 74 GALAX1E 500 rt a real bar 4 dr Mdrtv ,xtr 9am prtc 409VA. SUM LARSON FORD 5500 Sourti State Strert Ki W 1 74 FORD, Custom 4 dr , air, cImtv S2.388 Bow1'' Bountitul Wain. So. 2t?3 Bntfl. 76 T BIRD. Gold luxury group. low miles Csr like new. Loaded mm 278 7429. 75 FORD LTD Wagon, penwr, air, luggage rack, extra seat. Low Slue Book 6 c1.. 3 75 FORD GRANADA speed Air. $o498. Gordon Wilson State. So. 5650 Chevrolet, 75 FORD ELITE, loaded, excel, davs, cond., low miles. or 5811426 after 6 and weekends 75 FORD CUSTOM CLUB V ton 12 pass. WAGON auto, os. air, $5 695 or be otter Call 4665279 '75 ELITE T owner, tow mileage, lots of extras it it's a clean car or vou want, come see It 1343 4enim Aw?. Radials. DODGE DART SWINGER cvi , 3 spd Sharp. 1 ow Low Mites. $1,799 FREEDS, 5445 So. Stote. 261 4931. 1 OWNER DODGE WAGON Excel coxl like new Owner 2023 E 1700 So SACRIFICE DODGE Monaco 4 dT. '69 Full power, elec, Brougham. wind air. vinyl top. Very good cond. $oV5. 1974 Tc School Special, BACK Dodge Dari auto air. small Mike. goud economy 72 "FORD MAVFRICK, Deluxe package, extra nice $1 J3v5. CLAPK BUtGC wm 74 FORD sta. w cruise, r aos. must 2863 Glunmare. pb, P.s., e 74 FORD Mustang M, new radial 12. 1 tires, excel, cond. $2358. 74 FORD MUSTMtO II. 4 spd. $2 388. Bourttful Motors, So. Bountiful, 2773 Main, 73 JEEP 292.7201 FORD MAVERICK, 4 238. BounWul nice, Motors, 2773 So. Main, BountHui. 74 P., 74 FORD Custom 50(L p.s., air $160C or offer. 966 520C. '73 PINTO Runabout. Low mile, extras. Mint cond. 571 8738 aft 673 PINTO Runabout, orto. r.Extra dean. S1,50. '73 MAVFRICK LDO, 4 dr. sedan, 302 VB. auto., vln. roof, tfnt, ci., stl belted radial, air c heavy vin., red buck, serfs, teeo pyt crpf , radio, show rm cona., 0 mi., $2542, under atl 6 pm. all day weekends. or offer. 73 MAVERK K Air, snow hres. 73 GRAN TORINO Scort. Ps. Jto, AM-Fp.b., air cond., radio, new tires. Torino Elite, loaded with low miles, VERY 75MALIBI air CLASSIC, Coupe, cond, p. pb. auto, V8, automatic, V8 engine. ! FORD Ga: 500 Air, pb., otter. or Excel cond. B2 3367 eves., 5660368 days. 073 FORD Country Soulra. 450 motor, deluxe. S2.ras, areat ocnv dition, 48076.. 272 KM 73 FORD Country Sedan P S , 485 0085 81,495. cond., air and evenings. l black vinyl 7? T Bsie too. Blark mt. t4m radials. wtils. Sleryx), olter extras. S2.800 or betd wtr 19606 72 THUNDERBIRD ONE OF THE NICEST TO BE FOUNC RADIAL NEW ANYWHERE' Cb RADIO, MANY TIRES. BOOK EXTRASI OTHER PRICE. S3.J00. FOB IMA ED. SALE ONLV S2597. DEWEY 04 7a PiNTO Souire Sta Wag. Air, lugg rack $2,500. auto 74 PINTO Runabout, ff ,9914BT 4304. 74 PINTO runabout 4 spd., mint cond. $1,995. 2927277 74 PINTO Runabout. 333DOO ml ExcbI. cond 2300r& 4 spaed, toxurv tecor rack, luggage group. Call 11 GHIA 74 MUSTANG AM-Ftape auto., air. 6 Excel, cond. Low mhe. $3,250 7? 530 BpunhtoiJV?-?)- 73 FORD Galaxie 500 lactrmy air, good cond. Ore owner SU50. 5866. Polara, to be sold by or.g:nal owner, 4 dr. hdtp , excel. L cond., ca DART GT, 2 dr., 68 DODGE auto., ps., radio, small 73,500 mi Very goed cond. $795. 581 7847 days, evenings., 68 DODGE DART. 4 dr , dean, after good cond, $550 5: 30 or week endv '67 DODGE CORONET CUSTOM 318 V 6, air, p.s., P b., new 4 dr tines, $39S Coronet 500, 2 dr '65 DODGE good cond. $400 or bwt fyjtp erf tor. Cal '63 DODGE, 2 dr 98. 582; 73 FORD LTD. 4 dr , air, $2.4h8. Bountiful Motors, 7773 So. Mam, 74 Th underbird must salt, many extras, oust assume loan. May be teen at 46 W. SSO ao. 74 PINTO, air, auto., excel, cond., 1,895. PRINTED BlbE ANTED, RFALLY GOES! NEEDS MINOR DEWEY ONLY $597. WORK. Ofrer rMnnable ot tor '75 FORD LTD. ftnom Cue, bronze. $4 968 Bountiful Motors. So 2773 Main, 72 277- 2783005. 73 FORD ITU I dr hdto V 8 auto tram , power starring, ir cond vinyl powwf brakes, top, almost new radial tires, 000 miles, owner. Tor condition! $2,485 or best new Auto Trans, Powr Steering. Power Brakes, Air Cond Stereo. Sharp $1199 FREEDS, $445 Sa State, 361 4931. 74 DART. 4 dr V8, fact. ar. Excei cond 2666281 73 DODGE POLARA. WOO under book 4 dr sedan fully equipped-heav'ike low mileage, vH.ty, Child's new walker retatded. 'T$ DODGE CORONET 4 dr Sedan, ps., 6 cyl., needs work, jU) orbest offer, 482926. E." Loaded" 73 DODG E Cha rger Like new Orm. owner 277 1306. 1896 E. 4L5CSo. h DODuE Charger SE. air, headers make otter 966 5441 73 DODGE CHAl lENGFR RT WOODS, 752 SO. MAIN '69 DOLX3E POLARA ible Needs bndv work. 7849, 292 , ratals. new avery-thm- 75 GRANADA GHA 2 dr , air. AM FM. LIKE NEW! $3 W. pa PoDGE Dart low mi., an, acltu, A vi)d. $2,ra5. 277 7914. McawxT 440 V 74 DODGE air, p b.. beaut, cond 941 5IS6. $2,000, 74 DODGE CHARGER SE. Power 4 FORD Thunnerbird, fuv anuipped. white on whit, leather interior, stereo and tape deck extra clean, low miles, nearly Call SCOOP Trucks 74 Landau. LTD '75 $139$. k 292 7201 SE, JoO power Charger oowe steering, low yne Dwn u aLex Hmckievs oi lv $4,586 :J09 So. Sidle, 464 S7s5 auto, atr, 73 KPILA Sport Sedan, outo, ps, pb, air conditioning, tinted glass. W S 3100 , Btti tt 73 pi ii WOODS. 752 SO 7AAIN very nice wagon, tamlly car! Rack kill pwr. SI, 725 w 8?22i 72 MAVERICK Gabber 302 V 8. owner. StAsO. 55 2 gcxid cond.. E ast3735S0. 72 MAVERICK 3 sod, 6 cvl Rea! nice. S' .295. RIVERTON MOTOR, 7677 So Stale. RANCH 71 oftw.J95J95 MACH 72 I, auta, air cotm.. radials. 351 eng.. 82,900 or best otter, 73 Gran Torino Aiagon. powar steering, power brakes. actory atr, 5 new tirvs excel ler. cond.. C4Q0, 72 FOa 4 dr Country Sedan 10 pass, sta wgn , new shocks, atoal belt radial hrea. ak cond p p.b., radio, too rack, 69,000 act. 1,350. . will sell for 72 FORD Torino Wagon Gran Squire, p pb, air. luggage rack, new Urea, '72 FORD MUSTANG. FastbacV aua $2,288, Bountiful Mutorv 2773 So. Mom. Bountiful. gnwn v'7Jt Vy X - y' r. , J&, $5,196 FSEED5 CKRTSLES PlYUOUTH 47 So. 2nd East 7a o jmw?T DO MORE THINGS FOR MORE PEOPLE at LOWER COST than any other form of advertising! I Tt r.jfcL oOtcr, 1SS0 ; FORD Maverick 2 door, 6 c Casti price S695. House ot Com oacts. 5299 So Stale St. opertiH0 p.rti, 70 FORD Gal. 500. Air cond., ante St, 700 could use some 9 t P'PD. 70 Jt ML rort jBJ MUSTANG Grande flashiest Vest zri m town New cos paint, Shelby mags. Coooar tires air shocks, traction bars, many mot exhas Also good on gas. bmause ot stork J02 and Sontir. . best orter yci auii or . 6 cyl , stick shill.' 69 MUSTANG, very nice, SI 195. 46 1 2569, 2048 E. 69 Ave. (21st So.) Hollywood MUSTANG LE GRANDE Best otter over 5 LXjO 28 9937. SCO 69 FORD Galaxie Phone 466 5501 49 FORD WAGON Galaxie p s., p.b.. air cond. 69 8600295-587- 6 ; 6 9 FORD GALAXIE 2 dr hatd toft atr ccxtd S5S0 or best otter. 294MW0 ' oaO-5P- ' " FORD Galaxie XL Good cond. SSVi MLiF3 eyes. 69 Cobra Marts I, 428 Cobra Jet Manx Custom paint, sharp. extras. Must sell immediately Call Brent, 69 '68 MUSTANG FuceMent condition. V8. automat k Tot'l price $vi Can finam Call26lJS must MUSTANG, '68 automate tran. '68 MUSTANG. V6. $675 V8 stand trai . Make eftf, 67 Mustang, 3 spd. V 8. Has good mpp cond air engine, Make oiler cal! 5338766. wet( days bet 9 a.m. 5p m. , MUSTANG, V8, automatic. $soo66 W6j . coupe. Real niu? '67 MUSTANG car $745. jO. 52-3- Good fixer 67 MUSTANG, uoooer $400. 48519. '6? FORD LDT 4 dour hard top, real clean, make offer. t 500. tuilV '67 FORD Galaxy condition Excellent equipped $500. 1970 Sylvan Ave., 46fr6r22. '67 FORD GALAXIE, good cond . P s- - auto, atr cond , 46 3554. '66 MUSTANG, 6 cyl. 3 spd. clean, excel, oond. Best offer. 3 sod , clean. before S pm. 66 MUSTANG, air, ps., very goud CTndlSPSgftor. '66 MUSTANG, 6 CVl., 3 '4x1.. '71 motor, '66 MUSTANG. good cond.. good mileage, MriL486-4p66- . $SM III, 7201. MONARCH, 4 dr , auto, an Bountiful Motors. 2773 So Bountiful, COLONY 75 MERC PARK, Wun., loehd, bmwn $5 98 Bountiful Motors. 273 So. Main. 7f 701. 75 MERCURY Marquis Auon low m.leuge. Excel, cond 299 3851 or 28 4527. 75 COUGAR XR7, red, b'ue O' white. $4,788. Bountiful Mufors Bounflfut. ?73 So. Mam, $375 67 CHEV. door. 2 Impaia auto 8. V trans 72 $876 AMC Hornet $778 FAIRIANE 75 $2,876 PINTO Sqwre wagon, P B . air cond., 75 loaded. 76 CORONET CHEV. N0VA$2,576 auto., bans.. Hatchback. P S., P B . ait, vinyl top. MAVERICK $3,176 2 door 6ny!., Qtabbsr auto trans.. an cona. Ran $3,476 FORD charo tuns., V 8, stwung GT'. ftqwer 74 FORD Gran Torino trans., power 73 NOW IS THE v ;A PiNTO auto, $2,676 . auto steering air $1,376 4-- $5,295 $1,295 $1 ,595 $1,295 $3,595 $995 $2,995 $1 ,695 $1,495 dr 4-- dr '71 GRAN FURY '76 DART Sport '67 FORD V2 Ton '74 TOYOTA HiLux P.U '73 HONDA '71 '75 DART CHEV. m m Vr' $tatd Nt 521-253- 'XCLlt4tJ 980 So. Main I Phone f'- Stl 78 CHEV. CAME30, P S. P B. Air. low miles 75 CHEV. CAMERO, P S. P 8 Aw 75 CHEV. 4 xwed. ''.'" - V 7k y Vf' CHEV. P S. P B WGKZA, P S. VS. SUBUR8AH, mt, low miles. B. M0Tt CARLO, pica car CHEV. NOVAS, 2 loaJxi. 4 72 CHEV. BUTEN, 4 . 4. P S r B Ai, 0 IN COLUMN. AJSTCAUTW ITS I AST TO FUCI M 4 ';te ,y; ii U 5 GAME liatchh.k. Ml THIS 74 mm ads Dlol 52H3535 4 CMvoirr MSI S. Main. Bntfl. m-94- j CHfV. BIAER, 4. P S P 8 Aw TONY PRICE '4$ ; 'i'.. LS 359-765- 5 NAME OF THE 75 Hincklsyt IN Sf.RV!C. town locking for on inexpensive automobile . . . find the cor of your choice hers in the automobile sec lion of the Classified Wont Ads! 78 CHEV. 4x4.PS P Ow$9' . 2 FOR : V 34 TON Camper Special $4,895 '73 DODGE Club Cab $3,295 Factory Buy Backs are Guaranteed For As Long As You Own It. lOCo of Parts, lOftep of Labor As 521-353- PRICE sail IS THE Don't wandar oil over 4,595 '76 MONACO Royal '72 CORONIT '72 COIT WAGON Want Ads TIME TO BUY! WON, cylinder 73 74 Sale BUY BACK SPECIALS S., 53,376 CHEV. Monra. P Sale Sale auto bans, 500 waxi. l IVANT ADS 5 Dial i542. 8. 70 FORD Waoon S500. IV1' E Anson .AwriiLLL. HIG5 70 FORD TORINO GT, PERFORMANCE 429 CJ. 70 FORD Torino, 4 dr vmvi top, 292 ir Want Ads . p 4., auto'. i Wr'gtrt. V 75 11 3 '0 UAL AX IE 500 Mi 4dr. $3,988. Main, at 972841 1 ' SrtM COMET, mechanic special, test pfter, 299-976 MONTEGO, Brom, 2 6r auto, air, ginger. S4.5&. Bountiful Motors, 2773 So. Mum, Bountiful, , 76 MERC 10 pass wgn. $550. 1760 Princeton Ave '76 BOBCAT, low miles, bitm or bronze. $3,588 Bountiful Motors, Mam, Bountiful, 273 So. DEDUCED 75 733 W. 2 1 st SOUTH uas 73 llJCOLN CONT , 2 dr , b top, looded. Will take $4,300 or moke otter. 5540 So Stale, 261 398). 73 CONTINENTAL Mark IV. fui! stereo wtaix. power, AM-Fcruise control, tt it wheel, leather interior, $5,W. WASATCH MOTORS 261 263 5660 So. State '71 MARK 111, low mi. 13ft. Siesta Trailer. Call 71 LINCOLN AAARK IM, Like vnizz 69 Dualne Brown ClisvroSst J Goui twu 2s 40alll9. , 70 pamt MavaricK tir-- s, jf.cV.best ot.er, 467 ,?7. -miTD mchanKallv escallaot 66 MUSTANG. $250 or test Ofur, 72 FORD LTD, $1,500 262S So 7th East '66 Mustang '72 FORD Gal. 500 4 dr , air. or test offer auta $U95. RIVERTON $JX ps., Falcon Futora. '66 FORD 1700 MOVOR, 12741 West. sport cpe., bright red. white vinyl Riverton. too and lots o4 chrome, buckut 7? FORD Country Sedan Sta. seats, 2 tone red inter., 22 mp, Wgn.. auta. air. radio, new tires, no oil. ong. throughout. You uSt etui ns. $1,000 won't flixl better, operation and forced sale. $Y5. 71 MUSTANG Grande, 351 excellent tou. extras, ps., vinyl '66 FORD Fairlane. good condi condition. 277 3338. hon. $450. new radials, AM-F71 MUSTANG, '65 MUSTANG 7.000 miles, uoer Tape, low mi jarp. Call 268 1144 '71 LTD FORD, 2 Or. loaded 65 Mustang 2u94 spd, bexh White on white. $1195 or test ol seat. Good cmd., $450 tor. 164 FORD FAiRLANE. exoeT. iCu P s., p.b., am, '71 ic running cond 571 3637. auto. BfcSt offer. REDUCED 71 FORD 4 dour, station wagon, 71 FORD Gran Torino 4 Or V 8, auto trans , air, reai nice Compl Excel, cord eouip. family car, only $1,2tf8. Hinckley 12.39S. Trucks 7309 So Stale, PINTO RUNABOUT, excel, WAGON, '71 FORD STATION cord., $1,200. Country Squire, 10 pass., see to New-'6believe. IU95. Ford Gamada, 6.000 n.i exoel. oond.. air, p.s., auto , 4 C1ARK BUICK $4350 or best offer, door, 53) So. 500 West WWt GRAN TORINO Sport, '72. com71 FORD LTD WAGON pany car, atr conditioned, new Excel teat rwner. K) pawanoer. trans., brakes and tires. $1200 qr Tof3i ptkx' Jl095. U3l! ASMiiftSi. best offer. Wkdeys. '71 Ford LTD agon- - 3 seat After 5 and wkends. . Good cond. Gcxid tires, hitch. Extra sharp '72 Ford Grand To-ntrans. copter, tl.395. h 2 dr automatic 1., '71 FORD LTD. 4 dr., air, ps., p.s. air cond., V top, vlnvt intori or, good body and tires A I raoe auto. 31,195. RiVERtOH 12741 So. 1X West, in on new car. Buy Now! Ca l Dee at The House of Compacts, 5299 So. State St., Open 71 FORD Galaxie 53) station flit 10 p.m. 363219 wgn. Only $575 ECONOMY COMPACT from this. 70 TORINO, air, o,s pb , excel '72 GRAN TORINO, 351 oond both inside and out. Call Clean 4 dr. with Hays electronic ignior after 5. tion. Low restriction duals. Arr, '3) Torino P S. P B., air ctxxl too. auto, trans. 49rj00 vinyl 50 or otter. Low nr. miles. Reduced to $1,750. 277 ext 40 302 or work MUSTAttG. 70 V. p.s auto, trans., vinyl root, make 76 LiN. 2 dr. Twn. Cte , excel otter, cond., completely loaded. Cotd w $11,700. lb. 675. black vlnyt too, '70 MUSTANG, new tires, US maps, very good 75 MARK IV silver on red. oond. 2SM19S attor 5 p.m moonroof 262 8833.262-900174 LINCOLN Mark IV, hign $M08 firm. miles, good cond-531 8474 or 28-97aft 6 p.m. 74 LINCOLN kContinetal Mark IV, Luxury equipped. $6,875. 1 KROWN MOTORS rental t'eet vi Vi.OW. MAVERtCK. '6ft ! ha 3! !uw tires J7U auto., air. Clean LARSON FORD State Street 2b2 2611 4 7$ MAVERICK dr., aufo. brone. t? W8. Bountiful Mctorv So. 2773 Bountiful, Main, 5500 So. rtr new. $4,100. 69 CONTINENTAL MARK excel, cond., $1995. 2SA4068. 4,995 5,195 5,195 5,195 2,995 3,595 2,395 3,195 Largest Selection of Trucks Anywhere. 295 to 1976 All the way from Drives and Models. Most) 3 tons. Also a Good Selection of Blazers, Jeeps, etc. Call Now for Exact i Descriptions and Prices. h Camel Tahn. Pramia. aellmf ceaeart The hade aampped martial, the on wafee hanawnuue, wittt automatic 6040 Mdnrtdual paats. tpead oetiBel, air atoal hehwl radial deiiecler. bras ant mera. 8!och 22366. 328-49- $3,488. 76 DODGE ASPEN 4 dr. Sedan. ood with lit vinyl top, p s., auto 6 4ft9 ach'fll mi., sUi LX'der PERFECT CONDITION, warr 115 S. Main USED TRUCKS wh overdriw baeeetaeton end enfut., cenemeal ndio, vinyl rart. whrtwH pres. wheel eorara. Steel, ertateed-ie- PU4, '76 4CAPRICE Stock P164. equipped. 2x2 '76 MONZA P174. quipped. Sun 76 22m $S499 2614931 Bountiful, 2927201 73 FORD, Gran Torino IL800 or dtt. 5 best offer 7$ FORD Torino Brougham, 0 oMtestottor 73 rORD Toriw Idr. V8 auto.. 4447 wh ' r. & ue $J 73 FORD "Tomo." 4 6'., V8, USED CARS HURRY! much li.kfy dr. B'ue wth white vmvi top. 0. $1 tel. LARSON FORD J500 South State Street 73 FORD Squire 'Xgn" $2,918 Btxjnfiful Motors, 27T3 So. Mam, u MERCURY MONTEREY 4 PS pa. nay, cat-r- t. ercattent condrttrai, S5 0O cr-- r best otte- - Farmmoton, 66 2!ti. 70 Maverick, 2 dr., auta. Good' 70 4 70 0AIAXIE 2 75 HERTZ SYSTEM LICENSE With Any 1972 to 1976 OK Used Compact or Small Car In Stock ON SALE Hue MILE WARRANTY 12,000 FREE HOT ONES Chert, PrafMtionally Maintained and regularly serviced while in the FREE! FREE! SEPTEMBER tekM e 71 FORD TO 8E SOLD W282S3. choo-- miles. Bdid.'ce of warranty. Sharp cars. FREEDS, S4xa So. State, Torino 351, air, nowsr, fcsfst &. 73 4V31 ic GRAND 73 GAlAX IE 9ft0, browe with tan vmyi. air cond., p.s., p.b., steei radials 75 MUSTANG II. by Owner, mi., like newJ$3,395. 4&6 98a2. Wu'GTANG II A tha It sharp, . Wugonoer 4x4, Quod-ratro- c, auto, ps, pb, oir cond, luggaga rock, tinted glass. Gran door, USED CORDOBAS 76 CORONET W.ygixrs. 3 to NICE UNIT. AND (rtrtul Max' van. great for carrying, CORDOBA, auto, ps, pb, air end, cruise cont. Vinyl top. Tinted glass. fro, VOLARES 4K4 Pi 16 76 CERVS1XR "mmr IN PROGRESS" 76 MAVERICK. $2,5, air, nidi ate, stand trans. $ 6 m. to fD p. m. wxmxdavs only, 76 LTD fully Brougham, equipped, low nnhaage, HoC. After S X,S. 7d GRANADA sort undue wwr ranty $3,830. Excb 76 FORD MUSTANG running cond Standard. 571 8465. ,T6 FORD GRANADA, 4 dr Fac tory air, crutsa control, Balance Srvan-1of warranty. factory . brave tt? FKefcDb, CHARGER gxxt tires, mags, to apprec. 27 4733 stereo, atfto good 6 cvi 66 DART transuotation 2 mounted vkw hres exc shape Aft 5. JO DODGF 9 tdvturv Air, '73 ? rtf vkiyt Otter Ift. 68 DODGE Brougham-S- t Quality Used Cars From Our Own Rental Fleet MUSTANG II. 4 spd , TiVe low, low miles. $3,485 5540 So. State 2613981, 74. 76 17 C' iiew 25 861 tr.de 'M CHRYSLER IMPERIAL, immocutafe O igmo' Civdiiiwn. leaded, r e oter 76 camp'ny 12, 1976 76 pt, 4W Doflue StMnler Sunday, for Ssl A 9C0 rtj CHRYSLER. Nm Yorker Brougham. Auty. air conn., art seats, tilt A powered 6 way Mt-gscope steering wheal 2 XiO. or best Offer A) Lnrysmr inwriat lumi im t dr hardtop with every outlon avaiatie. 67,000 actual mhes Evuiient wxl Best offer Of wa Townsman station P b., air cond New wagon P tires and brakes. $895. '71 CHEV MALIBU, dir cond., p s P.b., 307 V8 $1,500.268-6119- . 71 CHFVY Vega, excei. cond , 2 exTra snow tires, 45 5V89 '71 CHEVFLLF, power steerlnq, excellent owxlition. See after 6 p.m., 298 6584. '71 CHEVELLE, air, auto, p.s., 2249 0525 $975 Kensington, South 2249 East). $3,695 AT..PS. CHEV 350 x sell for $5N5. 71 CHEV air. Extended tact Coupe. PLYMOUTH Trtildustar, 4 71 tines and mags. aft. 4, ticooo, btg $3.0uG Call $4,435 DODGE $4,735 short bed V8. A T., 1 hood 4 spd. L 88 900 Auto for Sol Irrpd'a exieilent corvi. 6 mi. 5 new vw enqme 5 Aircondr.PS. pb., 2df. CdH Jim 96 ;70 CHEV1LLE 35a 2 bbl autn. c rrr as is. Benin mw. Slight demave kor' end. ?45 Plymojttr A,t? 70 "CAfviARo! light blue, 350 4 spd.,new hes, V 8. 2t ao o.. P.S.T '85 CAMARO. iy. Tl NOVA, .2 ooor, twrciTop. va, I'psor otter 58 000 miles, 69 2 4 CAMARO. new $27 eng.. 4 sod 2 new tires. 40b hand 72 CHEV. J 4 Ton. V 8 Automaterv npw rear brakes, 2 extra ic. Hard to find. $696 cordon F.xce Int Win $ r1rn Wilson Chevrohl StoO So, State or 7? Chev or GMC trade hy 7? CHEV. Surtiurban. Imtnac Contact Kelly Sldoowav, 4x4 to extras ist Too many cond. Laketown. Utah iMO.3 O' Ju SStS. 203 E 1425 So. 6W LHfc V sta very good 72 CHFV MONTE CARf.O fuv cond air maewgr gtfer or trade eauPped inciudtng vinyl top, air 04J 7C4i. ? 30 fc JW0 SO cond. '69 CHEV Msji'bu sedan Very CLARK BUICK e'ean tvjtijyjJiD. 53C So 500 A., BnMI. 69 CHEV wagon, radial hres, 9 ocod Looks economy 72 CHEV. MALIBU, 2 door P.YSS., auto., p.s., vinyl great, $43a $33 bargain1 '61 hdtp., 3S0 miles! Low Excel Special Perfect cond wagon (ki.ck top. Ciond Gol1 1res Excel Int Sacrifice. $1 840 7124 id So State. Sunday '77 CHFV Impaia 4 door. Good 69 CHFV IMPALA 2 dr. hdtp.. condlt on $1495. CHEVROLET Kmgswood S3a0xbesf 72 Station wagon, air conditioning. '69 Cheque auto. 2 dr , rmist $1 ,650 sen. $1 000 278 2JS3 ' irv.ni! ty Cmcvc.l4.c- 72 CHEV CAPRICE 2 d7. Wtp., haulchnoniejnAgsJ 375 16 full power, air, 52.000 nu., wty ; 69 2 htri xce . Camaro 3?, Co.Td , $2250. 972 653b. ecormy car, newpaint, 561 j J67 P.b. 'JT. C.AV NRC, 2 IMPALA door Ft, cond. $2195. '68 hrtip. P S., trans., JO, VA auto trai.. air, 2? eng. Very 2ul2l WJ2L W0 vmvi W CA.WAPO yullow-blh.'68 CHEV. Caprice, $500 cash. 307, p s., SB2 top. auto. tram. ?972 or oter, stereo, $2,95 new yellow pamt. '68 CAMARO '72 CAMARO SS Vi auto. Vinyl xx) black irvrtor very good top. Excel cond 561 3961. Sat. and Sun can cond 72 CAMA30 Ralley Sport, black wilh bide, vmvi too 350 automat LOW IMPALA 2 DR '67 CHEV Ic, good cond., OWnER 'vERY CLEAN 71 NOVA 2 ch , 6 cyl., stand, DEWEY WOODS, ONLY $39? SO MAIN tram., overhauled exi 487 6Q9Q 71 CARLO, MONTE Stiver, 67 CAMERO rebuilt eng and black vinyl top. p.s. p b., must trans. excel cond Call 2SSe,735. sell, make oete '67 Camaro 327 auto transmis3S0 71 CHFV. Wagon. very sion, blat'k Interior, Craig stereo, good conditfon. Worth $1,47S. Will speakers. $700 or nest offer. $3,795 AT., 75 DOME 4x4, CAMARO 900 Autos far Sale i. AM or otter, CAMARO. 73 for Sale os gtxxl MONTE CARLO, Landau, p b , elec windows, 7 253. 73 MONTS CARLO KROWN 71 NOVA Hatchback excellent cond , $2,600. VW 90D-4M- 74 CHEVROLET Me ihu boort Coudo, air cond., vinyl tus. Sharp, clean car. NADA says to par 342a. buy now tor only $2990 at Dave Strong Porsche Audi Used Car, 801 So. State. 39M46L 74 CHEV Malibu Wagon, p.s. air, auto. Radial. $2300 or 6 oftm . 74 CHEV Irvcaia. 4 dr Wto ,, t?lK 4SU444T VS juito 74 74 hr SoW 900-4U- rtos pb, Beaut, Equip $3,575 74 IMP ALA Automate Air t'UU (rrton WUcr rote!, 5650 is. State; V74 IMPALA Automate Air. Btue. itN8 Cordon Wilton Chevrolet, 5650 So. Stare. 74 CHEV. 4K4, toMy loaded. See to appreciate 74 Chev. Malibu, Standard trans. Extra clean, excel, cond Mu' sacrifice. $2,150 firm. 5O 5101. 74 CHEV. CAMARO. 2f, V4. Automatic, Air. Silver $5,198. Gddon Wilson Chevrolet, S65C So. State. 74 Chfcv, Caprice to.uuo mites. eir, auto. 52,895. Mr WnoM. 74 CHEV Vega. 2 dr.t 4 cvl., Std., red $99$ or otter. CORDOBA Aula for Sale 908 Onn |