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Show alir Salt i'akc Srilninc Section 7L September 12, 1976 Pajte One 4 Liver Problems Knock Out Tito 3f I T:JZL sj o rvi i New York Times Service The Yugoslav government issued BELGRADE that said President Tito was acute liver trouble" and would require several weeks of rest xaiid liealmeiit J yt The saernenl provided no tolfi" further information about the illness But the iires- m. ' ident appeared to be in no immediate danger Having returned to Belgrade Friday front a series of conver-- I sations and a hunting trip with tins guest. President Nicolae (Ceausescu of Romania, Tito I participated Saturday morning fm a departure ceremony for I Ceausescu and the review of an honor guard Television showed him joking with the Romanian president, relaxed and apparently vigorous The government announcement said Titos ailment had been discovered m a routine medical examination last Wednesday. Despite the findings, the president received Ceausescu and took him hunting Belgrades announcement about Titos health was coupled with an announcement that since the president needed rest, a planned visit here by President Valery Giscard dEstaing of France, planned for later this month, was being postponed The postponement and statement about Titos poor health were announced here more than 12 hours after a similar announcement had been made m Pans, which had said that a Yugoslav announcement would be made simultaneously The Yugoslav leader was a major organizer of the conference of nations in Colombo, Sri Lanka, last month At that meeting, a resolution was adopted recommending an oil embargo against France if Pans continued to sell arms to white governments in southern Africa v Problems in relations resulting from the Colombo resolution are consequently thought to be a factor in the postponement of Giscard dEstamgs visit, despite a denial of this by Paris yf suffering from H i ' i' 8 vtv X Sjs zTTSZn&sssssssI vu a statement Saturday f! 'earfoam Wants to Cyddte You Softi y R VU ?- - 11 ! d Franco-Yugosla- (Cop nght) Thrones Mourn Mao I v 'll!1 a,: (3-9- TOKYO (AP) The Chinese army and regional officials made a general pledge of loyalty to central' authorities Saturday as vast throngs of Chinese filed past the body of Communist party Chairman Mao Tse-tun- f it- - - . 4' V! M! IK (..W .4.50 . 5.x ft orlon plush scuff with satin 'Caress' gussets in beige, peach, red, rose, $4 and white orlon plush boot 'Hi-stepp- er' in beige, turquoise, rose and white . . . $6 Frances Denney's Interlude Scent & Satin (a 23 value), yours for 7.50 with any Denney purchase of $6 or more I 'J i , 4 t r1 O XVf I V'. ' UP & Jt , Chinese Army Vows Loyalty to Party f ? n) slipper available in white, and cerise . . $5 orlon plush ballerina slipper 'Cloud' in gold, red, rose, turquoise, and white ,ki53 & embroidered velour blue, peach, pink, 'Spring Flower' ! ), I f 1 (5-6- ), V2-7V- 1 I Cuddle your feet in the comfort of Dearfoom clippers. These softies are cushioned and completely washable. All styles come in Small Medium nnd XI (Qii-lOt(6 crge Fashion Hosiery. Phone and mail orders promptly filled. J, s fjS!'1, Frances Denney brings you another sensational purchase the Interlude Scent & Satin package. Combining elegant Interlude fragrances with a luxurious array of skin treatments, the package is yours for just 7.50 wih any Frances Denney purchase of $6 or more. Cosmetics. with purchase offer ' - g power struggle has been under way among the died m Chinese hierarchy since Premier Chou En-lJanuary. No major developments are expected until after a week-lon- g penod of mourning for Mao, who died Thursday at 82 The official Chinese news agency Hsmhua said regional army umts and officials vowed to rally still closer around the party central committee, resolutely carry out its orders at all times and under any circumstances, obey orders in all their actions and forever place the armed forces under the absolute leadership of the party. A I' -i .4 e: The Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun reported from Peking that more than 100,000 Chinese leaders and representatives entered the Great Hall of the People on the first of seven days Maos body was scheduled to lie there The new spaper reported from Peking that solemn music filled the hall as the representatives of soldiers, workers and peasants filed in Hundreds of buses filled the adjoining Tien An Men square, where 5,000 people reportedly had lined up an hour before the mourning services began Those leaving the hall after viewing Maos body showed indications of having been deeply moved, Asahi said. Controllers Quizzed In Crash 176-Dea- th Five Yugoslav air ZAGREB, Yugoslavia (AP) traffic controllers were taken into custody for questioning Saturday about how two airliners supposedly under their control could have met head-o- n at a combined speed of 1.200 miles oer hour m the worst air collision in aviation history The controllers were all on duty Friday at the time of the collision, which killed all 176 persons aboard a British Airways Trident 3 and a chartered Yugoslav DC9 The debris killed a Yugoslav woman working on her farm Bi itish Airways said m London two passengers on the British plane were Americans They were identified as H Lane, 63, who lived in Istanbul and pave his next of kin s address as Orleans, Mass , and Howard Eugene Jennings, whose mother lives in Abilene, Tex The planes were cruising m a clear sky at 32,800 feet, in one of the busiest air corridors in the world A Yugoslav judge who is m charge of the investigation said the controllers had probably incorrectly judged the altitudes of the two planes spokesman for the Yugoslav charter company wh'ch owned the I)C9, indirectly blamed the controllers for the crash He said planes at that of absolute responsibility altitude were the controllers at Zagreb A Inex-Adri- The Interlude Scent & Satin package includes Interlude Perfumed Cologne Spray Round-the-Cfoc- pure fragronce because there is no Natural Spray gives you 100 propellent, Performs On 2-- Interlude Portable Natural Spray Perfumed spray that goes where you do Time For Fail 3-- Interlude Body Lotion A moisturizing treatment for your entire body. Dry Skin Moisture-whippe- Air Spun 33-o- z cream deep-cleansi- '2-o- Ir.fsr! wJc , ths clcgwiit frsgrcsa.es Bah & Body Perfume, , $8 0 0 0 5.50 0 17.50 0 3.75-o- z Perfumed Mist, , $9 Perfumed Cologne, , $10 6-, Powder, Dusting $9 Perfumed Cologne, natural spray, 2-- 0 $121 , V2-0- Z $2 Agilon stockings .. lacy panty top, reinforced 'Pretty Panty' i 0 $13 Fashion Hosiery include: all sheer pantyhose 'Nude 'n Naughty' with sandal toe . . . 2.50 toe . . $3 . 4-- oz sheer, fluted top, 'Room-at-the-To- p' oz Body Lotion, Perfume, 'k-o- 4-- z 8-- , , 2-- , , $9 extra size $8 Reuters News Agency LONDON Prime Minister James Callaghan publicly thanked the countrys powerful trade union leaders Saturday for persuading the leaders of 38,000 seamen to call off a strike due to start at midnight Saturday night As Britain sighed with relief at the seamens union s postponement, for 15 days of their planned strike, the Trades Union Congress (TUC) and the seamen's leaders were setting up a joint committee to meet Monday to seek a peace formula The seamen want a six sterling ($10) a week pay rise, which the TUC says will bleak the national agr ement to keep all wage rises to an average 4 5 percent The TUC and the slooownets have oueieu four sterling a week . . . 3.50 0 Hope 0 Z Bath & Body Perfume, , 7.50 Perfumed Cologne natural spray. 2 oz Perfumed Cologne, z , 8.50 Perfumed Mist, , $8 V2-0- $8 0 0 2-- , 0 Miracle Air SfDurf Frances Denney Skincare , 7.50 0 Neck Contour Night Cream, 7.50 0 6.50 0 Eye Cream, ,$100 Quick Pock clay masque, 6.50 0 Herbal Body Lotion, 7. $6 0 Incandescent Cheek Paint, 6.50 0 Suit y Sienna 0 Flapper Peach Sunny Red 0 Perfect Pink 0 Sassy Cense 0 Fade-awa- & , z , 2-- , 5-- ZCMf SHOPPING , i ' y. Si $ SERVICE yjsv Salt Lake City, Utah 84137 Please send Frances Denney's Interlude Scent & Satin for ust 7.50 with no Be sure to indicate my additional purrhese of $5 or mere yes quantities desired on the above check list and mail it in with this coupon Charge Arct No Name Address Cn y, State, Zip. . Tummy Control Rmtyhose 2-- oz y, r Seamen Call Strike Delay styles is ck . Moisturizer Z Round-the-Clo- reinforced toe . . $3 Other great styles to choose from in 4-- oz Maintains moisture for smoother skin, contains a sunscreen V2-0- One of Round-the-Cloc- k. the 'Tummy Control' pantyhose which creates a smooth line from waist to Restores the pH level essential for healthy skin. er . . nylon will fit you just like the our favorite z Formula A.B.C. Normalizing Lotion Multi-loy- s name says Cleansing Cream d, k 0 check, MO 0 x r blfi-T1 "1 R 4 v & 7 if: I tfk jS ?',&a 4 i J V . r V He X- X ' rJ i I C O D tv 1 a O 3V2 I |