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Show a. j 8 A IK? Fn't LVe TriV 1 . fgaitMM-f- aaritAto.JtJH urfStfM Si 'AsjrvGTON (AP) - ( Archbishoj) Reuters News Agency WASHINGTON The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Donald Cog-gatarrived Saturday for a weeklong visit to the ,, States which whe will receive two awards and will ad- dress the General Convention of the Episcopal Church in Minneapolis He will preach the ser-ioand dedicate the :! v f " ' . v I.- - RSSSS'3 r '' v x o t' ' i j f-- j " V- - LU,S SkV-- 1 . - : i SJ j- VT--- tJ 44 V- -J. . 4 : f . y- f , i- - r" j if ArV if 3$ ' 4 A ' ! ' - i EXCEPTIONAL VALUES: COLLE j nij?d v 1' v r :''Y'&1 X , - j fci'Vtd. ' Y - l&- v taSSEV-- . ; i "'T also The President . , f a ' it. I'" ;lQi : bw tSTM signed bills Authorizing $148 niillion for Department f Commerce maritime programs fer fiscal year 1977The biggest share, 3 7 million, is marked for differential subsidies to American iWP owners operating in foreign trade n tnave Sunday at the 'tvVaahingion t-z:- .J7Y agen-I'nlte- during i H fe2iU-- Secret Service , ft ' F president-elec- t. . U.5. to Greet A i f f It also authorizes pro tectlon for the families of the president ancj dee spokesman said the bill put8 jn0 jaw actton al- ready being carried out in protecting the wives of Democratic presidential candidates Jimmy Car- ter, his running mate Sen Walter Mondale, Sen Bob Dole, the Republican vice presidential candidate. The bill also makes it unlawful for anyone to interfere with any feder- d lw enforcement c assisting the Secret Service in its protection duties. p' " - Xu t Protection Plan President Ford signed a bill Saturday which offi- daily provides Secret Service protection for the spouses of presidential and vice presidential candidates. - USh. Law to Broaden r; J I. ,a Episcopal 'Cathedral, luesday he will receive an honorary - ear-degr- from Moravian College, in Bethlehem, Pa , and Wednesday will meet Episcopal leaders in Long Island, N.Y. Dr Coggan wail address the Episcopel convention in Minneapolis Thursday. T THE $284 8 Authorizing of r CONTEMPORARY million for the U S. Coast Guard for fiscal year 1977. 4 Piece Set LOOK Triple dresser Triple dresser ,f and YOUR CHOICE 4--, 5-- Drawer chest Queen or full headboqrd Frame mirror Lea's "Scondia" correlated collection Is the perfect ticket for the practical buyer Its lines are sleek and uncluttered it's flexibility is unlimited. Crafted In light oak and oak veneers, this bedroom furniture Is built to last In addition to the items shown here, a complete collection of correlates is available to add functional drama to yourfamily room or bedroom. 6-pie- ce New 55mph limit makes radar detection a must! TM Radar Detector DELUXE BEDROOM SET 6 Piece Set Five drawer chest Triple 9 drawer dresser Two night stands Framed and beveled mirTcr Queen or full size headboard This is a dream of a set. Six pieces in Mediterranean styling. Each piece is carefully matched with deep sculptured front and side panels Tests by major auto magazines prove that Snooper is the radar warning system that really works. Extra long effective detection range. Be a safer, more aware driver. Easy to install on cars dash. Works on cars electrical' system or cigarette lighter. Order today! One year warranty. TH TAPE HEAD CO. UB 665 So. Stato Street Pil. 521-333- 8 ' Find out about vV,r-- home improvements that save energy and maintenance dollars... rc m :t i T- 32. - V:1 'A Ilf V 1 . i' - A A -- Vrt r - - - -' - - JS MU , 'X T-.-f- ll - 34, I 1 V ' " -- ''.7 r 5 s m- - jr- - fir; - 4 ill 37 r,f' i I ! H i wfi k I-- V f I h I 'XW' w' ... evte p. f iI JtSU1" 'PINE IN THE AMERICAN TRADITION a; 4 Piece Group ' 70 Triple dtosser Hutch mirror Full cr queen hoadooard with reduced fuel consumption. can save ideas aooul on how you Reynolds book Is full of energy and maintenance costs with Reynolds Aluminum Daildmg Products Read about maintenance savings with Reynolds Alummum American Classic' Siding Mail the coupon today Phone (801) (rlurmg weekday r S8MMI I IpwAkt .,s 323-813- chest Enjov the rugged, massive styling of our nahve heritage in this rustic group wih natural oOhd pine fronts Skived edges, solid pine turnings and a mellow, shaded ! msh combine lor a warm, authentic look that 8 business hours) -- Reynolds Aluminum Bu Iding Products 410! West 7tn South Sait Lake City, Utah 84101 I woulu like a copy of your nen FREE book- u; about sjvh 03 on energy and mj nte- - J a, ywy-a ranue coets w h Reynolds Aluminum build- - I "HP Ing Products - W v n ,A J ff - w .V Hi. V- -- rj- iy w F ray r - , 3 ,- a. J , ' v. 5; j y- 4 ... w i , - .1 - V .yyJrf. f our prico seem even more remarkable protected from keys and cosmetics rnqkes tops are Drawer arc The dustproefed , W .5 7' r :T4 Hariri -- I I ku3, SS City , I MMt AL'DRC In - . a tv?YRj4r8T My ume ha weed " jv4 ' - --! V'cf i win& ? f1 J l tsa . Jt K 4, xtvyif,wy o r, ju H 'a .t,, f v t AUSkcSiLh 8rV j fl fV I |