Show proposing an amendment to becton S 2 krucke 10 of the constitution It elatIng to adulation system 11 A it anac enacted M by the letsia tur of 0 state enate or of utah I 1 S I 1 1 ibe I he bolow 10 W proportion to 10 argend the constitution ot of tho me state tate of utah N 1 suba bitted to th the q U 2 I 1 filed ned of tha state to or of utah fur for their a a approve ap r provi P ra TAI ot or millsap namely geltion 2 11 0 of the LOnsk itu mon of the baute of utah bo be to read a 1 I bo publik i stein shall include kin derva ten schools coul moll choals of ol primary and gramma a lr grades high bluh dt an college a university and fauch othe baboul ail as the leg may establish comagon ticho ola be I 1 tree free ale 11 e other department depart menn asater shall ho ie supported oried ai iii provided by law Provi deAl that hleb high aloois ia Y re maintained me la in alt all ciale ot of the first ile and see 1 cla 1 no now chool hool an I 1 in A ich other citler and a at may mar be depilated by the ture ire hut where the proportion of chool apportioned or to any an city or district shall u ni it ha Nutt lelent to mat tn all the arte no n o 1 in guch city or dis district trint thi high shall by toy local taxa tata 1 ton provided that aben any ct enli bilth hoole legisla legislature turo may mar athly U of tale state school funds to itri in alne Hc choon hooli haid fu fun it Is be I 1 leg irig to hie tile citler or districts con ton cernei D by r iho the tate state nihed ot of education I 1 oe tiong i taic is hereby ad 0 bf b bubli h ed in last at 1 one in ere coun ta 0 t beree newt piper I 1 ill 1711 bed I 1 tavy kaoniba bitely the hb next 1 ice feeal elation elf tion 1 section action 3 dball be submit led ted to the elector 11 of thin abi klate at the next ki fan i via 1 election for hr approval or d roval all knicl ballot U ed at t bob such el atrall allue printed or written thereon the word kar 1 the amendment ti tu section 2 arti artl ole IQ 0 1 the constitution nal rn LA it alst the tile 5 2 article 10 0 together wilt ucb bucu otter title balag kix h a may mar 10 by law SAI I 1 ballot I 1 la a aled rs elved and said vatel ball be taken counted VAD TAmed ami and the r t j thereon be made in taft t ho same man is nal namrud bea in all re acts n IA pit lcd fad by law in ahn to of abc nl ector of the adte I 1 if it adopted adon at kald electria elect fia shall take effect anil be fa in force ira from ao after abe kimt lay of januario Janu arii A L I 1 state tate of utah OM u ot at 81 a of 1 charlas S 11 insey so detary ot of stata ot of ahn state galeot of utah do berka ct reify ht ht the tore fore is I 1 6 lull true anti and correct ut of a re rao 60 lution an to eat ott 2 article 1 laut 0 of abe of the 06 tte state of 0 L tan tah re alog education bubile chool SO ey tera teat ina in nten ance gamed it at abe irth ebion of cf the ie mature of thil antt 1 S wima KlOK ov I 1 hw h w here hr ani my ml hand and and nd affixed i two 1 L ii 1 tatt tait of altah ah Is ul hatt sait lake city this abl ard 3rd da do of ao auert A V 1906 1 rl I 1 pall ry rf vr tat tato i amt pub aug 30 aa nur NOT |