Show 1 EASTERN UTAH ADVOCATE incorporated 11 W CROCKETT manager it 59 TO boe roe one dollar per inch per month libaw discount OB 00 yearly contract contracts leata ciu per line first aninon on rive r iv cent cents a line each issue lat aca cent pep per line dirst insertion vivo ri cent cents a line each subset t aft e resolutions etc aulala loel ine ing notice rates all to ADVOCATE publishing CO price pice utah THURSDAY NOVEMBER 1 1905 1906 grover cle eland appears to bo be concealed in a larga pile ile of sawed wood thole is too much prosperity abroad for car boa bon county to go do a ie tills this year of our lord it hundred undred six sin lillian R u s sell is making a more lubs fuss over the loss of a few diamonds d 1 than nho would over tho the loss of a few fair husbands s no attention should bo be given democratic cam dign pulga sprung attebe at the eleventh hour asit as it were they will bo be abroad in plenty wore the great moral and religious asked for advise it would say pub put a cross under tho the eagle and beehive and lot or go at that carbon county republicans offer to the voters oters this ear vear one of the tho best tickets ticket q over put up hy by any party th tho 0 advocate can but believe that the voter voters will rally to its support and insure its election from top to bottom captain richard pearson hobson is going V to attend the encampment of pf the spanish war var veterans in washington but it is understood that as a matter of protection he will wear ill his marriage certificate on the outside the ile AdV octo could not bayt say word against 1 levi N harmon ag ii it citizen and a gont gentleman loin an it if it desired to bt bia if elected county attorney who is to fill the office harmon is not qualified foe for tho the and his election would mean additional addition at expense to the taxpayers as its when arthur J lee hold it the gambling clement element is fighting judge frye alleging that ho lie and sheriff hill were instrumental in closing thorn them down prof carl R marcuson candidate on the republican ticket for county superintendent of schools has been in a it salt lake city hospital for loveral lays undergoing n att operation previously he lie waa was confined to hit hn homo home at pric several days which has bas prevented his getting gotting mound at aund among the voters his fi ft lends londi in lq the several precincts how ever will ivill not nci forget him hlin next tuesday when they go 0 o to cast their ballots he is not only most corn com jaent but deserving as well i when the western pacific is completed from froin S 8 ailt lt inico city to san francisco F ran cisco it is estimated the earning powe of tho the denver and rio geande will bo be largely increased the management stated states that the sau san fir incisco disturbances havo have in noway no way 0 altered the tho intention of exEc extending tiding the western pac clao to tho the coast will give them a through chaimov tor for shipments to china japan and the philippines philippine and nt tit the same gania time inan than double tho the adt pi M csont heavy of tho the four coal camps oc or tho the utah fuel company in carbon comity tle Ado lias has nt itt no time into r VI thoo alio filp ath uli it politically but this iff fg n republican ns paper and is 1 supporting of the party those who expect laudation lau nation of the comra do piracy or any of its candidate are labo laboring 0 ang under udder an hallucination the nian tuan who udita the payroll and bills for material und that is us reserves tho the right to conduct the or groat great moral and religious as best suits hicso hi mso 1 w holo j is for pr nalo sale today or nt at any A tp toiuo e someone s comes around with the price then the vw naw after may run it upon his own idelis fu ju f when a newspaper men man wants to tido rido n state ho must pay his fain in when the oads ads want to adaise ad etise e tise their line in III other they musi pay it advertising ver cannom bo bu exchanged n for transportation uny any moro mor than potatoes or calico can bo be exchanged oc hanged for transportation such is the decision rendered by jh knapp of th interstate 1 coly commission continuing li it says sity i all tariffs i filed hi lit the hi lit nican tho the ratos rates in colbry and centa anil and in no ca is it provided that transportation clin 0 e paid fir for eulth property all or vr which bich Is mou V gratifying to the legitimate nowa ap aper tk fc ki ly 44 W t 1 gown own of palo pale pink batin satin finish india silk with a tiny white 11 figure 0 the cor cot age ae was ma manewith made with a n narrow pointed yoke of valen vale n cinnes lace mitered rait ered down the center and inset with an ov oval 1 l shaped medallion of white irish lace the sketch shows this yoke made with nith a dutch yoke but a collar oe of the transparent lace could bo added if a collarless neck is not become n r the grown gown was trimmed with inch and a it half wide val insertion and small irish lace medallions the fint val insertion being in used to outline the heavier lace figures us its hown shown in the drawing the upper par of the bodice was shirred back and front and just below the lace trimming which decorated the upper part was it group of narrow tucks the sleeves very graceful in design the top being a ery cry chort cap of the silk scalloped on the edge and finish cd ed by a it row of the insertion which in t ira rn wals was a shirred frill of very bairow nai row pink silk ribbon the inner sleeve was made of plaited frills of fin fine white ewhite not each frill being edged by a row of the narrow pink ribbon the ruffles ec being sot set on a lining linin of the net so that the nievo was rather transparent this pink ribbon ribbon was also used in te tc t c bodice as it was formed into a bowknot design at tho the base baso of each lace medal medallion linn it us it study of the sketch ketch will i ill explain the skirt wits tucked tho bottom a wide tuck with two groups of narrow tucks being used and on each side of the front was wag a design n of 1 lace and the medallions the upper martof part of the skirt while not princess was made so sio that a separate girdle m WAS as unnecessary the silk being to a shallow foundation girdle piece pf lawn and worn over the anit |