Show A 1 5 it chain herin in cau louica vit remedy Ilc moly wn wet have used chamberlains cough Itei plemely nedy in out homo home for oven seven years and it ble remedy we have aund boil that it would d 1 more thun than tho the facter era ers clafto for it it Is i especially good jor for croup and beough ke re james A Lii ivia pastor diluca minn 31 R churco ins cough Is sold by sier mer company price and lowen stein aco co li ellor old for sale at thia this office fl cc a luin it u nd dwi 1 reduced rates from utah and idaho to oil all enet east ona anti retura via I 1 han FROM OGDEN OeD ENANO AND SALT LAKE CITY TO missouri liff chicago 44 bo go st louis 30 29 50 proportionate hates from idaho and other point mints dales dates oessie nov bom AM bocc 11 m return limit sixty day days send for literature C F WARREN gen agent TIA atchison Atch lson topeka santafe santa fe ity ny 4 11 doola block salt lake ca city ar W BT attorney d law D UTAH will practice in all the courts W wah H 11 tift in nil all the court of the state also aba in the court omes at chirs house F F FISK A D physician and surgeon 1 1 UTAH u FOUK FOUR W D livingston LIVING STOK Law lantor tor MANTI welt water and Lit litterton teaton olven giver attention Att etalon land matten collection und a 1 aeral A of tell A alj wll wil arao olice tic in n nil rill the lurt A t rf ate end far ears 40 troubled with bit fourness fou eness and consal constipation patton wiloh anade t life fur for ti ano my appet it failed M I 1 lost MY aa ual dorco odd and vitality pepsin auti aply oa 01 made matters worse I 1 da bot know where I 1 have been today liml had I X not mot tried cham stomach nod and liver tablets the tablet relieve the lit III feeling at n once tw tho tuno tlona helping hel the a stem to do ita its work mrs kosa potta potts birmingham ala these tablets are foi rot sale by lowenstein Lowen stelo mercantile llo CaNti pally and it co ck hoi per |