Show probate and guardianship no ice tice Consult t count clerk or the respect file 1 igne for further information in the district courtw the bey bev nth judicial Sudi cial Dist rictor the Sta teof za h b within and for ghe i county of ca ion oa in the mutter matter of the estate of r caff ey deceased notice the petition it cl in V ditley admin airato tt of ot the e estate te of cc caffer I 1 caffey dec decca cawa wo prall praying ii for r the tt it cf cr lenat in a iw or the distal dist r t butkin of the residue of wd estate to the tic per kan entitled thereto ha tiza been set pet for foraja mating ring on the I 1 oth day of november Nv ember k U D 1900 at in at the county court house la a the court room owsald of raid court in price carboa county utah wa wean the clerk of sal anil I 1 court and the seat thereof blued i auh D loco 1006 day rt of october A 7 U 1 U ItOLO AWAA clerk farat ft t put oct 2 ZT is at noy NOT I 8 slit HALF nailie not ite id hereby 1 that under and ana by vir 1 y tue 0 a 8 decree of foreclosure and ana ale sate of the seventh judicial ifred out for court cour in and carbon county of utah arted and delivered an heria of aid said will on the 3rd county I 1 day dair of 0 november 0 clock ef sald 1601 igo at 2 day at price 1 at the froal imal door of the court boi hoi se in kald aid chilt y offer for ale nt a 1 ablo pabla to to tb the aad and bost fa 4 ear lithe following bidder wit thea property prop Tty to ee cintr p 12 south of II 11 fast the hunan of aalt u meddian in a county tale of utah carbon beDl dae the acres to property of bevy william at the mil suit et ux of s V j joanou nu IW IC 1 V K aza co doing bemine bu mine hodr thearin of jehnwn on name dated tibb iboa 1 IM bialt 14 ger |