Show S QUITE MODERATE DERAT E cent storm has its ts effect on the t markets of t the ne east shortage of railroad cars also important factor KANSAS CITY mo oct 27 cat j receipts vere moderate rooi lerate this artly b causo of tho the storm the first a Ae aleek eek but mainly on account of cje ear car shortage of cars complaints g beard faoul nil all localities of car iri egge ag and the rali ralli oads are alpar ar swamped game flonie relief Is prom boon us its stuff from tho the native tra tris a is not ery beav now gost ot of ft it ban lu ili and more cars can W i ent sent to outlying points the in ir r lei it being helped by the email small re pta prices a little higher this week tilt wt closing the week with the usual det tone A large number of cattle uye come in from new mexico and all idoa ong the pastern eastern slope andl and a rood good duy cows froni from the batih indie dockers have sali from 3 00 to 4 10 feet i 3 35 to 15 83 85 hitters up to frao ato colorado cown 2 50 to 43 35 ie mexico and panhandle cow cove a fa 2 40 tj 13 oo 00 including twenty eight car cars of gt halsell isell cows at 3 00 and thirty eat rate s i I 1 T cows at 2 80 bulls 2 10 to po 20 up to heavy calves j rather dull at fit 3 00 09 to 4 op 09 calf re are extra heavy thi this week eek and n 1 1 d ahnie a been larg all 0 of Octol october pr alood ua 0 d receipts are expected all of but the win will probably bo be strung out so that they can be handled without injuring InI tirIng the present healthy condition of the markel I 1 the supply la a third smaller week than last but prices p t ices are not quite aa as high as a week igo 1 g 0 good G 0 1 I killing stuff Is in derong denand deni t i id how h 0 ai ever as iho the quality ot of the receipts Is common com nion taken generally taking on the I 1 kaid ud of the season sea zon appearance beat lambs have sold at 7 15 13 to 7 3 this week medium lambs 6 good feeding lamba lambs around 0 00 common trashy limba limbs 5 00 yearlings sold nt at 55 ca anthers ewes jor or ter 30 5 go to 5 15 feeding sold at ft SO breeding owes very N cry common at t 4 25 a few ai al 5 00 bondt tlona all seem scent to favor sellers as re will soon be iauch smaller and the number on feed la Is short tills this win ter |