Show LANDS WITHDRAWN FROM FRONI agricultural ENTRY frank D hobbs register of tho the united P F tea tes land office omm at suit lake city furnishes tho the advocate at te with tho the following which will undoubtedly be of 01 interest to readers throughout this section of the 4 he governor po vernor of tho the state of utah having made application under tinder the acton act of contress conR ress approved august 18 1901 for the sur vey of the ansar uns eyed part of town ship 14 south kango range I 2 west and 4 south 16 east notice Is hereby given glen that the salil said lands ure tire by order of the of land domce of V aad and reserve from entry to take effect on and after october 12 1008 and continue until the expiration of sixty sixty gnys from the dato date of tho tile tiling illing of the official plate plats of survey in this which sixty days tho state authorities may any ally and nil nii of suld lands which are not 0 in any valid alvoree claim 1 |