Show transcript FILED ILE DIN IN THE JOSEPH F SMI fh CASE tho The transcript tn in tho the u caw ot of the state joseph H smith preal dent of the be mormon church was ellei in tho the district court at salt lake city last lust week toge al with an all inform 1 tion signed by DIetrict District Attorney briw etick 1 n loofbourow in which preal prest flent dent smith Is charged ch argei with having violated tho the statutes by living with anoro thun ono difo abe bhea mini id ed in the information with whom it Is charged that president smith lived are julla a smith una L smith alice K smith and mary f smith it la 18 the tile a cabe upon ahil president smith una isas arrid arraigned gued la in the city court elwe ao and in which he waived his preliminary hearing |