Show REPORT nr OF DENVER RIO RANDE JUST issued MOST flattering ONE the report of the denver ana kio rio orinde or inde director for the toll of 1 august la jv at hand it bloss a gathof gain of in grona caminas neatly I 1 1 dent over 1905 the latter bing ing rated aa as a prosperous month tn in the tile net ea mingil betterments provided for the august gain beads 7 or over S 5 per cent for the two wo montha ending ini ling anawat coine eelig the tile bestif beet of tho the tourist season the e gain in gross wae was or 9 per cent whito tho the gairl aill net 1 wae as 1 pr er cent when it ie is recalled that tin the 1905 for the tho of 1111 ana unit august were n lucli uch larger than the i previous turns for tho tile bina periods per ioda the showing made in the drat first two months of 0 the present fiscal ear neut be conceded conce deil tu be moal most favor able the gross for august 1505 in creased it per cent over the same ni in it 1004 and for the two months endell august 31 1905 over 16 11 per cent rain gain was aa shown a aa compared the same time in 1904 1904 |