Show THE WYAN DOTTES iab or the tk lift 1 10 o 1 all 11 go 0 trot aa A a genc i ral purpose fowl the W tex are considered 1 IT u wara as equals equaled only by the ali plymouth hock their aright I 1 recent dating bark back lew than 23 3 yearn yeam they dearsm am originally from f rain the dark HIM hamburg oil ani I 1 the ureda a french fowl hot a few ad thorlton thorl thor tin ldes may fay bat that yan detts haxe have 04 ailin blood iu in them from front the file fart fact that their aue auction tors produced single iuga combe combs and lega 1 ft r general ilem the tb tto lium hai has a iving of medium suc bite axe weighing an ali average a juul 1 lees than the be plymouth rack fowl hardy of constitution bud layerd they tire filly easily eared for mud 1 war con finen icat wll well for table 1 they ae av a e v of ma perlor nax alor worth kneir fief it Is cimett ft juicy ami and bruder making eacel if lelit lit broilers broi 11 lern and roaster a laycoe they are re anious o 0 the tast aa from frons 13 12 to 14 dozen caks a year and A m winter layen layers they do to well under ardi nary D try el there are five varieties of be the wyan doit clarq und it in i only illy a matter ot opinion as a regarda a choice of tile it 2 be gentral aie ate the same ruze WT ATT dotte cockerel duall alio difference iu lit color colorow of being the tile only bark ark the laced wyandotte is of tf a all try lute plumage 1 with regularly Ina A bite baciu lacing on breast aud and a generoux Rene roux distribution of black r without the entire body the tile coal L jh a silver white bead raw twe con monib b oil u yd vz hackle backle avith vii ali a block black alit h 1 of tach each feat ber fit ter white 11 u samo ni ai bread arvas I 1 lack ack with white penter tail black 1 hair half macl black aud and half white fit rather black edged with white aben wing I 1 if folded there should bogold pe 0 4 epli defiled kh hii ike and toce ices aro are tich rich yellow fire free from train feather alig the hen of ard r briety in mallvil Leil similarly ill i aho h male excepting the trick an olt I 1 whip winch are whiter in malt than frinkle fri ein nAle the of female lemale 11 1 1 of much importance iu in breedl acol fw bird birds abi facing goold I 1 be nud dud distinct the while thie of each feather to bo to arca arcia wack or brown the golden Wyant lotte is marked lite tho ho filver except ilig that the color Is i golden baynand bladel etli tead of white and black tho the white whito v satiety is r r hupf the jarinto of tho the atau lo 10 it 0 clams claie ef froni frons tho the fact that it to i dot on difficult tot t rm 4 to feat tic b r the plu marso beiva pare white they are for to ibie ibis triou tin til nerr practical rac fowl for the bo fanner farmer or thome who keep poni mill try lor for tho the buff wyandotte tn is iu fit dor 1 a teet N clear buff out fern la in bade except the he tail A i per butt croop h L muan colm the are ure cf of a libb glo black with greenish locast ill and aff are pure ballel bl acl |