Show I 1 it in ill tui josam iw daring during my recent sojourn in E i ery cry county I 1 called on frank carrol carrot at Orangey Orange illo villo to eee see bow bus loest wu was with ilia frank sail li was rather quiet and he baj had been doing something at poetry to kill time hen ii 1 something be he wrote on the emery ben hen which I 1 think pretty fair yon you bare have heard beard ot of maul on the summer a day lay who raked the meadow freeli fresh willi boy bay bet hutc i oa beard of the emery hen greatest blessing bawin of all to men does tho the dear young girl who wishes a b unet gj ga keeping book books or write a tonne lot st much abe she harnesses the maie and unit to town rho ho goes and the emery ben hen prod oct she ex bangt 9 for doe does the old 0 lit man need a new coat or vet vest be lie bustles in the baro barnyard yard yoc you know the mt and when the old ady adf needs a new sown gown coes ebe she fly away wi Is h cab cash to town oh ob no eho rustles the festive foatie eg gg and goes for the man who woul I 1 pull her leg tapa bail all hail bail to the to men Klondy Klou dykes kee and rolling mill will stock all may way rie rise but the emery hen is U teady ebe she hiu has no flies files a the eternal fitt lese of thing fer f er ap p 1 to me I 1 was particularly truck av th this trat in my cartter while visiting tinK Cast ledde finery county a hort short time all b ce ca and if it there I 1 Is acy cy thing in baman human naturi that wine wins my admiration it li perhaps from an into etive and inherent knowledge that I 1 ain stu the therein rein def d ident it is I 1 nifae the sublime ob liun 11 nod n d heroic this more or less abstruse al will ix a ay predated by bo the reader of the advocate when I 1 ea look at elukin wb who a Is i the there a more martial fin rt a nobler i to the anin formed for ml it ie is right and tilting to here state that ww hinkin is deau decaty t Y sheriff of ellesy I 1 bare beani 1 it stated tal that at the name of ki batch bats dj dy trembles 11 all oar out lore alili reputation fur fir red and ul tit abere here would lo 10 oar car It clulo la in abhi and ibe nn 1 I all I hail ail tie tl I 1 calr one oile filing win awl I 1 d ul dg gra t on ou tunit is i r ur or not ibo jile im is I 1 might mightier ser than tb th a word As crupt aly cuino auder the atal 11 wb who osice 1 illy Y thong their 1 I isope to brine bring ti alj tu to luy toy wy way ut vf af er A nn hilo 0 yur yov of 0 course havo beard ol 01 pike s lik yoa you batt afa herd there the he coy nat route lur etc p and iii ins agine gin that you ara one 0 I 1 the be pe celines liNes on tb I 1 beech beach well pride pvn a tall the text time yon you an are down in emery county jail jutt uk esk in a certain town which you cn call easily ascertain but which ahill shall be beB as s here her for for a ako pink pelik after partaking of two or of three of twist decoction si on will neu men U aou 13 your experience on the tb great rado fado summit with due da humility a a uke uk to plank of drits ond tossed on lb be steer watery main in another plok plank encounters meets touch end parts again N imbed and berer oa 03 life 9 oft V e ineat oua ul touch anti sever I 1 arting eternal ij I 1 taw saw abo aboto liar lines I 1 an autograph way down in maine year years sip al and 3 d in to uy then uns yer years I 1 t ebud it poetic expression of a md old troth truth education subs fluently taught mo the falsity of its met meter I 1 blabbed in Is after ears care when I 1 found the familiar strain running on sol chord of memory and finally ho the fa ande do ceicle world knocked til all 11 ll sentiment ally gally west cat but in a lite bite and mood tonight he the old idol ct et youth art stil ertS it self f it an I 1 thinking of itse I 1 fondest hopes that bare deLo yedo I 1 sair if it patr all it aut jut its A tell ell to the herial rials a m lit tace of the so ioe soso so 1 Is red and ard violet oatt baue t aoe thy lues of pur our youth whit wild we not all gire give for talt of feeling hit thit joy and lov love for I 1 wort I 1 which ambit imbu 4 n U when in sadly bad penmanship we wrote these uncouth i a in wire little albom and knew they were duly what if it ibe the meter latter yos bad th rhythm ara cd sos and tta tho I 1 sincerity wae was there and joy and blip pine plum nj nil parity purity of heart when yon you are next giten given ts I 1 melan whirr wh n you are misconstrued construed uila and misunderstood when ame mme object drar dear to yon you Is I 1 a it true and earnest regard tak the wins wings of memory and fly back in fancy to ibe the rudi poesy of and girl boud tube take the joshers Jo ebere word it will clarify 11 lo 10 conr r conscience an n I 1 do yon you good a 0 they are great atra tracer Zere in emery colloy it ie Is amid id there ii Is a bone horse for every baby born couLl ering the well its t pretty tall trading I 1 forget whether it wea was milt tattle at orangeville Orang eville 11 george brandon or abo hammon Ila inmon of huntington v hom I 1 beard up the merits of a remarkable gan gun on ome some trading dicker at auy any rate liere here Is i about borr this wonderful weapon was described now be he said this thi gun igan it aimed rbt right will hoot shoot up be the street aud and around be the block with practice yon you cuu shoot around any house and it bae has great force once when I 1 was on deer bunting I 1 shot a buck in the rear it t A yards and be he turned so lie ball came back and took my hat 0 it ita groat great gun I 1 bear the other qualifications of this mtr mir fan gnu the teller seller my look ouk of pained incredulity and tone 11 bis bin voice to what ie is known in polite society as an inaudible inan dible I 1 she waa WAS as fair as s a poet a june dream her anburn locks glistened in the sun son light as the summer bal re gleefully played with and scattered them in sweet profusion her iler azure gaz ile ai eyes wan won dered over bill end and di dal and her tweet klabe klable little mouth often opened to ak unique and astonishing astonish loR questions jalk fur this nice little tenderfoot t was a recent passenger pa with jack palmer had told her many whopper hoppers exploited tha dangela of miller creek in fall time etc aud and all hd bosn been quiet for awhile suddenly bho cried oh aeo we the deer deel we all tamed tarried and saw slinking over the prairie pr ulrie in swift stealthy sander dep a measly 3 ellow haired coyote jck jsck lores loves a daar d and bates hates a and be he ft ficzo ozo up and eay any a word to bit hii charmer for the balance of the trip a WHAT TUB THE WOULD TO why all the 1110 grande western t maiale do not ps pat tm tiTi alter after the innate cx griesy of gen A john cruelly donnelly vesa a bral braich lh railroad will be built dowl the be valley aa an I 1 it bricis wont get raed ed as the terminus if it she don t lot set a hump on and watch her interests inter Inte wt why some of our enterprising mer ibanes and capitalists not try to cor ral 1 tome some of the capital being invested rested in in on suar at beet fac factor tori lr there is abundant evidence that the soil soll hereabouts is with ut a peer for I 1 ibe he of augir vets V ets wl IV y in thunder human nature is so to ornery nut an bused as to prompt one to exchange t a load of trouble for fo ralond it load of I 1 quoit why aba tbd advocate Adro cate is more quoted frum r rum ban any ei her ber w ekly in to ulal |