Show market wrote benefit of callon aej eury eutry county readers the advocate enst defore going to areep will gir give a brief commary of ibe the in milked sikes of the world mal 01 ol the ib coing co cn ing sas liso lations cc 00 cereals tie tic la in which oar our tellers off rr maal 1 Urne tally bleaking kp the tb luarka is a rising one an 0 o I 1 clu in on a linner and steadier tte edler condition with lib bibber price prices 1 fur for tb the I 1 tw rip wk ew day bigo bat sif and ul is at t the dollar floro aa the b chi cago ward an I 1 11 I 1 ii it predicted ted ly by reo rot 11 authorities hat that price prices or alfoot ure sure te until opting wheat will likely reach a flar to many now would iut nit be credited 1111 locally it it Is laid ahat many farmers nil will dab club to I 1 ather boil ud for the urt ur t lime A ay iy 11 dire lanct C to chloro the rila rain cf of ibe the past cooled just at t the time not to 10 work an a injury to growing grow liiK batile dined d dc lined some daring ibe the ark k bat but not mi to an a silo extent theal t lift are r till still firm grin with averl oj ol a farther further advance following ru to the 1 beat adi klc c cattle steers 1 I juo J 1 D 1 f t 43 to i M W ft t 75 3 t alil |