Show 11 LIT 61 mock k llo solbu llata them Is i a of from fro 84 cent cents to ti 1 37 iu in baatu up p iu in the marleta markets lean from ilia tar far weft rat aud anil southwestern bauges anju eluf f eleni for city markets this but ba tu veil union demou by professor Prof eror thomas beaw at the minnesota MInue tot station stati end call eunar sugar seems to be the watchword cf a lot cf of agricultural agrical loral cn era in fit tile northwest at present the farmer ii Is to work out liln ills alTa salia tiou aud and lift alie from his farm arm ly V raising nt zat motion aud and rogar sugar very well wo we luew know there ii Is money ID in good at mutton and int laduc iud sul we believe there Is i locala iu tasting eager boats in the right tight locality altro swill proper Illow ledge ct c beet twit rolton culture opting lanjo CO cents a pound at retail iu a the larco 1111 piersa pt ersa cities it at IOUs an a there itic klis td to 0 b a rofle la its belli raising 1 pigs are more li velt p edg 1110 b pl alof arp arv town billy lal t 04 to W 1 po ripe cpr abe 1 in pu pa IL fralkin will rattle opt biall al tp to the be ground and irp ipa 1128 A V teu for the young pig pigs befaro be old oun ones are ore dope opre tho tippord TIP will la lis f st ni auard 1111 time no to begin wareing iTi Dg green caru fred reed the AVIDO win their coal usual liters 1 regularly n while they are en on abr be tyr A lop slop osuld of uld I 1 flints wd and iran ii to excellent it Is a good plax to tow clover iu in among the rye early in the hiring the ld I 1 will excellent atu for forbe abo bogo hog ith mhd tb fall 1 and winter when the weather la Is suitable alt ablo to I 1 1 anra them oat r r 4 f I 1 f r rr I 1 I 1 0 1 I 1 i i I 1 V t M I 1 I 1 11 |