Show it ie is tho the pm Talling opinion that price town needs a change of rho exertion assertion that the appreciating gold standard is bringing prosperity pro is U tut tilt tire fossil of tilt vuler anil and taxpayer taxpayers of price are do to watch the interests of our out rowing growing little town more cloey in the future lp 3 J F the dollar Is about the lame same tw size but the heartache heartaches of suffering humanity is settling the difference between what it oce once aught bought and what it buy buys now dow the spanish inquisition in lis cuba ubaid Is tai bc 01 3 ta t f fabac cl modem modern vivisectionists while aa an goligh ened cued world look looks calmly on how loog th oh biord lord bow long logi the dingley bill by making crop failures throughout the wold wo ld which rabes the tho pew arc of american product products bad better keep right on and make a diew wort I 1 wherein all mankind can coin be ul py great thing this hi tariff ding republican republicans would rather not talk about ike the of bout about twenty aix alx lx million dollar shown by the official al dij nurr urea of the government receipt receipts and expenditures for july sol an august the me firt two months of the now fiscal year thy th tb y have already done too much touch tail talk ing lug about the surplus that tho new tariff wa certainly going to produce grandpa pot Gr graham allain ct cf the enquirer pate puts up this wall in nie rife renco reace to the another foreigner ii is sent to utah U tah to serve on toe too commission for the allotment of indian lands it wa was hoped that when utah became a tate state that old coloa colonial lat customs would die out but it seems we are still to bare have folli ted spoils na us a lot of outside citizen citizens as federal offlie holders holi lers stich a policy will not help the administration r thi chief of the ion of libor relA tITO to the coi coal I 1 that thu the result A ae AS yet in to lilot tb and apparently at chasid rable distance i ue slid said that all that he lie could pr was tuat he be had hal hopes for jae euco saw sa of the miner miners con teli tion but thit th it what whatever evar mi liht ht ba the final n salt L f this strike the tendency would be in lit the be future towards elzber a way wast a fur the ahiers tho letter of hon han richurd olney it in university wilver eity Lu matter atter recently mad public contain edmo excellent atia it in unfortunate that bilte in ilia calinet of grover tho the great the lito of bbate did not lecture grover un the lines lini bojil led in the tullon lug excerpt bic apt rpt from his hi letter 0 ne true objection however to td the coal ad pel i sued dr andrew by tic the corporation of urucu unive rilly is its it 11 inculcation of tin the doctrine that aitt institution of leaming lean ln should nil all thing things gt get rih and there lorr rp should square lu its teaching teachings and limit too of those who for the time tinie being an stu the rich w ma wa a of the common sty asid degrading of tub this il tUrino ybur niter ully fully aw ud entities you ti U tue gratitude graU inde nut not only of Ame Aust litun siwu citizens generally but of 0 all well wish university in particular t united stites senator john 31 thor tou tell of nebraska kM to the eb ruka bbate convention waa was bat in ion at lm lin L cob loly OL y that he did not ditore a r re e anlou liou tu the his t rm expire expires four cars can 11 hauw cum sinator Th is oue one ut the ii public pillAi 3 or if thi U united la elf undo man luau there was no ailing tc to this at aiom ibe be benator L t I 1 the P people opts way bit duj upon thi this cou chourio co rp vii viz urt dom nut like the duties of a aeu eualer eu alor stor E irly an rho Vs be he ran tau an alws wagon in ill chicago ue lie ru riu we heu LL a 1 lu its a few yein w ulrey r iso boa ix ikuo a gnat anil to lo dily tur is the peer ka aur man la in IRA tt ls country bevery vu bunh h deplore tha tho lagna in our nelso boring county 0 1 I this sif clae lei chero liero in our car now news ceic aero are two cori orallous WILI anit inti r te imbat clamoring bat that ta the of the be othar bj bi ubah ard in ia other vior that its and tho par value of its lok stock bo anil and injured in public cuma ion HOD Be Refe ferenc is I 1 hen here bad had to the suit of of I 1 tb on 1 tou lule it let au co 03 Ts the toss canal coast the stockholders la in be the first named coia pany pony arv allums to a loan stockholders in the litter latter wih at his identity of in ill terek terest why Is I 1 it that they conid could not meet upon mutual ground discard inherent prejudice and find do away with cannot bat but ie be baneful lu in its it ns dinits nit and al 0 of ill titling which time will more eng engeole enle we hare no comment to makil on the tb equity of the legal leg points at issue lut we assert that there innet must be a mutual bill hill top ot of con weelon and agreement ent upon which all fir fair minded men can call meet and 1 we hope that ere abher aar issue of the advocate goes to pries this lappy result will be reached if it all the closed mints 4 the civilized world should sud deul bo be 01 o 1 to the free coinage of silver if it at thop sine time the product of the sliver brer lulow minem wf ril other countries than oar our own should be great ly IY reduced and if it alio at the th ame same time leading nation should pass a aar prohibiting the farther further fren coinage of wheat into lato don flon thus practically restricting ing it its ose use to animal food who can doubt that wheat would fall below SO 50 chati arbila silver would soar above 1 11 I rieu oly ile the berene of this process hae has taken place and oar 0 gold standard andani et frinda dp aak ask n as to abdier that the of silver hai has no hing to do with lt its fall in price they exultantly aek ask us why we dont keep the price of direr bat an 1 w wheat beat close the obvious aply ii is that rbt and ai adver ivor it did 11 1 1 keep clone clime together from the crimes of laj until the closing of the indian mint saints ended free collings in lay by considerable part of the world and finally dually established gall ai as the money of since then silver has bad had only a is commodity value in to spite of imbat that it waa WAS close to wheat in gold sold price only a year ago RO and it there had been as a bood crop crops abroad last year and thia this year aa AS at lit home they would be close together now with free sliver and the pres at short crops abroad wheat would be near 3 2 a bushel th the prosperity which the mi misfortunes fortunes of other court courtrier are giving n no would bo doubled bu but farmers everywhere would be rela better wier off the gold bogi bugs bad better drop their wheat and allbee chatter A short crop at home and a big crop abroad may way nit next year make them look foolish foo lieb me kinley wa thia this ile concedes prosperity ia the west to crop while ho he claim claims eastern prosperity ie is due not to gold but to tariff the silver republican republic ns can call agree with him toey too are pro ri I 1 river TIMES |