Show THE HORSES FOOT 1 norol kr kot ito a lea 1 tillo ally Kl klad fd when we re consider that 60 80 per vat at of til all ailments mid and dl wr affecting the tb bone borne froin 1 the ilia litta tim and ud feet the object subject laud core a portion at tile tb held field of veterinary our corpt ry still ish wirt bran h of aric tice does thil cover ull w lien ileo CO t tb all ingals a A nd it disca rise 1 from at u au balati ml Ml foot fool the tits gmt great need of tody today to be horse her aboard of this raft bot only individually lot lat RI as a tody body of men li Is a cc collaro I 1 logo to obtain a lit higher gher trained trai ixil okill lu in the marue pf A spirit of barkany bud and should in spiro spite tl ill a mind of ever every horse borau bor Lu r to 10 make an immediate effort to f a higher standard of technical this we all 11 II know abe 1 or of today Is but a ff tr petition of f tho of years mg g nud and if it no tells tr are ro taken rho sheer of tomorrow will T III bo be but R raull dimilo to ct of ilyn to a 9 liro here only to look into our streets and what cal inn malt I everywhere we 0 o turn out eyes till this ex troll iely effect ilia foot coupell moro damage ilan ifo and nd destroys moar hot than nil all tho the oilier other endors of it IAM pul kut api then if it the tile cause bo be tho the lot it of that proper 1 a bow how ti balance aud and shoe the foot ihu tho remedy must bo be sufficient of ibi proper method lit of anti til leveling the foot with a proper aiming the tl evil vi ill then be Th tho ubirt of the I 1 irol problem leui hasla long tig provost prove itself for the poor borao on oil cu en the tile to to lo shod will Imi finis sedi abely alce lil co himself ud anuil with bill feet in fit the 11 various a opinions ions painting directly alln atly to tl it a krat of ilia tro ulle the tile poor camb ahr so iu in hot boan abal when ilia ali shoes ahre nol bo relle of bi his plain lut but oil tho he contrary alit flat do tic we we find and instead of the being relieved bv br paria rising the foot it if to left iu lit the mine old wity this goti ou on until 11 1 a axis of aud laud the decter bearick have lacu altered corn r T ou on or more note of ilio tile various hellos comprising the tb various joint taken place resulting iu in of kind perhaps a pari or a rauf ban rr r iu ill ollir other cases tho fot rott inc the hc put pull it i udona give tito beug HO longer sailly ubi q facts burdeno 04 tb pf p I 1 bo he naff bof i icing being rou cou lau results 11 bru theil the ini falls all lulo into the baud hands of the and li lit J jetted c tried to drina nod applier of blistering for the tile want of thai dimply knoper paring still ud bill bat auda the f t I 1 am min arry to pay ills 6 some are n as n Rzora ut 13 pon of facts an the borne horse choser how it iii is for cue to think it the to 10 bare have an nit knowledge knowl edgo of all the tile r structures truc tures the foot and lambi without a of the normal structures coal gitig those parta parts liow how can ft it bo be expected cue ii is to be aby why is it that we can call scarcely find a round foot ou cu any horse aud and u perfectly perfect ly balanced foot as i tan ut to net this cris 1 I 1 call lot lut repeat the ue rie A higher of education for our bortiri borr hoer the question FO to often eked Is i docot the pare my harfen loree feet tto tco iauch I 1 to arsenti thie this I 1 win nin fay bow ow cau tau cuy rilly 0 oue us paro pare a birwe foot iu fit a roper proper manner antler when bo 0 doen not know where F 1 and where to stop bo be it ty by my reader I 1 bat vast OT p fur diio ic foe lic vi ch placed P cunik Ps ai TJ i ho 0 oi abo ish I 1 va the rou full wai vat jar if te le ia be rull I 1 guido gullip tot or paring ell all feet tiow e anit sible lle fot for any pile to 0 o pare imp wp feet like bulor istad tro iho the kid twill faithful PCB of c to jobje bs peo pro pc pie plan Q the be hardships han chip would bo be forced romes it cs cu ibe i to readily i a hot it I 1 he feet I 1 ic 0 lot leg pared churi Fm irit IN hviid at all oil titus to do work this being iole at at the expense cf ome rome vital structure which cur the of pf the lie jig and fort lameness iu fu iti its various forms |