Show LOCAL bocal NEWS NEWS wheat at 1 cil cogo at 1 win wr ot of spring glen was a price 1 visitor 1 on HAt hattway tsAy W 11 II londt Lon 1 gnarl rt of huntington if Is PAT lag lo 10 the highest be lirt cash price for wheat the tb westerns Wyl frn depot and other tire a new now coat of or s wyatt dry n inide A it flying rip trip 10 lo ferron on sunday ri turning by IT daya stage mrs E 11 Il fillimon limon to price on an sunday after a pleasant visit with friends in awk city war howard emer ya county ator ney lattio in huntington sunday evening an aal aol I 1 left cin an mondays catly trill 11 for salt lk lake city lity the flott tp 1 week broke 9 the spring glen aud a tho the irrigating semon to boat about over little inconvenience will malt brotts the tir break rale rat upton for a of yeats sec flon thomasit forfi oan at lost bleab I lt st week through fall mint arts to go over abe U tack mk 4 repair any ny dinae di nae by reason of flood road 1 bi MI mw w tt M 0 aben aben we e 1 so fi ily we on trail ru fo when our cz r v tile to the bronil bwl interests lot erect of olt 13 dovw they sire reeds eeb ablo i will ill me I 1 loy colue couie up wood woods to own hoir field IM n from in an exar a ire lifis it ip through ansons and 1 ii giong with and lit I of tw gwint mi barp MO atte exin again taking icing 0 ap ill IMA me at t spring glen ill 1 me v a ery ry near u future M 1 winit rains thursday Thu relT awl 1 I slay tili tilitha did lein KB go to klo a Uror western ir irick ick between poo ly ity waln olt 1 it glen Glow atil na tt it a p 1 I nt A 46 K 1 K forti ara antl fit pnola w ro albl jn aluide id to t h I 1 am road through 1 S 1 ll her r can f la lit lai i we was ruthi hv bv fl the tb fort Is c 1 late all tat log to tit 1114 nu an i fright fr feht through the he collyon ua on ck rituals als ua on lang 1 with A crew u of anen tozu ibe the the roil food A un Z frela tifer damu at wc writ tk it I 1 a it t t i 4 ul il will ba lm put la a ak pk J JI aj I int at a few ly days jo in the hills milking silting ui bl his bp sheep ao 00 oio X miller ft of huntington points out vacant land lend on township plats W if leocard nt of huntington is I 1 pay ing the Ll heet balth price for wheat 1 uco M miller of huntington ha has ter ulo exio several coul on easy tp A comple of young fellow follows phonographic anle music for fay oar our citizen early in the we IT jew jesse aa of provo mine came lu in fri ily diffut an 1 left on saturdays Satur fays lay bige stage or tb vi ral connary to lhoir hi bit mining wining interests Int ernt J 11 I 1 anil L X cocle n went fug kowt trot chop ur cf y ax L ity 7 4 1 11 ix price merchant crants early in Q I 1 he week W H donaldson 1 1 itra on an ys no I 1 train for bere here bo he pent spent sunday and nd monday visiting friend friends and rel oruel to price J it 11 easton president dent of ibe the emery county mercantile company canto in and ith L 11 31 gokoo duade a trip theonah a enory county few rew town la in utah barp within the it few MAnt luls made rapid ad nent thau than has price only jtb 4 aniced effort will it continue to crow grow K X L Woo woodward dwan and alim ml mary perry were I at the haulta on tow tore lay and left on wednesdays stage afe for V v ernal when where they each leach the coming coining school year it may bo to cec fuary foi lot a man to tol rek down the mountain of his or owin aticy boi but be man li 11 good ifor anything who choba has not ome rome ollney in him hills to use n capon occasion pur for the annual session sovereign edse 10 0 F at springfield ill september 21 ato to 21 the it U 0 western will make a rate of one single 11 fare unil anti ls third on the plan this rate applin applies to all point points ou on the watern bite L T moett of canon carson un union 9 a county oregon would like information informal 1 on loabe 10 the Whereat of her ferfon best william 14 1 wb wt 4 she he cladius when last beard from was in tit castle valley and wait con contemplating tern a I 1 lalo any know lut ing the he address of the young aoi in in to would bonfer a it frn by addressing add maing big me a above 1 on olt 1 of lut last frk attorney howard of emery couly waa was filled o to ferroll to horace chr chursed ged with fornication there wai was sufficient evidence evi deuce to warrant warr atit the justice in binding daufau to the court it la is thought that the tile case ill be with drawn MS as duncan gaib sigui five a a to marry the g rl klondyke i to all but bow few they are that L aft pt aber it is will witt local nd ju I 1 cloua house bold IJ management they can an ani I 1 inet be attento atten deil to at home it Is to uy alt price tor a arlia 9 when n modern crisis e mw one can abny it yon you rt gl R g t l ch cli id ida e at gintry maluty 31 COW oxur for at 0 0 nu ato and abt d s auila 1 dr r 3 otter tier c iott ilK in an 11 rl la to ill bitter tier to lorm an than Kit wirke thanaa I 1 and nd lib anit it tier 1 to in larv lau 3 1 lurl dy iati 1 4 nit MI I 1 into a A perin nn tin ler the fl R in balne of alz geral 11 I 1 A it CAul any pany mr waft wh 14 a cuate in 11 artivell arTi 11 voll from front D u r saturday morning uio mio tile at fulle oils facts have gilld u 1 apa nale bill ud retail liquor bon liona ill it in tile ali near pear tot are to lock stock bur halibut witt is 4 we fl 11 lin link k of drap dm A 4 well darg store anti od a competent ct dressl dru dreg s sl le h n long tern barn at price bixl ixl will prove m of lundli Tr yeatis td to ibo I 1 bo daw r t news wrid 19 ese or until moth 1 informs ae nw news that 0 jt 11 ab 1 of ol prove ruT Is arranging 0 to put pat a force v I 1 bin wen to work walk im on bin coo solida ai 1 cIA alla ant Datko bye at watt mollo the property bi two iwo car or oro oa om be batup dabu aal aalthe this will bo be to city in i d or two |