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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH SOUTH CACHE Fridaj, Jan. 3 Coming! To The Rex Theatre COURIER , 25 - Entered at the Postoffice aa second class mail matter, of March 3 1879 Miss Villadene Knudson of Brigham City, an employee at the county 1918. clerk's office, is visiting in Hyrum the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Hyrum, Utah, under the Act Olsen. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Allen and children came in from Pocatello J. A. Wahlen, Publisher & Manager valley for a few days visit with relatives and friends, and especially Local News to attend the Farmers Round-u- p Exchange your Victrola records at Logan. at the Hyrum Clo. Co. The Confereece Quarterly One Night Only Tuesday, Jan. 29th The ' party Second ward this, week was in many respects better than any of the previous gatherings, and from all ports a real good social time was had by all. Invest in Sugar Stock The basket ball game between Box Elder High and. S. C. High school teams, at the Elite Hall Friday night resulted in a score of 24 The 31, in favor of Box Elder. game was a very closely contested one, and was interesting from start to finish. A large and enthusiastic crowd attended the game, as also the dance after the game. If you want to invest your money where it is safe and will be sure to render you a handsome dividend and where it wlil help in the production of one of our most needed food articles, call on Hans Local Representative for the Sugar Co. New factory under construction at Rigby, Idaho. Mick-kelse- Beet-Growe- rs THE NATURAL LAW just Use KREAM KRISP for cooking held was one of the most spirited Adv. and best attended ever had. The in place of butter. Buy your Victrolat at the Hyrum instructions given by the various Adv. speakers were timely and beneClo. Co. Easy payments. ficial, and every meeting was A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. thoroughly enjoyed by those in Harry Williams, of the power city attendance. in Blacksmith Fork canyon, last We understand that 2 new cases week, of scarlet fever have broken out, A line san was born to Mr. and and unless parents are ,very careful Mrs. P. P. Rose of the Second and report any sickness of their w ard last week. All concerned are children promptly, the disease will doing nicely. quickly spread, and neglect of reWendall, the young son of Mr. porting might be followed with and Mrs. Silas Allen, who has been prosecution by the City Health Board. very sick with pneumonia, the past week, is on the improve. We understand that our Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charley Ntelsen, Schools of Hyrum are contemplatare happy over the arrival of a fine ing putting on a play for their benesn- - last week, and someone said fit. T. H. Cutler is coming with his Excellent Dramatic Co. somethat he sells flour at half price. time in the near future, and will Mr. J. W. Ellingson, traffic mgr. play (Hazel Kirke,) for' the benefit of the Utah, Idaho, Central R R. of our three Sunday Schools. We was a Hyrum visitor the forepart can look for a treat a$ Mr. Cutler of the week in the interest of that has played Logan and other towns ' road. in the valley with great success. held in the The date will be .announced later. The old folks Big Play of Laughter, Tears and Honor A ' " j't By Charles Sumner, Direct from the Successful Run at the REPUBLIC THEATRE, NEW YORK. Children, 25c. Reserved Seats, 35c. and 50c. Get your Seats Reserved at Hyrum Drug Store. Tickets on Sale Monday. Mr. J, E. Allen, representing the Great Western Utilities Co., of Burley, Idaho, was in Hyrum on business for that Co. the forepart of this week. All Seats Resered. Veal Calves Wanted. Buy your cornmeal manufactured by Hyrum Union Mills. It highest market price. is cheaper and better. Adv. Lester Miller, Hyrum. d'lV M9CALLS MAGAZINE Fashion Authority For Nearly 50 Years! women who turn to McCAUL'S every month for correct fashions, for patterns, for economical buying, for fancy needlework, for good stories for pleasure, for help, for style. McCALL Patterns fit. Join the 10c 1,300,000 M9CALLS a 75 c a Year J Copy Teeth without Plots. , Save Money wTOBUY Thrift Stamps By Doing Business With Us.,, The popularity of our business is based on two things. The Superiority of our work, . and the saving effected by doing business with us. Then too, we have the largest and perhaps the best equipped office in the country. We want to add you to the ever increasflow of clients into our office. ing Come and be convinced that it pays, and that if it is service you are looking for, you. , v rrKI ! n, G y SEND A x POSTAL-CAR- rotY ir Offer D AND ASK FOR or Siooo PIN- to omen, or List of GIFTS ilium t or BICYCLE Otter to Vob Kivtt mil riH. r IrtU'ht PTTEKN CATALOGUE: or -i O uo i AGENTS: or $150.00 Prize Oiler to ur t ilUKCH. Address MPI,B T..E M.CALL CO.. 236-25- 0 MeC ALL'S: Wel 37th Street, New York, N. Y. 77 get it here. , Drs. Ensign and Smith 85 North Main. Logan, Utah. 3 Si! ' f ff. ff f WITHIN THE LAW - V ' .9 $ I & AT THE Y k Rex Theatre, Friday and Saturday, Feb. 1st and 2nd. 1 Y'1 ' . ; X V Reels of Stirring Action, Featuring ALIGE JOYCE, and HARRY MOREY k A ft'.. This is one of the Greatest Pictures of the Screen and Pathe News Ever Produced, Showing THE GREAT HALIFAX DISASTER i This Attraction is Guaranteed, or Your Money Back. Admission 11c. and 22c., Which Includes War Tax. Y Y 2k. i; v This Picture will he Shown at Wellsville, Thurs. Jan. 31st A L Will Apply Ad' |