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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER- - HYRUM, UTAH State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that Is senior partner of the firm of he Published Every Friday at Hyrum J. F. Cheney & Co., doing business In Utah. the City of Toledo, County and State J. A. WAHLEN. Publisher. aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLCOMPANIONSHIP LARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the Much has been written on the use of HALLS CATARRH MEDICsubject of truth, love and duty; INE. FRANK J. CHENEY. suggestions to mothers, methods of F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, g and home making, O. All Druggists, 75c. Sworn to before me and subscribed and many other subjects, helpful in my presence, this 6th day of Decinspiring all of them; but it is the life the ember, A. D. 1886.A. W. GLEASON, greatest hero of every-da- y (Seal) Notary Public provider of the home, the prolector Halls Catarrh Medicine is taken of the the husband and Internally and acts through the father, we wish to say a word of blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the praise and for his benefit offer a System. Send for testimonials, free. few suggestions to the wife. With Halls Family Pi1 Is for constipation. ( AfivprtneniPtm what unselfish devotion he labors luxto secure for you the comforts, uries and pleasures of life! BE LOYAL Whether it is in the shop, behind The high development of telephone efficiency in this country gAve the United States, the counter, in the office, at the We read much in the public press when it entered the war, a superiority over all other nations for quick factory, in the mill, or on the farm, today of loyalty to our country. with all the it is with one purpose in view he It is well, for if any man on earth lhe nation's capital and the various military headquarters are linked of the Bell Telelines the of the centers industrial by country great works, strives and slaves, patiently, has reason to feel loyal to his counphone System. uncomplainingly, year in, year out, try for benefits conferred, that man Thousands of miles of special telephone wires have been turned over to the governfor the comfort and happiness of is the American citizen. ment for its exclusive use. those he loves wife and children. But there is another loyalty Right of way is given to government telephone calls over all lines. of the faces The man who, for their sakes, In its prosecution of the war our government has the effective which ranks side by side with that to extends and communities which reaches every 70,000 Bell System, Telephone a combination of discouraging cir- of country, and that is "loyalty to military camp in the United States. financial home and home people. forces of this comcumstances, distressing ,? i)ne man in every ten from the maintenance and constructionsome in or other branch of of the in now the army telephone signal corps pany is We have a community here in difficulties, numberless failures, and the military service. keeps steadfastly at his post, defy which any people might feel a just Not only have our men answered their countrys call, but the tbleplvone operators are doing their bit also. These faithful young women realize the tremendous ing them all, is a hero and nothing pride, and we have a people wholly dependence the nation places on rapid communication in this crisis, and are acceptless. We meet them every day. on a par with the community, ing cheerfully the heavy responsibilities thrust upon tliein. Such they are, and doubtless will though there are times when we are In spite of the war and what it has meant to this company in the increased number of telephone messages to handle, the enlistment of so many of our trained employes, continue to be as long as there is a neglectful of our interests and unthe shortage of equipment, and the high cost of telephone materials home worthy of protection, a child mindful of the disintergrating con-- 8 In spite of all these obstacles, we are meeting the needs of the public for telephone worthy of care, and a woman wor- - 'quence which invariably ensue. service in a remarkably successful way. thy of love. Loyalty always pays dividends The Mountain States Telephone & Company And now little wcman, a word but loyalty to home and home peowith you. If some manly man has ple pays a double dividend. KV. chosen you to reign queen in his Let us be loyal to country by all heart and home, know that in that means, but let us be double loyal to capacity you fill the most sacred, our home people and our home inthe most honorable position in which stitutions, for it is by this means woman con aspire. In it you ap- only that we may thrive, and floursh, pear in your most sacred and dig- and grow as a collective unit.--ETo be able to nified character. reinforce your husband in the work THE UNITED STATES FOOD The Hyrum Sfake Old Folks of life,, and rear your children for ADMINISTRATION SAYS: Reunions will be held on the There is no royal road to food positions of usefulness is a work acWe can conservation. most careful only and of worthy your following dats, in the various the this by voluntary complish consideration. prayerful wards; our whole each South Cache Courier S' ' house-keepin- ? ; fire-sid- e Uncle Sam Must Be Served First ' long-distan- ? i,1 Telegraph 1 Old Folks Reunions. x. - GO TO i i INCREASING THE LABOR SUPPLY ri action of people, element in proportion to its means. It is a matter of equality of burden; a matter of minute saving and substitution at every point in 0 the 20 000,000 kitchens, on the COO dinner tables, and in the whole1 000, 00Q manufacturing, sale and retail establishments of Hyrum 1st Ward, College, Millville, Mt Sterling .We trust the various committees will make preparation to l"e cquntry. hold their reunions on the dates A set. ' Plenty of Butter Paper for sale Respectfully, at this office. Hyrum Stake Old Folks Com. ALLEN BROS. 20-00- releases more men for the army. and navy we must t,urn niore men to the production of ships and crops. One supply is the enrollment in the high schools of the country anc it will be a blessing to many of these young men laborers. . Another supply, especially for lighter kinds of farm labor, is the older men who usually are not en rolled in the industries. In two months the Chicago Employers Association found permanent places for three thousand men over 45 as farm laborers. Another plan is to enlist vital healthy women in the industrial army to supply the offices, factories and farm labor needs. There are especially in cities and towns nearly two generations of women who in times of prosperity never did a days work. There physical development would be a heritage of good healtlVand race stamina, especially if they learned to work in the open air. Thousands of such women work now in the fruit sections, picking fruit and preparing fruit and vegetables in the canneries. While our country 'i -- , The value of a good local newspaper is much more than many people seem to think. And the way to think. And the way to make it good is to patronize it, pay for it, and furuish it with ads, news, and items, such as the public want to know. Bring them on, and faith will print em. The press is ' a mighty power in helping to carry on the business and progress of our country. KAISERS G. h friendt V & ! ij 1 ven I got me to crush undt slap on dem der Oh! Gott you have betrayed us sure Meinhed Charles undt our gang, You vispered all our schemes undt secrets in der ear of dot Uncle Sam. Undt now dot Uncle Sam is here unit pullets undt brass bands, Undt Gott unless you interfere hell push us off our lands. Oh Gott ders (FRENCH) undt (PERSHING) undt dot (SIR JULIAN BYNG) Dey shoots undt stabs like' hornets undt dey got der (damn- dest) sting. a word bout dem hairplanes, vots just been up to See you, Dont believe vot dem dar fellars says, fer some of dems from Utah. Undt Gott I sure would like a lift mit dem (U. S.) U'BOAT chasers, For Gott the last three months mit out your help, deys blowed us all to blazes. Undt now oh Gott you refuse me help to vhip dis Uncle Sammy Ill join my forces mit der devils undt den vont you feel fonny. But now, (oh Gott)j I need your help (Undt dey sure would have a fit) ' To learn from all der wires undt press, dat (ME) undt Gott , ' v Poland, Undt ven I tried der French , (VON) Brandt, Unt Gott ft DEALERS IN 0 I thought you were mine on V Philips appealing. mitts fA General Merchandise PRAYER Oh! Gott I make my last appeal for mercy und,t square dealing, For Gott you know these last three years to you Ive been Undt Gott HYRUM, UTAH - SECRET had done It. V . , For the Best WASHER GO TO R. A. ELIASON Remember that we always have the Choicest of Fresh and Cured Meats on hand SUBSCRIBE aOR " The South Cache Courier T |