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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM, UTAH WOOLMEII PLEDGE It weakens you and TO COUtl dis- gusts your friends. It offers a prepared ground for dangerous diseases. It will not get well by itself, but many thousands of just such cases have yielded to PERUNA which for forty-fiv- e years has been the households standby in catarrh and debility during convalescence from grip. Experience has taught a great number that Peruna is a reliable tonic that aids the membranes in recovering from inflammatory conditions, regulates the appetite and dears away At your druggists. the waste. THE PERUNA COMPANY Columbus, Ohio Bold Husband. That odious Mrs. Nexdore has been saying that I have an unruly tongue. Nonsense. Hub Unruly? Why, your tongue responds to your every impulse with explicit obedience. "Wife The Quinine That Does Not Affect Head Because of Its tonic and laxative effect, Laxative Hromo Quinine can be taken by anyone without causing nervousness or ringing in tbe bead. There Is only one Bromo Quinine. U. W. QBOVB'S signature Is on box. 80a. Knife and Fork. The tells the story of a patrician soldiers mistake. Percival Pont percy of the city introduced himself to a messmate something after this manner: I am charmed to form your acquaintance and trust it will ripen into a friendship that will endure. I ob serve you have combated the dread disease, smallpox. The Old Sixther looked him over, smothered the lily white hand in a big brown one and replied: I am one of the Dikeses. A badger from Bitter Creek. A ridge runner and a and got web, feet. Have a chaw? But I aint had no smallpox I learned how to eat with a fork. Kansas City Times. Tiger-Haw- k scar-face- d r, Professional Bias. The conductor was looking for one of his passengers In order to return her ticket. She was not in the Pullman, and the big dusky porter sug gested that she might be on the observation car. Howll I know her when I see her?" asked the conductor sharply. Ahll jes, dscrlbe huh, suli. Ahll dscribe huh tu yuh. Go ahead, said the conductor. The porter scratched his head. Wal, suh, he began, wal, suh, shes got on a black dress wid a wite collah, suh an ahs jes done shine huh shoes, suh.. When justice is meted out who watches the meter? ENTIRE RESOURCES OF SHEEP AND INDUSTRY PLEDGED TO AMERICA. WOOL-GROWIN- G Number of Subjects of Importance to Flockmasters Discussed at National Woolgrowers Association Convention at Salt Lake. j At the Friday session of the NaA Different Answer. tional Woolgrowers' association, $otK)0 Am I the first girl you have loved? was raised for the American Red Cross Oh, no.- You are about the tenth, by the sale on the convention floor of and my taste has Improved right a blooded ram donated for this pur- along." pose by the Wyoming Woolgrowers association. Dr. Ilerces Pleasant Pellets are the In addition, tea rums were donated original little liver pills put up 40 ytrars to the livestock organization by the ago. They regulate liver and bowels ld. State Woolgrowers association for Knew His Book. sale at the ram show in Salt Lake next Teacher Johnny, can you tell me fall, the proceeds of the sale to be where Lake Ontario Is? turned over to the lied Cross. Among the most Important of the Pupil Yessum ; page 18. Philadelresolution was one protesting against phia Telegraph. the use of shoddy in the manufacture of clothing for the military forces Not So. He This is a bare apology for a of the United States; another was a resolution asking that the meatless day salad I dressed it mysrlf. ban upon mutton and lamb be removed She Tlsnt at least temporarily, and that the food administration encourage increased consumption of this form of meat food as a means of conserving a pork and Its natural sweetness appeases the childs appetite for added sugar, and thequanityof milk or cream needed is about half that required for the ordinary cereal GRAPE-NUT- S IS AN KONOM1CALFOOD Get the Genuine CASCARAM QUININE No advance in price for thi remedy 25c for 24 tablet Some cold tablet now 30c for 21 tablet Figured on proportionate coat per when you buy tablet, you aave HiU'a Cure Cold in 24 hours-- grip in 3 days Money back if it fails, lay 24 Tablet for 25c. At any Drug Stora wool-growin- g I -- 9c ! 'St Contents 15 Fluid Drachm;) 640-acr- e For Infants and Children. ilfty-fourt- h vice-preside- nt Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria AVegefable rreparatio vice-presiden- Mineral. fifty-fourt- h stock-killin- g I of Not Narcotic Jhimptin JUx Serna JSxhetU Saut niieStttt In Warm Seed ClarifltdSogef Khtoymnuror A helpful Remedy for Use Loss of Sleep For Over Diarrhoea Constipation and ana and Feverishness n" K SfS resulting iherefromdnlnfancy. to Facsimile SijnatarcQ OU0-jgg- f The Centaub Thirty Years Compa o) Exact Copy of Wrapper. - fifty-fourt- Signature Digestion Thereby Promoting Cheerfulness and Rest Contains neither Opium, Morphinedio t; g Bears the Hnfantst 640-acr- e wool-growin- Always ! s imitating thcFood by Rcjjuta-I tingthe Stomachs and BowcisaL ; 640-acr- QmpeNuts Money ! ' . lereisno or more he food fir children than For Your - Salt Lake City. The entire resources of the sheep and industry of America are pledged to the service of the United States government, to the end that the great world beef supply. war may be won for liberty and jusA .resolution was presented calling tice. upon the national government to susThis was the keynote of broad pa- pend the operation of tiie triotism sounded by President Frank homestead law, at least the peJ. Hagenbarth in his annual address riod of the war. One ofduring the most imbefore the opening session of the portant resolutions to the wool proannual convention of the Na- ducers was one protesting against the tional Woolgrowers association in this government fixing a price on wool and city on January 17. inaugurating government control of That the wool producers of the wool price unless the producer is first United States are behind the president given a hearing on the matter of cost and the administration for victory is and production. the sentiment that pervaded the conThe election of officers resulted in vention, and the thread that ran the retention of present, officials of through every address by officers and the national association, including delegates to the convention. President Frank J. Hagenbarth of Salt President Hagenbarth treated a Lake ; A. J. Knolin of Kansas City as number of subjects of vital importance second M. I. Powers of to the wool interests of the country, Flagstaff, Ariz., fls assistant and among them three of national imF. D. Miracle of Helena, Mont., port, including possible action by the as treasurer, and Dr. S. W. McClure of government in fixing and controlling Salt Lake as secretary. Addresses were made at the afterthe price of wool, the federal food administration meatless day program noon session by Mayor Ferry, Will C. with relation to consumption of mut- Barnes of Washington,. D. C., of the ton and lamb, and operation of the United States forest service, on Our National J. It. Edgheill of homestead law with its rela- Salt Lake,Forests; chairman of the committee tion to the flockmasters of the western which investigated grazing possibilities states. . in the southern states; W. S. Ayers of Opposed Government Plan. Chicago, chief of the industrial depart He voiced for the convention a sen- ment of the New Orleans & Great timent against the government fixing Northern railway, and A. G. Butterfield the price of wool unless it first grants of Weiser, Idaho, on "Silage and Its Value for Sheep. hearing to the wool producers on the history of the sporadic matter of cost of production before at- andInteresting as yet unsuccessful efforts to esto Mr. a establish tempting price. intablish a sheep and Hagenbarth gave assurance that the dustry in Japan was related in an adwool producers are perfectly willing dress by Dr. Issa Tanimura, Tokio, that the government shall, if war ne Japan, commissioner of livestock for cessity requires, fix a price and estab- the Japanese government. Dr. Tanilish control over the price of wool, but mura spoke on the subject of wooldeclared that the woolman only asks growing in the Orient. W. G. Bissel, president of the Wisthe consideration of being heard on consin association, told of the the subject of cost of production be visit to Advance Wisconsin last fall of President fore such action was taken, The wool Frank J. Hagenbarth of the National producers, he said, did not want the Woolgrowers association. - At that government to fix a price on wool upon time a sheep and wool company was advices and restrictions of middlemen organized with a capital of $200,000. and dealers, who know nothing of pro- This now has a foundation of 5000 breeding ewes, and four other corpo duction. In relation- to the governments rations are organized for similar work P. A. Delfekler of Riverton, Wyo., meatless day program, the president of the necessity of providing of the association called attention to spoke funds for the use of the biological sur its effect upon the consumption of vey. in the eradication of predatory mutton and lamb and urged that there animals, advocating that a tax of $1 should be a change in this program per, head be placed on every dog in which would relieve the restriction the country, of which, he said, there upon this class of meat. He pointed are 10,000,000. President A, K. Sessoms of the out that no mutton or lamb is exported for military use and that the ex- Georgia Landowners association said he represented an organization of portation of lamb products from this that more than 1000 men, owning several Is country practically nothing. Refer million acres of idle land In Georgia. ring to the general impression which Federal activity in the extermination went out over the country that there of predatory animals was the was a government bar upon the con- of an address by E. W. Nelson,subject chief sumption of lambs even outside of the of the biological survey, of Washingmeatless day restriction, President ton, D. C. The animal losses in liveHagenbarth noted that this misunder- stock in the United States attributed to wild animals and rodents, he said, standing of food regulations had re amount to more than $20,000,000. The suited in serious loss to the producer he declared, has proved system, bounty of fed lambs. He urged that the gov- a failure in eliminating losses to liveernment food administration should stock. Montana has paid more than take prompt and effective measures to $2,000,000 in an effort to eradicate counteract this serious idea, and to se- predatory animals from the ranges and cure and encourage greater consump- Is still suffering heavy losses, he said Bringing intelligently before the con tion of fed lambs, to relieve the present condition and as a means of fur- vention the necessity of improving the and of paying more attention ther conserving pork and beef prod- strains to the quality of wool produced, Proucts. fessor BA R. Marshall of the bureau of The Homestead Law. animal industry, Washington, D. C e Effect of the homestead law who is familiar with the work and reupon the sheep growers was treated sults of the experimental station at at considerable length by the presi- Laramie, Wyo., spoke on the subject of He saw in Government Sheep Breeding Experident of the association. and the law its ultimate ments. this operation Organization of sheep raising as a destruction-o- f the sheep and wool in- war industry, with government aid nnd dustry in the western states where for the support of the government, was this law is effective and urged the ne- the keynote of resolutions adopted at h cessity for government action suspend- the closing session of the ing the operation of this measure, at annual convention of the National Woolgrowers association. least during the period of the war. The opening of national parks for convention annual The during the period of the war; grazing an more of with attendance opened absolute disapproval of contracting for than 1000 delegates and visitors, wool previous to shearing; condemnaSwift Is Speaker. tion of the use of substitutes for wool Louis F. Swift, head of the Swift in soldiers and sailors equipment ; packing interests in Chicago, was one government aid by experiments in of the speakers of national importance grazing in different sections and the who addressed the convention, urging utilization of isolated tracts of land; statement that no in every and publicity to the the necessity for mutton and lamb Is from abstinence way possible between the producers asked otherwise than on meatless days, and the packers in the matter of meat were among the important resolutions food conservation and increase to meet adopted by the convention. the demands .of 'the war conditions. Appropriation by congress of at Joseph P. Cotton of the meat di least $1,000,000 for the extermination vision of the federal food administra- of poisonous plants ; a federal war tax tion also addressed the convention on dogs, the funds of which to be comwith appropriations from each emphasizing the necessity for conserv bined for state the elimination of ing the countrys meat supply. Dr. and predatory animals; more dogs John R. Mohler, chief of the bureau of restricted use of grazing permits In animal Industry of the government, national forests, and the plea for spetold the convention of the work being cial attention on the part of the packdone by the federal bureau in its ef- - ers and retailers to devise ways and fort to aid the sheepmen in the matter means of making more suitable cuts of increasing the production of sheep of meats were outlined In the resolu-antlons. wool. More 37 thi otMTuua stu.p (Van New voaa aoMPXMv, CITY. Distemper CURES THE SICK And prevents others having the disease no matter how exposed. 50 cents nnd $1 n bottle, 95 nnd $10 n dosen bottles. All good druggists and turf goods houses. Spohn Medical Co., Manufacturer!, Goshen, Ind.,U.S.A. Babys Underwear. Small Bobby was telling his mother about a parade he had just seen. He picked up a shoe box and, beating it with a stick, marched round the room, explaining that he was a band. His younger brother, who had never seen a parade, also beat on a box and, as he followed Bobby, remarked : Mother, Im a shirt. Cider in Ireland. Cider was at one time manufactured ou a large scale in the south of Ireland, but the industry became extinct. Iu 1904 the department of agriculture revived it to such an extent that whole villages were engaged in this employment. Since the outbreak of the present war most of the large firms interested in the project have suspended operations, for one reason or another. The student who lingers around the The man who Is pickled is not well foot of the class may eventually bes come a preserved. chiropodist. first-clas- OUR BOYS IN FRANCE AND HOME PROTECTION The men on the firing line represent the pick of our American youth. One in .four of our boys at home was sick, rejected because of physical deficiency. Many times the kidneys were to blame. If we wish to prevent old age coming on too soon, or If we want to Increase our chances for a long life. Dr. Pierce of the Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., says that you should dffink plenty of water dally before meals. Then procure at your nearest drug store Anuric (double drives the uric strength). This acid out and cures backache and rheumatism. If we wish to keep cur kidneys In the best condition a diet of milk and vegetables, with only llttlo meat once a day, Is the most suitable. Drink plenty of pure water, take Anuric three times a day for a month. Step into the drug store and ask for a slxty-cepackage of Anuric, or send Dr. Pierce 10c for trial pkg. Anuric, many times more potent than lithla, eliminates uric add as hot water melts sugar. A short trial will convince you. An-u-r- lc nt WITHIN THE REACH of every woman-he- alth and strength. Theyre brought to you by Dr. Pieroes Favorite Prescription. Take this medicine, and theres a safe and certain remedy for all the chronic weaknesses, and diseases peculiar to the sex. It will build up, strengthen, and invigorate or delicate every woman. It regulates and assists all the natural functions. At some period in her life a woman requires a special tonic and nervine. If youre a tired or afflicted woman turn to Favorite Prescription, you will find it never fails to benefit. Sold in tablet or liquid form. Tablets run-dow- n , 60c. You will escape many ills and clear up the coated tongue, the sallow complexion, the dull headache, the lazy liver, if you will take a pleasant laxative made up of the juice of the leaves of aloes, ofroot jalap, and called Dr. Pierces Pleas ant Pellets. You can obtain at drug stolO these vegetable pellets in vials. May-apppl- As Age Advances the Liver Requires Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Price But Great in its Good occasional slight stimulation. CARTERS LITTLE LIVER PILLS correct Work CONSTIPATION Genuine bears aicnature Colorless or Pale Faces 2rt,Ii5dut condition which will be greatly helped by th ab8ence of Iron ,n . &Tter fS f1YOI1 a lilS n |