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Show ). ,y x&-- ' V 0 (s., a. South Cache Courier VOL. VIII. . Hyrum Gache County, Utah, Friday, Jan. 25, 1918. .NO. 9 Selective Service First Ward Old Story of The New Itqpis From Big Special Natural Law Picture Show Division Round-uFarmers p Folks Reunion The Logan, Utah, Jan. 26, 1918. Editor Courier: The. past week has been one of the busiest the U. A. C. has seen in years. The registration is large this year and with the Roundup registration the halls and lecture rooms were crowded throughout the day. Many who have ' attended the Roundup in pasUyears say this year exceeds all past years in many respects. An ex- cellent program was outlined and some very valuable speakers from various parts of the country have taken part. Among some f the important educators the farmers and housekeepers have had the pleasure of listening to are: Ray J. Bee- craft, range land specialist;. Ben Eldredge, dairy cow specialist; Alice Ravenliill, home economics specialist; W. W. Armstrong, Utahs food administrator; Earl J. Glade, advertising specialist; John A.Widtsoe, Pres, of U. of U. and many other educators of importance, whose names I was unable to learn. . The home economics demonstrations have been drawing - large cifrwds daily at the gymnasium. All classes of farming the daify and livestock, business is receiving much attention. The school has put forth greater efforts than ever before to entertain the visitors. Pracall sessions of importance tically are with some sort of music. Especially is the glee club receiving much comment. The art department which gave an exhibition on Tues. and Wed., served all The guests with refreshments. cafeteria is crowded to the limit daily. An appeal was made throughout the roundup to the people of the state to do their part in winning this great war by increasing and conserving the supply of food products. Mr. Armstrong urged strongly that the people of this fair state keep up the good name they have already He established. stated that Utah stood at the head of the list in proportion to its population,, in doing its share to win the war. He paid a high tribute to the Church of Jesus Christ of as being largefor ly responsible the wonderful record. Friday evening the Boosters Club entertained at the club rooms all the visitors of the roundup. Saturday was patriotic day at which Gov. Bamberger was in attendance and viewed the U. A. C. Cadet Battalion and took part in a special session at 1:30 p. m. Friday and Saturday .nights the College basketball team meets the team from the State College of Bozeman, Montana. J. T. W. ng Eatter-Day-Sain- ts in superb screen version of Bayard Veillers successful stage which play, Within the Law, features Alice Joyce and Harry T. Morey and which is the attraction at the Rex Theatre bn Friday and Saturday Feb. 1st and 2nd, are the most vivid ever offered the motion third-degre- e scenes Vita-grap- hs . - picture public. The police captains office with the row of cells shown through the window is a reproduction from one of the principal jails of the country frame-up- s are which and the used to win confessions from any who are suspected are cleverly presented and arouse a cry for justice from the audience before they dramatically end. Some of the gang brought before the captain weaken at his threats others cleverly discover his traps and evade them while some break down entirely, sometimes confessing to crimes they never committed under the tension of the strain placed upon them.' Both Alice Joyce and Harry Morey appear to excellent advantage in these scenes and even in their wrong-doin- g they win the sympathy of their audience. The tension of these scenes is very great and they have been proclaimed flawless in direction and acting,--Se- e ad on las pag"""' I , ' New Idaho Mfg. Concern The Great Western Utilities Co. of Burdey, Idaho, are placing their first shipment of Kleen All soap in this city. This soap has been demonstrated to the dealers as the best they have tver seen. This soap removes Paint, Greese, or any kind of dirt or filth from the skin or clothes of any kind. They also make an Auto and furniture polish that excells everything on the market. They absolutely guarantee their products to the public. Aslc the following merchants about this wonderful soap. Allen Bros, and R. A. Eliason. Adv. The love of a boy and girl, We are in receipt of the followThe Old Folks Reunion of the swept into the current of an ing letter from the office of AdjuHyrum First Ward will be held adult passion, is the story of The tant General State of Utah: next When a girl goes Thursday, Jan. 31st, at the Natural Law. I would greatly appreciate your ward meeting house, at 11 a. m. out into the world to make her giving the enclosed appeal from the At a meeting of the General fight for success alone, sooner or President as much publicity as poslater she must face some serious sible. While the appeal of the Committee the following committee were appointed: decisions. If she is as charming President is addressed to teachers Finance and Invitation---Jess- e a girl as Ruth Stanley, the path- it is equally applicable to other perSmith, Edwin Clawson, Floyd NipL etic heroine of The Natural Law, sons similarly qualified. The work sen, James Archibald, Hiram Chrisshe cannot escape the crisis that of indexing the man power will tensen, Ezra Wilson Jr., William is bound to occur when the urgprobably be begun within a week ing of love and adventurous or ten days. In the meantime, Baxter, Ed Anderson, Joseph LarHeber Lauritzen, John Jorgenyouth takes hold of her soul'." each local board should have organ- sen, son. fcrisis is faced Such a by Ruth ized sufficient volunteer force so Program and Amusement John sfhnley, successful girl artist, that the work may proceed without Monson, H. . F. Liljenquist, Mrs. loved by two men. One typifies the slightest delay or confusion. youth with all its virile attract- Complete instructions as to the de- Clara Williams, Mrs. Fred Miller, ions, and the other maturity, tails of the work will be furnished . J. Christiansen. Reception Mrs. Bena Olsen, Mrs. with its fine balance between eaqh local board within the next head and heart. One is a famous few days and will be available for aria Wilson, L. P. Christiansen, athlete, who wins the internat- the use of school teachers and other H. M. McBride. Transportation Nicholas Jorgenional marathon for America; the volunteers. Amos Larsen, William Miller, son, other is a physician, a man of Simon Bamberger, Wilford Olsen. deep thought and high ideals. Governor. Refreshment Bena Olsen, Annie The play is wonderfully interLetter from the President to all Fallows, Unice Monson, Stella Bradesting, brimming over with tense Luella ley, Laura Christiansen, situations, sparkling with bright teachers: The success of the Selective Ser- - Wright, Martha Smith, Armeda lines; and to this play manager John Cort has given 'a superb vice System has been largely due to McBride, Marvilla Larsen, Lilly cast and sumptuous settings. the reliance that has been placed Olsen, Martha Christiansen, Mary This play will be presented by on the cooperation of citizens in its Larsen. All married people of the ward, a strong company at the Rex execution. In the registration, the also all unmarried people over 25 election officers of the several theatre, Tuesday, Jan. 29th. of age are cordially invited States were 'called upon to perform years to attend. A good program and s a specific task ana they, performed Sale, of S f:r has been arranged. it unanimously and efficiently. Lat- entertainment Come early bring your dishes and terly, I have had occasion to cal help us make the day a success. the lawyers and the physicians pf 1st Ward Old Folks Committee. the country to specific duties and To Wholesale and Retail Dealers they have responded in a solid rank. The time has now come when the in Food Commodities in Utah: teachers of the country can perform I am directed by the United and Flour Limited . States Food Administration, Washington, D. C., to issue the following instructions, effective January 17, the limiting of 1918, concerning sales of flour and sugar to the wholesale and retail dealers in food commodities in Utah. You will please govern yourselves accordingly. RETAIL SUGAR Sugar should be sold in towns and cities to consumers in quantities not to exceed 10 pounds; to farmers, ranchers and others living at a distance from the market not to exceed 25 pounds.' Third Ward R. S. Annual The Third Ward Relief Society Annual will be held Saturday, Feb. 2nd, at the 3rd Ward meeting house at 7:30 p. m., where the following program will be rendered: Invocation, Mrs. Margaret Cutler. Duet, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wahlen. Reading, Miss Sybil Frogner. Music, High SchooJ Orchestra. Dancing, Atheline Dailey. Piano Solo, Reta Jensen. Remarks, Member of Stake Board. Refreshments and dancing. Admission free. Music.for dancing, will be fur- RETAIL FLOUR Flour should be sold in towns and cities to consumers in quantities not to exceed one sack of 48 pounds, and to farmers and ranchers living at a distance from market, not to exceed two sacks of 48 pounds each. The retail merchant should use every means at his command to prevent duplication of orders by consumers. . WHOLESALE QUANTITIES OF SUGAR , Wholesale grocers and jobbers should not sell sugar in quantities in excess of 1,000 at a time to a retailer. Sugar should not be shipped on back orders, or without a positive order from the buyer. Wholesale grocers should use every precaution at their command to prevent duplication of sale which may give the retailer an opportunity to have more sugar than is necessary for conservative distribution. by the S. C. H. School Orchestra. All the married people of the ward are respectfully invited to Mrs. Della Dally entertained a attend. few of her friends last The Relief Society desires that Friday evening at a Five Hundred Party. the people of the ward make a ADVERTISING During the evening a dainty lunch- special effort to attend this gatherAny advertisements tending to eon was served after which all ing and make it one of, the social induce customers to increase their in music and other pas- and pleasing events of the season. purchases of sugar or flour during times. the present crisis are decidedly Mrs. J. W. Rose of Malad has Miss Vannie Petersen who is em- against public policy and should not been visiting relatives and friends ployed in Salt Lake City, is visiting be issued. The best interest of the in Hyrum the past week. her parents here for a short time. merchant will be conserved in the par-tscipat- ed nished a very necessary task and I have no doubt that they will respond in the same manner. The process of classification of all men within the field of selection is It becomes proceeding rapidly. to forward with necessary carry this process, the making of a very complete index which shall accurately locate any specially qualified man among the ten millions on our enrollment lists. The Local Boards with the work are so classification of that this task can-no- c be put upon them, and yet the necessities of the Nation require that it be performed with the greatest possible dispatch and accuracy. This duty can be performed best by the teachers of the various communities. Under authority conferred upon me by the Selective Service Law, I therefore call upon all teachers to present themselves to the Local Boards having jurisdiction over the areas in which they reside, for the purpose of examining the Questionaries and filling out the index cards in accordance with more specific instructions to be issued by the Provost Marshal Genover-burden- Interesting Talk To Boy Scouts Last Monday evening at the 3rd Ward meeting houses, Elder Oscar A. Kirkham met the boy Scouts of the Hyrum stake and gave them a very interesting talk. Every tboy present was given something to think about and it is thought that the stake scout work will be more successful than it has been in the past, as the Scouts and Scoutmasters have a better understanding of what is required of them. All wards excepting one were represented. Following is the number present from each ward: Scouts Scoutmasters This made a total of 128 boy Scouts and 10 Scoutmasters. In addition to these there were a number of stake board members and other visitors present. Washington, D. C- The boys will be making a showing in the near future and it is long'run by advancing the use of hoped they will be supported by other foods. everybody boosting for boy scouts. Faithfully yours, W. W. Armstrong. Mrs. Charlotte Allen who underUtah Federal Food Administrator. went an operation Saturday last at the Logan Hospital, is getting along excellent Z. of Allen and is much improved at W. Israelsen Mr. Bros. Store, has been in Salt Lake this writing. n business this week. The ladies of the Golden Hour Dr. John T. Miller will Lecture Club and their husbands were very before the three wards of Hyrum delightfully entertained Thursday this Sunday evening at the 3rd ward Evening by Mr. and Mrs. Frances meeting house at 7:80 p. m. His Olsen at their home. Dainty re-- f will be "Character Building reshments were served during the subject and Vocational Guidance, with evening. The hostess was, assisted, in views in serving by her sistpr Miss Hazel connection. stereoptican Smith. Everybody istvited. eral. Woodrow Wilson. |